The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira watched this whole conversation transpire, a little put out that Sholgra hadn't acknowledged the fact that she had washed her clothes let alone thanked her for it. She let it go however as she surmised that the priestess showed gratitude through action rather than words, an admirable way of doing this, albeit a tad brusque at times. She understood Dirk's reservations and respected his professionalism, although she thought she had noticed a brief look on his face before giving his reasoning. It almost seemed..... flustered? She must have been seeing things. Valira gave a look down at Sholgra's crotch before returning her gaze quickly back up. If her companion was in need of relief and Dirk would not oblige, perhaps she could provide some assistance. After all, this wasn't the same situation as last night and would not take as long, she would merely give relief with perhaps her hands or mouth so that her ally would be without distraction. They needed Sholgra focused and this would help to ensure she would be. Of course it went without saying that she was excited by the prospect and would enjoy it just as much.

''While you could indeed take care of that yourself Sholgra, if you would be amenable I could give relieve you relief instead since Dirk has declined. Of course if you would prefer to handle it on your own I would perfectly understand, I merely thought that it would go faster and easier with another person involved.''

The look in Valira's eyes made it obvious that she wasn't just offering to do this for practical reasons, at complete contrast with her tone of voice which sounded as prim and proper as it usually did., albeit with a bit of a husky tone.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Sholgra nodded. “Ah, I see. Sorry for asking; it’s just my belief getting intimate with someone is a good way to get more familiar, but I suppose it is a bit much to ask for, especially from a stranger.”

She then noticed Valira. “Oh, thanks for cleaning my robe. I know I didn’t acknowledge that soon enough, but I hope you can forgive me-I was just trying to get to know our other member.” Hearing her request, she nodded. “That’s fine with me-I just thought you might be a bit preoccupied. Do you want to do it here or find some place else?”


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira smiled brightly at Sholgra, her acknowledgement of her efforts filling swelling her heart with joy and pride, just as her acceptance of her offer set her loins afire with lust.

''You are most welcome! Oh please there is nothing to forgive I completely understand, it was a noble effort indeed! I am not so busy that I can not offer a helping hand to an ally, dare I say a friend, in need!. I think we should find a spot nearby and private, but still close to camp, we don't want to make our companion uncomfortable after all. Would you be bothered if we did so before we left Dirk?''

Valira asked this with a slight blush, feeling a little bashful despite being the one who initiated things.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"Not at all! You go and do your thing. I'll stay here and watch the horses. Just, y'know, make sure it's quick, because daylight's burning."

You are way too eager about this. It's like you're an addict.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''Thank you for your understanding and we shall not be long I assure you! As you point out we are on a tight schedule, as it were!''

Valira brushed a hand through her beautiful hair at that, smiling slightly at Sholgra.

''Shall we then?''


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Sholgra nodded, leading Valira behind a tree. Leaning her back against it, she parted open her robe and presented her erect length to the elf.

“Do what comes natural to you; I’ll be fine,” the orc said as she made sure no goblins were hiding in the shadows nearby. “Just be careful to avoid getting sprayed on.”


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''I will do my very best, after all I only got myself and my armor clean this morning.''

She gave a small chuckle at that. Staring down at the orcs massive erection, Valira began to stroke it with a blush, her soft hands barely able to wrap around its sheer girth. She went slowly at first, pumping Sholgra's member up and down in a firm grip, as salty precum fell from the priestess's cock head. She could feel the other woman's heartbeat pumping as her cocked throbbed, staring at the sight before her, enraptured by Sholgra's beauty and engrossed in the task at hand. She then used one hand to massage the huge round balls dangling beneath the prodigious tool, practically feeling the cum churn inside of them. Using a bit of the orcs precum as lube, she then used a thumb to rub her cock head slightly.

''Is it to your liking so far, Sholgra?''

Valira asked this question with a lewd grin and in a coy but husky voice, knowing full well that the priestess was enjoying her ministrations.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Sholgra bit her lip as she nodded, softly moaning. She then looked into the woods. It was now morning, but they were still quite dark. As she stared, the orc thought she saw a pair of eyes peeking out from the darkness, but ignored it; if anyone was watching, they’d most likely wait, and besides, she could just be seeing things.

“So, do you know anyone you think might be following you?” Sholgra asked, as she stroked her fingers through the elf’s long hair. “Or is that something you’d rather not talk about?”


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira smiled at Sholgra's moans but developed a confused look at her question. As the orc ran her fingers through her hair she raised an eyebrow but did not stop her jerking of the priestess's huge leaking cock. She was still on alert however, they did not want to be caught unawares as they were before. She would be ready to defend herself at a moments notice if necessary, despite the delicate position they were in.

''Not that I know of. Why do you-

Valira stopped mid sentence and stole a quick glance behind her, noticung the same pair of eyes peering out at them. Whoever they were they were they seemed to be merely observing and making no hostile moves. Perhaps just enjoying the show as it were? She couldn't make out just who the eyes belonged to in the dark but they were staring intently.

''Whoever it might be I have no idea who they are. Do you wish to continue or shall we stop?''

In truth the thought of having an audience was making Valira even more turned on, a scandalous thought but a true one nonetheless. Just the night before she had been uncomfortable at the thought of Dirk watching her and Sholgra and the former was someone she at least somewhat knew. Now here she was enjoying the attentions of a stranger while she stroked Sholgra's throbbing cock. New surroundings and exposure to new ways of thinking were clearly allowing Valira to become more adventurous, engaging in situations that back home she would have not had the chance to sample. The fact that it was all happening so fast was just a testament to how sheltered a life she had lived so far.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Sholgra scratched Valira’s head, smiling. “Unless they decide to move in, which is unlikely since we’ve seen them, we should continue. I’ll just keep my eyes open to make sure they don’t get too near.”

As she felt the elf stroke her cock, she could feel herself getting ready to unload. She grunted softly, as pre trickled out from her cock. “Ah, I’m getting close,” she said. “After I finish, we’ll get back to our horses, okay?”


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As Valira stroked Sholdra nearly to bursting, the eyes in the bushes drew closer, until their owner came into view. He was a human, and an absolute bear of a man, standing at least six and a half feet tall, with a powerfully muscled frame, and broad shoulders. He had short curly brown hair, and a matching beard, above which sparkled brilliant blue eyes. Most startling of all, he was completely naked, and sporting a cock at least as big as Sholgra's own. Without a hint of embarrassment, he smiled at them, and spoke in a deep rich voice. "Pardon me, ladies, but if you seek relief, perhaps I could be of assistance.

Dirk sat against a tree, while the horses grazed. Off in the distance he could hear his companions moaning and chattering; just how long did it take them to rub one out? A flash of movement caught his eye, as something dropped out of the tree behind him. Springing to his feet, he spun to get an eyeful of perhaps the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She was elven, like Valira, but where his companion was tall and busting out all over, this girl was just the opposite. She barely crested five feet in height, and her figure was lithe and trim. Her emerald green eyes peered out from under a mane of silver hair that tumbled all the way down to her knees, and her skin was flawless. Speaking of her skin, he could see all of it, as she was wearing no clothes, simply standing before him naked as the day she was made. She smiled playfully at him, "Aw, did your friends leave you out of the fun? Maybe I can help?" Her voice was like silver bells.

Zwarr trudged through the woods that he had been lost in for two days now. If he ever found the guy who sold him that map, there would be hell to pay. He was running low on food, and if he didn't find a trail or something soon he would...
His ears perked up. There was something on the wind, it wound its way through the trees so faintly that he barely noticed it, but it was there; the sound of magic. It was soft, and subtle, but still strong. Something big was about to go down in the woods just a little ways off from where he was.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“Where the FUCK did YOU come from!?”

Dirk had his daggers out and at the ready before he had fully processed what was in front of him. Surprise turned into confusion, and then into suspicion. Beautiful naked women appearing from nowhere to proposition people did not happen in Dirk’s world. Not to him. This was either a hallucination or a setup, and he was not going to fall for it.

He corrected his stance, meeting her eager gaze with a cold, hostile glare.

“Don’t come any closer! Who are you?”


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
Due to Sholgra’s promiscuous activity, it was easy for people to forget she was a priestess as well. While not the most knowledgeable of her group, she was still well acquainted with stories of shape shifting outsiders attempting to prey on the unwary.

Seeing this unknown figure approach in the middle of forest, shaped like some figure from a bawdy song, the orc was suspicious. “Sorry, I don’t have time to follow up with you,” she said, holding back a grunt.

She neared her climax; it would only be a little longer before she came, but she did not know what this being would do next.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira nodded in reply, about to respond verbally just before the strange naked man revealed himself. Giving him a look up and down she was impressed by his powerful form and massive penis, face flushed and biting her lip slightly. That said, this was highly suspicious and she wasn't about to say yes to his proposition, especially when she was the one providing Sholgra with relief and they didn't have time to dally. She kept an eye on the stranger, ready to move in case he made any attempt to attack them. If he was harmless she could apologize for her rudeness after the fact, better to be safe than sorry. Feeling Sholgra nearing completion, she prepared to move out of the way for when the torrent of cum would erupt. Despite the interruption, she knew the orc was enjoying herself and that made her happy.

''While we appreciate your most generous offer, as my companion said I am afraid we must decline. Pray tell, who are you and what are you doing wandering naked in the middle of the forest?''

Still using one hand to stroke Sholgra hard and fast, she slowly moved her other to the scabbard of her sword just in case.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr would indeed ask sternly for a refund from that jerk, but he was also a firm believer that he was never lost... he was always heading to the next show.. however long it took to get there was another story. Hearing that enchanting sound cracked a grin, every time he heard it he knew it was... "Showtime..." He said with a smug grin as he pulled his axe guitar out and made his way toward the group. strumming his instrument in a low way that'd build as he approached.

As he approached the scene where Dirk was, he would arrive from one of the sides of the forest. "Whoa... I'm not interrupting am I?~" He said as he saw the naked woman and the theif on edge. Zwarr was playing the 'clueless' card as he continued to lightly strum, basically casting no magic.. pretending to be a 'normal' musician with no magic...


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk’s heart was already pounding, but the sudden arrival of the tall, demonic stranger nearly sent it straight up into his throat. His eyes darted between the elf and the tiefling and he took a step back from both of them. Another one? So it was a setup, meant to keep him off-balance until her gang could surround him! Well, they’d never take him alive!

…Why is that guy playing an instrument? Is that what this is: a performance? Why the nudity? Are they actually working together, or did this guy genuinely just show up? Is this the distraction? Aargh, I'm making too many assumptions...

Question after question raced through Dirk's mind until it suddenly dawned on him that, if the newcomer really was unrelated, then he must seem like a masked brigand of dubious moral character openly threatening a lone, unarmed girl in the middle of the wilderness. He hesitated, and lowered his weapons, but did not drop them.

“I swear, this is not what it looks like…”
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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
"If I had a gold coin for every time I've heard that, I'd be richer then many kings..." Zwarr said as he looked between them, "So what is happening? Fight with a crazy girlfriend?" He asked to Dirk. He was standing on guard, he was looking over the girl.... admittedly seeing a hot naked elf girl was normally great. but He wasn't going to go sticking his dick in crazy right now.. He secretly started strumming a small little tune, 'silently' casting 'true sight' to see if either was who they appeared..


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Upon seeing Zwarr's insturment the girl recoiled, and hissed, as if recognizing a hated enemy.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“I’ve never seen this girl in my life! She just showed up like this out of nowhere while I was waiting for–“Don’t mention the others yet! You don’t know this guy’s intentions, either! “-waiting for it to get brighter, and started acting weird!"

He flinched when the elf hissed, and raised his daggers defensively. "Ah! Y-you saw that too, right? I didn't just imagine it?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr just grins cocky, "Aww~ what's the matter babe?~ not a fan of music?" He said as he kept strumming and slowly moved closer to Dirk. Stopping a few feet away still just to be safe. "If you don't like my light tunes.. you'll really hate my true style... so I best suggest you take your fine elven ass and run on back into the woods..." He said before looking to Dirk.

"Whatever she is... I don't think she's really an elf... or a music lover... trust me.. met plenty of ladies who couldn't resist my charms."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As he kept strumming, the elf's form twisted into a humanoid tree, as whatever magic it was using to disguise itself was disrupted.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk’s brow furrowed in confusion as the illusion wavered. A plant? What?

“That’s… I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it was definitely not that.” Why was a plant trying to seduce me? The hell would it get from that?

He looked to the musician, and then back to the – dryad? Was that the right word? Then he looked down at his daggers, which suddenly seemed rather insufficient.

“Okay, so what do we do now?” His eyes drifted toward the still-smoldering remains of their campfire. Hm...


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
Zwarr's eyes widen at the reveal, then he smirked again. "Make like a Tree... and Leave. Before things get really hot!" He said threatening the tree thing by strumming a different set of strings to cast a spell that made the 'appearance' of his strings burning with fire. They weren't really, but it was realistic enough to hopefully fool the tree thing.

He looked to Dirk with a small smirk, "Don't worry, a star like me always knows how to handle a bad crowd. You can't kill The Metal." He said saying his 'personal motto'... which would become cheesy later when he finally revealed his name to Dirk.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The tree woman lunged at Zwarr, eager to shed the sorcerer of its discomfort. It's fingers lengthened into razor sharp spikes as it let out an ear splitting shriek.
At the sound of its companions cry, the man before Valira and Sholgra twisted into a similar monstrosity, his hands turning into wooded hammers as he advanced.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Oookay, so you’re one of those spoony bards. Great.

He leapt aside as the monster charged, but it seemed to be more focused on the newcomer. Seizing the initiative, Dirk valiantly sheathed his daggers and darted away from them both.

“I’ll be right back!”

He ran for the firepit and cast about until he found what he needed: a small, fallen branch, covered in dried-out leaves. This he stuck into the smoldering embers and prayed for it to catch flame.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
As the man shifted, Sholgra couldn’t hold herself back and came hard, spraying her seed all over the tree man’s torso as she let out a barbaric yawp. Relieved and ready, her eyes glowed as her hard oak staff was infused with gleaming moonlight. A smile crept on her face as she prepared to fight.

“Tree man, huh? Well, I’ve my own rod of wood, and it’s bigger.”


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The branch in Dirk's hand went up like tinder.
The tree woman scythed the air in front of Zwarr, catching his axe in her hands.
The tree man brought his arms down, only to be stopped by Sholgra's staff.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
As his arms came down, a shimmer force along the staff’s length gleamed, and blocked his powerful blow.

Grunting, Sholgra threw back the pair of hammer-like arms with her orcish strength before slamming her staff’s blunt end into the tree man’s stomach, aiming to push him back so her ally would have more space to follow up with her sword.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2022
As it's scythe blade went to try and steal his axe, Zwarr changed his tune to a more violent and aggressive one to make the flames actual fire projected OUTWARD toward the creature. "NO ONE TOUCHES MY AXE!!" He shout growling deeply. No way was he going to let some tree bitch just steal his guitar, but he wouldn't be able to keep this fire projection up long... as it'd cause his strings to heat up.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The tree woman recoiled from the flames, backing up with arms raised.