The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Why, yes, she's Seluna's forbearer. Predates her by a good thousand years," Mira explained. "A primal god, more concerned with nature than mysticism."


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Looking around, Dirk realized that their walk had brought them to the edge of the village. Mira's intervention meant that it hadn't quite been as thorough an investigation as he’d hoped for, but he was fairly reassured that her kinsmen weren’t going to rob or kill them all in their sleep.

“I’ll admit I don’t know much about theology. Why don’t you tell me a bit more on the way back? For instance: how exactly do you ‘pay homage’? Is Illuna worshipped, or placated? I understand it’s an important distinction.”


Well-Known Member
Akalfa smiled at Valira's response. A shy blush took to her cheeks at the thought of what further closeness could entail. Truly the quartet was great at getting themselves into trouble, that much was certain. Even so, to say it didn't make things interesting would be untrue. Playing her whole life safe often gave way to daydreams of adventure. Regardless the only adventures she currently sought were ones found deep in slumber.

Moving onto the bed, Akalfa wrapped her arms around Valira's waist, shifting her head into the nape of the High Elf's neck and sighing contently. Her thoughts were adrift before sleep could take her proper, like on all occasions. A habit leftover from her time before, distracting herself from her superior's rigorous 'activities.' Simply luxuriating in the other woman's warmth before lull inevitably conquered her ever-busy mind.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira held Akalfa in her arms, rubbing her head softly and humming slightly to her. The softness of her skin and the beating of her heart helped soothe Valira even further. She inhaled her intoxicating scent and sighed happily. She then gave Akalfa a kiss on the cheek and smiled at her warmly.

''You are so beautiful you know that? Whenever you find yourself doubting that, think back to this night and to how much I delighted in your presence. And if that is not enough to convince you there will be plenty more nights to come....''

Valira said all of this in a breathy whisper into Akalfa's ear, giving her ass a playful squeeze.

''Now sleep dear Akalfa, sleep....''


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Mira snorted back a laugh. "The same way most do I suppose. We follow her tenants of living in harmony with the wilderness, give thanks when good fortune comes our way, and occasionally hold a feast in her honor," she explained.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“Put like that, I don’t see why anyone would even want to drive you folks off.”

As they walked back toward the tavern, Dirk tried to get a better look at the buildings they passed, but there didn’t seem to be any significance behind their construction, so he tried to get a better look at Mira.

There wasn’t really anything off about her, either – apart from the whole ‘sneaking up and following him’ and ‘answering all of his questions’ thing. He got the feeling she was supervising him, rather than guiding. Was she afraid he might find something he shouldn’t?

And there was one other matter that was still bothering him:

“So how does the Sable Dawn factor in?”


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Mira paused to spit on the ground. "They're a group of fanatics. They say they worship Illuna, but they just use her tenants as an excuse to kill people," she said.
"Never did like talking about them, so what about you? What brings you and your friends so far out into the dark lands?"


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk paused while he considered the question. After what had happened with Zira, he was much more hesitant to tell strangers about their mission. He couldn’t put everyone at risk like that again.

“We’re… pursuing a fugitive,” he answered carefully, “A kidnapper, last seen heading into the Burning Mountains. It’s a rather delicate matter, so I’m afraid I can’t say much more about it.”


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
A woman, carried off by a dragon. That could mean either the Princess or Sholgra. Damn it, he'd have to re-think the cover story.

"...No? When did this happen?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, a little over a week ago. It flew right over the village with some pretty blond girl in its claws," she offered.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Well, that matches the princess' description at least. Has it really only been a week? Could have sworn it was longer.

Assuming it is Charlotte, anyway. I suppose it could also be some other unlucky bastard.

"Did you see which way the dragon went? Maybe we'll end up in a position to help while we're out there."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Yeah, it headed that way," she said, pointing to the tallest mountain in the range beyond the hills; the one with smoke rising from the top.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021

Dirk breathed a sigh of relief once the tavern was finally in sight again, mostly because it signaled an escape from the conversation.

Deceit was exhausting.

"Well, it's been nice to meet you, Mira, but I should really be getting to bed. Thanks for walking with me. And for answering all those questions. Sorry if I came across as a nosy git." He smiled and offered a handshake.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
He blushed and waved goodbye to her as he went inside. But By the time he was back in his and Zwarr's room, the elation had already turned into guilt.

He'd let his paranoia get the better of him again. The people here hadn't even done anything and he'd scrutinized them like a potential threat. Was he really keeping his comrades safe? Or was he just afraid of getting someone hurt again?

The chain of introspection cut off quickly, however, because Dirk was asleep before he even hit the mattress.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The group would awaken the next morning refreshed, relaxed, and ready to go. There was only one problem... Zwarr was nowhere to be found.


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Akalfa awoke with a yawn. Slowly rubbing her eyes as the morning light seeped into the room. Still in disbelief at the night prior. It all seemed so dreamlike. Smiling as she swept aside a lock of the High Elf warrior's hair, gently planting a kiss upon Valira's cheek. Just seeing her angelic form laid bare and radiant made Akalfa's thoughts robust with desire. Tempted as she was to wake her and start again their impassioned activities, at the very least she wanted to show gratitude for the woman she had shared a bed with. It didn't take long for a quaint idea to spark.

Quickly redressing and quiet as a mouse she opened the door to their room and made her way downstairs. Pulling up a seat and addressing the tavern owner.

"Excuse me sir, is there anything cooking at the moment?" She asked while searching through her coin purse.

She didn't have much but it was better than nothing. A little breakfast could go a long way. Her eyes took a quick peek around the room, wondering if the boys had awoken yet, a bit curious as to how their night went.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
As it happened, Dirk was already awake and fully dressed - mask included. He had been in the middle of accosting the tavernkeeper, but Akalfa's entry to the room interrupted the conversation. Dirk waved at her from a couple seats over.

“Mornin', Akalfa, hope you slept well. Just waiting on Valira and Zwarr and then I expect the three of us’ll be heading out. Speaking of which…

He turned back to the tavernkeep, leaning forward and tapping his finger on the countertop.

“What do you mean: ‘you didn’t see him leave’? He’s a performer, Wallace, he doesn’t exactly keep a low profile! Did you at least see who he was talking to last night? Maybe he left with them? The town’s not that big, I would think you know everyone here!”


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira awoke with a yawn, feeling both content and well rested after the previous nights activities. She reached a hand over to touch Akalfa, even feeling tempted to have a little fun before the day began proper but frowned as she noticed she wasn't there. For the briefest of moments, she was worried that their amorous time together had scared the poor girl off, but she was quickly disabused of that notion as she realized that she had probably just gone downstairs for some reason. No one would moan and cum like Akalfa did only to regret the pleasure. She wished that they had a bit more time to cuddle, among other things, but there was no use dallying. She would simply have to rejoin the others.

Valira got dressed and walked downstairs, noticing Akalfa and Dirk talking to Wallace, the latter quite animatedly it must be said.

She walked over to the pair and gave a smile.

''Good morning my friends! I trust you slept well Dirk? Akalfa and I slept very well indeed....

Valira said this with a hint of amusement to both her voice and eyes as she looked at Akalfa with a playful smirk that promised more later.

''What seems to be the trouble here?''


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk failed to notice Valira's tone, distracted as he was by the circumstances.

"Zwarr's missing. All his stuff's gone, too. I don't know if he just spent the night elsewhere or if he's been taken, too. And Wallace here says he doesn't know anything."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira frowned upon hearing that, all levity gone from her mind. Though she hadn't known Zwarr long, he had seemed a rather polite and amiable sort, not the kind to just wander off without telling anyone first. The idea of him spending the night somewhere else was possible and seemed more likely than the prospect of him having been snatched from his bed. Still, given what they had experienced so far it wasn't impossible either.

''That is most troubling indeed. I propose we search the village after breakfast to see if we can find him. We are probably worrying over nothing, he most likely spent the night in the company of one of the villagers if you catch my meaning. I'm sure he'll turn up soon.''

Valira said this with as much confidence and hope as she could muster, even if she didn't fully believe it herself.


Well-Known Member
For a moment Akalfa was occupied intently listening to the conversation between Dirk and the Tavern Keeper until she noticed Valira's smirk. Picking up on her amused tone, Akalfa nervously chuckled with a bashful grin plastered on her face. Coy as the Dark Elf could be the promise of more to come was a thrilling prospect.

"Yes, it was extraordinarily...comfortable. I just came down to procure us some breakfast." She said turning her eyes away, face flushed at the remembrance of last night's 'adventures.' Shaking her head she brought her mind back to the task at hand. The beginnings of a frown forming as her brows furrowed downward in thought. Zwarr was a man with a big personality. Someone like that doesn't just disappear without a sound.

"I don't want to be presumptuous, and admittedly I tend to be paranoid. But a man like that leaving without the slightest hint of notice? Is...strange, to say the least. Perhaps we should have a look around? Surely he must be somewhere in town."
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Making quick work of breakfast, the trio set out to find their missing companion, but as they exited the tavern, and made a quick run around the village, they found that no one had seen him since they arrived last night.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"Nothing. It's like he's dropped off the face of the earth." said Dirk as they reconvened. He couldn't help but feel responsible for Zwarr's disappearance, having abandoned him the previous night to go and have a look around. He hadn't even checked whether Zwarr had been in the room when he'd returned!

He's a capable man; I didn't think I needed to keep an eye on him...

"Much as I hate to say it, I think we might just have to leave without him. I'll leave a word with the tavernkeep to tell Zwarr which way we went - just in case he does come back here - and maybe he can catch up to us later."

He hefted his pack and nodded to Valira. "So, you ready to go?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
[Negasonic PM'd me. He say's he's coming back. Go ahead and continue, though.]


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira was both frustrated, confused and worried all at once. Try as they might they hadn't seen hide nor hair of the man. Yes he was a rather itinerant sort by trade, but she didn't expect he would just disappear into thin air like this. Still, they had given it a fair shake and they couldn't stay to search forever. They had a quest to complete after all, the princess and Sholgra were counting on them.

Valira sighed, filled with dread and sadness at the prospect of losing yet another companion. Still, she would remain hopeful, Dirk's suggestion made sense and she had faith that Zwarr would catch up with them soon.

''I dislike this as much as you do, but we clearly have little choice in the matter. Let us hope that Zwarr is alright and that we are reunited with him soon. For now, I am ready to leave if you two are.''

She gave a small smile at Akalfa and Dirk, trying to remain light-hearted despite this strange occurrence.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"He's a sharp fellow. If he's not in trouble, he'll soon find us. Besides, I believe we're headed toward the only real prominent landmark out here!"

He gestured toward the large, smoking mountain that Mira had pointed out to him.

"One of the villagers said that they saw a dragon carrying a young woman in that direction not too long ago. I'll be very surprised if it's not our mark."

Wait a second. 'You two'?

Dirk turned to face Akalfa and tilted his head quizzically.

"Hang on, are you coming with? I would've thought you'd be heading back to the swamp once you were done with us. Won't someone be worried if you're gone too long?"


Well-Known Member
Akalfa shook her head. Terrifying as it was to think they'd be facing a mighty dragon the only place she wanted to be was right where she stood. She hadn't known them long, no, every rational cold and logical thought screeching to run home godspeed. However, even within such a brief period she had changed. A bit of courage, or perhaps bravado made itself known in her mind. The attachment she felt to these near strangers was stronger than any back home. New as these bonds were they felt strong enough to be worth fighting for. Why would she go back and risk her life for her own people who could not see her as an equal? Akalfa perished the very thought. She just had to see it through. Making it this far without knowing how things would turn out for the others? It'd simply haunt her with curiosity and cowardly guilt till the end of her days.

"There isn't a single soul back that way that would care too much. And...with all honesty, I would rather not return there." She sighed.

"So if there happens to be room for one more on your pursuit, I would not mind a semi-permanent position."

All this was said with a rather uncharacteristic smile. For once she was being genuine. Even if the future ended in flames it was better than the meager attempts at living she called existence before.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk nodded in satisfaction. By his reckoning, Akalfa was either a runaway or an exile, and it didn't really matter which. It sounded like she just wanted a way out from her old life, same as him.

"Alright, if you haven't been dissuaded by anything you've heard so far, then welcome aboard!"

He took a couple steps away and called back over his shoulder.

"If we're resolved, then I'll just go tell the tavernkeep about Zwarr real quick. You two can go on ahead if you like and I'll catch up."