[TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well, that's understandable. I guess that's why, when I try to play the file on vanilla TiTS, it says that I'm playing a newer version.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well, that's understandable. I guess that's why, when I try to play the file on vanilla TiTS, it says that I'm playing a newer version.

Yes, declared version of vanilla should match or be newer to migrate back. Not really sure what is declared version of last release.

It's quite simple. He man that hius newest version of mod is build on newest TiTS build which is backer buid. So him releasing it would be like giving all public TiTS build users acces to backer build. That why he can't and need wait for next public build to show this version of mod he meantioned. A little harsh but still reality. Beside Fen already noticed this mod so he prolly keeping eye on it (or have someone to keep it foer him) and news that Etis let out new dung with mod that allow public-build users enjoy it now could lead to not pleasant reactions from dev team for him.

Yes, exactly. Though, since sources are in public access, you still can build it yourself :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Working on magic now.

Charge weapon: adds some electrical damage to your weapons.
Blind: flavored flash grenade with intelligence-based chance insted of aim-based.
Whitefire: flavored and a bit weaker single target thermal disruptor.
Arouse: old good lust damage. Highly dependant on attacker's intellegence and defenders libido, intellegence and willpower. Devastating against dumb and lusty, useless against smart and cold.
Heal: only real rule changer, though it would be quite dangerous to use on high lust with low willpower.
Might: same old vanity spell, grants some physique and max HP.
Dragonfire: once-per-day grenade with level-based damage and chance to stun.
Fox Fire / Corrupt Fox Fire: flavored and a bit cheaper Whitefire.
Illusion: flavored flash grenade with intelligence-against-intelligence and willpower-against-willpower rolls.
Terror: flavored stun with intelligence-against-intelligence and willpower-against-willpower rolls.

With current class abilities, these are not terribly useful, since they are mostly variants of what player already have. Only real profit is disarm immunity. And, you know, the very ability to fry your foe to crisps with only power of your mind.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Like ESPer or something??? Venus pitcher have some kind of mind control ability,,, or i'm just overthinking things and TITS universe don't have supernatural ability,,,


Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
Like ESPer or something??? Venus pitcher have some kind of mind control ability,,, or i'm just overthinking things and TITS universe don't have supernatural ability,,,

You're thinking psychic.  Physics would generally apply to the science, while physical would be something done with your body, for example, or something real and tangible.  While psychic abilities may show up in the game sometime, I don't believe anyone currently utilizes them.  I could be wrong on that though.  Take a look in the codex at the races you are interested in, I'd think that should clear this up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Ah,,, sorry about that,,, sometimes i got the 2 words swapped without i'm knowing it,,,


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Psionic is a thing in TiTS universe and is planned to be introduced in future. So there are no real conflict with lore.

Also, let's be honest: TiTS setting is space opera, not science fiction. My vanilla character already have hammerspace inside every orfice and portal to cistern in balls.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
Ah,,, sorry about that,,, sometimes i got the 2 words swapped without i'm knowing it,,,

Don't worry about it, it really isn't that uncommon of a mistake to make.  Also a frequent thing auto correct tends to mix up if you don't type it right in the first place.  Pretty sure I the two ended up being clarified to me by way of the original us releases of the first gen pokemon games, and it's just stuck with me since.

Psionic is a thing in TiTS universe and is planned to be introduced in future. So there are no real conflict with lore.

Also, let's be honest: TiTS setting is space opera, not science fiction. My vanilla character already have hammerspace inside every orfice and portal to cistern in balls.

Fair enough, I haven't gone all that deep into the lore.  I just didn't think that sort of thing had been implemented yet, the yet being that psychic/psionic/whatever you want to call it tends to occur very frequently in sci-fi, and to me this falls at least partially under that category.  On that note, it's probably about time to close this discussion given that it's not really on topic anymore.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Still not dead. Some of the first scenes were revised, implemented missing goo AIs, Succubus Dream, Mouse Cocoa, piercing salon. Magic is done and looks fine. Massive OP items nerf (mostly armors), lots of minor bugfixes. Public build of the mod would be available with TiTS public build (see TiTS blog).

Included some of my side works (yes, those are definitely non-canon, did it for my own convinience). Revised and rewrote my old project - "Catnip" feline TF. Included it as Lumi's enhanted Whisker Fruit (silly mode should be enabled). Also, Illusory Attire ("clothing" for furries) is placed on kitsune shrine.

Notable experimental change in slowStatGain mechanics - it uses current max stat as diminishing return modifier rather than 100, which means that maxing stats using gym and other training would be very difficult. Not actually sure about it TBH.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
All i want from this is to be able to have whiskers from the kitsune fransformation

Not sure if I understood you right, but fox-morph TF comes complete with them:

You have a tapered, shrewd-looking vulpine face with a speckling of downward-curved whiskers just behind the nose.

 Kitsune TF by itself only grants ears and tails, but is totally compatible with fox-morph TF.
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Jan 12, 2016
Ver Beta 0.5.1 from GitHub: SandTrap in Desert Exploration, SillyMode on (CoC usually calls SandTrap SandTarp instead).

You carefully kneel at the edge of the quicksand and stretch your hand out towards the stricken man, commanding him to grab hold. With effort he pulls an arm clear of the treacherous powder and, straining, reaches out to grab the very tips of your fingers... before, with a triumphant sneer, pulling as hard as he can. Thrown off-balance, you fall face first into the quicksand. Coughing, you right yourself and struggle desperately to get back up the side, but you have no leverage, and your thrashing causes you to sink waist deep into what feels like dry, impossibly heavy water.

“Don’t struggle,” says the man, drifting further away from you as easily as if he were swimming. You can see a second collarbone flexing beneath his first as his arms rest easily upon the surface, a whole second pair of limbs doing the delicate balancing work, and he speaks in a buzzing, fluttering voice which is nothing like the one he enticed you into his trap with. He smiles at you - or at least displays his teeth - and with a kind of horror you watch two sets of small, black eyes open on either side of his first pair to stare at you hungrily. “Don’t you know struggling just makes it worse? Just relax. Let me do all the work.”

A rumbling, hissing sound fills your ears and the dunes surrounding you lift out of sight as all the sand in the hollow begins to run downwards, taking you with it. You fight against it desperately, but you cannot swim up a landslide and within moments you find yourself buried up to your neck at the bottom of a huge, conical depression, eyes level with the naked abdomen of your captor. You cough, spit and blink sand away and stare helplessly up at it. The creature has a long, slim human upper half with four arms and a pair of flat breasts; its twenty slender fingers stroke your face, brush you off and massage your mammaries as it allows you to take it in. With its glamour gone you can see clearly the six eyed creature is in fact female... or is it? Its long face is soft around the edges with a cute, pointed chin which is very pretty - or very handsome. Every time the creature moves its face its gender seems to shift. Unnerved, you look downwards, and wish you hadn’t. Although its lower half is obscured below the sand, you can see that below its waist the creature’s body balloons outwards into what must be a massive, sand-colored insect thorax. You feel something brush against you and you instinctively attempt to flinch, but you can’t. The sand feels packed against you, and straining every muscle you have to free your limbs gets you nowhere. Gently, the creature slides its fingers behind your neck and makes you look into its black eyes.

“You made it all too easy for me, little ant,” it says pityingly. “Did no one warn you about sandtraps?” Slowly it sinks downwards, and whilst it fondles your face you feel its other set of hands cup your soft, heart-shaped keister. “Never mind,” the insect monster sighs into your forehead in its fluttery voice. “I’ll teach you everything there is to know.”

Something bad happened!

Please report this message, and include any prior scene text or a description of what you did before seeing this message:

Version: 0.6.30

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ver Beta 0.5.1 from GitHub: SandTrap in Desert Exploration, SillyMode on (CoC usually calls SandTrap SandTarp instead).

Thanks, fixed. Leftovers of old combat system...


Jan 12, 2016
Additionally, when using the Inf Items cheat, I used Goblin Ale, then Reptilum, then Snake Oil to become a Naga. Taking the Goblin Ale after that occasionally gives a 'Please report' when no other transformations are occurring.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Additionally, when using the Inf Items cheat, I used Goblin Ale, then Reptilum, then Snake Oil to become a Naga. Taking the Goblin Ale after that occasionally gives a 'Please report' when no other transformations are occurring.

Kinda strange, not sure what caused it. Anyways, revised it to use Mutator extensively, would likely fix it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Would Urta be possible if you disabled her fertility quest or is she one of those characters you hated?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Would Urta be possible if you disabled her fertility quest or is she one of those characters you hated?

She is one of a massive characters. Her overall content amount is over megabyte of raw file size (not even including threesomes). But her pre-fertility content is fairly stateless, so it is possible.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
She is one of a massive characters. Her overall content amount is over megabyte of raw file size (not even including threesomes). But her pre-fertility content is fairly stateless, so it is possible.

She and Kat have many unique scene you cant find anywhere else in either game and make Tel Adre worth going to.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
She and Kat have many unique scene you cant find anywhere else in either game and make Tel Adre worth going to.

Ooooh, Kath... With her transformations and complicated quest she is hell of a mess.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
One or the other would be awesome, all I have to look for in tel adre is Brooke and Loppe


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
One or the other would be awesome, all I have to look for in tel adre is Brooke and Loppe

Well, they both are already implemented. I'll look into Urta, but I'll cut out most, if not all, interactions with other NPCs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
really? I haven't seen Kat at all, the only thing with Urta is her intro and the occasional scene after you go some where.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Okay, Urta core content is done... Now, will I sacrifice what little left of my sanity to Kath?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Okay, Urta core content is done... Now, will I sacrifice what little left of my sanity to Kath?

What's the problem with Kath? Assuming you skip out on getting her a job, it doesn't seem like too much. (Is getting her a job in base CoC? Or was it in the mod? I forget)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What's the problem with Kath? Assuming you skip out on getting her a job, it doesn't seem like too much. (Is getting her a job in base CoC? Or was it in the mod? I forget)

She is in same condition hell Bess residing. There are lot of body TF options for her. She has clothes options. Her scenes are not parsed, they are literally hardcoded with ton of function calls. And due to engine specifics those functions are impossible to directly transfer. And I can't even use TiTS built-in support of persistent characters, since it would forever break compatibility of mod saves with main game. Also, she has most complicated time aware conditions, but those can be dropped without major consequences.

But with some dirty hacks, obscene abuse of functions and ton of more-than-explicit code guro... High-load enterprise programmer in me is suggesting to use 22th floor window as only way to redemption after such horrible desecration of guidelines, but sanity is overestimated.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
honestly I was just happy you were looking in to Urta, If you manage Kat as well? Damn mad props to you.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
honestly I was just happy you were looking in to Urta, If you manage Kat as well? Damn mad props to you.

I'll likely cut out part of content, especially background activities. And not sure what to do with her employment stuff...
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