The Syncharion Ascendance RP (Floozer, Khorne)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She laughs and pats Ash's back. "Yea, imps are cute little things aren't they? I was thinking of getting two or three more honestly... they are small so you can have a fair number of them! What do you think?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Ah! Fuck! Yes! Oh hell that's amazing!" She yells, slamming her hips back against him, trying to get his dick in even deeper. A stream of moans and grunts issue from her mouth as she is roughly fucked, her ass and pussy squeezing and wringing his dicks.

"Mmmm... I think one of her is already too much adorable-ness for me to handle. More would be worse!" She laughs. "Seriously though, no, not really. I think one is enough. Aaaand you can't really fit more than... What? One slave and an imp. Maybe get a bigger place first. But for now, I want this little cutie all to myself!" Felicia says, grinning and tickling Ash, who lets out a peal of laughter and squirms around, trying to escape Felicia's fingers.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor gives a triumphant smile completely loving the submissiveness of his mate, he rewards her with faster thrusts never leaving her holes empty at this point causing his hips to move at an blur, the room echoing from the slaps of Melkor's thrusts as he grunts and pistons his dicks into her over and over. Melkor's glowing yellow eyes stare into Rikaria telling her that it won't be long until her insides are filled with his lust, and by how his dicks are beginning to swell I think she realizes this aswell. Melkor pinches her nipples harshly pulling and tugging at them only wishing that he could reach far enough to suck on them, his other hand sets to work on her clitoris moving at incredible speed flicking it back and forth and rubbing it. Melkor groans again before speaking in a very low and breathy tone "I wanna see the belly balloon out again..." He says licking at her ear as he continues his rutting.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Ah- Ah- Ah- Fuuuck- Aaaahhh!" Rikaria screams in pleasure as she cums, brutally fucking the swollen knot into the elf's ass without a care in the world, making the elf scream in pain. She blows her load into the elf's bowels, giving the elf a nice cum gut. She continues to gasp and moan as her sensitive body is ravaged by Melkor, her hands going up to his, while her tail curls up and rams itself into Melkor's ass, vibrating and thrusting against his prostate.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
It doesn't take long for Melkor to get off and her vibrating tail in his ass sets him off much quicker as he roars shooting ropes of semen up both of her holes as her tail ravishes his prostate, Melkor releases her hair as his muscles relax his orgasm continuing until he finally pops free of Rikaria's holes,the semen pooling out as Melkor falls on his ass completely beat. "Oh god that was way better than last time.." Melkor says laying on the cold floor panting his dicks twitching in the cool air.


Jun 24, 2016
With the cocktail splattering her cunt, Colahr leaned over and practically pinned her facedown as he kep throwing his hips, racing right up to his real dick's blowout.

"That right? Fucking maybe you should pay me if you're that much of a fan! Or maybe I'll drag you to my place and make you my bitch for the day!"

If he could knot the girl like a canine-dicked demon, he would... instead he smacked into her backside harder and with both hands moving to take her D-sized tits with one powerful, declaring flurry of thrusts. All, of course, leading to him squeezing her while the tailcock pumped a thick, womb-filler to go with his cock pouring a huge amount of baby batter into the wrong hole.

"Fuck... yes! Oh, you really need to be one of my personal holes... a girlfriend like you to wring my dick could help me sleep like a baby..."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Rikaria falls over the elf, leaving her gaping holes exposed to Melkor. They quickly close up to keep his cum inside, but not before a trickle runs down the inside of her legs. "Fuck... Yeah it was... Get up here you sexy beast, I want to cuddle with you till this knot goes down!" Rikaria says, looking over her shoulder at him.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She cums hard when she feels his seed rushing into both her holes, filling her up till she looks at least a month pregnant. Her girlcum spurts out over his legs as her legs shake, too weak from the pounding to currently support her weight. "O-oh. Oh hell. We are so doing that again... You fuck like an animal!" She groans. She looks over her shoulder. "As for the taking me back to your place... Naaah. I need to manage my store!" She says, reaching back and slowly pulling his dicks out of her and standing up on rather shaky legs. "Next time... Double stuff my ass. Now, get out of my store. I need to clean up!" She says, giving him a playful shove towards the door. Suddenly, a Djinn pops his head in, probably wondering what all the noise was. "Oh hey! I didn't know this place was here!" He says, looking around. "Aaaand apparently attend to another customer..." She mutters.

[I'm going to sleep. Nighty night!]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal nods her head "You make a good point, we are rather at capacity now aren't we? Ah well, no sense in lingering on it." She leans back and rests with a smile on her face, watching Ash squirm about in Felicia's tickling.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Felicia finally just grabs Ash and sits there hugging her, a grin on her face. "She's like a little teddy bear! Soft and cuddly!" Felicia says. "And you're like a... Sexy dairy cow?" Ash says, raising an eyebrow. "Speaking of which, I want a drink, Felicia." She says, blatantly pulling her shirt down and taking one of her breasts into her mouth and suckling. Felicia gasps at the rather sudden exposure and subsequent milking, blushing heavily as Ash drains her breast. However, she doesn't resist, letting Ash drink down as much as she wants. Phorsaal can see Ash's throat bulging with every gulp, and she seems so content, sitting like that with her cute, curvy butt pointed out at her, her legs spread thanks to her position on Felicia's legs, exposing her dark star and pussy. She could just sneak up behind her and fuck her right there...

[Dammit boner, why you no let me sleep!?]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal grins and slowly gets off the couch, dismissing her clothes with a light poof of smoke. She winks at Felicia as she lines up her cock with Ash's pussy. She playfully counts down from three before sliding her cock in as far as Ash can take it with a playful smile. "Well if we are just going to indulge in each other, who am I to say no?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Ash lets out a loud "Mmmmmh!" When she's penetrated by Phorsaal, and immediately wraps her arms around Felicia for support, her tiny body shaking as it takes Phorsaal's giant dick. Felicia blushes even more, and takes Ash's hands to steady her.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor finally catching his breath moves up to snuggle with Rikaria, he smiles sneaking a kiss before wrapping his arms around getting as close as possible so their warmth could be shared, he looks at the elf who is most likely passed out once again and smiles looking at her packed belly "You sure did a number on her eh?" Melkor says poking her bloated belly and snickering obviously pleased with the results. He makes sure to have his dicks firmly placed on her ass to keep them nice and cozy on those jiggly buns as he rests.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yeah... I'm so glad you took this job, Melkor... Otherwise I wouldn't have met you, nor would I have an elven slave because every other demon in this place is too pussy to fight an elf..." She murmurs, tilting her head back and kissing him some more. Then, she reaches down and taps his dicks. "You really like my ass, huh?" She asks again, giggling and rubbing his leg with her foot.

[Going to sleep now.]


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
"I love a lot of things about you gorgeous..." Melkor says giving her an affectionate rub up her thigh, he takes the time to rub her body down lovingly feeling up her curves while whispering sweet nothings in her ear before continuing his thought "But if I were to be honest your ass would for sure be on my top three things I love list wanna take a gander on what the remaining two are?" Melkor says kissing up her neck.

(Nighty night!)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Klaus opens the bag with all due haste, setting it in the middle between him and Richie for the sake of sharing, before plucking one of the chocolates from the bag and popping it eagerly into his mouth. Delighted, he motions to everyone to help themselves, stopping quickly as he realizes it's not so much his invitation to make. As he settles back down into his seat, the treat melting in his mouth, he hesitantly splits open a bag of chips, letting himself be egged on by the satisfying crinkle sound of their salty contents. "Thanks so much for this. There's got to be some way we can repay you." Klaus practically grovels in gratitude.


Jun 24, 2016
"Next time I'll give you no chance to rest. I'll pump every load in your cunt, then fuck your ass until you can taste the cum."

The new customer couldn't stop him from smacking down on her ass hard, pulling his pants up with his still-leaking tail. He'd need to hurry back and keep fucking her as rough and long as possible. Taking the dress, he knew she had bigger things to worry about... but pushed his hand to the glass of the store as he left. The result was his address being put up for her to see with his illusion magic. Seeing through it, after all, didn't mean she'd be incapable of seeing it.

Heading back into the apartment, he'd look around for his Orc slave with the maid uniform over his somewhat sweaty shoulder.

"Gila, I have clothing for you. Ready for a round two? Or maybe a thick load of my cum for a snack?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With a moan she grabs onto Ash's hips, slowly setting into a piston motion, dragging her dick in and out from her tight cunt. "Oh geeze Ash, I will never get tired of this tight pussy of yours! You can take my entire foot long cock and I love it!" Lewd noises slowly flow from their locked sexes, filling the room with the lewd sounds.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Aw, thanks! As for what else you love... My tits and my dick? In that order!" She says, snuggling back up against him.

"Oh no no not at all! It's common courtesy, man! Enjoy it!" Marcus says, laughing and waving his hand dismissively. After an hour, they can see buildings in the distance. Tall, metal buildings that glimmer in the light of the sun as the light is reflected off their windows. They were almost at the city! "Mm, we should be there in about half an hour... Aw crap. Unless there's traffic..." Marcus mutter.

The Djinn raises an eyebrow at what he says about pumping her full of cum, then snorts as she gasps loudly when her ass is slapped. As he leaves, he hears a "You better come here; I ain't coming to your house, boy!" Being yelled out from behind him.
Gila walks out of the bedroom, looking at him curiously. "I was... Cleaning room. What is... That?" She asks, pointing at the maid outfit.

Ash grunts and moans into Olivia's breast as she is fucked by Phorsaal's full length. Reaching back, Ash slips her middle finger into her own ass, followed by two more as she fingers herself while being fucked by Phorsaal. Felicia is still just sitting there and blushing, holding Ash as she continues to suckle from her breast.

[Wow. A boner first thing in the morning. I hate you guys. XD]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016

"What a place." Klaus mutters in awe, barely audible as he looks the approaching city up and down. He could scoff if he wanted to, but he'd admit shamelessly here and now that those great buildings interested him to a very fair extent. He sits with his eyes glued to the window, satisfied on his fill of chips.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Say, where do you guys wanna be dropped off? Bar? Hospital? A friend's house? Tourism office?" Markus asks, looking back at them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Phorsaal grabs Ash's hands and moves them away before quickly sliding her thumbs into the imps ass, gently stretching it out and letting it close over and over again. Mean while she keeps on pumping her hips to drive her cock in and out of Ash's sweet tight pussy, her dick throbbing in bliss at each hilt. She wanted to invite Felicia to act... but remembered her advice and just let her watch.


Jun 24, 2016
Moving closer, Colahr would offer it to Gila. Her cleaning was certainly nice, even if she had issues speaking.

"Clothes... a dress. Here, I'll help you get it on..."

Circling behind her, he mischeviously moved his tail to the plug he'd wedged in her. Giving it small nudges, he'd pull her up against his chest before lifting one of her arms and pulling the dress over it.

"Put the other arm through," he paused as his clothed prick pushed against her nice rump, "Sooner you get dressed, sooner we can get that plug out of you... make you feel good again. Maybe teach you how to suck my dick since I tended to yours..."


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor chuckles a bit before looking towards her, "Your ass being number 1...what can I say i'm an ass man, 2 being your amazing tits and 3..." Melkor shifts Rikaria around to face him as he smiles a boops her nose "You.." he says giving a warm smile taking the time to steal another kiss. He then looks up toward the ceiling yawning a bit, this bed was awfully more comfortable than you remember but then again maybe that's just his sleepiness he had a long day and this new body despite it being amazing was still a bit of a challenge to get used to. He stretched as he thought about all this before his mind drifted to what he had really swung by Rikaria's for, he sat up and looked around the room for his hat.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Ash moans loudly as Phorsaal's thumbs stretch her ass again and again, her body shivering with pleasure. Her cunt is hot, wet, and oh so tight! It wraps around her huge length as it drives into her love canal, squeezing and working it for its cum. Felicia's body jiggles with the force of the rough fucking Ash is receiving, and she peers over Ash's shoulder, watching Phorsaal play with her ass as she rams into her pussy.

Gila looks in confusion at the clothes. "Clothes? But... Clothes... Cover." She says, motioning to her naked body while blushing and looking at the skimpy maid dress.
She lets out a cute little 'Eep!' when he suddenly wiggles the plug in her ass and pulls her against his chest. She doesn't resist as he lifts her arm and puts it through, and obediently does the same for the other arm. Hearing his future plans, she nods shyly and actually rubs her ass back at him a little.

Rikaria's grins at the word "ass", wider at "tits", but her grin dies a little when he says she herself is his third favourite. "You... You mean it?" She asks, her eyes searching his. His kiss answers her question, and she eagerly wraps herself around him as she kisses him back. When he sat up, he saw his hat on Rikaria's bedside table.


Jun 24, 2016
His nude loving Orc pushing back as he pulled the uniform down was lovely. With the dress pulled down slowly, it accented her small tits, but as both hands moved to secure her wrists he could care less. The tail struck the plug as he pushed and grinded against her, turning Gila's large hair and skirt-teased ass away. Meeting her lips, he'd drag the shemale from the main room next. The bed was his destination, letting her wrists go and breaking the gentle kiss before lowering to sit down.

"I want you to suck my cock... you look beautiful naturally, so I really want to train that mouth to my cock's standards as much as your backdoor will be. Do good and we can keep the plug out. Do bad and I might just put more cum in that boypussy and shove the plug right back in."


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Melkor grabs the hat and sits next to her before looking at her face and smiling "I guess you intrigue me Rikaria...I want to know more about you...personally.." Melkor says before wrapping his arms around her kissing on her body lovingly before looking into her eyes "And especially physically.." He says giving a lust filled smile placing his hat on her head and smiling, "Anyone ever tell you that you look gorgeous in hats...cause if not let me be the first.." He says giving her a playful wink.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She hugs him as he kisses her, moaning as he teases the plug in her ass. She stumbles for a second as she's quickly dragged from the room before being made to sit down. "You want me... To... Suck... That?" She murmurs, placing her hand on his dick.

She giggles and pokes his nose. "You sexy little horndog. Especially physically, huh? Okay... Um... Well, I grew up alone, pretty much. No parents around. I would just do odd jobs and stuff to earn money for food. And... Sold my body if and when times were really desperate... Nothing really special about me. No hobbies of note..." She murmurs. She places her hand on the hand and tips it towards him. "Why thank you, mister Melkor!" She says with a roguish grin and a wink.


Jun 24, 2016
"Indeed," Colahr paused to cradle her face with the other hand fully pulling the pants down to expose the dick she felt, "Remember how I did it for you? You suck me... I'll fuck you nice and rough, just like in the tree."

Kissing her one final time, he'd sit back as his tail moved in for a new target, encircling his shemale's much smaller dick and wrapping it tight. Jerking her off gently while getting pleasure at a reduced rate caused the nub-covered cock to throb in her fingers, the incubus smirking.

"Just open wide... you're one of my women now. Your mouth, your ass, and your heart are all I ask in return for pleasuring and caring for you. If you can't give me those, I guess I'll take you to a place far worse than where you came from. And I really would prefer we stay like lovers, than you being more like my slave."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yes... I remember." She moans a little as her dick is jerked off by his tentacle cock, her prick quickly standing at attention. She opens her mouth to take his cock in, but he sees a tiny flash of fear in her eyes when she hears him say that he would take her to a worse place. She wraps her hand around his cock and guides it into her waiting mouth, before closing her lips around it, her tongue swirling around the tip. She goes lower and lower, and manages to take six inches of nubby demon cock before gagging a pulling back a little, still sucking it like a straw and licking the tip.