The Syncharion Ascendance RP (Floozer, Khorne)


Jun 24, 2016
Pulling the prick out of his mouth, he couldn't help but finally laugh as his tail unwound and released itself from her feet. Moving closer and ensuring his tail was out of the way, the man kissed her shaft and looked straight up at her with the hands still holding his hair. No way was he letting her get off using her cock... after all, with his finger having found her prostate it wouldn't take long to make his shemale cum from her ass. To make up for the lack of sucking, the man instead moved to lick her balls and slip another finger in mid-move. Two nails bumped her prostate, Colahr smirking up at her.

"Go ahead... cum as much as you want. It'll help the forest... and mean you've had your first anal-assisted orgasm. It'll make you feel a lot more like a girl than any clothes ever could..."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She cries out almost on cue, her hips jerking upwards as she cums, spurts of white hitting the trunk with a wet splat and sliding down to the forest floor. A few spurts get on his face too, mostly his nose and cheek. Her ass squeezes down like a vice around his fingers, spasming as she cums. She pants, winded from her orgasm, and looks down at him. "That... Was... First..." She murmurs, not meeting his eyes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal wails in bliss, her body racked with pleasure as he slams into her holes over and over again. Feeling him spread her holes wide open earn another moan and a throb from her cock. The moment he cums inside of her she slams into orgasm, her ass and pussy clenching up while the latter sprays girl cum over his cock and balls. Finally is her cock which twitches before showering both of them in hot and thick cum, making a rather large mess. "Nah... that was... just fine. Hang on though." She pulls herself off of her cock and moves a few steps away. In a flash of yellow fire she is just a skeleton once more, his cum falling to the floor as her body fades away. "No offence, but I am not looking for kids right now. Got a towel? Need to try off these bones of mine."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Eeerrr... Hold on." He runs out of the room, dicks bouncing, and comes back with a red towel before handing it to her. "I still never get used to seeing an Eidolon's true form whenever they reveal it..." He mutters, looking her skeleton up and down.


Jun 24, 2016
"Heh... good girl. That was your first anal orgasm. Well... more or less, right?"

With his tail moving to quickly gather up the cum, the man moved his hands to her thighs and carefully hefted her up and off his shoulders. But rather than turn her around, he wanted to make an intimate moment. Nothing about being a demon said he couldn't make his men and women slaves fall in love with him. After all, they were to be his harem as much as a sign of status... and as he lowered her down and his clothes "burned away" to be magically hidden, the now-hard demonic cock fell out and against her prick. In his lap with his knees beneath her, she was trapped against one side of their hideout as he pushed closer. The fingers slipped out of her ass and the hand instead moved to collect the sperm from his tail. It had come from his face, but it was being rubbed onto the much larger cock along with stroking her own gently to get whatever she had left to help lube him up. Leaning in, he'd kiss the post-orgasm orc's lips with a small smirk.

"My name is Colahr... an incubus. A demon. What's your name, my delicate flower? Who's the orc femboy I'm about to ream with this cock?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Ye-yes, first..." Her eyes go wide when she sees his dick flop onto her lap. "S-so... Big..." She murmurs, gulping. When he kisses her, she lets him into her mouth, her tongue weakly, almost hesitantly, playing with his. "Name... Is Gila..." She mutters, looking into his eyes, her breath coming a little faster thanks to the closeness of his body and the anticipation of the imminent sex.


Jun 24, 2016
"Gila," he says breathily between their kissing, "That's cute... well, Gila... mmmhn-ahhh~... let's make you my Gila."

The bumps on his cock brushed against the smaller one momentarily as he brought his hips back and aligned with the small and adorable hole. It might be virgin tight, but with the bit of probing he'd done and the cum-lube coating it might as well have been an onahole. Not to say that the demon wasn't ready to fuck new shemale lover into the tree with enough force to likely smack their hips together like someone popping gum, but the incubus stopped just at the slightest pressure against her backdoor.

"Now... before we keep going... give your soul to me, Gila. All you need to do is say I can have your soul... and I'll unleash an entire world of pleasure that no orc could ever give you. I can fuck you however you wish... but if you don't... then I'll just keep you here like this for eternity. With my dick right against your hole, never penetrating but pinning you here..."

The evil side came out as he leaned in and kissed her neck, waiting for an answer to his precarious teasing. It was her soul for anal... and he was certain she knew full well that no male orc could give her a life of pleasure like an incubus. A life of pleasure and safety coupled with his affection, his tail moving to brush its pre-dripping tip against her spent rod, for the price of her soul.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She slowly reaches up to his chest and places her palms against it. She looks down for a moment, as if thinking. The decision is a no-brainer. She wraps her arms around his neck as she leans forward. "Take soul... Take virginity... Take what you want... Just... Take me away from... This place..." She murmurs, closing her eyes and trying to relax to ease the penetration.


Jun 24, 2016
And just like that, Colahr had his first slave. He'd take her and her body back through the portal, of course, so he could take shots at putting little demons in her body. Worst case, she couldn't handle it and lost her body... which meant she'd be stuck with him. All-in-all, this beautiful and exotic orc shemale was the first start to his status. And as he pushed teasingly for a moment longer, he knew full well that he was about to start giving her a proper hole for her only expected duty. Inch-by-inch, the incubus pushed into the orc's backdoor while licking her neck. While he was holding her too close to kiss her, it didn't stop him from angling the cocktail up and move it to her lips. Pushing against them, it was clear he wanted into her mouth. It was time to take all her holes at once, hilting himself nice and deep with his bumpy prick rubbing and catching her soft anal walls.

"You belong to me now... now let's get to the fucking so we can get out of this place and you can take all my cum in both that sweet mouth and this dirty hole."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She sucks in a ragged breath as he starts to slowly thrust in, her ass squeezing down hard on his cock. Hearing his words, she takes a deep breath and tries to loosen up, moaning a little as his cock sinks further into her, and the little nubs rub over her prostate. When the cocktail presses at her lips, she opens her mouth, letting it come in. Her mouth is wet and warm, and she tries to reciprocate the way he sucked her off, focusing mostly on the tip and sides of his cock.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor nods to himself giving a bit of a whistle before the glass around the tank closes around him, it takes him a bit by surprise but not enough to get an reaction outta him, he examines the mask before putting it on and giving the Doc a thumbs up signaling that he was ready to proceed. Melkor closed his eyes before beginning to take deep and long breaths filling his lungs completely before releasing, a bit of an breathing exercise to keep himself calm that he picked up from the humans. He shook his head shocked at how nervous he was there was nothing to worry about! The Doc seemed to know what he was doing Melkor's thoughts rushed radically keeping his mind off what was to eventually come.


Jun 24, 2016
Dick deep in a shemale within a tree that smelled more and more like sex, Colahr didn't hesitate to start moving his hips. The cocktail moved within her mouth as she worked, adding a much lesser pleasure to the still-tight vice of a virgin ass. One, of which, the man was filling and then pulling his nubbed cock in and out of slow. The nubs, however, might as well have made it felt like he was fucking her twice in a single motion. They pulled and battered where the prick pushed and forced its way through. A double-front of sexual conquest, Colahr would try and add more of a pace as he chuckled into her ear with the softest nibble at the lobe.

"You're doing great, Gila... I'll cum inside you and down that throat if you keep just like this... maybe you'll get pregnant with a demon and orc-offspring. This hole might as well be a pussy with how it clings to my dick. A real, natural experience... better than a few women I know, that's for sure..."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He sees Harek saying something to Melea, who walks over and and starts checking various dials and meters. She nods to Harek, who presses a button. Suddenly, a black liquid starts filling the tank from the bottom, followed by some dense yellowish gas from the pipes above. Melkor sees Harek take a deep breath, and watch him carefully, slowly twisting a knob that seemed to be controlling the rising black fluid, which was almost up to his knees at that point. When the black liquid comes in contact with the yellow gas, it starts bubbling violently, splattering over Melkor as well as the glass walls of the tank. That's when the pain starts. His legs feel like they're starting to melt, even though he is formless. This liquid clearly contains something magical. He can see Melea rapidly writing something down, which she holds up to him. YOU OKAY? It reads.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She hisses and gasps as he starts fucking her, her hips starting to gyrate a little bit to get his dick to rub against her prostate more as she moans around the dick in her mouth, her own already standing at attention again, hard and dripping pre. She hugs him tighter, pulling him closer for support as her ass spasms and squeezes his dick, already milking it for its cum.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor grits his teeth hard and grabs for something anything to grip on as the burning his his body, he looks toward the sign she puts up and he nods his head before crying out "Dammit this burns!" He says in his muffled mask as he tries his damnedest to will through the pain. He looks up at the yellow gas and ponders on the hell it might be to be causing this weird black liquid to burn him so violently, though his thought process is bombarded by thoughts such as I need to get out! or I can do this just take it dammit! Melkor keeps his breathing steady and goes into a more meditative state to keep his mind away from the pain and more on the thought of nothing, silence to be precise.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The liquid goes higher and higher, eventually enveloping his whole body in blinding white pain. He can feel something shifting in his body. Changing. Warping... Something was happening...
A sudden, intense pain lances through him. He feels his vapour form start to become denser. Heavier, harder, and stronger... But the pain is agonising. He feels like his whole self is being melted, frozen, and melted again, the cycle repeating over and over, and he finally passes out from the pain.
When he wakes, he's strapped down to a table, with metal bands restraining his arms. Harek suddenly appears in his field of vision, with Melea opposite him. "You survived. How do you feel?" He asks.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
"Like this was soo not worth 1000 chips....ugh what happened...?" Melkor says still feeling the soreness of what just happend, he looks around and then at the straps before looking up again "Are the straps appropriate I feel fine Doc besides the pain that is.." Melkor says in a calming way to try and convince two to at least let him sit up. He tries to remember what exactly happened before he passed out, it was crazy it was as if his wisp form was melting in there whatever what liquid and gas was it did a number on him but what exactly changed on him. Melkor tries to touch himself to feel some sort of difference but fails to due to his form, "Ah please can you get me outta these I need to see what happened to me.." Melkor pleads the pain in his voice sounding a bit harsh.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"The straps were a precaution. Your mind could have been affected." Harek says. "As for your body... You should probably take a look in that mirror over there..." He says, pointing to a full length mirror in the corner of the room before unlocking Melkor's straps.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor sighs in relief before walking towards the mirror to check himself out, It can't be that bad.. Melkor thinks to himself befroe looking into the mirror at himself.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Well... He's... Taller. By at least three feet. And his body felt more... Solid. As if there was less vapour and more physical form. His skin has turned a jet black, with streaks of yellow where his veins would be. His eyes, which were blue, were now replaced by a bright yellow. He feels stronger, faster, and much tougher. He notices that his outline in the mirror is just the slightest bit blurry, as if the particles of his body are vibrating so fast that some of them are actually visible to the naked eye.

[Strength +10. Congratulations on surviving and getting a good strength roll! You almost died, btw. Like, one dice number away from death.]


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
[Yay for not dying woo! I'll get to updating my appearance soon]

Melkor looks at his appearance for a moment in silence which last for a couple of minutes, he feels at his long now jet black braid with hints of yellow as well, he pinches his jet black skin and smiles "I barely felt that.." He mumbles as he gets a feel for his new body. "Well I thought it be much worse doc but I must say...not bad at all!" He says turning to smile at him before turning into his wisp form and examining himself to see if there was any significant changes there. He slowly approaches the two as he examines himself "Yes I am loving the new if there was anything else I think you now owe me about 1000 chips!" Melkor says grinning.

[Edit: also realized that i'm now like over 9 feet tall haha that's great!]


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Turning into his wisp form, he realises it has changed as well, and now there are odd flashes of yellow that are visible when he moves, not to mention it feels more dense. "Yes. I believe I do. And thank you. You have helped further a great cause. Trust me." Harken says, tossing him a bag. "The Queen will be very happy!" He says, grinning.
[Rep +20]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She looks like a basic human skeleton... save for the pronounced canine teeth, glowing yellow eyes and ability to move around with no muscles or flesh. "Sorry, this form is very unattractice." She says while wiping off her bones. Once clean, she reforms into her usual form, still naked for his viewing pleasure. "There we go!"


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
He switches back catching the bag and nodding, "The Queen eh? So your doing these experiments for her..?" Melkor asked a bit intrigued by this looking at both Dr. Harken and his assistant Melea he stumbles a bit his walking a bit different due to his height, He takes the time to experiment with his body for instance moving through solid object and what not. He wanted to get an complete grasp on the changes with his body before did anything else, "And your sure I won't explode anytime soon in the future right?" Melkor asks as he continues his little tests with his body.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yep. That's definitely much better. Skeletons are creepy. Especially walking ones." He says. He walks over and kisses her on the cheek. "You better come around again sometime, okay?" He winks at her and grabs her ass, squeezing it hard.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Hmm. I think I've said too much already. The rest is none of your business. And no, I don't think you'll explode. Hopefully not. Probably. I don't know. You might go boom anytime. And then no more Djinn." He shrugs. "He says that every time..." Melea mutters.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She gives him a light coo followed by a kiss on the forehead. "Trust me, the next time I fuck up or need more advice, I will come running back to you." She steps back and snaps her fingers, her clothes reforming around her body. "Now then, I need to go and buy some clothes, apologize and get a few more imps. I will see you another time Jackal." She gives him a wave and heads out, looking for the nearest human clothes store.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He gives her a goodbye wave and wolf-whistles when she walks off, definitely staring at her ass. "Good luck!" He calls out.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor grins at the comment "I see...secret stuff I get it...well if you ever talk with her let her know that her Guinea Pig Melkor Rhomus was pleased with the results!" He says giving the two a nod before turning to leave. He stops for a moment considering on where he should go before realizing that going to Harks would ease some of the pain with a nice drink, afterwards he could swing by Rikaria's and see if she's home maybe even surprise her with his new look before grabbing his hat....he really liked that hat. Melkor waved farewell to the two before heading out the room seeing himself out as he began to march through the streets, either heading toward Hark's Bar or Rikaria's place whichever was closer.


Jun 24, 2016
With his feminine buttslut enjoying her first time and his bumpy-smacks against her prostate, Colahr could only get more into it. His hands left her ass and moved to her back, turning them around and pinning her onto her back within the hollowed tree. Her legs were forced upward and around his sides thanks to how tight it was, his motions growing slower as the cocktail popped free and gave her face a premature shot of cum. The demon, however, hadn't come with his real cock yet, as the tailed prick pushed back into her mouth mid-climax. Cum would be pushed into her mouth, the demon's hips smashing harder and harder until finally they pushed nice and to the base, emptying the load in his balls through the now-wedged shaft. Cum raced into her, his voice breaking for a moment as he laughed and took handfuls of her hair.

"Fuck... yes this ass is-... one more time!"

His nose buried against her shoulder, their hips smacking harder and more lewdly with the addition of his cum. Her tight hole was being plunged, cum tracing up along his shaft and being pushed out around the edges as he kept thrusting through his climax. An incubus like him had enough cum to make someone almost full enough to bulge... and he planned on delivering his full load into this virgin orc. The green skin, wild and long hair, and her submissiveness were perfect. And as he gave his last smacks of their hips, his mouth opened and Colahr gently bit her neck to give a nice, toothy hickey. Just enough pain to leave the mark of pleasure... a mark of dominance.