The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Hey, you're one of those newcomers that just got into town, aren't you?" she asked, falling into step beside him, and keeping pace, despite his hurried steps.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
He winced. Somehow it hadn’t occurred to him that everyone in a town this small would already know each other.

Well, no use denying it… “Yeah, I am. Why?”

He slowed down to a more leisurely stroll, turning his head to scrutinize her as they walked.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, what news from the outside? It's been ages since we had visitors," the woman said, with curiosity clear on her face.


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"I'm glad the situation isn't upsetting!" Perhaps she was misconstruing things once again but the silky tone of Valira's voice made her heart skip a beat. What she was imagining before was salacious enough but her fantasies now seemed closer than ever.

"I honestly wouldn't mind if you did without..." Realizing the sultry timbre of her own voice Akalfa let out a small cough, worrying about sounding much too eager. She didn't want to come across as some sort of pervert, even if her mind was racing with images one wouldn't call chaste. Playing calm and apathetic was her specialty, but that mask of indifference had slipped.

"If you'd want to of course! I mean- yes whichever you prefer." Akalfa nearly winced at the lack of elegance in her words. Real smooth.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Hearing her words and the tone of her voice, Valira could tell that Akalfa was thinking the same things she was. She was clearly a bit nervous and she could understand why, but she suspected that the other woman wanted something to happen between them as much as she did. Yes they hadn't known each other very long, and yes it was rather fast, but the situation seemed designed to push them together. Besides, she could view this as a way to bond with Akalfa, as she had done with Sholgra in the beginning. It would bring them closer together as well as immense pleasure, why deny themselves the experience? Rather than voicing these thoughts however, Valira decided to make her intentions known in a more subtle way. With Sholgra she had been the more submissive partner, in this case she would take the initiative. It made the most sense, given Akalfa's nervousness and apparent lack of experience. However, first she would tease her, just a little. A bit of enjoyable foreplay before things went further, a little game as it were.

''I am delighted to hear it, normally I don't sleep in the nude but it is rather warm tonight....''

Valira said this in a slightly mischievous tone, feigning innocence as she began to strip before Akalfa. She did so slowly, as if performing a strip tease making sure to show off her ample breasts and even larger rear end. Her nipples were as hard as diamonds. When it came to remove her panties, she turned around and pulled them down slowly, shaking her huge ass from side to side as her clearly wet pussy became visible. Tossing her armor and underclothes to the side, she stared into the other woman's eyes with a mix of lust and daring.

''Feel free to get as comfortable as you like...''


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Shoot. What was the latest gossip before we left?

He couldn't speak of the group's mission - the last time he did that had gone poorly for everyone - but maybe he didn't have to...

“Well… the real big news was that the Princess of Goldaria got kidnapped by a dragon. Don’t know if that’s changed, but it was the talk of the town for a while.”

He furrowed his brow as he tried to recall anything else. At the time, his main concern had been how he would afford his next meal, or where to fence his last catch. Politics was the realm of other people.

“Other than that, I believe it's just been business as usual. Prices goin' up and down, folks grumbling about the weather, that sort of thing.”


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"The what?"

He thought back even harder. Was that another name for Garam? If so, it had never come up.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, nothing," she said, quickly. "Have you precured lodging for the night?"


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Evading the question like that did not help Dirk’s suspicions. He watched the woman’s expression more carefully.

“…We have. We’re staying up at the tavern for tonight.”


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, that's nice. Old Wallace will be happy for the new patronage," she said, a smile coming to her face. "Sorry, I'm Mira. What's your name?" she asked.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“Derek,” lied Dirk, smiling back. He hoped he hadn't just endangered everyone again.

“So, Mira, I have to ask: what’s the story behind the Moon-and-Roses symbol that seems to be on every building? It’s a nice sigil, but I get the feeling there’s some deeper meaning to it.”


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, its just the symbol of the village. An old holdover form the days our grandparents made the trek all the way out here," she replied.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"Can you tell me a bit more about it? I'm curious about the whole story. And I've got some time before I need to head back."

For example: why did your grandparents choose to settle right next to a deadly swamp? Not very sensible of them, if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, we've just never gotten along with other folk. They always end up driving us off, so we decided to come out here, and start our own town. At least that's what grandma tells me," she offered.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Okay, now that was suspicious. "All other folk drove you off? Did she say why?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Mostly our belief system. We never pair homage to the common gods," she said.


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To say Akalfa was unused to such a display would be an understatement. Going her whole life without the barest hint of notice or intimacy she had given up herself to the idea of being alone. Always viewing from the outside, never experiencing. To finally be front and center, an equal participant, was a feeling she would never forget. Even for a night. Somehow within their short period together a warmth she had never felt so intensely began to bloom. A want, a need to get closer. Spending so many days and nights denying, regretting, the feeling of liberating such insecurities was empyreal. However, what she felt watching the sensuous sway of Valira's voluptuous body was significantly more passionate. Her eyes were wide, a gaze of pure adoration for the gorgeous form before her.

The hypnotic swells of Valira's breasts occupied Akalfa's vision first. Her own paled in comparison, yet instead of jealously the overwhelming desire to take them within her hands inhabited all her thoughts. To feel, to caress, and roughly grasp her irresistible figure. Nevertheless, it was the sheer size of her curvy underside that caused Akalfa's breath to quicken. Valira's plump, perfectly round ass overtook the majority of her eyesight. The sexy quake of her callipygian flesh was more than enough to cause her own pussy to grow wet. A slight tremble took to her body as the hot dampness between her thighs became unbearable, nervously fidgeting her legs in a futile attempt to hide her tremendous arousal. Seeing the fierce passion in Valira's viridian her eyes said all it needed to, without another word Akalfa began to shed the little clothing she had. The small swell of her breasts came into view, nipples stiffened in the chill night air. Her eyes were closed shut, as though desperately trying to muster the strength to voice her longing. Now was no longer the time for uncertainty, she needed this.

"Do you want to...get closer?" An answer she already knew, yet it was only common courtesy to ask.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira hungrily took in the sight of Akalfa's naked form. This was how it should be seen, not covered in leech marks as part of some necessary medical activity but instead gloriously displayed as it was filled with lust. She could tell that the mind it belonged to was nervous, unsure of what to do, but she knew that it ached for this as badly as she did. The look of worship in the Dark Elf's eyes warmed her belly and made Valira want to show her equal reverence in kind. Her perky breasts and hardened nipples were begging for attention, as was the tight wet pussy between her legs, and Valira would give them everything they needed and more.

Rather than verbally responding to Akalfa's query, Valira merely closed the distance between them and gave the other woman a kiss, soft and tentative at first, before becoming wild and passionate, tongue seeking entrance into her adorable little mouth and finding it battled for dominance with Akalfa's own. She moved her hands down to the Dark Elf's shapely rear end, squeezing it slightly as they kissed, moaning softly. Her lips were so soft and Valira thought that she could spend hours just tasting them.
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Well-Known Member
As the distance closed between them Akalfa's soft moans were enveloped by Valira's plush ruby red lips. For once her mind was quiet, simply relishing in the feeling of their tongues exploring one another. Her lips felt like silk, it was as though she could press against them forever in a fight for dominance she was quickly losing. The sensation of their breasts pressing against each other filled Akalfa with a deep sense of pleasure, hoping the beautiful High Elf could only feel the same. As the tender gentleness of their kiss became rough and fervid as did her hands in probing Valira's form. Roughly kneading and groping the massive weight of her juicy backside. Her skin was tantalizingly soft, she just couldn't get enough in her grip.

The sensation of Valira's smooth palms digging into the softness of her ass in turn was an immense source of arousal. So much so that she couldn't help but break their kiss, delicate moans and whimpers slipping from her lips into Valira's ear, taking the chance to pepper kisses across it. The other Dark Elves always teased her by nibbling on her ears, it was no surprise what effect it had on an elf. She fully intended to give in kind the same pleasure being bestowed on her. She needed to touch more. A slight bit of daring took to her mind as she slipped her fingers between Valira's thighs, rubbing across the wet heat of her pussy. Clumsy as she may have been her excitement was undeniable.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira moaned harshly as Akalfa groped her massive ass, her soft fingers kneading her flesh with reckless abandon. Valira was delighted at how much Akalfa was enjoying her rear end, she was practically worshipping it with her delicate yet talented hands. This as well as feeling of their hard nipples rubbing against one another sent a bolt of pleasure to her core. This was surpassed by the sheer bliss she felt as Akalfa kissed her ears, leaving out a shuddering breath as she had a mini orgasm right then and there. The sounds of pleasure Akalfa was making were both arousing and adorable! It made Valira want to hear even more. Valira didn't have time to process these thoughts however as Akalfa began to rub her pussy, shlicking sounds filling the room due to how wet it was.

''Oh Akalfa that feels so good....''

Valira said this in a loud moan, deciding to return Akalfa's aural attentions by kissing her own beautiful ears, as the other woman continued to rub her pussy. She didn't stop there however, she licked, nibbled and even sucked on her ear lobes, moaning as she felt the pleasurable ministrations between her legs.
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Well-Known Member
Akalfa's curious fingers continued to drive forward, tightly gripped by the vice of Valira's pussy as the slick sounds of her excitement only made the Dark Elf want more. At this point, Akalfa was dripping, an embarrassed gasp leaving her lips as the heat building in her core began to reach its zenith peak. Gods, she didn't know she could even get that wet. When was she so sensitive? The lovely sound of Valira's voice reaching the pinnacle of ecstasy further served to heighten her pleasure. Knowing she was doing something right, making someone feel as amazing as she felt was both incredibly sensual and elating.

When Valira's lips reached Akalfa's ears she nearly doubled over in bliss. Her digits moved faster, deeper as the tightness and warmth within her nearly achieved its peak. She was close, so damn close.

"D-don't stop, please don't stop." She cried out, panting, practically begging. It had hardly been a few moments and she was about to come. It was inescapable never having experienced the pleasure she was feeling at the moment. Yet she tried her hardest to resist the temptation, not yet, she wanted to achieve that apex together.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira practically growled in pleasure, a guttural sound that sounded a bit unusual coming from someone like her but serving as a testament to how much she was enjoying this, how much she wanted to make Akalfa cum like a bitch in heat. She was so very wet and she couldn't wait to feel and taste that wetness for herself. But she had to be patient, they would have plenty of time to enjoy every inch of each other. After all, they had all night if they so chose.

''I w-won't baby, I won't stop until we both cum our brains out together!''

Valira said this in a breathy whisper into Akalfa's ear, the term of endearment coming unbidden from her lips. She didn't know why she said it, maybe it was just the heat of the moment, whatever it was it just felt right. Her own orgasm was approaching fast, and she too was holding back so that she and Akalfa could ride that wave together.

''Gods you are so sexy....''

Valira let those words fly out on a moan, her voice husky and filled with lust, before renewing her assault on the Dark Elf's ears with renewed vigour, licking, sucking and nibbling on those beautiful lobes like a woman possessed.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"Mostly our belief system. We never pair homage to the common gods," she said.
Dirk tilted his head quizzically.

“Oh, is that all? And here I was expecting something crazy, like: ‘We’re all secretly werewolves’ or ‘We kidnap unsuspecting travelers and ritualistically cut out their still-beating hearts while they struggle helplessly upon a bloodstained altar.’”

. . .

“Not that I really suspect that, or anything.”


Well-Known Member
Akalfa's hands never left Valira's body. Caressing in worshipful strokes, paying tribute to the hard-earned figure of a stunning elven warrior. The deep, passional growls that reached out of her throat came as a surprise, but a welcome one. The woman in front of her could not be sexier. There was so much of her body that she wanted to explore; praying the walls of the inn were thick for the sake of the other patrons. The warm feeling of Valira's breath touching her ear as she whispered only renewed her lust. Her fingers grasped at her clit, rubbing in desperate, needy circles aided by the slickness of her soaking wet pussy. Searching for that sweet spot within so they could both cum together. Being so firmly grasped and fondled while the High Elf muttered sweet nothings in her ear was torturous. She could not hold on much longer.

"Oh gods, Valira you're amazing..." She uttered, her voice shaky and overwhelmed.

The sultry depth of Valira's tone as she laid affection upon affection onto Akalfa ultimately lead her to her divine peak. The tension in her middle finally unraveled as her moans took on a clarion pitch. For once uncaring of judgment. As she rode out her mind-shattering orgasm her cries were loud and unrestrained. Screaming Valira's name as she came. Gripping the other woman's body tightly, almost afraid as if she'd let go.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira bit down on her lip almost hard enough to draw blood as she experienced the immense pleasure from Akalfa's touch. The feel of the other woman's soft and dainty hands caressing her body was driving her crazy with lust, and her clit throbbed with desperate need as Akalfa rubbed it, eliciting harsh moans from her ruby red lips, making her pussy gush like a waterfall.

''So are you Akalfa, amazing and beautiful....'' She said, her voice raw with lust and desire.

Her eyes rolled back in her head as she felt a familiar heat rising from her core and she screamed just as loudly as her lover as the orgasm took her, not caring who heard it. Akalfa's name was on her lips in an almost triumphant scream too as she rode the wave of pleasure, soaking the woman in front of her as she squirted so hard she saw stars. She held on to Akalfa as she came down from the high, panting heavily and letting her know that she wasn't going anywhere.

''That was..... incredible.....''

She gave Akalfa a soft kiss on the forehead, smiling at her in satisfaction and staring into her eyes.


Well-Known Member
Coming down from her bliss Akalfa was rendered speechless. Simply laying her head on Valira's shoulder, a contented smile on her face as she caught her breath.

"I-It was, it really was." She said with an exhausted, yet pleased sigh. A certain raspiness to her voice, considering she nearly lost it in the throes of ecstasy. Akalfa eagerly returned Valira's affection, lying closely to her neck. While she at first had her uncertainties about sleeping in unfamiliar territory, there was no doubt a good night's rest was in order. Tomorrow could be the time for worry if there was anything to distress about at all. It wasn't a question now, she knew with absolute certainty she wanted to stick around. Hopefully, nothing would impede that desire. Even if her mind was hazy from their amorous tryst a lingering feeling of concern pervaded her thoughts. Shaking her head Akalfa refused to spoil the moment with such paranoid anxieties. Especially with a pleasurable ache in her joints. Loosening her grip on the High Elf was a challenging task, yet one she could not ignore judging by the heaviness of her eyelids.

"We should try and catch some sleep. A busy morning may be ahead of us. I can only hope the boys are resting well." Her words omitting the usual indifference. Instead, a light-heartedness rang through. She didn't want to sound sentimental, but on the inside, she was glad the group gave her a chance. Otherwise, a life spent knee-deep in mucky water and swampland didn't seem half as thrilling.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira smiled happily at Akalfa, filled with both contentment and exhaustion. She was delighted that she had shared this experience with the Dark Elf and that she had enjoyed it as much as she did. She really did look beautiful when she smiled and Valira resolved then and there to see as much of that smile as possible going forward, and to be the cause of it brightening up her face. The initial mistrust that she had felt towards Akalfa due to her heritage and the circumstances of their meeting was gone now, replaced with feelings of affection and intimacy. While it was true that many Dark Elves were bad, this one was clearly the exception and Valira was glad to have been proven wrong. She didn't know much about the mysterious woman, but she wanted to learn as much as she could. However that could wait for later. Any questions (and further amorous activities) could come after a full nights sleep.

''Indeed, as much as I would like to continue.... getting closer.... we both are exhausted and could use the rest. I'm sure Dirk and Zwarr are doing fine, even they can't get into trouble in a place like this''

She gave a small chuckle at that, gratified at the light hearted tone of Akalfa's voice. She usually sounded so measured and controlled, it was lovely to see this new side of her. The fact that Valira was probably one of the few who did filled her with pride.

Valira moved over to the bed and pulled back the covers, lying down on her side and patting the bed for Akalfa to join her. It was clear that she planned to cuddle with the Dark Elf as they drifted off to sleep.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Mira seemed to grow quiet at Dirk's, oddly specific, suggestions. "Right... Well, no, we just pay homage to the goddess Illuna, Mistress of the Moon," Mira explained.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Not even a bemused twitch... Sure hope it's just that I'm not funny. I hate it when I'm right.

Illuna, huh? That name sounds familiar, somehow... Oh! Any relation to the other moon goddess, Seluna?”