The Last Sovereign


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Yay new update! Will probably have to wait till march before I can decide what the best course of action is though, but that's half the fun.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Voted, funny to see what everyone else's opinion is on things.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Huh. you are very very regular. Going to get back into this game.  Sad I wasted my time uploading the kimochi version. Thank god for diligent invest walkthrough. 

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I know developers of NSFW games don't have the best track record with consistency. It's asking a lot for people to trust a new dev with a project of this size, so I try to keep a professional schedule to show my commitment.

Regarding Kimochi: I don't know exactly where, but I'm fairly certain that your save files are just in a Kimochi sub-folder. If you find them and put them in the folder of any other version of the game, they should work just fine - no replaying necessary!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I know developers of NSFW games don't have the best track record with consistency. It's asking a lot for people to trust a new dev with a project of this size, so I try to keep a professional schedule to show my commitment.

Regarding Kimochi: I don't know exactly where, but I'm fairly certain that your save files are just in a Kimochi sub-folder. If you find them and put them in the folder of any other version of the game, they should work just fine - no replaying necessary!

No.  I lost the originals ages ago and need to replay regardless. It's just I have a copy of the old game I don't need any more. 

And I really like this game.   The chosen though makes we want to self insert for the sole reason to simply not be a dick. Or to at least treat fighting succubi without good Demon King like fighting memetic hazards.  Gratituitous overkill and ruthless paranoia.   I mean the sheer stupidity of sticking your dick in a sex demons mouth cannot be overstated. If she used basic super strength and simply got herself killed biting it off it would have at least kept them at bay.  Unless healing magic can fix that easy as you please.  I mean seriously.  Is Ivala trying to lose and is she getting checked by corrupt Clerics.   I mean if I was designing a mystical super soldier  against succubi I'd literally strip out lust temporarily.   Or at least lock it behind a barrier of chaste love.   Or steal there trick and steal succubi.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
There's a reason the Chosen is so braindead, but it seems you're still in the tutorial, keep playing and you'll get your wish in a way I suppose.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Gotten Farther.  I must revise my statement on succubi murder.    Designed races. Yuck. Qum D'umpe portrait is creepy for it's uniformity.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Funny you should say that... but no, I won't spoil anything.


Well that was horriic. I'm guessing pretty much any ruthless anti less magic idea has already been pursued and went horribly horribly wrong. 

I mean I was just thinking about some hormone stabilization of somethng like what happened ot Keiichi Ah My goddess style.  And damn that convo in the academy seems terrifying now. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015

Well that was horriic. I'm guessing pretty much any ruthless anti less magic idea has already been pursued and went horribly horribly wrong. 

I mean I was just thinking about some hormone stabilization of somethng like what happened ot Keiichi Ah My goddess style.  And damn that convo in the academy seems terrifying now. 

The original unmen and unwomen were still human and looked human, they just didn't have any interest or ability to have sex.  The things you fight in the warehouse are an abomination that the inquisition most likely made with the intent of attacking the Incubus King.  And, it was probably done with the help of whatever shadowy group is trying to destabilize Ari-Yihilin.  Although I doubt any level of hormone control can stop lust magic that infects the victim's soul.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The original unmen and unwomen were still human and looked human, they just didn't have any interest or ability to have sex.  The things you fight in the warehouse are an abomination that the inquisition most likely made with the intent of attacking the Incubus King.  And, it was probably done with the help of whatever shadowy group is trying to destabilize Ari-Yihilin.  Although I doubt any level of hormone control can stop lust magic that infects the victim's soul.

you're probably right.


Active Member
Jan 18, 2016
Once you get to Ardford, you'll see real Unmen, not the abominations stored in that house-arrest warehouse. And yes, they do pass as normal once you get around the aura of 'wrongness' they project (Doubly so for succubi.), but they can empathize well enough save that they've had their sexuality ripped out in all ways, so common sense likely dictates you do not want to see one that's not covered up.

At any rate I've finally massacred my way back to Ardford after having to re-do everything to get it all right, though I deviated from the Completionist Walkthrough by saving Carina's men with the Iron Cudgels, Aside from that I've finally found something worse than spiders, having to replay a route if you forgot and missed something (Stineford 3 times, Chapter 2 twice, Megail twice and Aka twice, it makes things less a game and more a chore.), but otherwise I still pretty much destroyed everything in the way, even the Yhilini Noble and his mages who someone told me was hard but I still destroyed him in less than ten turns.


Oct 14, 2015
There's no way to transfer saves from one version to the next, is there? I'm sort of trapped in a cycle of "Hey, new version! Time to play again!", "Man the old content takes a while to get through, I'll put it aside and come back to it later when I have more time", "Oh, there's a new version is coming out soon. I might as well wait so I don't have to start over again."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
There's no way to transfer saves from one version to the next, is there? I'm sort of trapped in a cycle of "Hey, new version! Time to play again!", "Man the old content takes a while to get through, I'll put it aside and come back to it later when I have more time", "Oh, there's a new version is coming out soon. I might as well wait so I don't have to start over again."

......What? You can just take you original save and bring it into the new versions folder.

Or copy the new version over the older versions files (which is what I do) as it doesn't affect the save. Either way, you should still be able to play with your current save.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I wonder how many people bought that full plate in stineford and used it only to lose everything for ever as you always go last and the tanks are stat inflicters. 

Though I really like how he plays. There's a real sense of progress. It's slow but it's not too slow? It's like you hear how this guy is a badass ex spec ops supersoldier on the upper tier curve of mundane power, and it feels like that with normal progress, and in the way that properly marshalling your skills can school your opponents.   Being lazy will get you killed often being proactive can see you murdering things really really strong.   The games nicely balanced and gameplay and the story are well intertwined.   Like that time when you're alone and facing two Elite bodyguards. Only you can literally stun lock them in perpetuity and own them with an iron sword hell you can do with the simple blade or maybe even bare handed if your mana holds. 

The warrior has mastered the blade and now cuts with his heart.  

I also really like the nuance in his character and the facets.  You really get the deep and abiding sense he's on the side of angels yet he's also can be ruthless, and an ex ethical hedonist getting back into the game. 

Though I would have loved for Simon, lore hero soldier to have a scan ability.  Instead of just guide dangit and raw experience. 


Active Member
Jan 18, 2016
There's no way to transfer saves from one version to the next, is there? I'm sort of trapped in a cycle of "Hey, new version! Time to play again!", "Man the old content takes a while to get through, I'll put it aside and come back to it later when I have more time", "Oh, there's a new version is coming out soon. I might as well wait so I don't have to start over again."

Funny thing about Last Sovereign, as long as you are in an area that's complete in the new and old versions, the game is forward and backwards compatible. Which is great, means the game's foundation is very solid.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I wonder how many people bought that full plate in stineford and used it only to lose everything for ever as you always go last and the tanks are stat inflicters. 

Though I really like how he plays. There's a real sense of progress. It's slow but it's not too slow? It's like you hear how this guy is a badass ex spec ops supersoldier on the upper tier curve of mundane power, and it feels like that with normal progress, and in the way that properly marshalling your skills can school your opponents.   Being lazy will get you killed often being proactive can see you murdering things really really strong.   The games nicely balanced and gameplay and the story are well intertwined.   Like that time when you're alone and facing two Elite bodyguards. Only you can literally stun lock them in perpetuity and own them with an iron sword hell you can do with the simple blade or maybe even bare handed if your mana holds. 

The warrior has mastered the blade and now cuts with his heart.  

I also really like the nuance in his character and the facets.  You really get the deep and abiding sense he's on the side of angels yet he's also can be ruthless, and an ex ethical hedonist getting back into the game. 

Though I would have loved for Simon, lore hero soldier to have a scan ability.  Instead of just guide dangit and raw experience. 

Also, it's a expensive piece of equipment... that you can get for free later in the game... But I don't htink that such a heavy armor fits Simon at all. In Stineford is very probable that you get the real tank of the game...


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Version 0.17.0 is out for backers! Meanwhile, here is a preview of some of this month's content:

Ardford isn't all grim politics. You'll get to explore some new areas in the region:

Of course, you'll find that the plot covers old areas as well, which may have changed:

And finally, this:


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
.......Either an unwomen or a zombie........or Simon's mother :D.

On another note, will Simon's parents or ancestry have any impact on the story?

My first guess was plant woman, but judging from her outfit, her being Erosian( spelling?) is a good possibility. Doubt Simon's ancestry matters much though, for the most part we only learn tidbits of his wife and former companions at best, his family outside Robin and his wife are complete unknowns. Though if I recall correctly he was a single child and his mother died in childbirth.

Also huzzah the newest update! Now to wait a week, thankfully I have an essay to keep me busy till Tuesday at least, though I wonder if this is the entirety of Ardford storyline, or if we still have to wait till another version for the end of the summit?

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Regarding Simon's ancestry: I promise it's nothing important, he had ordinary parents who died in ordinary ways. No destined orphans in this game. =P The details of his past that will matter are his actions during the war and as an adult, along with the relationships he built during that time.

@EmperorG: This one finishes the summit and all other Ardford events! Next version will be making good on the promises and setup I've been laying down for Ari-Yhilina and the Doomed King plan. Two updates seems about right for a big city, so if I ever spend three updates in a place it will be because I'm going for something even bigger.


Jan 13, 2016
Is there a way to progress with the Unman investigation without going through the merchants guild?

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
To finish the investigation, you have to follow up on the three leads Dari gives you (the others are optional for bonuses). One of those leads is the Merchant's Guild - is there some reason you don't want to go there? It just requires talking to one of the low level orderlies, not becoming a full member or making any investments.


Oct 15, 2015
Perth Western Australia
sierra ever thort about going the rout that overwhored has ie haveing  NoMoshing   give you a lil secon ware you can upload updates (Puublic) t so pepole can download the latest version  wile Keeping (None Public) releases ecxsclusively for patreon backers 

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
NoMoshing actually did host TLS for many updates - if you go back far enough on the blog, you'll see the links. But with changes in hosting and the field in general, he has decided not to host other games any longer. I'm grateful for the support he offered, but right now it's just Mega for me.