Is there any way to actually beat Dr. Lash?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Daaaamn. I'd get slaughtered without Take Cover xD  Nice!

Don't know if it was the 20% elec or the Ablative property that made all the difference. I tried it with the Chitin Plate and got massacred. Well not really massacred but nickle and dimed to death. Given the amount of Lash's attacks reducing them to 1 damage each makes a huge difference (until he sets you on fire that is).
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Ugh, it'd be so much better if we got one of Dr. Lash's Plasma Pistols, than 1mil creds. 30 burn damage and 1 electric. (Yeah, electric is negligible)


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2015
all you have to do is pick mercenary, focus on only upgrading willpower and intelligence when you lvl up, buy the gym pass so you can max out the other 3, and when you got to myrellon you buy salamander EVERYTHING. :p  also fungal extract


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2015
I can usually trash him with salamander longcoat, goovolver, maxed core stats, MK-1 shield, royal nectar buff, and Gray Goo Armor without drinking myr-nectar to restore energy.

For smuggler, I use shoot, stealth field, repeat until low on energy, then smuggled stimulant, and continue shooting and stealth fielding. This works 40-50% of the time depending on how much lust damage the goovolver does and how many of Dr. Lash's attacks get through. 

For merc, I spam take cover, rapid fire, rapid fire until low on energy, then second wind and continue spamming take cover, rapid fire, rapid fire.This works 80-90% of the time.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
How about fortification and evasion?

1 point of Fortification is +1 point of maximum HP. 1 point of Evasion is +1% chance to avoid an attack (checked separately from the normal hit check).

Don't know if it was the 20% elec or the Ablative property that made all the difference. I tried it with the Chitin Plate and got massacred. 

Ablative property makes you take less damage from Penetrating and Bullet weapons, but more damage from Crushing. The plasma pistols don't have any of those tags, though. Chitin Plate has -20% Burning Resistance for some reason.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
For merc, I spam take cover, rapid fire, rapid fire until low on energy, then second wind and continue spamming take cover, rapid fire, rapid fire.This works 80-90% of the time.

Tried this. I usually go for Take Cover, Shoot Shoot, because I want to reserve energy for Take Cover. Can beat Lash without having to resort to Second Wind usually. Lash has a reasonably high evasion stat (or I'm just unlucky that way) cuz he mostly blocks the low accuracy rapid fire shots. Either way, with the Second Shot perk, you already have one low accuracy shot per each normal shot. It doesn't stack with Rapid Fire, so it's a waste of 20 energy just for one extra low accuracy shot.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
Dr. Lash doesn't have any +Evasion. He does have 60 Reflexes.

Second Shot stacks with Rapid Fire.

Secure MP negates the extra miss chance (which isn't really an accuracy penalty) from flurry attacks (like Second Shot and Rapid Fire).


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Dr. Lash doesn't have any +Evasion. He does have 60 Reflexes.

Second Shot stacks with Rapid Fire.

Secure MP negates the extra miss chance (which isn't really an accuracy penalty) from flurry attacks (like Second Shot and Rapid Fire).

It does? Ah, didn't know that.

OMG. I didn't know that about the secureMP so I just sold it because it had less damage than Salamander rifle and no noticeable extra attacks lol...  TwT fml


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
One crystal shard to get more def, thermal underwear and salamander coat and chitin suit (not goo armor as it giving negative electric resistance). Then 2 fungal exctracts and...around 20-25 goo sample with upgr goovolver doing easy work to beat poor doctor. And that was for tech PC not smuggler or merc, additionaly I not even sigle time used anything else than special or healing ^^ (now I think what to do with all those credits...already buyed all possible stuff for PC and Bess -_-')


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Buy all the TFs!

I killed Lash a few times so hopefully now, never again do I need to grind in the caves for those damn gems.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
I need to update that guide so badly...

But SO LAZY...

I know the feeling. I've been meaning to do a short guide on how the combat system actually works (since it's fairly unintuitive and a lot of people are just guessing, as this thread demonstrates), but procrastination has won out. Now I at least have the excuse that Gedan's working on rewiring the system again, so no point in detailing the soon-to-be former system.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I know the feeling. I've been meaning to do a short guide on how the combat system actually works (since it's fairly unintuitive and a lot of people are just guessing, as this thread demonstrates), but procrastination has won out. Now I at least have the excuse that Gedan's working on rewiring the system again, so no point in detailing the soon-to-be former system.

I don't think that will affect Lash, as the rewiring is for group combat. This means it will primary affect encounters with multiple enemies, e.g. the group of male Raskel, or when your fighting with an ally e.g. Saendra in her quest.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
We shall see. Anyway, I didn't mean a guide to Lash, but a guide to the basics of how hitting things, damage calculations etc. work, and what the various attributes and tags actually do and how they interact.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
We shall see. Anyway, I didn't mean a guide to Lash, but a guide to the basics of how hitting things, damage calculations etc. work, and what the various attributes and tags actually do and how they interact.

I for one would love this. Hell, I didn't even know how 'Fortification' and 'Defense' stats worked until yesterday. The weapon and armor perks are listed with descriptions in both the wiki and codex, but none of them offer any more explanations to the armor stats, so I've been avoiding them, sticking with what I know as they are self explanatory - namely resistances.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I for one would love this. Hell, I didn't even know how 'Fortification' and 'Defense' stats worked until yesterday. The weapon and armor perks are listed with descriptions in both the wiki and codex, but none of them offer any more explanations to the armor stats, so I've been avoiding them, sticking with what I know as they are self explanatory - namely resistances.

Even some seemingly self-explanatory things may turn out to work in an entirely different way. For example, I've only just became aware that Evasion stat on armor actually has nothing to do with dodging attacks and instead influences PC's chances of running from encounters.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Even some seemingly self-explanatory things may turn out to work in an entirely different way. For example, I've only just became aware that Evasion stat on armor actually has nothing to do dodging attacks and instead influence PC'S chances of running from encounters.

Seriously? Aaaand there goes something else I didn't know xD  There should be a sticky thread on the forum for this, or at least a codex entry or some such thing.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Even some seemingly self-explanatory things may turn out to work in an entirely different way. For example, I've only just became aware that Evasion stat on armor actually has nothing to do dodging attacks and instead influence PC'S chances of running from encounters.

My world is shattered.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Really? Evasion is run chance? Dammit this stuff needs better documentation...

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
Even some seemingly self-explanatory things may turn out to work in an entirely different way. For example, I've only just became aware that Evasion stat on armor actually has nothing to do with dodging attacks and instead influences PC's chances of running from encounters.

Bullshit. Evasion doesn't affect chances of escaping enemies at all, but does grant/increase the chance to avoid enemy attacks.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Bullshit. Evasion doesn't affect chances of escaping enemies at all, but does grant/increase the chance to avoid enemy attacks.

Well with Smutosaur page saying that evasion only affect running chance it hard to know if it true or some editor made slight mistake typing wrong situation that is affected by evasion. On side note many of you use build with 100% burning reisitance on top of all other things to beat him?

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
Here, first one is the check whether an attack misses (though blindness is accounted for in a different place), the second is how running away works:

public function combatMiss(attacker:Creature, target:Creature, overrideAttack:Number = -1, missModifier:Number = 1):Boolean { if (overrideAttack == -1) overrideAttack = attacker.meleeWeapon.attack;   if(rand(100) + attacker.physique()/5 + overrideAttack - target.reflexes()/5 < 10 * missModifier && !target.isImmobilized()) { return true; } //Evasion chances if(target.evasion() >= rand(100) + 1) { trace("EVASION WORKED!: " + target.evasion()); return true; } //10% miss chance for lucky breaks! if (target.hasPerk("Lucky Breaks") && rand(100) <= 9) return true; if(target.hasPerk("Melee Immune")) return true; return false; } public function rangedCombatMiss(attacker:Creature, target:Creature, overrideAttack:Number = -1, missModifier:Number = 1):Boolean { if (overrideAttack == -1) overrideAttack = attacker.rangedWeapon.attack;   //Immune! if (target.hasPerk("Ranged Immune")) return true;   //Standard miss chance if(rand(100) + attacker.aim()/5 + overrideAttack - target.reflexes()/3 < 10 * missModifier && !target.isImmobilized()) { return true; } //Evasion chances if(target.evasion() >= rand(100) + 1) { trace("RANGED EVASION SUCCESS: " + target.evasion() + "%"); return true; } //Take cover chance if(target.hasStatusEffect("Taking Cover") && rand(100) + 1 < 90) return true; //10% miss chance for lucky breaks! if(target.hasPerk("Lucky Breaks") && rand(100) <= 9) return true;   return false; } 
public function runAway():void { clearOutput(); output("You attempt to flee from your opponent"); if (foes[0] is QueenOfTheDeep) { output(", but you don't have a lot of options down here!"); processCombat(); return; } if(foes[0].plural || foes.length > 1) output("s"); output("! "//Autofail conditions first! if(pc.isImmobilized()) { output("You cannot run while you are immobilized!\n"); processCombat(); } else if(pc.hasStatusEffect("Flee Disabled") || foes[0].hasStatusEffect("Flee Disabled")) { output("<b>You cannot escape from this fight!</b>\n"); processCombat(); } else if(debug) { output("You escape on wings of debug!\n"); pc.removeStatusEffect("Round"); pc.clearCombatStatuses(); this.userInterface.hideNPCStats(); this.clearMenu(); this.addButton(0,"Next",mainGameMenu); } elsevar x:int = 0; //determine difficulty class based on reflexes vs reflexes comparison, easy, low, medium, hard, or very hard var difficulty:int = 0; //easy = succeed 75% //low = succeed 50% //medium = succeed 35% //hard = succeed 20; //very hard = succeed 10% //Easy: PC has twice the reflexes if(pc.reflexes() >= foes[0].reflexes() * 2) difficulty = 0; //Low: PC has more than +33% more reflexes else if(pc.reflexes() >= foes[0].reflexes() * 1.333) difficulty = 1; //Medium: PC has more than -33% reflexes else if(pc.reflexes() >= foes[0].reflexes() * .6666) difficulty = 2; //Hard: PC pretty slow else if(pc.reflexes() >= foes[0].reflexes() * .3333) difficulty = 3; //Very hard: PC IS FUCKING SLOW else difficulty = 4;   //Multiple NPCs? Raise difficulty class for each one! difficulty += foes.length - 1; //Raise difficulty for having awkwardly huge genitalia/boobs sometime! TODO! if(pc.ballDiameter() >= 9) difficulty++; if(pc.ballDiameter() >= 18) difficulty++;   //Cap it if(difficulty > 5) difficulty = 5;   //Lower difficulty for flight if enemy cant! if(pc.canFly() && (!foes[0].canFly() || foes[0].isImmobilized())) difficulty--; //Lower difficulty for immobilized foe if(foes[0].isImmobilized()) difficulty--; //Easy mode is magic! if(easy) { if(difficulty > 0) difficulty--; if(difficulty > 0) difficulty--; if(difficulty > 0) difficulty--; }   //Set threshold value and check! if(difficulty < 0) difficulty = 100; else if(difficulty == 0) difficulty = 75; else if(difficulty == 1) difficulty = 50; else if(difficulty == 2) difficulty = 35; else if(difficulty == 3) difficulty = 20; else if(difficulty == 4) difficulty = 10; else difficulty = 5; trace("Successful escape chance: " + difficulty + " %"//Success! if (rand(100) + 1 <= difficulty) { if (foes[0] is Cockvine) { adultCockvinePCEscapes(); leaveCombat(); return; } if (pc.canFly()) { if (pc.legCount == 1) output("Your [pc.foot] leaves"); else output("Your [pc.feet] leave"); output(" the ground as you fly away, leaving the fight behind."); } else output("You manage to leave the fight behind you.") processTime(8); leaveCombat(); } else { output(" It doesn't work!\n"); processCombat(); }   } } 
Even if you're not familiar with the code, you can see how one mentions evasion, while the other doesn't.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
Here, first one is the check whether an attack misses (though blindness is accounted for in a different place), the second is how running away works:

Hidden Content

Hidden Content

Even if you're not familiar with the code, you can see how one mentions evasion, while the other doesn't.

Yep, the code mentions evasion when it comes to dodging attacks alright.

See. These kind of misunderstandings are exactly why we need a guide xD  I'd make one, but I know too little to actually make a thorough one, even if I knew more than before.

So, plis sempai? :3
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Here, first one is the check whether an attack misses (though blindness is accounted for in a different place), the second is how running away works:

Hidden Content

Hidden Content

Even if you're not familiar with the code, you can see how one mentions evasion, while the other doesn't.

I've been lied to by the wiki and the results of my in-game testing! Thanks for not letting the BS fly. Next time, I wouldn't be too lazy to go check the actual code.

P.S Anyone else has a problem with those code quotes being displayed weirdly?

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
As I said, I'm justifying my procrastination as waiting to see what changes the multi-target overhaul brings. Also by the fact that I suck at formatting posts on this forum (which is why the above code-bits go funky).


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
As I said, I'm justifying my procrastination as waiting to see what changes the multi-target overhaul brings. Also by the fact that I suck at formatting posts on this forum (which is why the above code-bits go funky).

Ah lol xD  so should I remind you when the multi-target overhaul goes live? ;)

But yeah, the formatting is a bit hard, and sometimes buggy. I wish there was a "preview" option like in most forums, to see what the output looks like, before posting. I'm going to be a bit free in the coming weeks, so I try help out and flesh out the details, provided with the main info xD  (stats, combat damage calculations, etc)

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
I don't actually know anything about coding, so I'm just eyeballing the code and guessing what it does. I think I understand most of the relevant moving bits when it comes to combat (except for Tease, I've no idea how that works), but I'm still probably not the best person to make a guide.