The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Indeed, these people were preparing to head into the swamp, without knowing the proper routs. They would surely be dead, or worse, in a few days, if something didn't happen.

[Let's give our new player OmegaUmbra a chance to chime in here. If they don't soon, I'll think of something.]


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Akalfa's eyes went wide at the sight of the trio. An odd bunch for sure, she thought to herself, but an incredibly interesting sort to behold. A slight grimace overtook her features as she weighed the possibilities. She knew keeping watch was her duty and yet the sneaking suspicion of being lowballed stuck in the back of her mind. Even if she did manage to capture the travelers surely her two 'companions' would hog all the glory. And the thought of leaving three lost wanderers to what may very well be their last miserable trek made her feel more than cruel.

Swallowing down the gnawing apprehension telling her otherwise, Akalfa made her way down the hill gesturing towards the group in waves.

"I would not recommend going in that direction in particular," She said, panting as she made her way to the bottom of the hill, still keeping a fair distance. "That area is infested with goblins. In fact, the entirety of this marsh is filled with all manner of unsavory creatures." Akalfa sighed, cursing her soft heart.

"If desired I could demonstrate a less perilous route."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira turned towards the source of the voice and as she did so her eyes widened. Standing before them was a Dark Elf, a very attractive Dark Elf, but a Dark Elf nonetheless. To say that their two peoples had a shared history of enmity would be an understatement. Valira was fully familiar with their ways, having been educated in such matters as all High Elves were starting at childhood. She immediately distrusted this stranger, even as she appeared to be offering help. She seemed harmless enough, but so did a lot of dangerous things. It could all be some trick some tactic to lure them into a trap. Before they knew it, they would be part of a prospective harem or sold into slavery. That being said, they had few other options and this seemed to be their best bet to traverse the swamp. After all, it was possible she was being truthful, so turning down this offer could be both a foolhardy and rude choice.

''We thank you for the kind offer. I am Valira Aurum and these are my companions Dirk O Malley and Zwarr Metal. And you are?''

Valira kept her voice polite but neutral, although it was clear from her expression she was sizing this interloper up.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk, meanwhile, nearly lost his footing. Only his tightened grip on the branch embedded in the ground stopped him from falling straight into the murk as he spun around and stared back at her. He shot a worried glance to Zwarr, remembering all too well the last time something like this had happened.

Y'know what? I'm just gonna shut up and let you guys handle this one.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr gave a small head nod with agreement when his name was mentioned, He too knew of dark elves... he'd... have afew try to get a bit too kinky for his liking in the past. He often turned the tables on them, doming the 'doms'.. but he could tell that maybe something was different about this one. "Greetings~" He said while looking to Dirk and giving a reaffirming nod to 'comfort him'... yeah it was likely smart of Dirk to take a back seat for the moment.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa was taken back by the their amicability, fearing the absolute worst due to the reputation her people have made for themselves. Knowing Dark Elves were not often given the benefit of the doubt, a sigh of relief left her throat as she nodded in response. A chance to prove her honesty is all she could ask for. "Akalfa Dumri, a pleasure to meet you all." Her voice ending off with a hint of nervousness. Her eyes darted back and forth among the group. It wasn't hard to see the distrust. Trust was something she was going to have to earn.

"Here," she said, pushing aside a large group of vines and moss to reveal a dank pathway. "No area here is completely safe from peril, but on this path I've encountered the least resistance."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Still wary, Valira noticed the nervous tint to the Dark Elfs voice. Whether that was genuine, or a ploy, remained to me seen. The girls cute appearance seemed real enough, although that could belie a darker nature. She shot a look to the others as if asking the silent question ''should we trust her?''


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Where the hell did she come from? And what is she doing all the way out here, anyway? What does she hope to gain by helping us? I just don't get it!

Should I say something? After what happened last time, I’m scared to trust my own judgment.

Dirk caught Valira’s expression, and shrugged. “Don’t look at me! I’ve made us enough enemies this week. It’s your turn.”


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Upon hearing Dirks response, Valira sighed in a mix of resignation and frustration. As much as it pained her to admit it, trusting this stranger, this Dark Elf of all people, was probably the only option available to them. Hopefully her desire to help them was earnest, the knight was not in the mood for yet surprise attack. Those were becoming far too frequent for the group as is. This decision could come back to bite them in the behind (hopefully not literally this time) but they would cross that bridge if and when it came to it. They would remain vigilant around Akalfa until they were sure she was on the level.

''It is a pleasure to meet you as well, Akalfa. We thank you once again for your most generous offer, and for warning us of the peril ahead. We gratefully accept. Please, lead the way.''

Valira said all of this in as warm and polite a manner as she could muster, although her smile seemed a little forced despite her efforts.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa's ears perked up slightly hearing Dirk speak as she walked her way down the muddy path. Made us enough enemies? She couldn't help but wonder just what these three had been through. A hint of worry crossed her brow. Was she a fool for being so quick to provide aid? Or perhaps that's passing judgment far too soon. Admittedly the strangers were captivating in more ways than one. Her superiors would be livid at the discovery of her actions yet...a smirk rose to her lips at the little act of defiance. What they'll never know can't hurt them. Despite herself, the growing feeling of curiosity was beginning to become unbearable. There was a long journey ahead of them and the increasing tension would only serve to sour the mood further. As much as she wanted to deny it the Dark Elves had made a name for themselves, especially among other elves. One that wasn't for being kind and philanthropic. Mustering a bit of courage, Akalfa spoke up.

"If you have any questions, do let me know. I've been here a short time but have become quite familiar with the lay of the land."

Facing the floor she carefully maneuvered around the thick foliage. While tantalizing was the prospect of asking who, why, and where, it would be rude to stick her nose where it didn't belong. Even if she really wanted to.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
While they might have misgivings about their new companion, the trio soon found that she did, indeed, know the swamp like the back of her hand, and kept them on a mostly dry path.

The swamp itself was, in a word, dismal. The gnarled remains of trees showed that it had once been a lightly wooded grassland long ago, but by damming, or some underground waterway being forced upward, it had been transformed into a waterlogged land of rot and decay.



Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
As they walked, Valira shook her head at the depressing state of the environment. The forest had brought its own tribulations but at least it was charming in its own rustic way, not to mention full of life. This place had all the appeal of a wet boot, and she shuddered to imagine just what horrible creatures called this desolate landscape home. As Akalfa spoke up, Valira thought for a moment in how to word her next question.

''Now that you mention it, I am rather curious what you are doing in this area. I think its fair to say that my companions and I were a bit surprised to see a Dark Elf in the middle of the swamps.''

Valira said this in a tone mixed with curiosity and confusion.


Well-Known Member
A nervous smile graced Akalfa's lips as she listened to Valira's query. A very apt question indeed. But one she had trouble answering honestly. How was she supposed to tell them that the purpose of her exploration was to sound the alarm and capture whatever suitable specimen made their way into the swampland?

"A change of scenery felt...needed. This place certainly isn't the picture of beauty, but it's better than the atmosphere back home." She ended her words off with a rather forced chuckle. A half-truth would have to do, at least for now.

"I hope you don't mind if I pry, but what brought you all here? These lands are treacherous beyond belief! What could have motivated the idea of crossing without a guide?" Despite attempting to keep a disinterested, serene demeanor, the spirit of inquiry was written all over her face. It couldn't hurt to ask, after all being solemn has never earned her any allies.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''I see, well I can understand needing a change of surroundings.''

Valira could sense that Akalfa wasn't being entirely forthcoming with her, coupled with her vague answer that only made her more suspicious. Still, she would try to keep an open mind and to give the Dark Elf the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps she had good reasons doing so, home could be an uncomfortable subject for her.

''As for what we are doing here, we are on a noble quest at the behest of Queen Amelia to rescue the fair princess, Charlotte, who was abducted by a dragon some time ago. Though it may be treacherous, we shall see it through to the end for it is the right thing to do! A companion of ours was recently taken by the beasts daughter and we will not rest until both women are set free!''

Valira said all of this with passion, deciding to be completely honest with Akalfa. If she could be trusted, then lying would be detrimental to a potentially fruitful relationship. If she had ill intentions, then such a bold declaration of the truth might elicit a telling reaction.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
"I'm a late arrival to this party too, but decided this could be good for me. 'Promote' my style by saving the princess, and writing my new song 'Save The Princess, Slay the Dragon.' It'll be great... still writing the song but I know it'll be a hit." He said as he gently plucked the strings of his guitar axe.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“And if you don’t believe all of that, for whatever reason, just think of us as bounty hunters.”

Dirk plucked a random plant in passing and idly rolled it between his fingers as they walked.

“So how’d you find this route, Alfie? Trial and error?” he asked, nonchalantly.

If the swamp’s as dangerous as you insist it is, then I doubt you'd have learned on your own. Either you're much stronger than you look, or you’re not really alone out here.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Before she had a chance to answer, Akalfa was interrupted by the sight of three golden lights bobbing in the distance. They were barely visible through the fog, but they bounced up and down as if a boat were making its way through the swamp. She knew better than that, though. These were Willo-Wisps, spiteful little fey that loved to lead travelers into natural hazards, like quick sand.
While avoiding them would be easy enough, she knew that if they were ignored the little sprites would likely pester them for miles.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
If the Will-o-Wisps came close, Zwarr would try something. He'd start playing an old song... not his usual style, but it was one he learned while from his studies. it was the only one he knew related to the little sprites, but hey.. maybe it'd calm them and get them to leave them alone... or who knows.. maybe they'd like it and help instead. Zwarr didn't know what affect it'd have, but it couldn't hurt... right?

(This is the song.) (note, Song is not magic. just normal music.)


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira had found herself mesmerised by the beauty of the golden lights, never having seen their like before. She wasn't quite sure what they were, but they seemed harmless enough, and combined with the music Zwarr was playing the whole scene felt rather soothing despite the terrible surroundings. It helped to improve her mood, unaware of the dangers these creatures could pose to the unwary.


Well-Known Member
A pang of longing stirred in Akalfa's chest as she listened to their resolute answers. The fierce conviction in which Valira spoke was something to be admired. The charm of Zwarr's goal, hell even being a bounty hunter was more honorable than what she resigned herself to. Never once was she a good judge of character, but the way they spoke felt ripe with authenticity. Unlike herself. Dirk's inquiry made the wrongness of it begin to weigh on Akalfa's mind. How long did she intend to lie? The very notion of being so cowardly felt vile. The ideals between her and her dark elf brethren were not shared but would be nigh impossible to disprove. The truth could not stay hidden forever, yet the fear of retaliation made her hesitate.

"Well...trial and error would be correct. But if I am to be sincere I-"

Her voice trailed on as her eyes were enthralled by the pale glow of the Willo-Wisps. Despite the serenity of the music calm was the furthest emotion that sprung to mind. With a gasp, Akalfa backed away from their deceitful radiance remembering the sheer endangerment her previous cohorts faced.

"This is no good! These creatures will chase us to the ends of the swamp if we disregard them! Worse yet the path they alight is one I am unfamiliar with. Giving chase would be ill-advised, though considering the journey we still have ahead..."
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The wisps began to bob, and sway in time with Zwarr's tune, drawing slowly closer to the group as they did.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk blinked, and followed Akalfa’s gaze. A masterful diversion on her part: changing the subject away from the inquiry and onto the imminent danger of-

He squinted, then looked at her incredulously.

“…Fireflies? You’re scared of fireflies?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira studied Akalfa's reaction and facial expressions. Despite her innate distrust of Dark Elves, she could see that the woman's fear was genuine. Whether said fear was appropriate was another matter entirely, and part of her did wonder if this was some sort of strange excuse to lead them into a trap. Still, Akalfa had far more experience with this area and the creatures that inhabited it than the group did, if she was being truthful than disregarding her warnings would be the height of folly. Valira decided to give her the benefit of the doubt.

''Now lets not be so dismissive Dirk. Given your reaction Akalfa I assume these are no mere fireflies correct?''


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The wisps continued to bob towards them, seemingly dancing along to the tune of Zwarr's song. Once they got closer, the group could see that the little creatures were not just floating motes of lite, but actual physical beings. Each wisp was a tiny elf-like creature, though with even more exaggerated features; long ears, and sharp features. Further, they could see that the little things really were dancing; spinning along in pairs to the tune.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwar kept up the tune with a smile, "Hey there little friends! liking the music?" he asked with a big grin. "Well if you little fellas want more, could you kindly show us the safest path through? I'll gladly play for you the whole time if you do." He said to the wisps, before looking to the others with a smirk. "The power of music can make miracles, let's just hope they understand me enough to wanna help."


Well-Known Member
"Fireflies? Positively the furthest from it! Horribly deceptive little things that- Hold on, are they listening to the...?" Akalfa couldn't help but gaze dumbfounded by the discovery of the creature's merriment. Looking back and forth between Zwarr and the fae unsure what to make of the situation.

"I can only hope too. They seem charmed, yet I'd remain weary." She said observing them closer. At least she was assured her earlier paranoia was not unfounded.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira found the tune Zwarr was playing rather catchy, and the creatures seemed as cute as they were harmless. That being said, Akalfa had made it clear that that was just a front, a deception to lure in their prey. They hadn't found an easy mark with this group, but it was possible that Zwarr's musical offer would help turn them to the quartets advantage. Still, Akalfa was right that caution was necessary regardless.

''Yes I have to agree with Akalfa, while they appear to be enjoying the show as it were, we must remain on guard.''


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Still, the little wisps seemed happy enough to help, as long as the music continued, and the group was soon trekking through the marsh at surprisingly good speed. The wisps kept them on a side path, and Akalfa was able to point out dangerous hazards, like poisonous plants, and insects.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
I’ll be damned, thought Dirk. Maybe things will actually turn out fine for once.

He tried his best to follow along with Akalfa’s explanations of what not to touch/step on/eat, but it was all too much to keep track of. And while they seemed to be moving quite fast, all sense of direction seemed to have left him during the walk.

Accepting the help of a random stranger had been one thing, but now they were putting their trust in glowing, humanoid moths. He couldn’t help but worry.

“So, about how wide is this bog, anyway?” he asked, to no one in particular. “Do you reckon we can make it across before sundown, or…?"


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira couldn't help but be impressed at the knowledge Akalfa possessed of the swamp and she attempted to commit as much of the information to memory as was possible. Though she was still wary of the Dark Elf, she had to admit that the woman was clearly skilled and clearly spoke in a dignified manner. Assuming she was genuine, there was something to admire about her. Well, other than her appearance that is as Valira found herself stealing glances at the woman's rear end. It was about the size of her own (no mean feat given the derriere in question) and as Akalfa led the group, Valira found herself looking as the other woman's hips swayed from side to side. She did her best not to stare of course, that would be rude, but she did still check her out as discretely as possible. Before any fantasies took firm root in her head, Dirk's question shook her out of her reverie and she cleared her throat.

''I believe that we should ask our resident expert. What say you Akalfa?''