The Syncharion Ascendance RP (Floozer, Khorne)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Arina catches the dress before it hits the table, and smirks at him. "Hm. Good eye. As for the sex in the store... Hah! I don't see why not! Customers would practically come flying in after seeing you bend me over and fuck me that big cock of yours, my ass and breasts jiggling as you pound into me over and over, all while I scream my head off with pleasure?" She says huskily, baring her teeth at him in a cocky grin.

Rikaria rolls her eyes and drags him in by the collar, shutting the door behind him and immediately turning to plant a kiss on his... Chest. He was way too tall for her to reach his lips now! "It's permanent." She murmurs, hugging him.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor ducks under before he could hit his head on the door before she starts to kiss and hug him, in return he smiles and lifts her up towards his face so he could get what he actually was wanting those succulent lips of hers. He smooches her smiling before looking at her new cock, "Well its a beauty that's for sure...were you just about to use it on our little friend...i'm sorry did I interrupt?" Melkor says making a bit of an gasp like face before smiling playfully. He flicks at her doggy dick before looking towards her "Well i'm truly sorry if I barged in on one your...sessions is there anything I could do to make it up for you?" Melkor says smirking giving her as a memorable pinch.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She happily returns the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Well... Yeah. Kinda. And you better fuck me good with these new cocks to make up for it, okay?" She says, giggling and rubbing his crotch with her foot.


Jun 24, 2016
"Well, if I fuck you long enough you'll lose your voice... so more like them coming in to watch you make faces while carrying a ton of cum."

Rather than stand around, the man took a luxury to climb up and onto the counter before sitting on it. His pants could do little to hide the bulge, especially with his new height. The other guest in the store, the woman with the ghostly hair, wasn't his concern anymore. Arina, with her lustful return for the incubus' flirting, had caught his full sexually-oriented attention. And that was leading to his tail moving out toward her, as if he was ready to tug her clothes off and find out just how big those tits and ass could be without her clothes holding it all in.

"How about you close up the store for a bit and take a break? A demonic dick like mine can really stir a cunt up... I might end up leaving you a bit bruised on the inside and on that nice ass. But bagging that dress seems smarter, since I'd hate to make a mess out of it from what we're about to do. That is... if you're not going to back out of treating an incubus to what I can only assume as some of the best tits on the block."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She gives him a lusty look, biting the corner of her lip. She leans close and kisses the bulge of his pants, before putting her elbows at the sides of his thighs and grinning up at him, her face very close to his dick. "Actually, I think I'm gonna wait for miss Phorsaal there to either join us or leave." She says, giving her tits a little shake.


Jun 24, 2016
The kiss had just about caused his prick to punch through the pants he was wearing, Colahr moving a hand to the top of Arina's head while the other pulled the trousers down. It let his dick come out and rest on her cheek, the hand on her head holding her in place. It wasn't wise to tease an incubus, but he had lost the smirk for a devious smile.

"Well, a little blowjob to get me ready surely won't need her input. After all, she's got shopping to do... a little foreplay can't hurt, right?"

Of course, this was already covering his tail's motions as it moved up and darted into her shirt, slipping down and curling to start pulling her shirt up and try to expose those wonderful tits. He'd give Phorsaal time to think, he just wanted to have a bit of fun!

[Now we wait or they have a little fun until Floozer pops on =3=7]


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor gives a warm smile "Oh intend fact..." Melkor says his cocks creating a very large tent in his shorts before Melkor lets them get some air by dropping his shorts entirely, "How about we have some fun now...I was here for another reason but it seems I've forgotten" He says his cocks placed between her ass cheeks rubbing up and down in a slow teasingly manner. He begins to slowly place her on her feet letting Melkor take a full gander at his cocks, what used to be two nine inch flaccid cocks but when fully hard grew to an impressive 12 inches have now instead formed into 12 inched flaccid cocks that could grow into 15 inch cocks. Melkor smiled at his dicks actually astonished by the sheer change in size, he stroked the two of them a bit to getting a feel for its texture.

(Does he have large barbed penises now, or?)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
[Yep. Large penises covered with soft barbs.]

She giggles when he rubs his cock through her ass cheeks, and looks down at his cocks when he sets her back on the floor. "Come on, you big lug! There's things we have to do!" Rikaria says, grabbing one of his dicks and pulling him along. She runs to the bedroom, where Melkor can see the elf tied up face down on the bed, except she looks markedly different. Her ass and breasts have filled out a bit, giving her an ass curvy enough to die for. Her breasts have gotten bigger, at least an E cup by now. Her slim frame has filled out too, making the assets look a little more normal on her. "Shit! Who the fuck did you bring, you crazy whore!? Who is this guy!?" She yells, struggling against the bonds. "Okay, MELKOR," Rikaria emphasises the name Melkor, which earns a groan of horror from the elf. "I want you to fuck me while I stuff this doggy dick right into her tight ass." Rikaria says, stroking his dicks a few times before hopping onto the bed and positioning herself at the elf's asshole. She gives her ass a shake. "Come on baby, don't keep me waiting!" She says, giving him a lusty look over her shoulder.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor grins looking at the new and improved elf before commenting "Oh my and how're you doing today elfy? I see you've grown since the last time we spoke...fortunately for you so have I!" He says giving a laugh as he watches Rikaria position herself before shaking that ass of hers before him, he gives a lusty smile his cocks throbbing in anticipation wanting to delve deep in her ass pack her full of cum. He doesn't take long to join the ladies losing whatever garments he had left on him and positioning himself behind her taking his sweet time to caress a tit and grope her ass hungrily, "I hope you don't mind if I have a bit of a taste before I completely indulge myself..." Melkor says licking at the edge of Rikaria's ear before moving his ass lower towards her lovely ass cheeks where he spreads them apart to find her delicious star, Melkor licks his lips longingly before diving in and licking around her asshole a couple of times to get it to quiver before he plunges his tongue inside her ass circling the interior's of her passage getting it nice and wet for what it to come fairly soon. Melkor doesn't forget to pleasure her other hole however, he makes use of his hands and circle's her clit with his thumb while his other digits tease her pussy, he also fondles her ballsack with his other hand making fully use of his oral cavity and hands doing his best to tease Rikaria before she begins fucking her hole.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Why is this fucking pig here!?" The elf groans. Rikaria slaps her ass hard for that, making her yelp. Rikaria coos when he gropes her ass and one of her breasts. "Mm. Get a little taste? I'd love it if you did!" She says, smiling as she watches him go down on her. She gasps when his tongue delves into her ass, and moans when his fingers start playing with her pussy, her dick already drooling pre over the elf's asshole. Rikaria grabs the elf's hips and starts grinding her dick across her ass, pushing her ass back into Melkor's face in the process, and getting more of his tongue into her tight ass


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal follows her for a while before speaking up again "She is from the middle east of earth. She used to wear this black dress thing that would hide her entire body. I don't want her to wear that again because she has an amazing body, but maybe something along the same line would make her feel more at home? As much as I want some slutty clothes, now is not the time for that."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Oh, well, could get these jeans here. They're a little loose, and she won't feel so exposed. And maybe take this shirt here. It has loose sleeves, but the neckline is a little low." She says, pulling out a pair of black jeans and a loose, red shirt. An incubus walks in, and she excuses herself to go and welcome him. After a while, Phorsaal notices that they're flirting. Then, the incubus walks over and gets a maid dress before tossing it onto the counter. Oh. Now he's sitting on it. Aaaand his dick is out. She sees the proprietor of the shop looking at her, as if asking her if she wants to join.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She shakes her head and grabs another pair of jeans, these ones blue, along with a gray long sleeve shirt to go with it. She quickly walks up to the counter to show the woman what she is taking, thanks her for the free offer, and promptly walks out to head back home.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
The woman shrugs as Phorsaal leaves, and turns back to Colahr. "Now... Where were we...?" She asks teasingly.

When she gets home, Phorsaal opens the door to find Felicia and Ash cuddled up on the couch, talking, their bodies pressed close together. Felicia's eyes dart up when Phorsaal enters, and she immediate sits up, clutching Ash to her as she eyes Phorsaal warily.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor taking the time to fully lubricate this ass moves his tongue along her passage in ways that would make a Lickitung proud! (Had to take a second to breath after typing that XD) He teasingly gives her prostate strong flicks egging Rikaria on to put Elfy in her place as he readies her ass and sates his lust for her ass, eventually though Melkor does yank his tongue out smiling at Rikaria before giving her ass cheek an audible slap and presenting his rock hard cocks to her ass. Having both hit her ass and throb there for a second letting her know just how ready he is before slowly pressing on her asshole and the other pressed on her pussylips. He makes sure to go at the same pace as Rikaria to create a synced fuck that will surely become more of a mass of rutting bodies trying to get off, Melkor grins at the thought as he slowly enters his thoughts pushed aside and replaced with fuck and grope "Ahh that feels amazing mmm" Melkor moans as he pushes his inches inside the demon slowly letting her holes feel his barbed dicks.


Jun 24, 2016
"Well," he said while his cocktail quickly worked to disrobe her clothes, "We were at the part where I fucked that beautiful mouth of yours with this big demonic dick... that is, unless you're scared."

With its bumps on full display, his hand moved to her head while the cocktail moved to encircle one of her exposed tits to get a good measure of both how big it actually was while simultaneously binding it and giving it a milking-tug. It gave pleasure to him, too, as the head of the tail pushed nice and roughly against her nipples and soft tit-flesh eagerly.

"Strip as best you can without moving... I think you might have some of the nicest breasts I've got to enjoy for a while. I can't wait to see how your ass and cunt feel."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Without a word Phorsaal moves over and stands before Felicia and Ash. She looks down at the woman, eyes calm and calculated before doing something she never thought she would do. She falls to her knees and bows her head before Felicia. "I'm sorry... for tricking you like that... for taking your clothes from you... for my over all unprofessional and uncaring attitude. You two are actually my first ever slaves and... I admit to not knowing how to properly go about this. I have wronged you... I am sorry for it."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Ah-ah-aaahhh! Oh fuck those feel so fucking amaziiiing!" Rikaria cries out, her hips jerking forwards and burying her the first few inches of her turgid length into the elf's asshole. Her pace matches Melkor's, sinking into the elf until they both bottom out. Rikaria pants, her whole body shaking with pleasure as her ass and pussy squeeze down hard around Melkor's dicks. She leans her head back onto Melkor's chest and gazes up at him through hooded, lusty eyes. "Fuck me baby. Rut me like an animal!" She growls sexily.

"Yes, yes I believe we were!" She says, chuckling and kissing the tip of his dick. Judging by how much cocktail he need to encircle one of her breasts, she was a D-cup on the verge of being a DD. She coos a little when the tailcock wraps around her breasts and squeezes them. "Mm! Tailcock, huh? You'd just love a titfuck while fucking my tight ass or dripping wet pussy, wouldn't you?" She says huskily, moaning as her breasts are squeezed. She reaches back with and hand and undoes the buttons of her jeans, wiggling her butt and letting them fall to the floor.

There is silence for a while, and then she feels soft arms wrap around her. She looks up to see Felicia smiling down at her. A weak, slightly unsteady smile, but a smile nonetheless. "My religion teaches forgiveness. Forgiveness, peace, and love. You have apologised, so I will forgive you." She murmurs, hugging Phorsaal tighter.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal remains stiff but gently returns the hug to her, rubbing her back slightly before pushing away and smiling. "I... I got you something to try and make up for it in case you were still mad!" She grabs the bag from the shop and hands it to her. "go ahead... open it."


Jun 24, 2016
"I was thinking I could gag you with it if you got too loud... or maybe use it to pound your backdoor, all while filling that cunt."

With her clothes gone and his dick teased with those nice lips, he hopped behind the counter and squeezed his cocktail's hold. One hand went to between her legs, his cock pushing against her thigh. The other hand moved to grab the tit not being pushed and rubbed by the tail.

"Fuck taking that mouth... turn around and let's bend you over the counter. I'll finish taking off my pants... then fuck you face down. It's alright to cum inside, right? Or do you want to smell like and be covered in my spunk?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Felicia glances at her, then the bag. She opens it and looks into it. She gives a happy gasp when she sees the clothes, and immediately runs into the bedroom to put them on. She comes out a few minutes later, dressed in the clothes. "How do I look?" She says happily. "Fine to me." Ash says, holding her thumb up.

"Mm. Go ahead and cum inside. I can take care of it later!" She says, wiggling her ass, enticing him to pound her nice and hard. "And fuck my ass. I love getting fucked in the ass!" She says, cooing as he squeezes her breasts and rubs his cock against her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"They look good, great even. I am glad they fit..." She stands up again and stretches. "Well, that is a weight off my chest, thank you Felicia for giving me another chance. Now, is there anything else you need to help you settle in? If not, I should probably head out and do another job while I still have the energy for it."


Jun 24, 2016
"A buttslut, huh? Always a fan of those."

Putting his hands on her back, his cocktail released her and quickly swung back to push and tug his pants down. His cock was moved to rest between her ass, the tail whipping down and between his legs. The tail pushed against her cunt, not hesitating in pushing in. His right hand on her hip, the left smacked her ass before he pulled back and thrusted into the demon clerk's backdoor.

"Heh... my tail isn't that sensitive, but your cunt feels nice. This ass will be great once I batter it and fuck you into bliss!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Felicia frowns at her. "Stay and rest, you workaholic. You're just going out, working, coming back, spending like... Five minutes with us, and then running off again! Stay back for a while, will you!? Idiot." She says, crossing her arms and smirking. Ash nods. "She kinda has a point boss. You're ignoring us!" She whines, sticking her tongue out at Phorsaal.

She lets out a long, drawn out moan as he drives into her holes, panting in pleasure as she feels his lengths plunder her depths, the nubs rubbing around and stimulating her even further. "Yeeess! Fuck meee!" She moans, her holes contracting around his dicks, already milking him for his cum.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor grins his pressing hard against her for a moment as he processes her words, he couldn't hold back even if he had tried as his hips start to move in a more primal pace humping away at her ass as he gives a deep growl in pleasure as his hand slaps against her ass a couple of times remaining there to grope and tease her jiggly ass. His other hand grips at her hair pulling at it roughly giving him easier access to kiss and lick at her as much as he pleases, Melkor's usual sexy banter switches to more of an primal rutting beast as he takes the time to use Rikaria to please him while at the same time pleasure his mate as he takes her, showing his affection with passionate kisses and gropes but switching back to a rougher more feral tempo by slapping her ass and gripping her breasts.

(Forgot to mention I was eating but i'm back now!)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I don't mean anything by it! I just need to make enough bits to take care of your girls while also saving up enough to get us a new place! 2100 chips is a fair sum... but it certainly won't move up up the ladder you know?" She sighs and sits down between them, pulling them both into a hug "Fine, I will stay here and snuggle you two for a while."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Ugh! Fuck! Ah! Yes! Yes! Yeeess!" Rikaria screams, moans, and grunts in pleasure as she is so roughly groped and fucked, Melkor's pounding making her whole body jiggle. Her dick pounds into the elf's asshole by proxy, driving Rikaria crazy with pleasure. The whole time, she maintains eye contact with Melkor, her tongue lolling out as the pleasure overwhelms her.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yaaaay!" Ash says, burying her head between Phorsaal's breasts. Felicia laughs and returns the hug, before turning to Ash. "She's so cute, isn't she? Just adorable!" She says, giggling.


Jun 24, 2016
"Oh, I'm going to fuck you, don't you doubt that!"

Unlike the timid virgin he'd claimed and made his slave, Arina's cunt and backdoor were more than experienced enough. Grunting as his free hand reached up to take a handful of her hair, he threw his hips hard enough that the nubs were practically smacking her walls with twice the force carrying the cock into her ass. A quickshot he wasn't, his own cock was more than resisting the vice of her backside while the cocktail fired off and pushed nice and deep to try and instinctively reach her womb. It was a two-pronged assault, the hand on her hip squeezing down each time he brought his prick all the way in and loosening only as he came back and out of the dirty hole.

"Maybe I should make you move in, if you're this lewd! A needy buttslut with a hole like this deserves a person to pound away at it!"