The Last Sovereign


New Member
Jan 13, 2017
Hi, I just downloaded the newest version, and it says I RPGVXAce RTP is required to play it, I have no idea how this works, can anyone help?

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
New TLS update! In between the war and the big Stenai update, this is a quieter one for spending some quality time with the characters:

There are a variety of scenes to unlock, if you meet the requirements.

And you'll have a chance to see the consequences of your actions during the conflict with Erosia.

I hope this update tides everyone over until the Stenai update is complete!

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So, I'm going to do something unusual. Usually posting a preview post early would get in the way of development, since maps and things change, but this time I have most of that settled and I'm working on polishing details. This is a preview post that isn't live yet, but should be soon!

As you probably read earlier, this update is about visiting Stenai and choosing between the two princesses the nation offered to seal the alliance.

In addition to choosing between princesses, you'll get to explore Stenai's capital city. There are a number of interesting things to do...

You won't just be dealing with princesses, though. Your main goal is still to establish a teleportation waypoint, which will be another of the main activities.

I'm sure you'll all be shocked that this involves getting your hands dirty and killing some things.

And look, Stenai has a hidden port! Hope everyone enjoys. =D

You won't go to Erosia, but you will get a look at the current developments there.

And finally...

Please look forward to the update! It will go live for patrons on Friday, then go public a week after that.

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The newest version of TLS has been released publicly, check my blog for the links:

TLS 0.37.0
- Stenai update covering the next section of the game.
- Four new scenes.
TLS 0.37.1
- Several changes made to make the switch puzzles easier and clearer.
- All party members' base lines changed after the Stenai events. NPCs around the world have NOT yet changed.
- Some new unique sprites thanks to Bug Reporting.
- Music issues fixed thanks to Lamsey.
- Bugfixing and polishing, as always.
TLS 0.37.3
- Further bugfixes and refinements.
- The major change is that making Altina's custom weapon now grants affection where it didn't before.

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
New TLS update for patrons! This one will take you to a new location with special significance to the Church of Ivala:

There, you will meet all the High Priestesses who have yet to make an appearance (along with some other religious figures) and have to navigate the social and religious situation to get the results you want:

That's right, this update is all hot and heavy religious doctrine!

But remember what it's all for in the end...

This is an unusual update that will take more work to balance than usual, because so many of the player's prior decisions have an impact on it. I'm not sure when the public version will come out.

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The newest version of TLS has been released publicly:

TLS 0.39.2
- Numerous balance changes, on average making the vote requirements easier.
- New/improved Kerannii expressions thanks to Bug Reporting.
- Improved musical tracks thanks to Lamsey.
- High Priestesses have been added to the waiting room for those who want to check influence scores again.

That's all for now. I'm off to work on the followup and some other fun things!


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Oh boy this is some heavy politicking we got on our hands, I'm so grateful we have a wiki that helps us players understand up from down! While some might like playing blind, and I do for my first go on a new update, the completionist in me demands I figure out how everything goes to make a "perfect" run.

Sadly until the second half of the Synod comes out, we wont really be able to tell what is optimal since we still have things to vote on. But I can wait it out :D

Great job as always Sierra!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
We have a lot of fun to enjoy this time around:smuggo::smuggo:. Don't mind the exploding heads:oops::oops: that can be found there;););). Our cleaning crew is working hard to take them out ASAP...:cool::cool::cool:

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Thanks! Now it's mainly a question of when I go to the extra effort of getting the build approved - I don't want to do it at a time that it will distract me and slow development.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Will it be possible to port your game to RPG Maker MV for people who wants to play your game on Android?

Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
If I may do a small suggestion:rolleyes::rolleyes:, it will be nice if you could add a link to your Steam page :cool::cool:, both in the forums and in the blog...
Good point. I think I will try to do a big push for the Steam page when it launches.

Will it be possible to port your game to RPG Maker MV for people who wants to play your game on Android?
Unfortunately, it's not possible. They're different engines and TLS uses a large number of custom scripts that wouldn't be compatible with MV.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
@Sierra Lee Why are all the high priestesses (except Hester) so hot? The church has doomed some of the world's hottest women to a life of chastity. Also, I'm having a slight problem with one of the days at the summit.

I'm a little confused about the forming of a succubus denomination at the summit. I'm low on influence so I can only get 3 votes, but it's my understanding that the synod has to reach a unanimous decision. Presumably if you can get any support it's best to ask for as much as possible and settle for less, but in the actual meeting the majority wins without having to compromise. Shouldn't asking for moderate reforms give room to accept light reforms as long as you can gather some votes during the meeting?
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Sierra Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Why are all the high priestesses (except Hester) so hot? The church has doomed some of the world's hottest women to a life of chastity. Also, I'm having a slight problem with one of the days at the summit.
I'm sad you don't think Hester is hot. Clearly, my efforts to court the extremely lucrative GGILF market have failed.

I'm a little confused about the forming of a succubus denomination at the summit. I'm low on influence so I can only get 3 votes, but it's my understanding that the synod has to reach a unanimous decision. Presumably if you can get any support it's best to ask for as much as possible and settle for less, but in the actual meeting the majority wins without having to compromise. Shouldn't asking for moderate reforms give room to accept light reforms as long as you can gather some votes during the meeting?
This is reasonable, but it would have been hell to design. There's meant to be compromise behind the scenes no matter what occurs, but some of this is abstracted out for the sake of mechanics. Think of it as asking for too much leading to a negative reaction. Sometimes you can negotiate down, but if your initial offer is too high you run the risk of offending the other party.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I'm sad you don't think Hester is hot. Clearly, my efforts to court the extremely lucrative GGILF market have failed.

This is reasonable, but it would have been hell to design. There's meant to be compromise behind the scenes no matter what occurs, but some of this is abstracted out for the sake of mechanics. Think of it as asking for too much leading to a negative reaction. Sometimes you can negotiate down, but if your initial offer is too high you run the risk of offending the other party.

I was afraid it was a limitation of the mechanics, but really hoped it was just an overlooked part of the script. I guess I'll just have to settle for
giving the succubi their own religion ungoverned by the Ivalan high priestesses.