The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira frowned slightly at the look of sadness on Akalfa's face as she spoke of her past, making a note to discuss it with her if and when she felt comfortable enough to do so. The concern she felt upon hearing those words were mingled with feelings of joy and pride at the news that Akalfa was going to be travelling with them permanently. It wasn't just the fact that she was getting tired of losing companions, she felt a real connection with the Dark Elf that she wanted to explore further. They had only known each other a short time and yet the bond she felt was genuine. She had enjoyed what they had done last night immensely and was delighted that it wasn't the last time it would be happening.

''We are both delighted and honoured that you are joining us on our noble quest Akalfa!''

Valira said this in a passionate voice, smiling warmly.

''That sounds like a splendid idea Dirk! We shall reconvene at the earliest opportunity!''

Valira turned back to Akalfa, smiling happily.

''Shall we be off then?''

Internally, she was filled with both happiness and lust at the thought of being alone with Akalfa again. She would use this opportunity to the fullest.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The three made their way out of town, after telling the innkeep about their friend. As they reached the outskirts of the community, however, Akalfa smelled something; a strange sharpness hung in the air, one that she recognized as the lingering residue of teleportation magic; the kind of magic that some dark elves were very fond of.


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"With pleasure."

Her hand grasped Valira's tightly as they walked out of town, wanting to be subtle, yet nonetheless direct about her affection. Akalfa was never good at speaking on her feelings, but she did sincerely hope her attempts could be felt. There was a connection between the two women, one she couldn't place just yet. Too soon to call each other lovers, but too close to simply call each other friends. All the girl knew was that she desperately wanted it to continue.

On instinct, Akalfa's face scrunched up like a cat doused in water. The familiar acrid stench of magic hung in the air. Magic she was well familiar with. Or rather, her people were.

Stopping dead in her tracks Akalfa's eyes darted widely around their surroundings.

"Stop. I sense something. Something foul. I'd recognize it anywhere, though I wish I didn't."

A mix of both disgust and apprehension crossed her features. The last thing she wanted to feel a trace of was anything regarding her fellow Dark Elves. All the years of humilation she suffered coming back in an instant.

"A spell was done here recently. One for going from one place to another. Someone was here, and unfortunately, we may share heritage judging by the choice of conjuration." Her last words punctuated by a venomous pitch dripping with animosity. Oh gods did she hope she was wrong.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Not only a spell, but a struggle had apparently taken place here not too long ago. Broken tree branches, a splash of blood, and the telltale tracks of something being dragged off were all present. The final nail in the coffin was Zwarr's guitar, cast aside in a nearby bush.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira was a bit surprised yet gratified by the fact that Akalfa made the first move in grabbing her hand. She hadn't known the woman long but it was clear that she wasn't the most up front about how she felt verbally, shy and subtle by nature. She spoke through actions rather than words, something Valira deeply admired for despite all of her verbosity and grandiose language, she was still a warrior at heart. She still wanted to help her companion become more confident however, to show her just how amazing and special Valira believed her to be. Valira had a feeling that wouldn't happen however until they addressed the elephant in the room, that of Akalfa's past.

She was about to say something before Akalfa stopped and spoke, clearly deeply uncomfortable about something. Her words filled Valira with both dread and anger, as did the smell permeating the air. She held the other woman's hand tightly, offering support and comfort, even as her own heart clenched at the sight. She moved over to the bush, careful not to disturb the tracks and picked Zwarr's guitar back up. He would want this back when they found him, if he was alive that is

''We must follow those tracks. Wherever those scoundrels took Zwarr has to be relatively nearby, and I will be damned if I will lose another friend and ally in such a manner. We will bring them to justice, foil whatever nefarious scheme they are planning and get Zwarr back! I choose to believe he is still alive, and I will not let him suffer at the hands of his captors!''

Valira turned to Akalfa, rubbing her cheek with her other hand.

''I know this will be difficult for you, to go against your own people like this. I sense your experiences with them have been.... unpleasant. Just know that I am here for you and will be by your side every step of the way.''

Valira gave Akalfa a small kiss on the cheek at that, smiling softly.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr would finally stir, groaning as he started trying to move only to find himself chained to a wall. "....ugh.... did.. did I drink last night? ok... stay calm Zwarr.. not the first time you've woken chained to a wall in an unfamiliar place. If a woman in leather with a whip walks in... just explain you've forgotten the safeword... that usually works..." He said trying to keep optimistic, he... really forgot how he got here. He'd glance around before glaring slightly, "ok.. My Axe better be here or so help me.... that was a gift from The Duke!..."


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Akalfa wordlessly leaned into Valira's touch, exceedingly grateful for her support. She really was someone special. Regardless of their differences, she was like a respite from the world. A look of melancholy on Akalfa's face as she took in the severity of the situation. Turning against her own people was not something that she wanted to do, but something that she had to.

"I knew they could be cruel. But never did I expect such callousness."

The sight of blood made her sick, Valira's tenderness helping to soothe the myriad of negative thoughts muddying her psyche and giving her the encouragement she so desperately needed at that moment. She had enough. This was crossing a line. Treating her like a second citizen was one thing, but laying their brutish hands on a companion was another. Bravado or not a vicious provocation stirred. Turning towards Dirk and Valira with a look of fierce resolve burning in her eyes she spoke.

"I can't let them get away with this. Kin or no I won't let them harm anyone else. They'll pay for this!" Her fists tightened with rage as her furious ire finally surfaced. No longer dispassioned, no longer controlled and calm.

"I know he must still be alive, they aren't privy to killing. No, they rather make a show of dominating. Dealing with others like property."
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira heard the pain and anger in Akalfa's words. Before meeting her she didn't have much actual experience dealing with Dark Elves, she only knew what she had been taught by her own people and their general reputation. The enmity that existed between both Elven subspecies had good reason to, for Akalfa was the kind and sweet exception to a cruel and exploitative general rule. She understood well the rage that Akalfa felt, both on a cultural and personal level. Valira took the other woman's fists in her hands, rubbing them softly in an attempt to help calm her down.

''They won't Akalfa I swear to you. They will be brought to justice for what they have done, Zwarr will be returned to us and you will show them that true power comes from righteousness, not evil!''

Valira looked into Akalfa's eyes, her expression filled with both resolve and passion.

''If domination is what they desire, then we shall give it to them.''

Valira smirked slightly at that, pulling out her sword and pointing it towards the tracks.

''Let us be off!''


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
As the three of them followed the trail, Dirk couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the elves’ open displays of affection. The two girls had known each other for barely a day and already seemed to be closer than kin. It made him feel a bit superfluous, like it didn’t really matter whether he was there or not.

He also couldn’t deny a sharp pang of jealousy. It wasn’t that he wanted to be a part of it - that notion was far too awkward now to even consider – It was more that they made it look so easy; he'd never managed that level of intimacy with anyone, and yet Valira had done so twice, within a week, with two different women.

It was his own fault, he knew, for always being so guarded. But still…

He shook his head, reminding himself of the situation they were in. How can you think of yourself when your comrade is in peril? How dare you!

Dirk realized that he had fallen behind from the others, and hurried to catch up to them.

"So! You both seem to have a better idea of what's going on. What can we expect to find at the end of the trail?"


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''Knowing how Dark Elves operate, more than likely we will find Zwarr imprisoned in some dark and dingy place, as they attempt to break him in as it were. From what I understand the experience is a mix of pain and pleasure, with the latter winning out over the former most of the time. Hopefully we will arrive before they begin and will find Zwarr mostly intact. I say mostly because as much as it pains me to say so he will most likely require healing when we find him.''

Valira gave Dirk a look, her expression grave but her mind suddenly turning to him even as it was filled with what awaited them ahead. She hadn't gotten the chance to properly speak with him about what happened with Zira, indeed she hadn't gotten much of a chance to speak with him about much of anything it must be said. Initially when she had met him she believed his story of being an experienced adventurer, but recent events had cast doubts on that version of events. He was guarded in a way similar to Akalfa, and like her Valira believed he was probably struggling with his own demons. Maybe that was why their relationship was civil at best but that didn't mean she wasn't at fault too. She was saddened at the fact that not only did she know very little about the man, she hadn't truly made an effort to get to know him so far. She vowed that that would change from this point on.

As they walked Valira cleared her throat and turned to Dirk.

''I know we have to focus on the task at hand, but when this is all said and done I would like us to talk. I feel we know so little about one another, and that I owe you an apology for not making more of an effort to remedy that situation. I know that you keep things close to your chest, but I am here if you ever need to talk or just someone to listen. You are a valued ally and I am sorry if I ever gave you the impression otherwise.''

Valira gave a small smile at that, feeling a bit bashful. She knew that she was laying a lot on him but she felt it needed to be said.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“O…kay? Sure, I guess?”

It was difficult to read Dirk’s expression with only the top half of his face to go on, but he seemed to be… surprised? Shocked? Confused, perhaps?

What brought this on? You don’t have to pretend like you care all of a sudden. Unless – hold on a second…

“…Can elves read minds, by any chance?”

He cleared his throat and hastily added, “I mean, as part of the interrogation process? Zwarr knows quite a bit about us and our mission, after all.”


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Both the tone of Dirk's voice and the flurry of emotions that graced his face told Valira that this olive branch wouldn't be easily accepted. She didn't blame him for being confused, but she hoped that he could see that her words were genuine and her intentions pure. Dirk's question however took her aback, and she raised an eyebrow. She kept her tone neutral, as confused as she was by the rather strange question.

''None of the Elven races possess the power of telepathy. If they want to get information out of Zwarr I am afraid they will employ more traditional methods towards that end. But I doubt that they will be interested in what he knows about our quest anyway. They will be more focused on dominating him in both body and soul. They will take great pleasure in breaking his will, remoulding him into the perfect slave.''

Valira said all of this gravely and with just a hint of disgust. It didn't take a mind reader to see what she was thinking. She sighed and drummed her fingers on the metal of her sword, calming herself down.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa fell back a bit as the two of them conversed lost in deep thought. She had never pondered it before, yet wondered if it was too hasty to call herself part of their group if she only bonded with one of them. Certainly they must've felt similarly. Admittedly they were all fascinating. An opinion she had kept since their first trek through the swamp. And yet she still kept far too much to herself. It was a puzzling situation, to feel connected yet so far. To risk life and limb for outsiders. But perhaps it was the desire to know them all the better that drove her forward. These individuals who made such a stir in her tedious afternoon that day. Hardly did she expect a group of lost somebodys' to lead to here and now.

Idle chatter was not easy, nor did it come naturally, but she felt if she was going to travel with the trio to fight a dragon the least she could do was make conversation. She owed them all that much, for trusting her despite her upbringing. As personable as the other two members of their gathering were, there was one member that felt more akin to herself in her eyes. An enigma, keeping to his own. The roguish man that kept to the sides.

She was always curious. Staring as they continued their trek ahead. The one person who she couldn't read. It was both intimidating, and enigmatic. Originally she had assumed the group were as thick as thieves. That it wasn't her place to interject in that. Yet even within their short time, it seemed he retained more to himself. There were just so many questions she had. About all of them, and surely they had questions of their own. But one pressing matter did temporarily distract her despite their current situation.

Why was he always wearing that mask?

Was there a scar to conceal? Did he not want to speak? Was it more comfortable, to assist him in remaining unseen? Maybe it was best not to pry...

But she was tired of holding back her queries. There was no harm in being a little nosy.

"I hope this does not come across as ill-mannered, but I have been curious since this morning...I must ask, why do you always wear that masque? " Her head tilted slightly as she asked Dirk.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk paused, and considered the answer. Really, the mask had simply been to hide his identity – he was a petty criminal in Goldaria, after all – and also because people would expect a roving adventurer to be a bit more… grizzled. Dirk’s face could be more accurately described as “soft” or perhaps “boyish”, and it had never commanded much respect in the alleyways.

One day, Dirk told himself, he’d manage to grow some hair on his face. And it would look just as ridiculous.

Even after leaving town, he’d tried not to remove his mask in clear lighting. The hope had been that he could keep up the act long enough to get the job done without anyone realizing, but he’d been slipping up badly ever since the tower…

“Oh, this? Lost my lower jaw in an accident a few years back,” He said, obviously joking. “Ghastly sight; I keep it covered so that other folks don’t freak out.”


Well-Known Member
Naive as can be Akalfa let out a gasp, closely preparing to apologize for being so intrusive and insensitive before she realized he spoke remarkably well for someone without a jaw. Almost as if he was...

Oh. Joking. She chuckled as she realized. Always too quick to take things at face value. Though his lack of a real answer did hint at a reluctance she picked up on.

"You know, I don't think anyone here would judge if you took it off. I for one could not even if I wanted to, not with these ridiculous things dotting my face." She tapped at the freckles on her complexion with a small grin.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“Nevertheless, I think I’ll keep it on for now.”

Dirk folded his arms and focused on the path ahead. After a moment's reflection he turned back and added: “And freckles aren’t ridiculous, they’re cute. Everyone knows that. Right, Valira?”


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As Zwarr struggled against his restraints, the heavy wooden door to the room he was in slowly opened, and someone walked in. At first he thought it was Valira, but that illusion was quickly shattered. She was an elf, and had a figure almost identical to the high elf's, complete with massive breasts and absurdly flared hips, but her hair was stark white, and her skin as black as coal. At first, he thought she was naked, but as she drew closer, and raised a candle in her hand he could see that she was wearing a skintight suit of black leather, complete with stiletto heels. She smiled at him the way a child might smile at a new toy. "My, my, how exotic," she said, in a voice as cold as ice.

The three companions followed the tracks through the trees and into the forested hills that ringed the great mountain. Eventually, Valira picked something out from the usual sounds of nature, a pair of deep gruff voices.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira listened to the conversation between Dirk and Akalfa, smiling slightly at how up front the other woman was being in asking Dirk about his mask. She had often wondered about that too, but had just assumed he wore it for anonymity or to add to his whole mysterious adventurer motif. She hadn't asked because she didn't want to pry. Leave it to Akalfa to cut right to the heart of the matter in her own cutely innocent way. She chuckled inwardly at the joking exchange between them, even if it was a clear dodge on Dirk's part. Still, they couldn't force him to remove the mask nor divulge his true reason for wearing it. Valira was curious just what lay underneath that mini disguise but if Dirk wished to keep it on that was his prerogative. Perhaps one day he would show them but for now that seemed unlikely. Dirk's question broke her out of her reverie.

''Exactly, freckles are very cute and you are blessed to have them Akalfa. They are the furthest thing from ridiculous, especially on someone as attractive as you.
Besides Dirk is an experienced adventurer, so when he says its common knowledge it must be true.''

Valira smiled at them both, her line about Dirk being a bit of in the know ribbing rather than anything malicious. Her smile quickly turned to a frown as she heard the voices. She held up a hand to stop and silent the others, creeping forward but still remaining hidden behind a tree in an effort to discover the source.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr wasn't sure how to feel at the moment, but quickly cleared his throat. "Well hello there, not to bad yourself~. Listen I'm not sure what exactly happened last night, but if you could unshackle me... we could talk as reasonable beings and come to some beneficial understanding... or if this is some kinda kinky roleplay... please be aware I don't remember if we set a password." He said trying to be serious, sorta. But he didn't also wanna upset her if they spent a night together or something and he had forgotten due to drunkenness..


Well-Known Member
A perfectly reasonable response, Akalfa thought as she nodded her head. She didn't want him to feel uncomfortable or pressured, especially considering up until that point she had grown quite attached to wearing her father's shawl at all hours of the day. Everyone had their own manner of comfort. Though it'd be a lie to say the mystery of it wasn't interesting. However, she would press it no further. Now was the time to focus.

Until Dirk's comment caught her off guard, alongside Valira's kind praises. She covered her face with her palms to hide the sudden tint to her cheeks. Flustered without fail by the slightest remark.

"Now you two are just being nice." She said shaking her head with a chuckle.

Seeing Valira raise her hand caused Akalfa to stop in her tracks, looking towards Dirk with a raised brow before she too heard the strange sounds ahead. Silently she followed behind, head slightly peeking out to the side to possibly catch of glimpse of the source of the noise.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Peering through the trees, Valira could see that the voices belonged to a pair of Bugbears, massive burly relatives of the common goblin. Each one towered over seven feet tall, and was thickly muscled, with thin brown fur covering its body save for the face, which sported a long crooked nose, and wide floppy ears, as well as a mouth full of wolf-like teeth. They were standing on either side of a large crack in a rocky hill, leaning on their spears looking bored out of their minds. Sure enough, this is where the trail lead.

The dark elf woman stepped forward, breasts bouncing and hips swaying as she did. "My sister took you in your sleep, she's quite good with magic, though she cut herself trying to play that strange instrument of yours. Now you belong to us, and I have only one simple question." She stepped forward again, closing the distance between them, her breasts pressing against his chest, her lips inches from his own; even through the leather, he could feel that her nipples were hard. "Are you going to be a good boy?" As she spoke, her eyes seemed to fill with an inner glow, and Zwarr felt something trying to take hold in his head; a fuzzy, warm feeling that made him think that this woman might just be the best thing that ever happened to him.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira's eyes narrowed as she took in the sight before her. Bugbears were strong and resilient, no mere trifles to defeat like their goblin kin. She had no doubt that the trio could take care of them, besides the numerical advantage Bugbears weren't exactly known for their intelligence or tactical acumen. They were brutes through and through. But Valira had no way of knowing just how many of them there were nearby and the last thing they needed was a small army being brought down on their heads. Avoiding them wasn't an option as they were right on the path. As much as Valira preferred the direct approach, clearly this called for a more subtle one.

She signalled to the others, making clear her intentions for a sneak attack.

''Whatever happens, we can't let them make a sound...''

She said this in a barely audible whisper.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk nodded wordlessly and glanced down at the dagger in his hand. It suddenly felt very inadequate.

Just imagine they’re some hired muscle – a couple of brawny soldier-types rather than great big beasties – and this is the door to some noble’s manor. How would you go about getting inside?


Well, first of all I’d find another entrance!

“What if we distract them?” he whispered back. “Maybe lure one away and pick him off, or get both and slip past while they’re not watching?”


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr attempted a resistance but wasn't expecting it so he fell for her little trick, "...I... yes... I'll be... a good boy..." He said as despite his skill with bardic magic... he resistance to other types was.. limited. That and being groggy still from what they did he could do little to fight it, "....I'm sorry my instrument hurt her... I can heal her with a song from it if you wish.." He said losing the fight to resist, He just wanted to 'be a good boy'.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira considered that for a moment, before nodding.

''I think the former makes the most sense. Dirk, you lure the one on the right away with a distraction. Kill or incapacitate him if you can but if you cannot don't force the issue. While you are keeping his friend busy, I will dispatch the one on the left. Akalfa, you remain here and keep a lookout in case any more of them come our way. Is that agreeable to everyone?''

Valira said all of this in a hushed whisper as she turned to look at the others.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk gave a thumbs-up of understanding and crept off toward their right. There were a number of ways one could do this: a deliberate sneeze or a muffled swear were both good ways to draw mild suspicion.

But what he wanted to draw was attention.

Once he was certain that Valira and Akalfa were far enough away, Dirk picked a stone off the ground and hefted it in his hand. A fist-sized hunk of rock wouldn’t do much damage (unless he got very lucky), but something heavier wouldn’t go as far. If this went sour, he wanted as much of a head start as he could manage.

He waved back to the others to indicate his readiness. All he needed now was The Signal.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira gave Dirk the signal in the form of a firm head nod in his direction. She drew her sword silently, readying herself to move at a moments notice for when the time was right. She had a grim but determined look plastered on her face. This could go wrong in so many ways but she was confident in the plans success.

''Remember Akalfa, stay right here. We don't want any surprises.''

She gave her a small nod before facing forward once more.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Well, if they were sure…

Dirk took a deep breath to calm his nerves. Stone in hand, he focused on the bugbear closest to him.

This is about to go horribly wrong; I just know it.

Then, he cocked back his arm, relaxed his elbow, and threw.


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Akalfa gave an affirming nod to Valira as she waited with bated breath for the result of their plan, chewing her thumb in worry. As much as she feared for keeping watch it was no different from what she had done many times before. With the addition of being at a considerable disadvantage as a magic user. The arts weren't exactly known for being quiet and compact. Sitting on the sidelines for now was for the best. She had never seen her new companions in action but tried to have faith in their abilities, there was just no room to doubt and ruminate. Not even in herself.

Taking a deep breath she steadied her mind and made an effort to focus, keeping a lookout over the many nooks and crannies one could attempt to creep out from, occasionally turning her vision towards Valira and Dirk inwardly beseeching for their success. Listening intently for any odd sound or catching glimpse of any peculiar sight.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The stone flew through the air, pegging one of the brutes in the side of the head. It grunted, and spat a curse, then looked to where the stone had come from and growled before living off.
It's partner stayed put, but redied it's spear, before reaching for a horn on its belt.