Is there any way to actually beat Dr. Lash?


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Attached is how close I've ever gotten TwT Yeah, 128 HP

Yeah, Imma loving how hard Dr. Lash is. He's practically the only one who can give me a challenge at this point, and actually make me think of strategy. Being a mercenary, I use Take cover once every three turns, and shoot him the other two turns.

Goes like Take Cover > Shoot > Shoot > Take Cover > Shoot > Shoot, until I run out of energy. The turn I use Second Wind, he blows my shield apart. Then back to taking cover and shooting. Used Thermal Underwear burning resistance to avoid his burn damage.

I haven't gone as far as to use temporary boost stat consumables yet. I remember there being this one combat encounter shield booster, I just don't remember where. And some other physique boosters? Idk, I don't care if it has the side-effect of increasing lust, cuz Lash has no lust damage. I can probably fight him at 99 lust.

Oh, and in-combat type consumables (like healing items) are useless with Dr. Lash. Give him a free turn and he'll take a lot more out of you than any heal. Each individual attack can go from 20-40 damage, and he attacks 6 times consecutively. So around 120 - 240 damage per turn.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Perhaps try a Smuggler?

High Int x Physique build and hit him with Sneak Attacks whilst using Stealth Field Generator?

Use the electro hammer thingy from Myrellion.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
He was doable before the bow nerf, I haven't tried since, but his resistance to Tease damage is only slightly higher than to Drug damage, so Goovolver should work.

Meteor something, the drink you can buy from Del, increases both Physique and Physique cap, though it has a chance of blinding you in combat. Dunno why you'd want to boost Physique if you're going to shoot him, though, and in any case you should hit them gym to max Physique (and Reflexes and Aim while you're at it) first, if you're going after Lash.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
He was doable before the bow nerf, I haven't tried since, but his resistance to Tease damage is only slightly higher than to Drug damage, so Goovolver should work.

Meteor something, the drink you can buy from Del, increases both Physique and Physique cap, though it has a chance of blinding you in combat. Dunno why you'd want to boost Physique if you're going to shoot him, though, and in any case you should hit them gym to max Physique (and Reflexes and Aim while you're at it) first, if you're going after Lash.

Gym increases body tone and decreases thickness right? I like my tone/thickness ratio where it is TwT

And where can I raise my Reflexes/Aim? But yeah, what is the current max for each stat - 100?

As for physique, I want to use melee actually, but salamander rifle does more damage. I have the vampire sword (that regenerates shields), and this perk that regenerates energy when I melee attack (idk how actually. I noticed when I melee attack, my energy and shields both go up), as well as causing lust damage due to Myr Venom perk. Melee damage is my thing xD

The only lust type damage I tried on him was Milk Squirt. He evaded twice. And, it took him 3 turns to kill me lol.
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Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
Lifting weights or swimming increases tone. Running or swimming decreases thickness. You can decrease your tone back to where you wanted it with Estrobloom (and probably some other items), and increase your tone by eating in the NT diner, so those are reversible.

Lifting weights increases Physique. Running increases Reflexes. Swimming increases Aim. All stats (except Libido) have the cap at 5*level.

I just tested and my ranged mercenary was able to kill him with actual physical damage, though I used Secure MP. I did stock some Myr Nectar and Fungal Extract, mainly so I could spam Rapid Fire. Gotta test Goovolver next. I don't have a melee character with Take Cover, and Disarming Shot no longer works so I doubt other classes can beat him. Maybe Smuggler with Cloaking Device and lots of Myr Nectar.

Edit: Goovolver's about 6-7 lust damage a hit, but since you only need 100 lust (instead of 1125 physical damage) it goes a bit faster.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I have beaten him before, but that was when Disarming shot did work. Either way, you get a million credits for beating him.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Edit: Goovolver's about 6-7 lust damage a hit, but since you only need 100 lust (instead of 1125 physical damage) it goes a bit faster.

Yeah. I just used the same old Take Cover , Shoot, Shoot, except with the Goovolver. Unequipped repaired Tamwolf and equipped Aim Eyepiece since non-lust damage would be useless. Got him in one try. Thanks :D

...but. Now... What do I do with this near infinite amount of credits? I'll prolly never have to work for anything. Ever. Again. Lol.

This is prolly the easiest way to spam credits. Since he's gonna treat me as if he never met me, I'll keep on doing this until I reach credit caps. Just for the lulz.


EDIT: This is getting pretty insane...

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Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
Unequipped repaired Tamwolf and equipped Aim Eyepiece since non-lust damage would be useless. Got him in one try. Thanks :D

Oh, so you weren't using Lightning Duster? I imagine that made the fight somewhat harder.

Anyway, there isn't really anything you can do with infinite money, except maybe become some sort of saint next time Puppyslutmas rolls over. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Oh, so you weren't using Lightning Duster? I imagine that made the fight quite a bit harder.

Anyway, there isn't really anything you can do with infinite money, except maybe become some sort of saint next time Puppyslutmas rolls over. 

Oh, he does electric type damage? TwT Never bothered to check. Well, I give up trying to cap out the credit bar at this point xD  I thought 9,999,999 would be the limit but it's probably 99,999,999

Just beat him like 10 times in a row (with three Waits between battles, to restore energy, mainly. My HP bar doesn't even go to 50% at this point). I think the Aim Eyepiece is actually pretty good, he has a high evade chance, so yeah.

TheHappiestMerchantMan will probably have a heart attack when he sees this. How bad is an infinite source of credits for the intergalactic community's inflation rate again?



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Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
He does a mixture of electric and burning. Actually, mostly burning; I just tried Salamander Longcoat + Thermal Undies, and he did just 1-2 damage per hit (with Def boost from Crystal Shard up). So yeah, beating him with a smuggler was fairly trivial.

I'm not sure there is a money cap yet, and anyway, every enemy that drops money is technically an infinite source of credits, Dr. Lash is just the fastest (but beating him isn't canon).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Oh, he does electric type damage? TwT Never bothered to check. Well, I give up trying to cap out the credit bar at this point xD  I thought 9,999,999 would be the limit but it's probably 99,999,999
There probably isn't a cap for money. It's not as if most people would make that much at this point, and if they did there's nothing expensive enough to buy currently.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
He does a mixture of electric and burning. Actually, mostly burning; I just tried Salamander Longcoat + Thermal Undies, and he did just 1-2 damage per hit (with Def boost from Crystal Shard up). So yeah, beating him with a smuggler was fairly trivial.

I'm not sure there is a money cap yet, and anyway, every enemy that drops money is technically an infinite source of credits, Dr. Lash is just the fastest (but beating him isn't canon).

True, true. But this one is an especially easy source of credits, well, if we compared difficulty to received compensation, yeah? Well, the game is canon. I just beat him ingame without resorting to cheating, so I'd count it as canon. But yeah, I get what you mean since it apparently doesn't affect the storyline or interactions, and everything goes like the event never happened. Still, just because it's not supposed to be beatable yet doesn't mean we should get such a grossly large credit compensation. A perk or an item unavailable elsewhere maybe, because that won't affect the game on the larger scale. Giving 1 million credits essentially means you are pretty much set for the rest of the game.

I used thermal underwear, cuz I knew he did some burn damage. Oh well, will try thermal undies + salamander longcoat along with some high electric resistance armor next time.

There probably isn't a cap for money. It's not as if most people would make that much at this point, and if they did there's nothing expensive enough to buy currently.
Probably, yeah. But then again, I'm upset less at the lack of credit cap, and more about how easy it is to get millions at this point. Essentially, even if this was removed when Dr. Lash becomes 'beatable', someone can still have an outdated version copy to raise creds this way. Idk. Even though it's ingame, and I was supposed to feel satisfaction after beating such a difficult NPC without resorting to any underhanded methods like cheating, it just leaves me with a bitter taste in my mouth, knowing I'll never actually have to work for any equipment or sth again. Unless, of course, some starships cost billions.


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Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
 A perk or an item unavailable elsewhere maybe, because that won't affect the game on the larger scale. Giving 1 million credits essentially means you are pretty much set for the rest of the game.

Infinite money doesn't actually affect the game on a large scale, since you'll have enough money from quests anyway, and great many things can't be bought. I doubt there'll be anything particularly necessary or awesome gated behind just credits in the future either.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Infinite money doesn't actually affect the game on a large scale, since you'll have enough money from quests anyway, and great many things can't be bought. I doubt there'll be anything particularly necessary or awesome gated behind just credits in the future either.

If those ship upgrades, and buying new ship stuff gets implemented, I'm thinking there would be a lot of stuff that would cost hundreds of thousands in credits. And of course, already having a surplus of credits is a disincentive for linear quest-taking style gameplay.

Essentially, I think what this game needs is more money sinks. Stuff like taxes, perhaps on some planets.Or having to pay a fee upon entry to planet? Or some where you are separated from your ship and can only board when entering or leaving the planet (a highly militarized autocratic paranoid regime perhaps), for internal security reasons, because the ship is kept on a secured hangar. Which means, you'll have to sleep in some inn that highly overcharges tourists or something?

And of course, enemies taking more credits. Since credits are electronic, perhaps a secure hidden partition encrypted digital vault only accessible from your ship's interface, which you can store a limited amount of credits in.

I don't know, or maybe some stores in convenient places overcharging you for the same stuff located in other places? So you would pay a higher fee if too lazy to find somewhere else, or with limited information on the average price of the product?

Or random encounters with thieves on some planets when walking through safe areas, where your reflexes stat comes into play? But then again credits is a digital currency and not physical (I assume, please correct me if I'm wrong), so I don't know how it could be stolen physically? Maybe they steal your card?


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Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
If those ship upgrades, and buying new ship stuff gets implemented, I'm thinking there would be a lot of stuff that would cost hundreds of thousands in credits.

Essentially, I think what this game needs is more money sinks. 

You forget that the main focus of the game is smut, and grinding isn't something the developers want to encourage.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
You forget that the main focus of the game is smut, and grinding isn't something the developers want to encourage.

Ah. Right xD  Nevermind then. But then again, not necessarily grinding. Merely making an effort to get what you want always make the end result more sweeter and satisfying. I mean, even if it's a smut game, mainly, that doesn't mean everybody just lies there and takes it. You have to fight for it, or interact by talking and stuff before you can actually get to it. Similarly, the game's economy should be so that, it's not too easy to obtain everything in game, dontcha think?

Or maybe instead of increasing sinks, decreasing sources. Like, some wild NPCs shouldn't have credits, rather items you can sell at varying prices. Oh wait, I think it's already like that?
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Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
There is already a money sink in the game. Character customization is one of the most common money sinks out there, and TiTS has quite a few interesting options for it. I know I enjoy the occasional Wacky Random Trasformation Party. Barring savescumming, it can get really damn expensive to get exactly what you want out of it as well.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
There is already a money sink in the game. Character customization is one of the most common money sinks out there, and TiTS has quite a few interesting options for it. I know I enjoy the occasional Wacky Random Trasformation Party. Barring savescumming, it can get really damn expensive to get exactly what you want out of it as well.

Ah yeah. Overlooked that one. It can get pretty expensive, since the transformations are random. Unless you are savescumming or using minerva of course.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well some TF are quite pricesly. Well with Dr. Lash almsot inifinty credtis not even going between full panda/ovir/leithan and repreat few times changews between those 3 races will still not use much of credtis. Most costly thing now ingame we got is TF items for becoming some aline in one dose rather than many and it still cost only like 36k.

Some said with thermal resist at 100% he doing 1-2 dmg - was it with electricity resistance high too or without? As with 100% thermal resistance all dmg of this type should be gone leaving only electric one dmg which in few of my last tries was way too high still :/

Also he seems unfinished, as in that after fight he act like nothing happened or after each attack say the same word as it would be more fleshed out when we got some higher lvl cap. That we could beat him now already just proves how people out of boredom pushing current existing stuff to the limit and succeding in almost impossible task ingame ^^
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Dr. Lash guide

How has nobody posted this. Even with the lust bow nerfs, merc and smuggler destroy this guy if properly set up.

There's no need for a proper set up. With Fully Automated's advice of Goovolver, just that and Take Cover every three turns did it for me, ten times consecutively.

Well some TF are quite pricesly. Well with Dr. Lash almsot inifinty credtis not even going between full panda/ovir/leithan and repreat few times changews between those 3 races will still not use much of credtis. Most costly thing now ingame we got is TF items for becoming some aline in one dose rather than many and it still cost only like 36k.

Some said with thermal resist at 100% he doing 1-2 dmg - was it with electricity resistance high too or without? As with 100% thermal resistance all dmg of this type should be gone leaving only electric one dmg which in few of my last tries was way too high still :/

Also he seems unfinished, as in that after fight he act like nothing happened or after each attack say the same word as it would be more fleshed out when we got some higher lvl cap. That we could beat him now already just proves how people out of boredom pushing current existing stuff to the limit and succeding in almost impossible task ingame ^^

Yeah, it is unfinished. When we defeat him, it says that we are not supposed to actually be able to beat him right now, but 'good on you' xD

And yeah, as for that, use lightning duster to reduce electric by 100%, thermal underwear for burning 25%, and some armor with burning resistance. Or use salamander longcoat with thermal underwear for full 100% burn resistance, and use some armor with high electric resistance
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Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
I don't think you even need the electric resistance (or at least I didn't have any and was taking minimum damage). I'm honestly kinda confused how multi-type damage works now. I'd assumed that the bonus from Aim would be split even between the damage types (as seems to be the case for the lust bows), but even though the plasma guns are 1 electric/30 burning, Dr. Lash's 45 Aim should boost the electric damage higher even if the PC has nigh-immunity to burning.

Also, gotta test the burning resistant shield. If it has funky interactions with plasma guns, techies might also be able to beat the good doctor. (They might anyway, if lucky with stuns. Dr. Lash has relatively low Physique {35}, so stun spam might work, with Myr Nectar and the burning resistance as a fall-back.)
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
I don't think you even need the electric resistance (or at least I didn't have any and was taking minimum damage). I'm honestly kinda confused how multi-type damage works now. I'd assumed that the bonus from Aim would be split even between the damage types (as seems to be the case for the lust bows), but even the plasma guns are 1 electric/30 burning, Dr. Lash's 45 Aim should boost the electric damage higher even if the PC has nigh-immunity to burning.

Also, gotta test the burning resistant shield. If it has funky interactions with plasma guns, techies might also be able to beat the good doctor. (They might anyway, if lucky with stuns. Dr. Lash has relatively low Physique {35}, so stun spam might work, with Myr Nectar and the burning resistance as a fall-back.)

Yeah, electric damage resistance is not that important. I used SteeleTech Suit (30% electric and 25% burning), Thermal Underwear (25% burning) and Salamander Longcoat (75% burning) this time. It's much easier actually. His damage is around 7-8 per shot, so 42-48 total per turn. Much easier now.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
I got him to 1 damage per shot, but now that I think of it, that was probably due to high defense. Since his electric damage isn't that large, and longcoat + longjohns cuts off most of burning damage, defense is probably better than electric resistance (or capping burning resistance). I used chitin armour with crystal shard buff, which seem to be enough to shrug of his unresisted electric damage. I did take more damage while on fire, since that debuff also lowers your defense by 4.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
I got him to 1 damage per shot, but now that I think of it, that was probably due to high defense. Since his electric damage isn't that large, and longcoat + longjohns cuts off most of burning damage, defense is probably better than electric resistance (or capping burning resistance). I used chitin armour with crystal shard buff, which seem to be enough to shrug of his unresisted electric damage. I did take more damage while on fire, since that debuff also lowers your defense by 4.

As for Suit of Gray Goo, is the Defense stat worth the electric damage -50% or sth weakness? How exactly does the defense stat come into play (like, what's the equation for damage output, taking into account the defense rating?)? I don't like using unknown variables that I don't know how the hell it works, which is why I use high resistance armor instead of high defense stat armor.

EDIT: Oh, and does the sexiness rating only ocme into play for tease based attacks? Like, it doesn't influence Goovolver or Lust Ray attack right?
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Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
Defense is straight up damage reduction. If you have 4 defense, the enemy's attack does 4 less damage than it would have done otherwise. It's applied before resistances, though. Updated goo armour is what, 8 defense? Probably not worth using over chitin armour's 7, given the vulnerability, but you could try it out.

Sexiness only affects Tease attacks (and a few non-combat scenes). Goovolver and Slut Ray are ranged attacks, so they're boosted by Aim, but not +sexy.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
Salamander Shield holds up better than Mk. 1, at least with Enhanced Dampeners, but only just. You can beat Lash with a tech specialist, but you do need to bring some Fungal Extracts.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Defense is straight up damage reduction. If you have 4 defense, the enemy's attack does 4 less damage than it would have done otherwise. It's applied before resistances, though. Updated goo armour is what, 8 defense? Probably not worth using over chitin armour's 7, given the vulnerability, but you could try it out.

Sexiness only affects Tease attacks (and a few non-combat scenes). Goovolver and Slut Ray are ranged attacks, so they're boosted by Aim, but not +sexy.

How about fortification and evasion? I'm thinking of creating a high evasion equipment set along with burning resistance, so that the Take Cover or Stealth Field Generator doesn't become necessary for Mercs and Smugglers respectively.

EDIT: Nah.That's pretty much impossible. I equipped Lava saber and some other clothing that gave me a totat of 6 evasion, max from equipment at the moment. Not much of a difference

EDIT 2: So yeah, felt like beating him by dealing physical damage, yes!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
It was pretty close for my melee merc. She didn't have take cover and I went in with zero healing items. Wound up using Second Wind.

Gear was Chitin Armor, Salamander Longcoat, thermal underwear, Reaper MK I shield, Vamp blade because I am stupid and forgot to switch it out but I guess it worked. Also ate that defense boosting crystal.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
It was pretty close for my melee merc. She didn't have take cover and I went in with zero healing items. Wound up using Second Wind.

Gear was Chitin Armor, Salamander Longcoat, thermal underwear, Reaper MK I shield, Vamp blade because I am stupid and forgot to switch it out but I guess it worked. Also ate that defense boosting crystal.

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Daaaamn. I'd get slaughtered without Take Cover xD  Nice!