Aphrodisiac Storm Planet.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
I was catching up on some youtubes videos for Fallout 4 from my favorite youtuber, and he experienced a radiation storm.

It made it to where every time lightning struck, your radiation would go up.

So what if on an upcoming planet during certain times of the day, it would cause your arousal to increase?

Or maybe that it would lower your max arousal, or raise your libido?

Something along those lines would make for an interesting planet if possible.

Also it would make for some interesting enemies that take advantage of said storms. :D
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Hmm, while an interesting idea, one would hope it isn't made the planet after Uveto due to that planet having a "cold storm" effect that hits you in the HP. Would be a bit annoying to go from one stormy planet to another, though if they were spread out it would be much better. So I would say this could work as the 2nd alternative planet, a counterpart to Tarkus, like the Mad-Max planet would be to Mhen'ga.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
I third it, could even tie it into the breeding habits of the natives, who use the storms as either seasonal "heats" as it were, depending on the lightning strikes to raise them to the needed levels to procreate, or using them as endurance/reflex tests, a group running through the storm and the "losers" falling to a lust storm induced orgy. 

Their tech could even capture and store the energy, matching the modern society with the needs of the "heat induced breeding" for example.
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Nov 28, 2015
While I wouldn't call it amazing, with polish this could be an interesting concept that has some nice potential to be different. The planet itself having an effect on the player is something I hope to see more of on worlds post-Uveto.