The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr seeing the flames coming, he tried to resist the magic flames. The actual 'fire' part of it had no real effect on Zwarr, his kind had a degree of fire resistance. But the magical nature that was an issue, so he resisted trying to play a 'Cure Curse' song. "Yeah... no! Dammit Dirk!!!! we get out of this... I'm going to have some SERIOUS words with you, dude." He said shaking off the flames effect. "You ain't my Master of Puppets.. but let's see if I can't pull your strings!" He said deciding to wipe out and cast a similar illusion spell back at Zira.... first temporarily blinding her with a flash then making himself look like Dirk to her and Dirk look like Zwarr.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
More vines joined the ones already writhing over her, pulling her arms wide, and forcing her to drop her sword. For a moment Valira thought she might be drawn and quartered, but they stopped pulling after they had disarmed her. Instead, two slithered around her waist, before wriggling up and wrapping around her prodigious breasts, squeezing them like serpents grasping their prey. As if that were not bad enough, two particularly thick vines wrapped around her thighs, and began slowly but steadily trying to pull her legs open.

Zira poked her head out through the hole she had made earlier. "Did you fall down?" she asked, before a bright light flashed inside the room. She looked dazed for a moment, before turning her attention back inside. "AH-HA! There you are!" she declared, and was about to pull back into the tower.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
"Zira. I'm sorry. Please. Let my friends go! I'll submit to you. I'll do whatever you want for me to do..." Zwarr as 'Dirk' said, "I.. should have been a man, should have told you from the start about my... reasons. Please give me one more chance to do this peacefully. We don't need this violence. call of the attack."

Dirk is going to owe me one for this.... if this doesn't work. I'ma kick him in the dick for this.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira moaned involuntarily at this around the vine inside her mouth, her face flushed with embarrassment, anger and shame. Here she was, a proud knight of Ashara, having her body violated in such an obscene manner! It felt good despite everything and that was the most galling thing of all! If she didn't act quickly they would penetrate her, and she was not about to give Zira the satisfaction of seeing her writhing in unwilling ecstasy! Summoning all her strength, she flexed her muscles and tried one last herculean attempt to get free.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Just as one of the vines was lining up with her womanhood, Valira summoned the strength necessary to break several of the things holding her. She hit the ground with a thud, and reached her sword, just as they closed in on her again.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
That's right, come on out you big, scaley - the fuck? No, don't go back in! Zwarr, what the fuck are you doing down there!?

After thinking a moment, Dirk knelt down and pried off a loose shingle. He hefted it in one hand before throwing it as hard as he could.

Four stories below, it hit one of the fort's outer walls and shattered with a loud ceramic crash.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira rushed forward, slashing the vines in her wake to ribbons as she let out all of her rage in a bellow of righteous fury. If Zira thought that she could get away with all this the foul wench had another thing coming. She wanted nothing more than to assist Zwarr and Dirk in the fight against the scaly temptress, but Sholgra needed to be defended from the vines. Valira hadn't realized just how heavy sleepers orcs were, or was that just her priestess friend? Whatever the answer, until she awoke she would stay by her side. She just hoped that Dirk and Zwarr could handle things by themselves for now.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
That would start Sholgra awake, but do little to draw the attention of the dragon.

[I think we've gone far enough without letting our fourth member chime in, so lets put a pin in it for now.]


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
As Sholgra got up, using her staff for leverage, she turned around to see the oncoming vines. Growling, baring her tusks (among other things), she spun her staff around, using it to clear away the incoming branches and to help Valira defend herself as she shouted, "BY SELUNA, ENOUGH OF THESE MOTHERFUCKING TREES TRYING TO GET UP IN MY MOTHERFUCKING ASSHOLE!"


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira jumped slightly as she heard Sholgra join the fray, smiling happily as she joined with the orc in fighting off these accursed vines. The battle wasn't over yet, not by a long shot, but it would now be far easier. If Zira thought that Valira and Sholgra would fall to overgrown shrubbery, she was even more insane than her behaviour would suggest.

''My thanks for the assistance Sholgra! Now, what's say we show these pitiful excuses for plants what for eh?''


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The two women would square off against the plants, but Sholgra was at a serious disadvantage as she didn't have a cutting weapon. In short order, she was wrapped up in the things in much the same way as Valira had been, arms and legs restrained, and breasts and cock bound and molested.

Zira stalked towards Zwarr with a smile on her face, leaving her back to the opening in the wall. "Now, why don't you slip out of those clothes so we can get started?" she asked, as she advanced.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira used her hands and sword to cut the vines free from Sholgra, freeing her in short order. Nearly being caught off guard herself, she turned around just in time to slash the ones approaching her to ribbons.

''This is proving to be both dangerous and tedious, let us hope that Zwarr and Dirk can handle Zira on they're own or I fear we will be at this all night at this rate''

She sighed as she cut yet another vine down to size.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Very well, thought Dirk, if the dragon won’t come to you…

He tightened the mask around his face, taking a deep breath to still his heartbeat, and carefully slid his way down the vines covering the tower's outside wall.

I don’t really want to do this, you know...

Going down turned out to be even easier than climbing up had been, and he soon reached the hole on the second floor.

...but now that I’ve seen what you’re really like…

Dirk’s silhouette dropped down silently behind Zira, a flash of moonlight glinting off the blade in his hand.

…I don’t think I’ll regret it much.

Even in the dark of the room, Zwarr could see the cold resolve in Dirk’s eyes as he started to creep forward.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Before Zwarr could respond, Zira let out a piercing shriek and bucked her way around the room, before leaping out the hole in the wall. For just a moment, he thought he spotted something metal gleaming in her hip.

Dirk was unable to hold onto his knife after planting it in what was basically Zira's ass. As she leaped away, her tail caught him in the side, sending him flying across the room, and knocking the wind out of him so hard, it took him a full minute to take a breath. But, he could see her disappearing into the inky blackness of the night sky; enraged roars fading as she went.

Valira and Sholgra were on the verge of being overwhelmed by the writhing plants, but with a sudden shudder, they fell limp to the ground, and shrank back to normal creepers.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
There was an expression that people were supposed to say in moments like this. How did it go, again? Oh, yeah.


Dirk tried a couple times to get to his feet before he gave up. The adrenaline rush was gone, it was late at night, he was tired, and now he had several bruises. After a long, quiet moment, he called out to the others with a voice full of exhaustion.

“Okay! I think it’s gone, now! Is everyone all right?”


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira looked around with a slightly weary expression before replying to Dirk, in a voice less tired but no less fed up.

''As all right as can be expected given the circumstances. We will discuss just what in the name of all that is good and honourable happened when we've had the chance to rest. I feel that you have a lot of explaining to do, mister Dirk.''

At that moment, Valira wished for a proper bed more than anything in the world.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr was about to say something when all that happened, but now he walked up and punched Dirk in the shoulder hard but not enough to hurt. "I HAD IT COVERED! You should have helped the girls. I would have been fine! I had a plan. I was going to calm her, take her back to the bedroom and then hit her with a sleep spell! now we've got an enemy who thinks I JUST STABBED HER cause of the illusion spell I had on her. You looked like me to her, I looked like you! Go on... explain this to the girls... I'm going to keep an eye out..." He said growling as he moved over to one of the holes and watched out for any sign of Zira.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk rubbed his shoulder and opened his mouth to protest, but shame trapped his thoughts before he could voice them. He turned and silently headed down the stairwell. Zwarr was right, of course. He hadn't needed "help" cleaning up Dirk's mess. All he'd done was make things even worse.

Useless. Worse than useless. They’d be better off without you here.

He managed to pull himself together enough to hide the pain before he stepped out onto the ground level, where he looked back and forth between Sholgra and Valira. They seemed intact, at the very least.

“Well, on the bright side: the top floor should be vacant now! No need to sleep down here anymore!” He said, in a much livelier tone than he meant to.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As the travelers gathered around the base of the tower, the crash of branches breaking tore through the night air, as Zira came diving through the canopy. Her rear claws closed around Sholgra and lifted her into the air with a roar of triumph as she sped away towards the mountains; no doubt to join her father, and add another captive to his dungeon.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra

Valira shouted the orcs name as she rushed to prevent her companions capture. Sadly, it was all just too fast for her to do anything about it. Even her reflexes were no match for the surprise and speed of Zira's attack, and as the creatures horrible roar permeated both the night air and her bones, she collapsed to her knees. She felt despair at the loss of her friend and lover, but also rage at the ones who took her from her. Her righteous anger at the foul beasts daring to kidnap the princess now mixed with her anger at the taking of her friend. Wiping away a solitary tear, she rose to her feet and turned to the others, a look of pure determination on her face.

''We will complete this quest, we will slay Zira and her wretched father and we will save not only the fair princess Charlotte, but dear Sholgra as well. I swear upon my honor, both as a knight and a scion of the house of Aurum! Are you with me my comrades!?''


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk nodded mutely, but failed to return Valira’s steadfast gaze. His own eyes were transfixed on their distant destination, quivering in horror and guilt.

If he had anything to say, then he was in no state of mind to say it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr turned just in time to witness this, "GODS DAMMIT!! Seriously?! of course we're with you... we're not going to abandon a companion...." He said before looking to Dirk. "Right Dirk..." He said with a glare, he didn't want to say more... Zwarr was so pissed this had gone sideways in the worst way possible, he had his blames for this... but they'd do nothing to help so he kept them to himself. He honestly blamed himself most of all, cause he wasn't more suspicious of Zira when she first appeared bathing in the waterfall..


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira had things she wished to discuss with both of the men, but she decided to keep silent for the moment. They could go over what exactly happened during this whole debacle later and attempting to dispense blame would accomplish nothing. Valira on some level blamed herself for allowing Sholgra to be captured, even as the logical part of her brain told her there was nothing she could have done. She would not allow those feelings to overwhelm her however, she had to focus on the bigger picture right now.

''We should shore up our defences and get what little sleep we can after all of this turmoil. We shall leave this gods forsaken place at first light.''

Valira's expression softened as the stress and adrenaline was finally starting to wear off. She felt weary, both in body and in spirit, but knew that the light of dawn would help improve her disposition. The sooner this terrible night was over the better.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The next few days were somber, but mercifully uneventful. They made their way through the forest, saying what they needed to say, and leaving what needed to be left behind. The good news was, they knew exactly where Zira was heading, and that destination loomed in the distance at all times, after they reached the edge of the forest. The woods slowly, but surely thinned as they traveled, until they were looking out over a vast marshland. Sadly, this was where they would have to say goodbye the their horses, as the heavy creatures would have far too much difficulty finding their footing in the sucking marsh.

Akalfa Dumri sent a small bolt of lightning into the shallow water in front of her, and soon a single fish rose to the surface, sizzling slightly. She added it to the three other in her fishing basket, and get ready to head back to base. She, as well as two other dark elves, and their ten goblin servants were stationed at a small keep to watch for trespassers into the swamplands. At least that was the theory. In practice, her superiors spent most of the day fucking each other as well as the goblins, while leaving her to tend to the day to day chores of gathering food, and keeping house.
This was the story of her life. Being one of the few dark elves born without a penis, she had found herself relegated to the state of second class citizen; above the slaves, but never able to truly climb the ladder of dark elf society, despite her ever growing sorcerous talents.
She was about to head back to base, when something caught her attention; voices. Crouching low, she peered over a low hill to see several people, and elf, a human, and a darkling, preparing to enter the marshland. What were they doing this far into the darklands, and why were they going into the swamp? Surely they knew the danger? The swamps were full of creatures that would love to eat them, or use them to sate other... hungers. She and her companions had found that out when they had crossed the wetlands from the other side. These folks were about to walk into all that blind, they clearly could use a guide.
However... All three of them were desirable looking specimens, especially that elf, she would fetch a fortune at market. If Akalfa could bag them for herself, the other elves would have to respect her then.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“You know, it’s moments like this that make you really appreciate roads,” said Dirk, as he prodded the ground ahead with a branch. It sank several inches.

He sighed. “I don’t suppose either of you know anything about boats? Hell, a shoddy raft would probably be better than wading through this rubbish...”


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''One of the many aspects of civilization I miss more and more each day. As for the nautical arts, I am afraid that is beyond my expertise. Obviously simply walking through the marshland is not an option, gods knows what sort of foul creatures inhabit it, to say nothing of the disease. Perhaps there is some magical solution to this predicament, mister Zwarr is there anything in your particular bag of tricks that could help us?''

Valira asked this as she smacked a mosquito that had landed on her face, wiping it clean with a grimace.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
"...sadly not. I mean most of my songs aren't made to 'make' things like a boat... and Dirk... you wish for roads?" He said holding his hooved foot up. "You're not the one 'barefoot' in a swamp..." He said before looking about. "Most of my spells are suppose to boost or 'drain' things... well except for a few basic attack song spells.. and 'forbidden' songs I learned at the bards college... but thoses one's aren't meant to be played.. they're the dark magic of the bard world."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''Try being weighed down by armor, I think its fair to say that none of us are equipped to handle something like this, at least not comfortably. But I'm sure if we put our heads together, we can devise a fitting solution to this issue. Let us try to do so as quickly as possible, I don't think we want to remain in this pestilential quagmire any longer than necessary.''

Valira surveyed the surroundings with a crinkling of her nose.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
THAT armor weighs you down? Really?

Dirk leaned against the branch (pushing it a couple more inches into the mud) while he considered the situation.

“Well, I’m not seeing any obvious way forward - besides the obvious, I mean. We could try going around, but…”

It was a pointless suggestion, and Dirk knew it perfectly well; going around the swamp would take far too long to be practical.

“No, I think we may just have to accept that it’s time to get our socks wet. I’ll go first.” And if things go wrong again, only I should get hurt this time.

Dirk tentatively extended his foot toward the marsh, and hesitated, casting a nervous glance back to Valira and Zwarr in case either of them suddenly had a better solution.