The Syncharion Ascendance RP (Floozer, Khorne)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"I don't mind, mistress. I've grown up here. I know how it is. But she's new. Maybe just go easy on her for a while." She says, shrugging before she walks to the bathroom and knocks. "Felicia? Are you-" She's suddenly interrupted by the bathroom door being opened and she being yanked inside, followed by the shutting and locking of the door.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal sits back onto the couch and sighs. This was all really annoying, but it did give her a greater appreciation for those slave trainers who took girls worse thant his and made them obedient slaves in no time flat. Figuring she could use some advice, she got dressed and headed out into town, locking the door behind her. She kept her eyes open for... well, anything that would help her get a handle on this slave training stuff.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The best place to look would probably be the slave market or even the Pain Houses, where disobedient slaves were punished physically, mentally, and sexually.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She isn't looking for just punishment, she is looking for tips. So she heads down to the slave market to have a look around and maybe find a slaver who would be willing to help her out.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She starts walking to the nearest slave market, and reaches a wide square, where she can see many stages and podiums, where demons are auctioning slaves they have captured, as well as large crowds gathered around slaves, yelling out bids. The voices of demons fill the air, advertising slaves for sale, ranging from trolls and orcs to imps.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She looks around for a slaver that is handeling mostly humans, since that is where she is having trouble right now.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She sees a purple skinned incubus selling a mix of female human slaves, as well as a few elves. He's dressed in a crisp white suit, with a red tie, and a white fedora over large, curling black horns, and purple hair down his back. He has a pair of averagely sized, leathery wings growing out of his back. He seems to be free at the moment, so Phorsaal could probably go and ask him for advice.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She approaches the man with a smile and gives him a polite nod. "Excuse me sir. Might I be able to trouble you for a moment? I have some questions and you seem to be well versed in the area of human slave training."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Wwweellll... My time isn't free, doll. You want tips, you gotta pay. And I ain't talking Chips." He says, winking and letting an eye run over her body. His girls just glance at him and suppress a grin.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well then, let's talk business. What is it you are hoping for in return for your valuable knowledge?" She asks with a grin on her face, pushing her chest out just bit more.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"A good lay. I don't suppose that's too much to ask? I try not to sample the product. Too much, anyway." He says, winking at her again. One of the elves, a dark elf, she notices, snorts. "Oh really? What about last night?" She asks, smirking. "Thaaaat was an exception. You bent over right in front of me. How could any sane creature resist?" He laughs. The dark elf rolls her eyes and smiles.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Well then, you help me out and a good lay you will have. If the deal is set then let me explain. Due to slightly botched job on the sellers part, I find myself in the custody of a human slave. I took her from her family, her child and everything she knows. So obviously, she is upset. I... over stepped my self and used a cheap trick to get my brand on her sooner rather than later." She coughs awkwardly. "Basically... how do you work over a human slave from rebellious and hateful, to obedient and happily swearing allegiance to you?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He winces at her story, and so do a few of his girls. "Wow. Shit. You really fucked up, eh...?" He mutters. "Hmm... I'd rather we sat down to discuss this elsewhere. I don't feel like standing up here like an idiot for the duration of this conversation... Squeaky! Get your butt over here!" He yells. A tiny imp, hardly more than three feet tall, runs up to him and salutes him. "Yes sir! Reporting for duty!" She says in a high, squeaky voice, which is probably the source of her nickname. She is rather cute, with big round hazel eyes and curly black hair. She has breasts that look to be about a C cup for her form, and a round, curvy ass. The slaver bends down to her. "Squeaky, do me a favour and mind the girls fornan while, will ya? I got some business to take care of." The slaver says, ruffling her hair. "Yes sir! I'll do it, sir!" She says, saluting again and walking to the girls, who squeal and start playfully fighting over who gets to squeeze her first, while she tries to get them in line. "Eh, she'll be okay..." The slaver mutters. "Come along, then. There's a private room I like to use for situations like this." He says, walking to a building made of blackened metal, with a single door and no windows set into it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal smiles at the little imp, finding her adorable, before following the man into the building to take care of business.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He walks into the building, holding the door open for her. Then, he leads her to a room, a rather small one, the center of which is occupied by a round table, and the edges of which are lined by a red, velvet couch fitted to the wall. There is a low light hanging from the ceiling, which illuminated the small room quite well. "I generally use this room for customers who want a private order... Anyway, please, take a seat." He says, sitting down and folding his wings behind him.

"Now. Tell me everything. Right from the start." He says, steepling his hands.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She sits down and crosses her legs professionally. "Ok. I was hired by a Djinn to get a middle eastern girl, curvy and thick, for whatever purpose he wanted her for. So I found this woman who I now call Felicia. She was the perfect fit and has an almost fertility goddess style of body. Only issue was the baby she had and her husband. I was feeling nice and waited for her to put the child down in private before I jumped her and took control. I was feeling even kinder when I pretended to be her long enough to ensure the child was left safely with the husband. Once the child was safe, I made my escape and came back... only for the Djinn to remember at the last possible second... he wanted a virgin." She sighs and shakes her head.

"So I took her to my place and left her with my imp and went back to earth. i had marked a girl who was not as good, but certainly a virigin. So I tailed her home... but an angel got in my way. We got into a stand off before his higher ups called him up and agreed that I was right and he was wrong. So I took the girl and got my payment."

"So then I tried to talk to her a bit. I told her I had no interest in hurting her and even made her a tasty sandwhich cause she was hungry. She seems to be fond of my imp which helped her to calm down a bit. After a bit of talking and getting her to realize that words such as cock, cunt and all variety of sex words are normal... I wanted my imp, Ash, to suck me off while I groped Felicia gently. Things went well and soon I had her sucking my cock with Ash ate her out. I waited for her arousal to peak before teasing her with sex... if she swore to me. She took it, I branded her, we fucked... and then she got real angry and I yelled at her.... now she is locked in my bathroom with Ash to watch over her."

(Very last minute outing. Back in an hour or so.)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Klaus finally speaks aloud, turning to include the cashier who has unknowingly been caught in the middle. "Well Richie, you're looking at an exiled angel over there. Understandably, you don't know the magnitude of what that means. We'll be dropped off in the city, though Kara here is rightfully none too trusting of me and my kind. Anything else I forgot to mention?" He grins at Kara from the backseat, aiming the question tacked on at her. The fact that she was an angel hadn't gone over his head. Since she was exiled, Klaus was fairly certain that she wouldn't have to abide by the guidelines of their treaty.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He nods, and she can see him grimacing the whole story. When she's finished, he leans back and sighs. "Wow. You... Really done fucked up with this. Whew." He puffs his cheeks and gives her a long look. "Alright. Before I start giving you advice for your current situation, lemme give you a few basic pieces of advice every slaver needs to hear. Number one, always look for singles. Couples and families are a no, for very obvious reasons. They will keep thinking about the person they lost, and will never adjust to this place. Two, know your race. Dark elves, trolls, orcs, and mer people all believe might is right. Elves, nobody really cares because the only people who buy them are people who like fucking them into submission and turning them into sluts. Imps are already naturally submissive. They're easy to maintain, and great to have around. Now humans, though... That's a completely different race right there..." He taps his chin, musing. "The very core of their existence is diversity. Different religions, cultures, beliefs, body types, hair, eyes, etcetera, etcetera. The main thing is, they're fickle minded, and can change their opinions rather quickly, but you need to give them time to adjust. I'll explain more when I get to your problem." He takes a breath, then continues. "Alright. Three. Be frank with them, but at the same time, lie a little. This only applies to humans. They're the only ones dumb enough to believe a demon. Four, try to look for nymphomaniacs. That dark elf out there? Damn. She could give a few succubi here a run for their money!" He chuckles, shaking his hand like as if he's touched a hot pan. "Five, try to have something familiar to them, from their home world, around your house. It helps them adjust. Six, and this is optional, imps. Adorable, huggable, squeezy, cute little imps that everyone loves at first sight. Trust me, it works. They become a lot more willing to listen to you if you're holding a cute imp that they can play with." He chuckles again. "Now, coming to YOUR problem in particular... You said she was Middle Eastern, yeah?" He winces and rubs his temples. "I generally avoid those prudes. They think everything sexual is bad, and repress their feelings like crazy. On top of that, you captured a married woman. And on top of that, she had a kid. Hooo..." He bows his head, gathering his thoughts, before popping it back up. "Alright. You've already branded her... That's a step in the wrong direction... Okay. First thing you gotta do is apologise. I'm assuming you're one of those types who wants their slaves to love them. If not, you can just walk out right now. Anyway, once you do, she'll forgive you. Believe me. Just... Kiss her butt as much as possible. She'll warm up to you if she believes you aren't so bad. Next, don't touch her. Let her see all the sexual situations you get into, preferably with an imp, and let her arousal build. Once that happens, she will come to you herself. Let her take control the first time, but gently remind her of her place. Keep insinuating it too. Don't go overboard and make her eat from the floor like a dog, but a collar would do. If she still doesn't respond... Come back and talk to me." He says, meeting her gaze with bright, milky white eyes with a red iris in the center.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Wait. What? You're an angel? You exist? God exists? Wha-? I thought you guys were a myth!" He says, wide eyed, his jaw almost hitting the floor. "Hmm... Nope." She says, laughing and scratching her chin. "And, Richard, yes, I know your name, yes, I'm an angel, yes, we do exist, and yes, God exists." She says. Then, she turns and glares at them. "But if any of you tell Markus, you're roast. I'll burn you to a crisp." She says. Her hands momentarily ripple with flames, showing them that she still has her powers.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor gives a throaty moan when her tail once again enters his rectum, his walls close around it as he continues to buck against her face fucking her. It doesn't take long to get him of with her teasing his prostate and her skillful mouth within ten minutes of thrusting and grunts and moans Melkor announces his impending orgasm can sheaths himself as deep as possible within Rikaria's mouth before giving her his lust straight down her throat "Ahhh drink all of it!" Melkor hisses as he pats her head before pulling out a couple of squirts of semen hitting her cheek and nose.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
[Her fingers, actually. Not her tail. But whatever. :p]
Like a champ, she takes all of it down, and giggles a little when he shoots a little over her face. She takes up some of it on her fingers, and sucks them clean. "Mm. Delicious!" She murmurs, before giving his prostate one last push and pulling her fingers out. She stands and kisses him on the cheek. "Go on. Get dressed." She slaps his ass and winks. "Don't be a stranger, okay?" She says, smiling at him.

[Goooiiing to sleep. Nighty night.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016

"I wouldn't doubt it. But be assured, we have no reason to spill your identity to Markus." Klaus looks out the window again, casually mustering his own flame to rest in his palm. The ball of fire is controlled in his grasp, briefly displayed, and almost regal. "Are you surprised at all? Demons typically aren't so compliant when it comes to obeying the wishes of an angel. I'm not saying I deserve a pat on the back for this basic decency, but if our paths may coincide again during my time here in my pursuit of humans, any white lies you'd be willing to say in my favor would be appreciated at the very least."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal nods her head and listens with rapt attention. "Ok... so this isn't completely botched. Got it. I think I can try and pull this back, I just have to suck my ego back in line" She rubs her chin for a moment before looking back to him "do more imps help? I could go and get two more imps, maybe there. A entire gaggle of imps if it makes her feel better. Also, you are right, I want them to love me, not serve from fear. I don't make her eat on the floor, she had a plate and was on the couch just like me. You said something familiar? Would clothes help? She currently has none..."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Surprised? Hardly. I've met quite a few demons in my time. Not all of them are the same." She shrugs. "And yeah, I'll do you that one favour. But only once. Apart from that, you're on your own." She says.

He shakes his head. "No. Just one imp is enough, but she has to be the most adorable little thing you've laid your eyes on. Also, yes. Clothes. Don't just strip them right on the first day. Especially the middle eastern ones." He says, nodding.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She flinches but nods. "Ok... so we need modest clothes. I already have an adorable imp which she is very fond of... though I might get more imps. Everyone loves imps!" she says with a smile. "Thank you very much for the help... I realize now that I don't even have your name, nor do you have mine. Phorsaal Ul'garn, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Mm. Don't get too many, though. It can get a wee bit noisy when all of them start going 'Aww!' all the time." He grins and tips his hat. "Jackal. At least, that's what people call me. My actual name is Jakizaal." He says.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I prefer Phorcide, it rolls off the tongue easier, don't you think?" she smiles at him "So... what can I do for you in return? What gets you going Jackal? As an Eidolon, you will find me capable of fitting any form you desire."


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor getting dressed with a snap of his fingers pinches Rikaria's ass one last time before saying "I won't see you soon!" before winking and heading out, he also took the time to give a wave to the elf woman wishing her all the best in her new life in Sin City. Once he had finally left the building he waltz down the street trying to figure out what he wanted to do for today, he thought about maybe heading out to a portal but heading to Harks seemed like the better option maybe if he was lucky he could find an easier job. He yawned and put his hands on his head before realizing his hat wasn't there. Welp I just found another reason to re-visit.. Melkor thinks as he chuckles to himself as he approached the bar.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Indeed... And please, don't change yourself. The only reason I even offered to help is because you... Have... My favourite body type." He says, leaning close and grinning at her. "As for what turns me on... Anything goes!" He chuckles.

"Heeeey! Don't leave a girl hanging!" She squeals, punching him playfully. Back at the bar, it seems to be considerably less crowded than it was before, and there's another demon manning the bar this time. A Djinn, with nothing covering his upper body, showing off his muscles without a care in the world, and cargo pants to cover his bottom. He has spiky hair, and his eyes are a smoky grey.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Oh? you have a thing for chocolate skined, gray haired amazons huh?" She snaps her fingers, her clothes shrinking and changing into a see through baby doll top and thin panties that show off her bulge "Or is it a thing for herm?"