The Syncharion Ascendance RP (Floozer, Khorne)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Ooh. And a herm to boot! Looks like I hit the jackpot here!" He says, grinning and walking over to her side of the table before sitting down next to her, and reaching out to stroke her dick. "Not every day you meet someone who prefers the best of both! I commend you for that!" He says, winking. [Rep +2] "As for the rest of you, mmm... Pretty hot." He squeezes her dick a little.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She coos lightly and does away with her sexy clothes, leaving herself naked and available. "I prefer the female body type, but a good dick makes everything better. So I went for both and it has served me so well over the years. Now then, unless you get off by groping other people... why not let me show you a little affection as well?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He laughs and undoes his pants. "I like you, Phorcide." He lets his pants fall to the floor, revealing a set of rather strange dicks. The tip is somewhat conical in shape, with tendrils around the tip that are currently flaccid. The length of his penis is covered in nubs, and seems to be swollen in a pattern down the length, as if there were separate, concentric knots to deal with. "Yeaaaah... I'm the kinda guy who stands out from the crowd." He says, chuckling.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"That is... certainly an unique tool you have going on there Jackal. But it certainly has it's appeal." She reaches out and gently cups his cock in her hands, lifting it up and giving it a few tender strokes, trying to get it up to full mast. "I just went with human because it seems to be a universal design you know? Though I could have whatever appearance I please."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Well... I kinda like seeing girls squeal around a cock that feels just fucking amazing, you know? So I got this mixture of cocks from... Two different races. A racoon and a snake, I believe. I have no idea where the tip came from. The guy said it was something special." He says, looking down at his dick before starting to move his hand up and down over hers.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Ah, the dangers of modding through potions and magic. One of shape shifting many advantages!" She reaches her hand down to cup his balls for a moment before returning to stroking him off. "I'm afraid to tell you that I am a bit of a dom myself... so I hope you don't mind if I am on top."


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor seeing the new face approaches the individual ordering himself something to drink before asking him "So where is Hark is he off or something?" He says as he spins in his chair casually looking at the job board. Melkor also takes the time to re-do his braid realizing that it must of been fairly messy after his previous ordeals.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Hmm... Weeell... I'm normally the one on top... But I suppose I can make an exception... This time." He winks. "Should you choose to get advice from me again, I'm on top." He says, grinning as he grinds back against her hands.

"Nah. Just ain't his shift." The Djinn says, serving Melkor a bubbling green liquid. He pauses and sniffs the air. "Been fucking a succubus?" He sniffs again. "A whole night, judging by the smell. Really. You stink of sex. Even though you showered in the morning." He says, chuckling. As Melkor looks over the jobs on the board, he realises that they're all new ones.

  1. Want a female orc slave. See the incubus with a top hat. Can't miss him. Reward: 3000 Cs. Chance of death: High.
  2. Want someone to take an Ultima's place as a punisher in the Pain Houses. Must have a stupidly huge dick with a huge knot. Look for the Djinn wearing an executioner's garb. Reward: 500 Cs.
  3. Want someone to test out potions on. Look for the incubus in bright green goggles. Reward: 1000 Cs. Chance of Death: Medium.
  4. Want a dark elf female slave. Talk to the Eidolon in blue. Reward: 1000 Cs. Chance of Death: High.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal grins at Jackal and strokes his cock a bit faster. "Well then, why don't you lay down on your back and I will treat this cock of yours just right."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Alright. I'm leaving the show to you, babe." He says, leaning back and tipping his hat back so he can see her better. His eyes travel down to her breasts, and he reaches up both hands to caress the large globes. "Mm. Nice." He murmurs, giving them a squeeze and circling his thumbs over the nipples.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Enjoy it all you want, you have more than earned it." She straddles his hips and lines the entrace of her pussy up to his cock. Moving at a teasingly slow pace, she begins to sink his exotic member into her cunt, inch after slow inch slipping inside of her as she smiles down at him. When she reaches the half way mark, she stops teasing and quickly sits down on him, slamming the rest of his cock inside of her.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
His eyes fluttering when she starts slowly lowering herself on his cock, and he groans in pleasure when she finally slams down the rest of the way. "Is it a little too late to mention I like double penetration?" He asks, grinning and groping her breasts a little harder.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
" No... not really." She leans over him, her big breasts hanging in front of his face while putting her ass out in the open. She reaches back and takes his second cock, lining it up with her ass before leaning back again, sinking it up to the hilt with a shudder "Ffffuuuck, that feels different..."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He lets out a moan at that, his hips reflexively bucking upwards just once to get it in deeper. "Damn your ass feels amazing!" He groans, one hand going down to stroke her dick while the other stays up at her breasts, playing with them, before he slowly pulls her down by a nipple and starts sucking on her other breast. She feels the rings around his dick swelling as his dick hardens even further, stretching her out. This is going to be a rather pleasureable ride!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Once hw as in to the hilt she stars to bounce, bringing her hips up and sliding them back down over his cocks. She lets out a soft moan as her breasts are treated to his mouth and hand and her smiles grows as he keeps some attention to her cock as well. Her pace builds up to a steady once, keeping her hips moving but certainly not ramming away... yet.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Jackal moans and grunts as she bounces on his dicks, and she can feel them throbbing, practically radiating heat inside her. "Man! It's been a while since I've had some good Eidolon holes!" He says, momentarily popping off a nipple before diving back to it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Then you have been missing out. All the variety of a Djinn, but with real flesh rather than fake illusions." She smirks in pride, her pace picking up a bit as her cock throbs in his hand. Her pussy and ass cling on his dicks, squeezing them time and giving such lovely friction to her movements.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He groans and starts thrusting upwards, meeting her hips every time she comes down. "Yep! I should definitely find myself an Eidolon girl to fuck on a more permanent basis!" He groans, his pointed teeth running over her nipples as he jerks her faster. His nubs and rings rub through her walls, stimulating her prostate and g-spot every time she comes down on him.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor eyes the jobs an smirks for the most part most of them had low chances of success yet he couldn't take his eyes off of the potion testing job, he rubbed his chin finally making up his mind before hearing the Djinn. "Ohhh huh I hadn't noticed until you said something...long story short we had a great time celebrating!" Melkor said looking towards the Djinn taking a sip of his drink, "So whats your name anyway?" Melkor clears his throat before shaking his head. "My apologies that was very unprofessional of me...I'm Melkor! And your name is..?'" Melko finishes giving a decent smile.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor nods towards the man before standing himself finishing his drink, "Well Laranum I appreciate the drink but I think its time I get some work done..." He says idly looking back at the job board and smirking. "If all goes to shit at least I was horribly changed...or died in the name of....of.." Melkor rubs his chin for a moment making a sort of confused face before smiling and speaking "Science...or Alchemy to be more precise!" He chants before giving the bartender a tip of the hat even though it was missing at the moment before looking for the goggled incubus.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The incubus is sitting right at the back of the bar, seemingly preoccupied with something. He doesn't notice Melkor until he's almost at the table, and then when he does, just stares at him as if considering whether he'll survive the tests or not. "I'm Harek. You know what you're here for, right?" He says, raising an eyebrow.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
"Practically risking my body and or life for the sake of...curiosity?" Melkor asks tilting his head a bit, a little unsure himself on why he's wanting to test potions on individuals, maybe some rare kink of his? Or maybe its for science like Melkor mentioned earlier. "And I am Melkor and I guess i'll be your guinea pig for the day...can't say that i'm generally excited but hey! The pay was pretty good!" Melkor says extending his hand to shake.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The incubus looks at his hand, frowns slightly, then extends his to shake Melkor's hand with a rather weak grip before quickly pulling it back. "Yes, yes. Please take a seat. I'll be testing out potions that can change a mind. You may get awesome powers, you may get nothing, or your mind may explode and leave you a drooling wreck. So to speak. Are you sure you want to go through with this?" He asks.


Jun 24, 2016

Colahr was sitting at the balcony to his own apartment near the top of a building. It was no penthouse, of course, what with it being one large room for his kitchen and living room with a small bathroom and a bedroom. Pocket pussies and carvings of beautiful men and women alike adorned the shelves, Colahr's tastes in bot sexes pretty common. Of course, the fact that his wings were extended pointlessly as he took the scaffolding and ladder down to the street only helped to express that this demon was certainly not a prosperous one. Today was a day that, with luck, he could start moving up in the world... and that involved his steps over toward one of the portals leading to the mortal realms. The man looked to a Gatewatcher with a small smile and nod before focusing ahead toward one portal in particular.

"I wish there were more worlds to raid... but I guess I'll go pay those orcs and trolls a visit. My kind certainly isn't commonly sought by them... so maybe I'll walk among them for a while and look for something to do today. Finding a soul would also be fun... someone to throw down on my bed back home..."
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor merely smiled at the man as he bantered off the things that could happen to him during the testing process, he merely kicked up his feet in response and held up one finger "Ah there was a saying humans used to use when they were going to do something completely stupid but did it how did it go..hmm" Melkor tugged at his long braid for a bit trying to remember what the hell they screamed before doing something extremely risky. It had been a while since Melkor watched the humans maybe if he lived from this he'd pay some a visit and see if he can snag a few to liven up him apartment, he didn't really have any slaves so it'd be something to do on his list after getting tested. As he day dreamed the thought finally hit his head and he blurted it out "Right! You Only Live Once! Or YOLO as they'd like to say ahh humans say just the weirdest things but they are only live might as well risk my life probably getting some abilities to help my chances of getting plenty of slaves later!" Melkor laughed at his words before it becoming a bit of an weak one, to be honest he was terrified what if these tests killed him! He just started his endeavors of being an higher classed demon, getting his name out there and all that important stuff! And to make things worse he still didn't get his hat back from Rikaria that he left by mistake, she'll totally keep that and that's a really nice hat! Melkor shook his head before looking towards Harek "Alright my mind is made up hurry and do these tests before my better judgement creeps up on me.."


Jun 24, 2016
"I'm going to find an Orc in need of my services and capture their soul."

His tail hidden, the man's form flickered and molded with illusion magic... until he was wearing a shirt.

"I wanted something different... making an Orc worship me for fucking them has to be better than just another human's soul..."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He gives him a long look before standing up and walking out of the bar, beckoning for him to follow. He leads Melkor down a maze of twisting streets, until Melkor realises he's hopelessly lost. Finally, they come to a small, dark building, with no lights on. Without a word, Harek steps inside, leading him down a flight of steps into a basement, where Melkor sees a large glass tank, with a bunch of wires and tubes connected to it, as well as computers and instruments all along one wall. However, Harek isn't alone. There's a female Eidolon there, with her brown hair in a bun, and a lab coat covering her body. She has glasses on a round face with green eyes, and a mouth twisted in a worried frown. "Sir? Is this the test subject?" She asks. Harek nods. "But, I thought you wanted-?" She's interrupted by Harek suddenly barking out "Then do you want to take his place?" Which effectively shuts her up. "Get in the tank." Harek says, peering at one of the computers. "Melaea, set him up." He says, waving to the tank and a few instruments set up outside it.

"Hmm. A dangerous endeavour. I wish you luck. Orcs are very violent and attack anything that isn't them on sight. On the upside, they believe might is right. Go forth. I'll be watching." The Gatewatcher says, waving his hand. Colahr feels a burning at his throat, which quickly fades.


Jun 24, 2016
"Well," he said with a snap while moving forward, "I can just capture a weak one. Not like my kind can't hide among their number..."

Even if the ability to become what an Orc desires was out of his reach, it didn't stop the man from shimmering and growing to appear like one of the orcs as he traversed the portal. It was time to find someone cute or at least entertaining to trick and deceive into being his.