The Syncharion Ascendance RP (Floozer, Khorne)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The land he enters is a forest. A dark, foreboding forest. The canopy is thick overhead, too thick to let even the smallest bit of sunlight through. There is no wind, nothing to carry the stench of nearby orcs. The ground is hard underfoot, with tufts of grass growing out in odd places. There is a narrow path cutting through the forest, which he could use to travel back and forth.

[Sleepy time. It's almost 12 here and I have school tomorrow. See ya in four hours. XD]


Jun 24, 2016
The quiet forest was betraying, he had to assume, but it was clear he needed to proceed forward. Disguising his smell was impossible, but being careful was all Colahr had to do. The sooner he found a single orc, he could track it... and his window shopping "as an Orc" could begin.



Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor silently takes off his button up tee and walks over toward the tank getting inside, he looks around before looking towards the Eidolon woman that's approaching him. He takes this time to take in his surroundings looking around to keep his mind off whatever he had just signed up for before looking towards the woman and smiling "So...any chance you wanna tell me how many guinea pigs you've had before me?" Melkor asks quietly trying not to get the attention of Herek, "Just out of curiosity of course...Oh and also how many have died?" Melkor asks giving a fake smile hiding the fact that he was still quite nervous at the moment. He looked around before turning to her again to add on what he said "It'd be a nice thing to know know I die in this tank today...and it seems you were not too keen on doing this yourself.." He says raising his brow a bit.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal picks up her pace, her pleasure begging to grow as his exotic tool grinds against her walls in such a wonderful fasion. "Fuck! At this rate... I wouldn't mind a booty call or two!" She adds slow circle motions to her boucning, getting a better feel for his cocks on every bounce.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Fair's fair." Klaus shrugs, smoothly bobbing his head once in agreement with the situation. "I've no more prying to do then. Glad we understand the desires of the other. Richie and I will be letting you and Markus be the moment we reach the city, and we'll keep lugging this rope around like creeps."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Walking on the path through the forest for a while, he realises that there aren't any regular forest noises. No birds chirping, no insects chirruping... Just the odd wind whistling through the trees. Suddenly, he catches the scent of an orc. Or maybe three or four, judging by how powerful it was.... And it seemed to be coming from the Northwest.

Melea glances at him before placing plastic discs with wires over his chest and on the sides of his head. "You're the first. And no, not really. I'd prefer doing it on an animal or something, but... Doc says it won't work on an animal. Whatever he's making, I mean..." She murmurs.

Jackal lets out a very loud moan, throwing his head back, when she starts gyrating on his dicks. "Fuuuuuuck! I'm definitely calling you up, girl! Oh hell this feels so good!" He groans, his dick starting to throb and twitch inside her holes.

Kara nods, and turns forward again. A minute or so later, Markus comes back with a bag loaded with drinks and eatables. He gets into the car and starts it, before turning around and holding up the bag. There are chips, some beer, and a few chocolates in the bag. "You guys hungry?" He asks with a grin.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor raises an eyebrow apparently from what she was saying the Doc hadn't been very forth coming of much of the details to his assistant. Something told him that whatever these tests are they were definitely meant for something major, yet exactly what that was Melkor didn't know he simply sighed and looked towards Melee and smiled "Your thoughts on my chances of living through this?" He says almost nonchalantly almost as if most of his worry a few seconds ago had vanished.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her grin only grows at his pleasured words "Good! Now shut up and fuck me Jackal!" She says while moving her hips fast enough to make her cock slap against his stomach every time she comes down.


Jun 24, 2016
Colahr was quiet as he caught the scent of the orcs. Once he had the soul of one, he'd need to make sure they didn't reek too much if that carried into the underworld. Lowering his posture, he'd begin sneaking toward the smell through the silent woods. Instinctively, he'd keep his chain ready to use... but truthfully it was more likely he'd need to create illusions to distract the orcs rather than try to fight him. He was strong, but nowhere near the sort to wrestle a few orcs to the ground and fuck them senseless. It'd likely be better to try and pick off the best looking of the orcs, if anything...


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She just shrugs. "That's up to a higher power. I have no idea to be honest..." She murmurs.

"Will do!" He growls. He suddenly gets up and slams her down onto the table on her back, before he starts furiously pounding into her, his knots ripping in and out of her at a rapid pace. He latches onto her nipple, sucking hard, his hand squeezing and groping her other breast just as rough. He pants as he fucks her hard, and his dicks start throbbing inside her as his knots start to swell further, his load ready to blow. Suddenly, she feels something at the end of his dick, probably his tendrils, wrap around the walls of her womb and pull them open. The ones in her ass just stiffen until they're spreading her rectum wide open, both ready to receive his seed. He groans loudly and fucks her faster, the tendrils probably adding an insane amount of sensitivity. With a noise that is a combination of grunt and roar, he slams into her and cums, basting her walls and filling her womb with his seed, which flows in easily thanks to the tendrils holding it open. He cums and cums, finally leaving her with a pregnant looking belly. He pants and looks up at her. "Er... Was I too rough?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

Colahr comes into a clearing, where he can see three orcs. Two of them seem to be in an argument, probably over the third, he guesses, when he sees a female orc standing a few feet away, her eyes wide and terrified as she watches the male orcs fight over her. They're both wearing ramshackle brown armour, and are carrying large axes. "Oi! Fuck off, ya tom tit cont! Ze bitch be moine!" One of the orcs yells. "Ay, shaddap ya limp dick fag! I was 'ere an' geddin' reddy ta fock da bitch, an' then youse got ta come along, an' ruin me fockin' day!" The other yells. "Brawl!" The other orc yells. "Brawl for ze bitch!" The other orc narrows his eyes. "I'm gunna beat ya down, an' fuck ya ass a'ter I'm done with 'er!" He yells, throwing his axe aside and pumping his fist into his hand. They back away from each other and square off. Then, with a loud "Waaagh!" They charge at each other, their bodies colliding as they start throwing punches, leaving the orc female alone.


Jun 24, 2016
Watching the argument was at least entertaining. The big, burly orcs fucking each other wasn't to his favorite tastes, but it'd be a rough pounding that'd likely turn the other into a lifelong bitch. That primal dominance was respectable to a demon of any origin. But their fighting was his gain. Sneaking along the outskirts of the clearing, he made his way nice and slowly around to the side that offered a direct route to his prize. The wind was at least neutral, the man slowly making his way out toward the left-rear of the spectating female. He looked, thanks to his illusion, to be an Orc... and if he could get close enough to capture and drag the slut away or attack her sparring suitors with his chain? It would be simple to win himself "dis bitch".


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He makes his way without incident, the yelling, cursing, and fighting masking any noise he makes. "I'm gunna smash yer face in, ya toady runt!" One of them yells. "Try, ya big fat log! Ya can't even hit a tree stannin' still!" The other yells back, swinging an uppercut that lands perfectly on the other's jaw, making him even madder.
As Colahr gets close to the female orc, he sees that she has wild, tangled hair down her back, that almost reaches her ass. She's a little flat chested, with breasts that are just barely palmable, and a nice handful of heart shaped ass. She has light green skin, with no marks or blemishes. Her green eyes are fixated on the fight, and she doesn't notice him sneaking up on her either.


Jun 24, 2016
With an orc woman near his height thanks to her genetics, it was practically a beauty this one. The intensifying fight only did more to cover the noise he might have been making. Idly shaking his hand just enough to deploy his chain, he took the smooth end in his left hand while rising to stand directly behind the messy-haired athletic beauty. And as he'd reach her back, his right arm wrapped around her in a possessive manner and covered her mouth with a chuckle as he did his best to talk with a bit more gruff in the "git" language.

"Good ass ya got... howza' 'bout we leaf'em here? Or doez'ya luv' da fightin'? I luvs' a girl wit' an ass like dissun and luvz' a good fight."

Mentally it hurt to even talk like that. But raising the chain past her just enough for her to see the deadly weapon, he'd hope they wouldn't need to talk and she'd get the message. They had to get downwind or at least out of the immediate area so he could start his work. Picking a fight with the winner of the battle was likely to be easy, but if they fought right now the two might work together if they saw his weapon and caught wind of something that wasn't orc. And even if he was fairly masculine by human standards, the demon's orc form was far more feminine in comparison to tree-trunk macho rapists like the ones throwing stone-breaking uppercuts at each other's jaws.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She squeals in surprise, but her eyes turn to the size of dinner plates when she sees his chain. She nods slowly, letting him drag her backwards. As soon as they're out of the woods, not literally and figuratively, she looks at him fearfully, ready to bolt.

[Gonna sleep. Be back in an hour or so.]


Jun 24, 2016
Away from the wrestling pair, he released his kidnapped woman but kept the chain readied to ensure she didn't bolt. After all, he couldn't be bothered chasing her down.

"Good... now 'den, you gotsa good look. Not one for da brutes... Nah, ya' crave a smarta dick, dontcha? I won't hurt ya... I jus' needa girl for meself. Letz find a secluded place 'n make you feel good... make us both feel good."

Message delivered, he'd reach out to take her hand before turning and leading the way. A hollowed tree could be nice, since he knew caves were likely to be occupied. Fucking her into submission in the open was suicide if she gave off pheromones. But he couldn't make her his slave without some deep rutting to get her to give up her soul to him.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She nods, and, walking for a while, they come to a huge tree. It's clearly dead, the giant trunk split in half a major indicator if not the lack of leaves and the slightly charred trunk. Probably a particularly nasty lightning strike. The split in the trunk seems to be large enough to accommodate them both, with a bit of a tight squeeze.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor nodded well this was just perfect, not only had Melkor agree to potentially have his body seriously wracked through serious pain he imagined he also had no idea what exactly was gonna be tested on him. Oh well it's something to pester the Doc about whenever he come back Melkor thinks before looking back at Melea, she had mentioned something earlier before the Doc had cut her off and Melkor's curiosity was through the roof at the moment so he couldn't help but ask about it. "So you mentioned something earlier before the oh so friendly Doc interrupted...cate to finish those thoughts I dunno if you could tell but the guinea pig is all ears." Melkor comments giving his ears a little twitch before winking at her.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Hmm? Oh. I was about to ask why he had taken a Djinn, because you guys don't have physical bodies, right? And he asked if I wanted to take your place because I'm an Eidolon." She says, before stepping back. "He's ready, sir!" She calls out. Harek nods before turning to the computers and pressing a few buttons. A humming noise fills the air as the glass tank slides shut. Then, a mask falls from the top of the tank, presumably for Melkor to put over his mouth. Melkor can feel Harek's eyes on him, waiting for him to put the mask on and acknowledge that he's ready.


Jun 24, 2016
"Good... dissun'll do."

Tossing the chain in first, he'd drag the orc woman into the notch without any further hesitation. In his full clothing as he was, it would be hard to play a trick on the orcish woman... so the first thing he did was pin her up against one of the sides of the tight space, grabbing hold of her thighs and lifting her up while lowering down. The result, putting his chain on the ground beside him, was the man propping the orc up on both shoulders with her legs on either side of his face. His hands moved up to clasp her thighs and keep her from wiggling away, of course, as Colahr chuckled and began trying to figure out what he had to work with.

"Hold nice an' still... see anyfin', tap my 'ead and keep quiet. Gotta get you nice an' wet for makin' you mine!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She frowns a little and puts a finger to his lips. "You... You are not... Orc kind. Are you?" She says haltingly, as if she's speaking a new language.


Jun 24, 2016
Well shit. He knew he was being too kind. Looking upward, he felt a bit conflicted as a demon. He didn't consider himself a bad man, but being a demon meant being a bit selfish and evil on the inside. But nothing said he had to be an asshole if he collected souls.

"No." He said in his un-Orc voice.

"Doesn't change that I want you... that I'll make sure no male forces himself on you. All you need to do is trust me and let me show you... in this form if you desire... or..."

Beneath her and holding her tight still, his appearance shifted to his normal one, wings exposed but thankfully not poking out the tree. His tail even came out from behind him and moved upward to wrap her at the ankles before sliding between them for a footjob. And, of course, his skin changed color and his features became that of a smiling incubus.

"My true one... but still the man who saved you."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Her eyes run over his form curiously. "What... Are you? I have not... Seen your kind before." She murmurs, looking into his eyes.


Jun 24, 2016
With his cocktail holding her feet together and gently running I between them, the demon's actual prick felt harder and throbbed with desire. This woman asked a lot, yet she hadn't even focused on the fact he'd eat her out. So rather than answer her, his hands moved to grab her shorts and tug them downward. The tail kept her nice and bound which made it hard, but with his grip and strength it didn't take much to pull those shorts down and beyond his head with any underwear she might have on.

"Time to see what you've got down here, so I can make you feel a lot better than any orc ever could."
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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She yelps when he suddenly yanks her shorts down, and quickly covers herself. Nevertheless, he can see a rather tiny cock, maybe two or three inches long, between her legs. Well, it looked like she was a shemale! She gulps when she realises he's seen it, and tries to hide it even more, pressing it down between her legs. "I- I'm not... Girl..." She mutters, looking to the side as her cheeks blush a darker green in shame.


Jun 24, 2016
While she might have felt shame, she couldn't have known that the demon between her legs didn't care. Her hole was what he was after, small dick in his face or not. With a smile, he'd take her wrists and part them to expose her cock. No skipping beats, of course, as he licked the shaft from the base to the tip, pulling away with a strand connecting him to the now slicked-up bitch-stick.

"Haaa~," he exhaled with a laugh to hit it with his warm breath, "No worries... you might as well be a girl with a big clit to me. I'm after the hole in the back, though. For now, how about I make you feel good here? If I do a good job, you let me use that hole... and then I can teach you how we could be doing so much more."

Both hands moved up and back to her ass with a firm smack to the heart-shaped rump, leaning forward to take her small prick into his mouth. Calling his partner a male, with a dick that barely could even fill his mouth, was far from accurate. This was a shemale he was going to enjoy corrupting, even if he had to suck a little dick or two. Her hair, her ass, her tits... her whole package was almost delightfully corrupt-worthy. And, as he'd focus his tongue on the head of the prick while keeping his lips tight around the base in slow, high-suction movements. An incubus had to be stellar in the sack, after all, to help seduce someone into giving them their soul... even if that incubus didn't prefer being on the receiving side of dick!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She resists a little when he tries to move her hands, but that resistance immediately vanishes when he licks her cock from stem to tip, and gasps when he licks her tiny dick.
"You... Don't care...?" She murmurs in wonder. When she hears what he says, however, she takes a moment to think over it, then slowly nods. "Yes... You- Ah!" She gasps when he slaps her ass, followed by a high pitched moan when he takes her dick into his mouth, followed by another string of gasps and moans as he starts to fellate her, focusing on her most sensitive spots. "Mm! G-good!" She moans, her hands going to his head and grabbing his hair.


Jun 24, 2016
Long hair on women was often seen as more ideal, but it was equally useful for when a woman wanted something to grab onto. And yes, the dick in his mouth as he looked up to the moaning trap of a shemale was making it technically good for a man. However, with his hands squeezing and massaging her backside and his tail still binding her at the ankles so his tail could move up and down in a weak footjob, this was anything from a man having his way with a woman. Rather, it was more the opposite as the incubus angled his mouth slightly and allowed the unnamed orc to watch his cheek bulge ever so slightly. The soft brush of teeth was more sensual than painful, his tongue pushing the prick against the side of his mouth and using the pressure. It was a good thing they had found a hiding spot, especially after she was exposed as a male. Once she started leaking pheromones, it'd drive him to likely rut the woman into the ground and against the tree. Being in the tree would help reduce the amount that escaped and equally make it hard for anyone to find them.

Plopping off the prick momentarily, his finger moved to her backdoor as he lowered to kiss her shaft and let it sit on his face.

"Glad you're enjoying yourself... a cutie like you is exactly my type. I'm going to teach you why being the bottom with me can be so fun..."

Bringing the finger from ass to balls, he'd use some of the drool he'd coated the cock in to give it lube before sliding the wet tip sensually back and pushing it against the hole. His clawed fingers weren't sharp enough break skin at slow force, even within her rectum, but they had enough of an angle to help him slip the digit inside and move his way toward her prostate. All while, of course, resuming his dick-in-cheek cock spitshine.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She moans loudly again as he brushes his teeth along her dick, her legs jerking upwards slightly. She gasps when he pushes his finger into her backdoor, and her anus clenches down tightly around him. She was clearly a virgin, judging by the tightness. Her lids flutter as he fingers her ass while sucking on her dick, her head rolling back as loud moans fill the space.


Jun 24, 2016
Not only was his target going to be an enslaved soul of quite the beauty, but she was a shemale virgin! Colahr had to do his best to not laugh out loud around the cock in his mouth, pushing deeper and deeper. At last, however, he figured he was deep enough... and pushed against her prostate. Of course, the assault wasn't dimming... but rather he resumed rocking his head up and down along her length with both eyes fixed on her face. He wanted to see the moment she was as excited as he was, his cocktail leaking pre-cum from between her feet. It wasn't enough by a mile to make him cum, but the footjob and her moans were starting to turn him on!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Her moans reach a higher pitch as her dick starts throbbing in his mouth. She's about to cum. He can feel it, her tiny balls churning and twitching, ready to unload in his mouth. Her hips jerk upwards more often, trying to fuck his mouth a little faster.