The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, tell me more about this quest you're on. You said you were after some Princess, or something?" Zira asked, as she pulled up a pair of thigh high black boots, and matching gloves.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Alright, valid first question. And one I can actually answer. It’s practically public knowledge.

“That’s right. Princess Charlotte of Goldaria. She was kidnapped not long ago by a dragon, apparently. Quite a few mercenaries answered the call to rescue her, but most of them dropped out when they heard that last part.”

The gloves and boots were a bit odd. Dirk didn’t wear leather himself, but he’d known people who did, and they hadn't spoken highly of its comfort factor.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Ugh, another dragon with a princess fetish? Like there's not a thousand of those already," Zira groaned, as she secured a black and red striped corset around her waist, that shoed off the curves of her hips, and pushed her breasts up to produce some truly amazing cleavage.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“Hah! I know, right? It’s pretty sad.”

Dirk was getting nervous. He’d tried to ignore it, but Zira was definitely not getting dressed for a polite conversation. Was she like this all the time, or was he just special somehow? He couldn't see why; even in full Dirk Mode, he considered himself rather mundane by comparison.

“On the other hand, it means this job isn’t going to be as simple as, say, sneaking into prison and breaking the locks. There’s no telling what kind of security this Garam fellow has got in his lair. Ever heard of him?”


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, yeah, he's my dad," Zira said, bluntly, as she pulled out a length of rope.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk was suddenly sitting bolt upright.

Ah-HAH! I KNEW it! I knew there was something off about you! No one's that nice unless they're planning something!

Wait, why the fuck would you just come out and say that? Is it already too late to run?

“Well, that's - um... You know, you’re rather more forthcoming about that than I would have expected." He glanced at the door, wondering how quickly he could reach it if things went sour. "Does he do this sort of thing often?”


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, he did it with my mom about twenty years ago," she replied, as she turned to him, and began slowly walking forward. Dragons are like that, every couple of decades the old juices start flowing, and they go out to find a mate, or in some cases grab a hapless victim. Dragons are like that, you see, once something catches their eye, they just can't control themselves." The smile on Zira's face was only getting wider, as she licked her lips. Dirk was suddenly very aware that she was between him and the door.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Then Dirk was on his feet, backing away from her in a slow circle around the room. This was the third time today that a beautiful woman had approached him like this, and it wasn’t getting any less nerve-wracking. One hand closed around the hilt of his dagger.

“Cool motive," he said, "still kidnapping. Whatever happened to just asking politely?

Shit. Shit! SHIT! The door’s not gonna work, but maybe if I can get to the window… Old, crumbling building like this is bound to have lots of handholds. Then all I have to do is-

He tried to stay focused on Zira’s movements, but his treacherous eyes kept straying back to her generous cleavage or shapely thighs. He forced his gaze back up to her face, defiantly locking his eyes to her own.

He didn’t remember the bookcase until he walked right into it.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, you want polite? Okay, Cutie, would you be interested in a night of wild sex, with no strings attached?" she asked, as she dropped the rope, and closed the distance, pressing her considerable bust against his chest. Her sparkling eyes were dazzling as he stared deep into them, and he was pretty sure he could feel her nipples pressing into him through his shirt. "I promise it'll be a night you'll never forget."


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
A long moment passed; the two of them almost embracing while trapped in each others' eyes. The warmth of her skin, the scent of her hair, even the sound of her breathing filled his head with thoughts which he had always fought to suppress, but now didn't seem quite so horrible as before.

He gently placed his hands on her shoulders, excitement and fear wrestling for control over the next move.




Fear won again.

I can’t do this…

With a strength even he didn’t know he had, he suddenly pushed Zira aside and fled without saying a word.


Dirk came to a halt two floors down and leaned against the wall until his heartbeat had slowed enough to perceive. The panic slowly subsided, but only so it could be replaced by something much worse.

You stupid bastard! She did exactly what you suggested! She did everything she could to tell you it was alright and still you ran away!

His legs gave out under him and he slid down the wall until he was sitting with his face buried in his knees.

From Zwarr’s position, it looked like Dirk had come back after just a few minutes - sweaty, out of breath, and inexplicably fully-clothed - and then just collapsed to the floor.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr looked up from his writing, tilting his head. "Umm.. you ok there, buddy?" He said getting up and looking Dirk over. Yeah... it didn't look like Dirk took Zira's advance well. "...something the matter?" He added as he looked toward the stairs. Part of him was thinking on going to check Zira after a moment, but first he had to be sure Dirk's ok.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk looked up at him, inadvertently pulling down his mask in the process, and forced a weak, embarrassed smile. “I may have made a… small mistake back there, but I- I’m fine, really! Discussion just got a bit more… heated than I was expecting, that’s all.”

A horrible thought crossed his mind, and he also looked toward the stairs, with rather more worry on his face. “I hope she doesn’t take it too badly…”

…What do dragons do when they don’t get what they want?


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr blinked, "....Dude.. did you reject that smokin' hot beauty? I mean even I could tell she was into ya. I mean a hot piece of tail like that don't come around every day.... well for guys like you." He said as he walked over patting Dirk's. "You want my advice? Go for it. Live a little. Apologize for your 'cold feet'... cause if you don't.. it'll burn you up like a pissed off dragon inside." He said unaware that Zira was the dragon's daughter, though the half-dragon nature was obvious to him.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk’s expression changed several times as he struggled to form a suitable response. Surprise, shame, regret, indignance… He was much easier to read with his whole face exposed.

As if a simple apology would fix anything. As if I wouldn’t just run away again the next time I got too nervous. If I believed in second chances, I wouldn’t be pretending to be someone else!

“You… you’ve got the wrong idea, Zwarr," he lied. "It was a disagreement, that’s all. We just need a bit of time to let our heads cool off, before either of us says something we really regret.”

He got to his feet, and started to fix his bandana.

Besides, she said it’s just a hormonal imbalance of hers. I shouldn’t take advantage of someone in that position.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr shook his head, "Dude... you are clueless.." He said before sighing. "Sure. whatever. a 'disagreement'. Well then you won't mind if I go talk to her? see if I can't help patch things over with her?" He said folding his arms. "Cause if you let this sit, all it's gonna do is fester. Which won't end well. I can read you like a book. Let me guess. She came onto you, you panicked and ran? Your face tells the whole story man. I'm going to guess.. you're a virgin. right?" He said as he looked dead serious. Now Zwarr wanted to do something different, it wasn't about possibly getting the girl himself anymore. Nah his ego couldn't stand to see a guy like Dirk wasting a golden chance, he needed to help him.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
He’d struck gold; Dirk’s entire body froze.

…Yes,” He said, quietly. “…and yes.” He winced, as if saying it aloud caused him physical pain.

He folded his arms and looked away, no longer bothering to hide himself.

“I guess this is the part where you step in to do it properly, huh? Go on ahead. I reckon Zira would enjoy it more with someone who knows what they're doing. And honestly, I just want to put this whole thing behind me."

"Just - don't tell the others. Please? It's bad enough I couldn't hide it from you."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Both men were interrupted by a low, steady thumping coming from upstairs. It made its way slowly down the spiraling staircase that ringed the inside of the tower, until first the snout, then the head, and finally the front half of a massive reptilian creature squeezed down the stairs into the room they were in.
Its scales were black as coal, which only made its eyes sparkle brighter, and covered it from horned head to spade tipped tail. All in all it was the size of an ox, but looked as lithe and graceful as a hunting cat. It glared at them, or more specifically at Dirk, and said, in a distinctly feminine voice, "I've tried being nice." Then it was charging towards them.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk gave a decidedly unmasculine yelp of terror as he dove out of the way. He scrambled along the floor and pulled himself onto a windowsill before looking back for Zwarr.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Zira plowed into the wall, and went right through it, wings spreading out to catch her as she went into a wide circle around the tower.

Valira, and Sholgra were startled awake by a piercing roar that chilled them to their very bones.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Without skipping a beat Valira rolled out of the bedroll and grabbed her sword. Groggy and naked she was still ready for whatever threat they faced. Well, theoretically that is. She didn't quite expect to see a massive hole in the wall, nor what appeared to be a dragon circling the tower in full flight. As she scrambled to put on her armor, she spoke in as calm a voice as she could muster given the circumstances.

''Dirk! Zwarr! What in the name of all that is honourable happened while Sholgra and I were asleep!?''


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Zira wheeled in the air when she spotted Valira, and began to hover. "Ah, one of the sluts is awake. Well, I know something I think you will enjoy!" she roared, and clacked her claws together. All around Valira, the vines and creepers that coated the wall of the tower began to grow long and thick, until they resembled eyeless snakes, or the arms of an octopus. They squirmed towards her and Sholgra, wrapping around anything they came in contact with. One reached out to grab her ankle, wrapping around it like an eel.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
From above, Dirk shouted back to Valira.

"Oh, uh - it turns out the owner of this tower is Garam's daughter! And someone's really pissed her off!"

He shot Zwarr a look, and in a much quieter voice added, "We're not saying who until this is over, got it?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr ignores Dirk for the moment and plays a Song of Calming, targetting Zira to try and 'quell her rage'. "ZIRA! please calm down and we can settle this situation without violence! This has been a major misunderstanding and we can stop this without bloodshed. My Friend is an IDIOT, but he was only scared for a reason you'll surely understand!!" He said trying to reason with the half dragon, before shooting Dirk a glare like 'see what I mean?'.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira slashed at the vine with her sword, cutting it in two as the thing wrapped around her ankle. The danger and excitement of the situation filled her with adrenaline, as did the anger at having her blissful sleep in Sholgra's arms interrupted.

''Oh is that all!? And here I thought it was something serious! With all of your experience one would think that you would know better than to anger a half dragon! But perhaps that is just a sign of my inexperience in the field eh!?''

She said with biting sarcasm to Dirk, as she listened to Zwarr and hoped his pleas would have the desired effect.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Zira swooped down, landing in the room the two men were in once more. "Oh, I'm sure he was just overwhelmed by all of this," she said, glancing down to herself, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "But, don't worry, soon he'll want me. And, he'll want me more than anything." As she finished her speech, strange pink fire began licking at her lips, and she breathed in deeply.

The vine Valira slashed withdrew, only to be replaced by two more. They wrapped around her wrists, trying to pry her hands off her sword. At the same time, several slithered towards the, still sleeping, Sholgra.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr used a Song of Whisper to deliever a secret message into Zira's mind, this was just Zwarr's words to respect Dirk's wishes for not everyone to know. (will send a message to Ecnalab with what the whisper says.)

Once the Song was done, "...If you desire a willing partner, with experience. I offer myself up in Dirk's place. But please do not force him to do this."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira struggled against the vines, using all of her strength to break free. She looked in alarm over at Sholgra as the vines approached her sleeping form.

''Sholgra wake up! We are under attack and your assistance would be really appreciated right now!''

Valira inwardly cursed at her lovemaking prowess, if Sholgra had not been so satisfied by they're lovemaking perhaps she would not be in so deep a slumber!

''Zira please be reasonable! This will hardly endear you to Dirk, you cannot force him to be with you! Besides, if anything you should view his reaction as a challenge! You carry the blood of dragons in your veins, which would be more impressive and fitting of a being as noble as you? A lover who submits at the drop of a hat because he is forced to? Or one who desires you so much due to your efforts and romance and seduction that he cannot help but want you?''


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Sorry, buddy, not into horny guys," she said, before belching forth a wave of pink fire. It washed over Zwarr, but did not burn, didn't even singe. At first he thought it might be some sort of illusion. Then he felt the heat. It welled up from inside him, his blood was on fire, and pounding through his veins, and particularly to through his loins. A powerful need to ravage anything that would let him began prying at his mind. "But, I believe there are a couple of ladies downstairs who can entertain you," she said, with a wicked grin.

The vines heading towards Sholgra turned and sped towards Valira, wrapping around her arms and legs, and lifting her into the air; save for one that plunged into her mouth, as if trying to silence her.

"Finally, something shut her up," Zira griped, as she looked around the room for her missing love interest. "Now, where are you, Dear Dirk? Zira wants to play."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira struggled furiously in the vines, trying to bite down on the one that was inside her mouth but to no avail. She screamed as the thing filled her cheeks and she swore that when she got out of this she swore that her blade would get to know Zira intimately in Dirk's place. If she desired something long and hard inside of her then so be it. Said sword was still clutched precariously in one hand, as the elf did her best to swing it and get herself free.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk was gone, having apparently slipped away while Zwarr interceded on his behalf. At that moment he was pulling himself onto the roof.

Stupid. Stupid! STUPID! This is all your FAULT you stupid, craven, son of a whore! Your fault, and your responsibility...

As he paused to catch his breath, he couldn't help but be surprised at how quickly he'd managed to scale the whole thing. Now it was time for action. He drew his dagger and carefully walked around the rim, watching for Zira.