[TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I'll likely cut out part of content, especially background activities. And not sure what to do with her employment stuff...

You can just boil it down to 'PC decides to help personally or through Urta => one timeskip scene => Kath employed.'


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
You can just boil it down to 'PC decides to help personally or through Urta => one timeskip scene => Kath employed.'

I'm more concerned about consequences. First, employment opens even more TFs. Ok, screw them, they are mostly for assholes, and assholes should suffer. Second, it allows lots of cross-characters content. Specifically ton of threesomes. And they are deeply dependent of that characters state. And, since I mostly had to write conditions mechanisms from scratch (or modify them notably), unfolding the dependency trees is quite exhausting. Third, the time-aware content. She has very complicated state system, which affects her location, clothes, fluids and lust level etc depending on time and her background interactions with some NPCs. As well as Urta should, BTW. And I never had intentions to fully rewrite all CoC, this is what Kitteh doing with his HTML rewrite (good luck, fellow, you'll need it). This is dangerously close to thing I want to avoid - recreating waifu simulator instead of adventure.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
New public build, new mod update! This one is marked release candidate, since most major goals are achieved. There still are some scenes which could be implemented, some TFs could work better, but nothing really critical.

ATTENTION: way in is now changed. Now you won't have VR pod installed from beginning, you'll have to take it from "trader" on Tavros station (new room at northern part). Don't worry, it's free, so you still can start new character from entering CoC world. Once taken, it would be in Storage menu, like other gadgets (no more room for it).

Changelist is way too big. Notable waypoints:
* Magic and few active skills are introduced (Dragonfire, Kitsune skills).
* More scenes. Including Owca village (no slave Vapula), Urta (pre-quest), Kath (pre-employment), Ceraph (no enslavement or fetishes).
* Metric fuck-tonne of fixes, both for mod and vanilla.
* Included two of my side projects to test them too: Catnip feline TF (enable silly mode and Lumi would enchance Whisker Fruit into one) and Illusory Attire "clothing" (take it from Kitsune shrine, you'll have to be nine-tails or match requirements for it).


Jan 12, 2016
In 0.5.1 and now 1.0 RC1, Lynnette's Salon:

Regular payments work fine, but I can't get her to accept a dicking; she always says that I gotta let it bake for 24h+. I've rested for 3 days straight, with no change, she always declines. Is the script referencing HoursSinceCum still?
Feb 14, 2016
In 0.5.1 and now 1.0 RC1, Lynnette's Salon:

Regular payments work fine, but I can't get her to accept a dicking; she always says that I gotta let it bake for 24h+. I've rested for 3 days straight, with no change, she always declines. Is the script referencing HoursSinceCum still?

Succubi Delight works both versions.

Though I wonder if the lustick adapted and brow brew perks have been  implemented?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Why is Harel ask about Lynnette's Salon but Jonathan Scatman answering about Succubi Delight???


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
In 0.5.1 and now 1.0 RC1, Lynnette's Salon:

Regular payments work fine, but I can't get her to accept a dicking; she always says that I gotta let it bake for 24h+. I've rested for 3 days straight, with no change, she always declines. Is the script referencing HoursSinceCum still?

Yes, it uses minutesSinceCum function. I'll add ballFullness optional check, so it would be possible for characters with high refactory to wait less.

Succubi Delight works both versions.

Though I wonder if the lustick adapted and brow brew perks have been  implemented?

Lipstick adapted is not implemented. Bro Brew and Bimbo Liquor are working fully (except tease bonus, would be done in next release).

Why is Harel ask about Lynnette's Salon but Jonathan Scatman answering about Succubi Delight???

Because Succubi Delight can add time since cum as one of effects.


Feb 15, 2016
I'll say this much for the mod: it finally got me to give TiTS a whirl. Only partway through Mhen'ga so far, but it's been fun to romp around in the TiTS setting, level up my character and occasionally drop into good ol' VR-Mareth to see how I fare against that world's denizens (maybe also pick up some favorite TF items while in there). Even with an energy shield and a drone backing me up it's not as easy as I would've thought.

Did have what I think was some kind of bug in Mareth --- after one of many fights it appeared some enemy's Physique and Reflex debuffs stayed on me after battle and wound up permanent. Not sure which it was (I now regret not paying closer attention during my "must grind exp and find Tel'Adre" clickfest), but it would had to have been one of the encounters in the forest, desert or lake areas (don't see how the goblins or imps under default "Explore" would have done it). Will keep an eye out for it and provide better details if it happens again.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Did have what I think was some kind of bug in Mareth --- after one of many fights it appeared some enemy's Physique and Reflex debuffs stayed on me after battle and wound up permanent. Not sure which it was (I now regret not paying closer attention during my "must grind exp and find Tel'Adre" clickfest), but it would had to have been one of the encounters in the forest, desert or lake areas (don't see how the goblins or imps under default "Explore" would have done it). Will keep an eye out for it and provide better details if it happens again.

Yes, it is possible bug due to how debuff system works. Would be good to know exactly which enemy causes that. But if it is both physique and reflexes it is likely anemone. And, since both victory and loss are covered... Maybe it is flee cause? Haven't actually checked it out...
Feb 14, 2016
Yes, it is possible bug due to how debuff system works. Would be good to know exactly which enemy causes that. But if it is both physique and reflexes it is likely anemone. And, since both victory and loss are covered... Maybe it is flee cause? Haven't actually checked it out...

I think it is the basilisk enemy which the issue because my reflexes did not recover.

Another issue is that the stat gain rate has been greatly decreased some times I had to go to the Ten Ton Gym 4-6 times just to raise a single stat point.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Another issue is that the stat gain rate has been greatly decreased some times I had to go to the Ten Ton Gym 4-6 times just to raise a single stat point.

Stat gain slowdown is not exactly a bug. Function which is used to calculate diminishing returns in vanilla uses hardcode 100 points instead of 100% of current stat maximum to caclulate gain reduction, and I'm not exactly sure if this is a bug or feature.


Feb 15, 2016
Would I be correct in assuming Wet Cloths aren't included yet? Tried grinding for them for a good while (enough to wind up with 20+ green gels), had no luck. Eventually I gave up and peeked at the source code to see what the item name was for Minerva editing, didn't see it with the other CoC transformatives.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Are Wet Cloths not included yet? Tried grinding for them for a good while (enough to wind up with 20+ green gels), had no luck. Eventually I gave up and peeked at the source code to see what the item name was for Minerva editing, didn't see it with the other CoC transformatives.

Goo TF is very special in TiTS. I'm not sure how it should work for mod.


Feb 15, 2016
Goo TF is very special in TiTS. I'm not sure how it should work for mod.

Right, I recall reading it had some special conditions compared to the CoC version. Wet Cloth not being in would make sense in that case.

Fine, I guess I'll stop trying to take shortcuts and go find the GaloMax *fake grumbling*
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
tried to fuck the cum witch after milking myself to max lust.

Something bad happened!

Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
tried to fuck the cum witch after milking myself to max lust.

Something bad happened!

Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:

At field or at dungeon? Are they hostile, friendly or cowed at the moment? Which button is was, "Fuck Her"? Was error instant or after some text?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Eh. Won. Sexed her. Hand milked then ran into can't masturbate in a dungeon. The tried to sex her. Yeah.

Every dungeon have safe place to masturbate (entrace room for caves, bathroom for factory). And you can go and have fun with Sanura there, if she is not gone. Ok, should be fixed in next update.

BTW, about update... Due to high load on my main work for next two or three months there would be no content updates. Not that there any much ones planned anyways, since most of what left is from waifus cathegory... But I'll try to be around to release updates with new TiTS public builds and fix reported bugs.

Also, if there are any writers who want to work on transition content... That horrible thing which is used as placeholder now should be either rewritten or replaced, IMO.
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Feb 15, 2016
Some text oddness encountered in the Sand Witches' cave. Lost to the group in the entrance, had this in the bad end text:

A pleasant yet painful ache develops in your !Unknown subject in “balls”! by the time you finish and flop nervelessly onto your back.

Same thing in the next paragraph:

You swallow the nectar with gusto, chugging the stuff, oblivious to the way it makes your skin burn with heat or how cum has begun flooding and bubbling in your !Unknown subject in “balls”!.

Next page appears to have problems with cock descrptions:

Well, her primary cunt, on the bottom of her bulb is a maestro that can direct a sexual symphony around !Unknown subject in “oneCock”!

Her face lands on your hips, just close enough that her lips and nose rub along !Unknown subject in “oneCock”!

 Worth noting I got 5 doses of GaloMax going on, so maybe something about that isn't playing nice with it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Some text oddness encountered in the Sand Witches' cave. Lost to the group in the entrance, had this in the bad end text:

Same thing in the next paragraph:

Next page appears to have problems with cock descrptions:

 Worth noting I got 5 doses of GaloMax going on, so maybe something about that isn't playing nice with it.

Just overlooked old parser calls. Would be fixed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Updated base game to new public TiTS release. Fixed some bugs in CoC as well.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Updated base game to last public TiTS release.
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Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I just wanted to say how cool it was that you're doing this and keeping up on it. I'm gonna try to get you a shoutout on the blog sometime. Also, if you aren't a TiTS backer and would like to be, I'll hook ya up (though please dont release backer content as public with your mod).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I just wanted to say how cool it was that you're doing this and keeping up on it. I'm gonna try to get you a shoutout on the blog sometime. Also, if you aren't a TiTS backer and would like to be, I'll hook ya up (though please dont release backer content as public with your mod).

Thanks for encouragement! I'll continue actualy working on it when my main work would let me go, likely somewhere in May, in worst case June for sure. There are things to polish, especially TF items (not sure what to do with them, classic fully descriped transition scenes is a good way to get bogged down for a long time, especially since English is not my first, and when new part types are added complexity grows significatelly, but unificated TF engine is flavorless), and maybe few more NPCs to add. Oh, and combat...

Not a backer (don't actually remember why, some payment processing problems from my location maybe), but as long as github is public it doesn't seem to be a problem :) I'm understanding about releasing.
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