That's a serious approach to things, and I won't deny I played Andra as comic relief. Having said that, while they were off screen, many efforts have been made to help her, particularly from Sarai. In my experience, people who are that gripped by a specific worldview tend to react viciously to "help" that they'll just perceive as attacks. She's alienated most of the people who have tried to help her. As for Simon, I never intended to write him as perfectly understanding. He has a hard time looking past how many people Andra has hurt with her policies.Replaying everything got me thinking though.
Simon tried to rescue so many people and tried to solve their trauma.. so why does it seem no one tries to help Andra?
I get it that she is not popular, but I can't help but to see the similarities betwen Serai and her:
Both are struggeling with their sexual needs which clash with their position. But While Serai is liberal, open-minded and surprisingly secure in her beliefs,
Andra seems more ..insecure. She appears as someone who was brought up very conservative and in her struggle with her own sexuaity she became zelous and lashed out on others.
She lossed everything when she was kicked out and seems half-mad when we see her again, but instead of trying to help her (and thus maybe gaining an ally, or at least a new lay sister for the chalice) people laugh at her?
That seems cruel, especially since every one loves to comment how understanding Simon is.
So yeah, maybe people see her as a hypocrit, but I see her as a flawed person who needs help to come to terms with her own flaws.
I guess it depends on what is seen as help. A discussion can always help, if both sides are honest with their basic axiomatic. Sometimes, problems can be solved by simple reevaluating your own doctrine - something which is easier in a discussion with someone who challenges your positions.Hey, glad you caught up and enjoyed all the new content! I'm glad to finally include the succubus kids. ^-^
That's a serious approach to things, and I won't deny I played Andra as comic relief. Having said that, while they were off screen, many efforts have been made to help her, particularly from Sarai. In my experience, people who are that gripped by a specific worldview tend to react viciously to "help" that they'll just perceive as attacks. She's alienated most of the people who have tried to help her. As for Simon, I never intended to write him as perfectly understanding. He has a hard time looking past how many people Andra has hurt with her policies.
In any case, I didn't intend to write Andra as insane. She's the same person that she was before, it's just that her zealousness has taken her in the opposite direction. Like people who go from being fundamentalists in one ideology to advocating another equally zealously. Regardless, it's not like she's being raped or doesn't have the presence of mind to make such decisions - she's just working out a lifetime of repression in the only way she knows how.
Will get to your private message in a bit!
While some mysteries will remain at the end of the game, during the course of these last two chapters the characters will get a lot of answers about the fundamental workings of their world. Some fundamental questions from the real world will remain unclear, but many of the supernatural issues the characters are concerned with have definite answers.There is one thing I have to ask: When the game ends, will there be still mysteries in the gameworld? Questions without answers and different views?
I think it would be a shame if everything gets answered, it ..cheapens the philosophical struggle of its inhabitants..
Oh, I quite enjoy it! The only downside is that I can't keep all of the variables in my head sometimes, so errors slip through.I got bored and started going through some of the files...and holy hell there are a lot of variables from all the different decisions! Must be hell trying to keep things organized....
Errors, you say? Time to figure out how to get infinite pr0n!Oh, I quite enjoy it! The only downside is that I can't keep all of the variables in my head sometimes, so errors slip through.
You joke, but I have mainly play this game because of the characters. Smut is secondary.But I know people really play this game for the hawt, sexy philosophical discussions. I finally implemented a miniquest where visiting various bars around the world with Orcent will give scenes that include spicy personal reflections, naughty character development, and taboo theological discussions. Get it now before Patreon bans me!
You joke, but I have mainly play this game because of the characters. Sex is secondary.
But in addition to all that, the war contains quite a few character moments I hope people will enjoy.
And finally:
Due to the size and complexity of this one, it will probably take two weeks to go public. Please look forward to it!
Those spider's in the infested house are wuppin my butt
Keep in mind that, for most players this is the most difficult of the whole game, but the rewards are pretty useful in various fronts.
Now that the optional beach has been nerfed at least. That area was definitely the hardest when it first released.
I don't know why people got that impression. The original port mission took me two attempts, but that's because I spent too much potions on the first attempt, including revivals. The spider house took me multiple attempts and fervent prayers to RNGesus.
Mhm, have you talked to him in the Jade House? He should appear after talking to him there and then just clicking the portrait once (he should enter the shop at that moment)I'm having a bit of trouble in Aka's route with the house jade clerk in the painting shop. I have to copy him with Trin but I click on the King painting twice exit come back click again but no one's there, what's up with that?