The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk walked a little closer to Valira's side and lowered his voice to a whisper.

“Speaking of our resident expert: what do you make of her so far? Don't turn your head - just keep looking forward.”


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira responded in an equally low voice to Dirk's as she kept her eyes forward as instructed.

''She seems quite knowledgeable and friendly enough, although I don't fully trust her yet. I want to believe she's genuine but with everything I know about her kind and her presence in such a strange area, its a tad difficult. She's clearly holding something back even if she's being truthful about everything else. Still, we don't have much of a choice to follow her lead, especially at this point and she hasn't steered us wrong so far. I suppose you could say I'm cautiously optimistic about her.''

Valira tapped her scabbard lightly, as if letting Dirk know she would be ready to use it in a moments notice should the need arise.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“We’re on mostly the same page, then. You’re right: she definitely doesn’t mean any harm. She couldn’t have predicted Zwarr would charm the fireflies, so if she’d wanted to lead us somewhere specific, she wouldn’t have gone along with it like that. Smart, too – only lying by omission, like you said. And I doubt she’s making up all this wilderness stuff.”

Out loud he said, “I’m just not keen on the idea of sleeping on the ground here. Too squishy, y’know?”

“Personally, I think she’s a runaway. Hasn’t said much about home, but if this place is better to her...”


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''My thoughts exactly, we should still keep on our toes around her but so far she seems harmless enough, helpful even.''

Out loud she said in reply, ''I feel the same way Dirk my friend, its one thing to rest our bedrolls on a forest floor, quite another to do in the middle of a swamp haha!''

She then returned to a whisper.

''That's certainly possible and if so I shudder to imagine how terrible her homelife must have been if this place is considered an improvement....''


Well-Known Member
Akalfa was none the wiser of Valira's subtle gaze. Despite her keen senses, the few times she did catch her glance she merely brushed it off with a plum hue to her cheeks. Surely she must be imagining things, after all, she wasn't the most impressive Dark Elf. To capture the attention of such a stunning woman even momentarily must all be in her head. Just the sight of the other elf's chest alone made Akalfa green with envy, she couldn't imagine someone like that giving her the time of day. In fact, the thought of anyone giving her the time of day was nothing short of fantasy in her mind. The humidity of the jungle must have been clouding her senses.

"If things continue to go as well as they are now? We'll certainly make it just before nightfall! If not, it shouldn't be too hard to find shelter. I similarly don't look forward to sleeping on wet ground." She spoke with a slight grin marching forward. She did spot them conversating more out of the corner of her eye, though due to the peaceful melody of Zwarr's tune she was unable to hear their conversation. Whatever anxieties endeavoring to well up inside were hastily suppressed. She needed to focus. Intent on keeping a vigilant eye on their surroundings.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''Well that is good news indeed! I only hope that sleep comes easily given the heat and humidity of this fetid place! I assume you must be quite used to such a thing Akalfa, given your experience with the environment. I must confess that my homeland is a tad more temperate than this region and the wildlife not so.... aggressive.''

Valira said this as she smacked a mosquito that had landed on her hand with a grimace, nose crinkled in disgust as she wiped the gunk off of it.

''I must confess that I find your optimism admirable, as well as your knowledge of this swamp. We would be lost if you hand't come along when you did. So thank you''

Despite her misgivings, Valira said all of this genuinely, flashing a bright smile at Akalfa.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Suddenly the willo wisps vanished, their lights going out like a candel. Shortly after, the ever-present noise of the insects died as well, leaving the group in a silence so empty they could hear their own heartbeats.
While the others looked around, Akalfa knew what this meant. There was only one beast in the marsh that could quiet the land itself, and as she peered through the mist she spotted its bulky form moving past them. The catoblepas was on the prowl, and she knew they needed to stay still and quiet.


Well-Known Member
"Admittedly my home was fairly cool and damp. Rather dark too, I'll never get used to this much sun. Although I don't regret my time here, far more serene." She said as a sigh escaped her lips, pulling her cloak up further. Valira's words of gratitude caused a slight blush to creep on the dark elves' face. Praise felt like a foreign concept, especially surprising to receive it from someone your people would deem an enemy, further proof in her mind that she made the right choice in leaving. The few moments the group shared alone made her feel closer to the trio than anyone she had known back home. When was the last time she was thanked for something? Was she ever? With a bashful chuckle, Akalfa was about to speak before the sudden absence of light caught her attention.

Dead silence. Not even the hum of an insect could be caught buzzing about near her ears. An overwhelming feeling of dread overcame her senses, ears falling low and eyes scattering across the path before them. She knew what this meant, even if she wanted to deny it.

"We need to hide, now! Don't make a sound!" She whispered. Between the profound sensation of fear and panic, she could hardly focus. It was never easy to keep on a front, and her mask of composure was beginning to slip.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira kept her mouth shut as instructed, eyes searching the environment for a hiding place. Finally, they alighted on a dying wide tree that was jutting out of the swamp water. Every fibre of Valira's being rebelled at the thought of stepping into that muck, but she knew from Akalfa's response that it would sadly be necessary. You couldn't fake the tremble in the Dark Elf's voice, nor the look of fear on in her eyes. Whatever they were hiding from must have been dangerous indeed. Grimacing, Valira motioned for the others to step behind the tree. Doing so with a shudder, a small squelch of mud was the only indication of movement, not loud enough for anything else to hear mind you. Valira sighed inwardly as she stood next to the others, her legs covered in mud.

This wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I pictured having a mud bath

She thought inwardly, remaining dead silent.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr stopped playing obviously and did as instructed, ducking down behind another tree very quickly. He didn't like being quiet... it went against his nature as a bard, but if it meant living... yeah he could shut up and stop playing his axe.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk allowed Valira to shepherd him behind the tree, even though the mire there came up to his waist. He bit his tongue and tried to ignore the feeling of stagnant water filling his boots. (Is it warm? Cold? Either way it ain't pleasant.)

No one had said anything about just what it was that they were so terrified of, and curiosity was getting the better of him. Rather than ask out loud, Dirk craned his neck to peek around the side of their hiding place.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The group hid as something massive moved along beside the trail they had been on. It made no effort to hide its presence, with shrubs, rocks, and even trees cracking and bending as it pushed through the swamp, labored grunts and snorts announcing itself as it went. Chancing a look around the tree he was behind, Dirk got a look at the beast. Its body was that of a massive bull, or buffalo, but from the shoulders sprouted a long, sinewy neck that was capped by the head of some malformed animal he couldn't place. All he was certain of was that it had horns, and wherever it looked, things seemed to die, with plants wilting, and insects falling from the air.



Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Oh, that is one horrible cow…

Dirk leaned back into the hiding place, wordlessly raising his eyebrows at the others.

So… what do we do? Just sit here and hope it leaves?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira had watched the disgusting beast in a mix of surprise, disgust and horror. She had never seen something so hideous and, judging by its effects on the local fauna and flora, so deleterious to life. Whatever this thing was, the word ''monster'' didn't seem to do it justice. If this was the sort of creature that inhabited these swamps, then Valira's respect for Akalfa only grew further. To live in a place filled with ''animals'' (and she used the term loosely) like this was nothing short of brave. As she saw Dirk's expression she gathered his meaning and attempted to convey her own through the use of her own eyebrows.

That would be wise, we don't want to fight this thing if we don't have to. As much as I would love to see this grotesque beast dead, we don't know what its capable of and this is its home territory so we would be at a disadvantage all around


Well-Known Member
A look of terror outstretched across her face as she took in the horrid visage of the beast. The very land itself perished in the presence of such foulness. Akalfa was aware of many things within the swamp, yet a Catoblepas was one such thing she did not prepare for. Despite the wealth of knowledge she possessed, introspections swarmed her mind into an unruly tangle. The last place she wanted to die was belly deep in lukewarm mud. Closing her eyes she tried to focus her thoughts. For once she was without a proper answer. Catoblepas could be charmed, but the risk of failure...The neck would be the creature's tender point, but the unpredictabilty...No answer seemed good. All she could think to do was glance towards the group with a reluctant nod settling deeper into the muck. Hopefully, combat would be the last resort.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The creature snorted as it scanned the area, before heaving itself off in another direction. Thankfully, no one had down anything foolish to draw its attention. Several minutes crawled by before it was fully out of sight.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr just waits for it to be fully gone before, slowly looks at the others. "...Ok.. what was that? also.. I know what I want my next album cover to feature."
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk breathed a heavy sigh of relief. With some effort he hauled himself back onto solid ground before turning to help Valira or Akalfa, if they even needed it.

“Whatever it was, it was absolutely harrowing. I think I preferred the dragon…”


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira grimaced as she stepped out of the mud, shuddering at the thought of how filthy she now was and longing for a bath with every fibre of her being. She was just as relieved as the others that the beast was gone, and she hoped they never saw it again as long as they lived. She had noticed the look of absolute terror on Akalfa's face but did not want to bring attention to it just yet. She didn't want to make the girl feel self conscious or embarrassed. She would inquire after her welfare when they had a bit more privacy. She shot her a reassuring smile nonetheless.

''Yes, it was indeed hideous to put it mildly. Let us hope its the only one of its kind we shall ever have the displeasure of seeing.''


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unfortunately, things were not over just yet. As Dirk pulled his boot off to dump the water out of it, his eyes widened when he saw what was on his leg. Leaches, as big as toads.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“Thanks for the warning, Alfie! Without that, one of us might have done something stupi- ah! Hah! HAH! HAAAGH! Get ‘em off GetEmOffGETEMOFFGETEMOFF!!

Dirk frantically tried to shake the leeches away from his leg before drawing his knife and stabbing wildly. He probably bled himself worse than they did.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira scrunched her nose in disgust at the sight, thankful that none of the disgusting creatures had gotten on her person. She pulled out her sword, rolling her eyes at Dirk's histrionics. Not exactly the behaviour of an experienced and brave adventurer, but to be fair she would be equally aghast if she were in his shoes. She carefully used her sword to slash away at the creatures, killing each one before Dirk had a chance to hurt himself any further.

''Are you alright Dirk?''

She said with genuine concern despite her consternation at his hysterical reaction. He was bleeding after all, even if most of the wounds were self inflicted.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
That was when she felt something squirming under her armor... All over under her armor.


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Akalfa swiftly accepted Dirk's aid out of the mire nearly sinking into the muddy landscape given her short stature. A sense of absolute relief washed over her. Giving a tired smile back to Valira, more than glad everyone made it out unharmed; yet a persistent nagging remained. The complete and utter failure to keep her composure was just so humiliating. It was impossible to know the kind of impression she must've made, but that display seemed far from outstanding. Before she could get lost within her thoughts once more Dirk's cries caught her attention. A look of worry crossed her brow.

"Oh goodness, how dreadful! You'll need to have this cleaned right away to avoid any ailment taking root. In fact, we can't stay covered in dirt like this at all!" Akalfa uttered with an exhausted groan. Without a second thought, she ripped the only remaining clean part of her cloak apart to prepare a makeshift set of bandages. Before a realization hit. If they were all in the same water...


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira stopped dead in her tracks at that, and moving hurriedly behind a nearby bush just big enough to cover her form, decided to remove her armor as calmly as possible given the circumstances. Internally she was screaming just as loudly and as desperately as Dirk, but she refused to let it show to nearly the same degree. It was obvious given her face how uncomfortable she was, both with the wriggling things feeding on her blood and the fact that she had to strip in such an environment. Her nakedness covered up by the bush, she slowly but surely removed and killed each of the creatures. Her body was covered in red marks and her amor was filthy, but it was not as bad as it could have been all things considered. Hearing Akalfa's words, she unknowingly came to the same conclusion as the Dark Elf with widened eyes and a slight groan.

''Zwarr, Akalfa....''

She didn't finish that sentence as one look in the other woman's eyes told her she was fully aware of what she was about to bring up.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
The glare of pure irritation Dirk gave Valira faded into confusion as she stepped out of direct sight. He didn’t wait for Akalfa to prepare bandages before he pulled his boots back on and stood up, wincing as he did so.

“Maybe we should focus on getting out of here, first. Which way were we going again? Does anyone remember?”


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Sure enough, they could all feel wriggling under their clothes, save Dirk, who had the good sense not to get any more than his feet wet.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira cleared her throat, giving Zwarr and Akalfa the once over before turning to Dirk.

''Before we continue on our merry way, our two companions must divest themselves of the same creatures that so bedevilled us I'm afraid. My sojourn behind yonder bush allowed me to get rid of the disgusting things, with nothing but welts for my trouble. Once that's taken care of I agree that we get out of here as soon as possible, preferably yesterday. As for the direction perhaps Akalfa can provide some guidance on that score, as now that the tiny creatures have left we find ourselves with no additional guidance.''

Valira sighed, yearning inwardly for the comforts of civilization. Gods, even a ratty old tavern would be better than this hellhole. As long as it had a bath that is, oh how she longed to scrub her cares away. They would all need a good wash after this, a long one.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“Alright, fair enough," he said, brightly. "No need to get all polysyllabic on us. Here.” He handed Valira his other knife – probably a more precise tool than her sword would be – and walked off to help Zwarr, leaving her and Akalfa with a modicum of privacy.

“C’mere, metalhead! I’ll get the bloodsuckers for ya!”


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira chuckled at that accepting the knife gratefully. Dirk could be rather funny when he wanted to be and she liked that about him even if it was at her expense She took no offence though, she had a rather extensive vocabulary and liked to make use of it, she felt no embarrassment or shame at that fact. She turned to Akalfa, clearing her throat before giving a smile.

''If you require any assistance in removing those creatures I would be happy to oblige.

Valira blushed at that, as the full meaning of what she was offering sunk in

''O-Or I could turn around and you could use the knife yourself of course, whatever you are more comfortable with.''

She knew this situation would be awkward. Of course she wanted to see Akalfa naked, she was very attracted to her after all and Valira longed to see what her sizeable behind looked like without clothes. She wagered it would look just as enticing even covered in welts. Their races may have had a history of enmity but that didn't mean she couldn't find one of them beguiling. Besides, she was starting to think that maybe this particular specimen wasn't that bad. Of course she still had her reservations, but so far Akalfa had proven herself trustworthy. That being said, this wasn't exactly how she had imagined seeing her in a state of undress and she didn't want to be too forward or to make the woman uncomfortable, especially in such a delicate situation. Yes her time with Sholgra had made her a tad bolder but she was still a knight and a lady. Besides, they barely knew each other and though that had been the case with the priestess, something about Akalfa told Valira that the Dark Elf was a different breed to the orc. She was used to courting her prospective lovers as novel and arousing as the rough and tumble times with Sholgra had been. Thoughts of Sholgra made her heart ache but she quickly shook her head free of such gloomy thoughts.