The Syren Conspiracy (For Floozer)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He grits his teeth, letting out a moan when she finally bottoms out in his tight ass. "Fuck! Yeah! Definitely thicker!" He says, grimacing before he bends over a little further. "Mm. Alright. You can keep going." He says, his tongue sliding out. It curls around his body, sliding up between her legs, rubbing briefly at her pussy, and penetrating her ass, sinking in as far as it can go, rubbing against her prostate the whole while. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She grips his hips tightly and starts thrusting in and out of his tight stretched ass. Her cocks pound away at him, her balls slapping against his as she ruts away at Alex as fast as the tight passage will allow her to. The tongue on her prostate only surves to spur her forward, pre cum leaking out into his ass and making movement easier. "This ass... I love this ass! i need to fuck you full Alex!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He quickly pulls his tongue back into his mouth. "Then do it, baby! Do it! Fill me up like I did you!" He says, his tongue quickly darting out and back to her ass, burrowing into it and squirming around even faster, practically tongue fucking her. He moans and grunts with every thrust, his dicks jerking and twitching with every thrust into his tight ass. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Alex! Alex! I love you! Take my cum you amazing maaaaaaaan!" She wails to the heavens above and the floor gates burst open as her twin members begin flooding Alex's ass with a legendary amount of yellow cum. It surges up his ass, through his body and into his stomach, rapidly filling him up until he looks pregnant himself! Even then she doesn't stop as she clings to his back, yellow cum flooding back out of his over stuffed ass.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He moans loudly as he cums too, his ass tightening as his dicks spurt cum all over the shower floor. He pants for a minute before standing up straight and leaning back onto Olivia, his hands grabbing her ass. "You finally said it... I love you too, Olivia... I love you too..." He murmurs, tilting his head back and kissing her, his tongue brushing hers. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She pushes her tongue back against his and her hands move down to gently rolls his balls back and forth, relishing their warmth and weight. "You really are something special aren't you? and I am not talking about your mods." 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"You... You really think so?" He asks, turning around on her dicks and wrapping his arms around her shoulders, looking down into her eyes. "Am I really?" He asks, a slight smile on his face. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yes, I really think you are." She wraps her arms around him and hugs him tight. "Not only are you sweet, but you embrace all of me. Do you know how many guys I sent running when they got a feel of my erection? More than I care to try and count. Yet here you are... tending to them on your own, letting me mount you and taking my tentacles. It... it means a lot more than just sex." 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"That, or those guys just don't appreciate a good dick when they see one." He says, pressing his forehead to hers and swaying slightly from side to side, like a small, private dance just for the two of them. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well yea that is certainly part of it but... what I am trying to say is, thank you, for accepting all of me rather than focusing on part of me." She leaned against him and followed his lead, slowly dancing in the tub as the hot shower poured down on top of them. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"That's what love is all about, right? You accept them for what they are. Not try and find faults with every little thing..." He murmurs, smiling. Alex dances slowly, swaying from side to side carefully so they don't slip. While he dances, he starts rubbing her body over with soap, getting it nice and clean before handing the soap to her, expecting her to do the same. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She takes the bar and gets him all cleaned up, taking a bit too long to wash his butt as she obviously goes for the gropes, before setting the bar back in it's little tray mounted to the wall. "Yea, I suppose that is what love is.... random thought, but I could easily see you being some sort of preditor... like a tiger, or a panther... something about you with fur seems to make sense to me."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He snorts. "Didn't know you were into furries. But... Let's say.... What about a jaguar? Sleek, black fur, fast, strong... Pretty much the animal version of me!" He says, taking a towel and wrapping it around both of them, roping her in close and kissing her on the nose, still smiling. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She laughs and wraps her arms around his back again "I am not that big into furries... I just think it would be fitting for you. Take that as you will you big goof." She kisses his cheek and pushes against the towel, trying to dry off. 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He laughs and rubs the towel between both of them, drying them off and inadvertently making her but jiggle. Then, he picks up his discarded clothes and puts them on, tossing her jumpsuit to her before leaning against the sink and waiting for her to get dressed. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She quickly wiggles into her suit, making sure to jiggle her ass at Alex before pulling it all the way up and zipping the front shut. "Well, that was lovely. I wonder how Rina is doing..."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Normally I'd say we should go and check, but this is Carver we're talking about, who would most probably just kick us out. Literally, if he has to. He's got a robot hidden in there somewhere." Alex says, curling his arm around her waist and walking out, leading her out to the ship's exterior. She can hear a hissing and clanking noise coming from the top of the ship, which she assumes to be Rasha, hard at work. Stepping out, they see the little reptile hard at work, and with a buzz of pleasure, Olivia notices a bulge on her stomach. She waves to them before going back to work. 

"Come on... Let's go see what Brynn and Pyro are up to." He says, leading her to Brynn's office. He knocks and steps inside. "Yo! How's it-?" He immediately stops when he sees the serious looks on their faces. "Er... What happened?"

"We... Got some new information..." Brynn murmurs, looking at Olivia.  "Something we could use your help with. Both of you." She says. Alex raises an eyebrow. "Oh? What's that?" He asks. 

"Well, thing is, I think we've been betrayed." Brynn says, looking at Alex. 

"What!? That's crazy! By who?" He says, laughing. 

"Cinnara." Is Brynn's only reply. Alex's smile immediately vanishes. "No... No way. She- she wouldn't..." He mumbles. Olivia can feel his body starting to shake, his arm curling tighter around her. "I'm sorry, Alex, but it's the only possible explanation. Cinnara's entire strike team was wiped out, but she went MIA. Then next thing we know, OT is hitting our major bases. There's no way this can't have been her." Brynn says, looking at Alex with pity. 

It would appear that Alex had just been used by this Cinnara woman to further her own goals of gathering information, and had stomped over his heart while she was at it. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Olivia kept a tight grip around Alex as she felt the large man shudder with a powerful mix of emotions. "If that is the case, she also has information on OT which we could use. I specialize in bringing people in alive, so just point me in the right direction and I can begin the hunt. Hope you don't mind if I rough her up a bit though.... traitors, thieves and back stabbers are the worst kind of scum." 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Right. That's exactly why I said I could use your help. Plus, this is going to be a double blow for OT. They're going to lose their informant, as well as... Their cipher." She says. She reaches under the desk and takes out a long, hexagonal black box with blue lines and markings over it.

"What we have here is one of OT's normal ciphers, which we kinda broke before realising that it is programmed to self destruct should it be stolen. The place we're going to has another such cipher, and we need you to make a switch. You, me, Alex and Pyro will infiltrate the base. We'll cause a huge distraction while you and Alex get to the cipher room. Once there, you're to make a switch, and type this code into the cipher within fifteen seconds, or it self destructs." She hands Olivia a piece of paper with what looks like gibberish scrawled across it, obviously the code. "I just want you to know that this is a high risk mission, and there's a chance that one of us might not make it back out alive or in one piece." She says, looking straight at Olivia. "You don't have to come if you don't want to."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Like hell I am not coming. If Alex is going then I am going as well! Not to mention Pyro who, need I remind you, is carrying twins in her belly! I have to go and make sure you all get out alive and as in tact as possible!" She pats the belt around her hips. "I also have this for bad situations. small stealth generator, good for a few minutes of invisibility."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Brynn grins a little. "Yeah. Should have seen that coming. We're leaving in a few days." She says, shuffling some papers on her desk. Olivia can feel Alex staring at her. "You... Are the most beautiful, bravest idiot I've ever seen." He mutters, just loud enough for her to hear. He turns to walk back out, his arm still around her. Somehow, it feels more possessive, as if he's more sure of himself and her. "Say, I never showed you my room, did I?" He asks, continuing to walk down the hallway. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Woops, guess I am leaving now, see you around you two!" She laughs and Alex walks her out of the room "Geeze big guy, impatient much? no, I have never seen your room before." 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Come on, then!" He grabs her hand and breaks into a light jog, leading her deeper into the base. He leads her to a black door and types a code into the panel by its side, after which the door slides open. She sees a modestly sized room, with a bed one one side, and a TV with a gaming system directly opposite. The place is in a bit of a mess, with a few clothes scattered here and there, and the covers of the bed are rumpled from the last time he slept and didn't make the bed. The bed itself is a queen size, with a black silky looking sheet and a neon green sheet underneath with what looks like a character from a game printed on it. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She walks into the room behind him with a smile on her face. "Yup... this is certainly a boys room. It smells very musky in here as well." She gives him a cheeky grin before diving onto his bed with a bounce. "Nice bed though!" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He immediately pounces on her, pinning her down by her arms. "Mm... You just crossed into my territory... Which means I can do whatever I want with you..." He says, breathing on her neck, his teeth millimeters from her skin. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"you say that like I wouldn't enjoy it." She grins and wraps her legs around his hips "What are you going to do big guy? Knot me? Stroke me? Grope me? Either way I win." 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He rolls off her. "Test your gaming skills!" He says, laughing and tossing one of his controllers back at her. "So what kinda games you like? Racing, shoot 'em up, brawlers? I got anything and everything!" He says. "Oh, and.. winner gets to fuck the loser silly whichever way they want, for however long they want. Best out of three!" He says, winking at her. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh you are so on! you got Space Race 13? I don't want to brag but I play a mean Captain Cosmic!" She grabs the controller and bounces over to the Tv.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Ohhhh! A gamer girl! Hell yes!" He pumps his fist in the air a few times. "I'm the luckiest guy alive! And yes I do! My favourite is Jackal. That guy is insaaaane! Character wise, I mean. Plus his rides are epic!" He says, loading the disc in before sitting back. The game loads, and they quickly select their characters. Alex's character, Jackal, is a man in a black racing suit, with a grooved black biker mask that has a giant grin with very sharp looking teeth painted on it. His car is definitely not something ordinary, and is what appears to be a heavily modified sedan with giant exhaust pipes coming out of the back. 

[Picture Mortarstorm Apocalypse, if you've played it. :p ]
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Pffft, Jackal is all top speed! He can't turn for shit! Captain Cosmic is an all rounder, he has no real weakness!" She picks her character which is a tall thin man wearing a gold purple jump suit with shiny chrome metal armor plates on his arms, legs and chest. He is one of the few racers to use a hover bike that looks like an old earth Harly Davidson painted dark red with a small thruster engine on the back. "You are going down big guy!"