The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
And he did flinch, taking a step back in surprise, but he didn't run. "I... I m-may need some guidance, b-but I'm sure I can handle this..." Dirk swallowed, and managed to tear his gaze away from it to look into Sune's eyes. That seemed to help, because the uncertainty slowly faded from his expression.

He stepped closer to her once again, heart still racing, and hesitantly wrapped one hand around her cock. He gave it an exploratory squeeze, getting a quick feel for the texture of it on his palm. Nervous? Who's nervous? It's not like she's asked you to use it, yet.

"Shall we take this outside?" he asked. "I think I could use some fresh air right now..."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Certainly, lead on," Sune replied, with a smile, as she wrapped arms behind her back, and let him guide her by the cock.

Just as Valira was about to doze off, a strange warmth began to blossom in her loins. Despite how heave her eyelids were at the moment, the persistent need in her womanhood would not let her nod off.

Akalfa was having a hard time falling asleep, as the poison in her system made sure that she was still wet when she laid down. All at once the feeling worsened, as she found that her newly enhanced womanhood was far wetter than it had been. Worse, her improved breasts were begining to feel needy, and there was now a lot more of them to tend to.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira moaned slightly, confused at the need she felt despite her tiredness and a little annoyed that it had interrupted her attempt at gaining rest. Try as she might, she could not calm down, and she began to nibble on her lower lip as the burning need between her legs continued unabated. She could have took care of it herself, but that would have been unfair to Akalfa who was no doubt in even more desperate condition given the venom coursing through her system. Doing so would just exacerbate that problem. Valira's eyes widened as she realized the cause of her arousal, clearly ingesting Akalfa's fluids had also infected her with the poison, even if it did take a while to have an effect.

''Akalfa, are you still awake?''

Valira asked this question in a shaky voice, raw with want and need. She did her best to resist the urge to start touching herself and Akalfa right then and there.


Well-Known Member
Hissing through her teeth Akalfa tossed and turned lightly, trying her damndest not to wake her partner. Being considerate was difficult with the forceful ache of her newly enhanced body. The wetness between her legs was far worse than before, and her breasts were more tender than ever. It took every bit of willpower not to touch and fondle herself. Well, not that much. Her hands groped at her chest, caressing her nipples back to frustrating hardness. Why was her body even more sensitive, why now? It would be so rude to disturb her companion's rest...Yet try as she might moans escaped as they would, the heat blooming in her belly redoubled its effort to keep her awake. And the growing awareness of slick wetness drenching her thighs was growing quite uncomfortable.

She was about to get up and take a walk to calm down before she heard Valira's voice. The timbre of her words was unmistakable, something she had come to recognize. A primal need approaching her own.

Akalfa slowly opened her eyes with a shaky smile. Her breath was hot and shallow as she gazed back at Valira with a fierce lust and desperation. Biting her lip she uttered in an equally uneven tone.

"Can't sleep either, huh?" Her voice was low, husky, still very much tired but with one thing on her mind clear as day by the tremble of her lips and the unsteady, albeit shameful grin on her deep purple blossomed face.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira could tell from both her moans, the sound of her voice and the expression on her face that Akalfa was as desperate as she was. This was unsurprising of course, and very much a relief it must be said as Valira needed her lovers touch like a starving woman needed food. It went without saying just what she wanted to eat, it lay out next to her on the bed, and she knew that Akalfa would devour her meal just as ravenously. Valira's nipples were as hard as diamonds at this point, her pussy dripping wet and as she stared at Akalfa's beautiful (and now enhanced) form it only grew worse. Her brain was filled with a lustful and animalistic need, and it took her a moment to respond to Akalfa's question.

''No, I think I require a midnight snack to truly drift off. And I sense you need the same.''

Her voice a growl, Valira practically pounced on Akalfa, kissing her passionately and roughly groping her tits. Her fingers rubbed and manhandled her beautiful nipples while her tongue fought hungrily with the Dark Elf's own. Her breasts were so much bigger than before and Valira could only marvel at how amazing they felt as she moaned into her lovers mouth, her core throbbing with desire.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"Certainly, lead on," Sune replied, with a smile, as she wrapped arms behind her back, and let him guide her by the cock.

Dirk cuddled against Sune’s side as they made their way to the mouth of the cavern, slowly stroking her cock all the while. By the time the two of them stepped outside it no longer seemed like such a strange thing to him. It was just another part of her body for him to please, like any other. The night air was not as cold as he’d expected, but it did help to cool his head a bit. Enough to be certain that he did want to do this after all.

“Now, did you have somewhere in particular in mind, or is one tree as good as any other?” he asked, hugging her from behind while he wrapped both his hands around her beastly endowment.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As Valira and Akalfa embraced, the heat in their loins only grew, demanding something to quench it.

"Why bother?" Sune replied, and brought her hands down to rest on Dirk's own. She squeezed hard, so hard Dirk couldn't believe it wasn't hurting her, before slowly guiding their hands up to the very tip of her cock and back down again. As they slowly jurked her off, Dirk could feel the incredible heat of it in his hands, as well as a throbbing pulse. As calm as she seemed to be, Sune was clearly very excited.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk had to strain his muscles to give her the pressure she seemed to want. His palms slid back and forth along the smooth red skin, their tight grip contrasting with the gentle slowness. But Sune would want more. Taking a deep breath, Dirk increased the speed of his stroking along the entire length.

From this position, the motions were mostly familiar. It was a bit like stroking his own cock, if it were bigger, smoother, and he couldn’t feel anything in it. He slipped one hand up to focus on her tip, twisting and squeezing the sensitive flesh there while the other hand rubbed closer to the base.

“How’s that?” he asked quietly, still unsure how the demon preferred it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Sune would reach up to turn his head, so she could lock her lips upon his own, her tongue twirling around his own. "Feels nice, but it would be a lot better if you were inside me," she replied, when she finally broke the kiss.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk nodded, regretfully removing his hands from her warm member in order to free his own from its confines. Focused as he’d been on Sune’s pleasure, he hadn’t realized how hard he’d gotten… At least one of them had the foresight to wear something easy to remove. He slipped the robe from her shoulders and let it drop to the ground, exposing her beautiful body to the moonlight.

Even the snake-tail was kind of cute, in a way. He gently pet it as he carefully moved it out of the way and slid his manhood between the soft fur of her thighs, stifling an involuntary moan as he tried to find her pussy from this angle.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Sune would lean forward, and spread her legs, letting him find her opening, and taking him in without trouble. Her pussy was even hotter than her cock, and it wrapped around him like a velvety vice. "Ooooohh! You know I can barely feel you in that hole, right?" Her tone was equal parts mocking, and playful. The kind of voice that said, prove me wrong.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
If she meant to rile him up, it was working. Dirk took her canine prick in his hands and gripped it tightly. He bucked his hips forward, hard enough to make her thrust into his grip, and started to slide his hands along her length again. When he pulled his hips back for the next one, he gasped. The cool night air provided a strange-yet-pleasant contrast to the burning heat of Sune’s insides.

It didn’t take long for him to find a steady rhythm, thrusting into her pussy from behind while his hands stroked and squeezed her beast-cock from the front. Dirk nuzzled into her back as his breathing became fast and heavy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Mmm, Yes! Fuck me with that little human cock! Do what all the demons, trolls, and ogres couldn't! Make me CUM!" Sune screamed into the night, as her walls quivered around Dirk's cock, and her own manhood began spasming. He watched as long, thick ropes of cum sprang from her tip. Two... four... nine... Thirteen flew through the air before she was finally done.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk groaned and hilted himself inside her as her climax drew out his own, cumming as deep as he could manage. It wasn't nearly as impressive, admittedly.

He let out a small, cute laugh as he pulled out of her, still panting. She was probably just saying it, but he felt a bit of pride at the idea that he was better than others at giving Sune what she wanted. He kissed her on the cheek while his hands slowly rubbed her still-stiff cock in the afterglow.

"So," he teased, "how many of those does it usually take before you call it an evening?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"About five," she replied, with a giggle. "Hope you're not tired." Indeed, her cock was still rock hard in his grip, and ready to go another round.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"Not yet, but I'm sure we can fix that." He took his hands away and started to undress himself properly. The night breeze caressing his own skin made him shiver as he joined her in nudity, but he knew they'd be warming each other soon enough.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
He pulled his shirt over his head to find her on her knees in front of him. "Hmhmhm. Let's see if we can hurry you along." She leaned in, and her was once more enveloped in warmth, only this time her mouth closed around him. She sucked him in all the way to the base, before drawing back, cleaning the cock that had been in her pussy mere moments before.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk was still sensitive from his orgasm. He whimpered from the sudden sensation and grabbed onto of her shoulders reflexively. In that brief moment his cock twitched inside her mouth, as though it were trying to come before the rest of his body was ready.

"S-so," he said, as a tingle of ecstasy ran down his spine, "how do you w-want it next, Lady Sune?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
She looked up at him as she sucked away, before breaking away, and drawing her tongue up his length. "My pussy and cock have already cum. If you don't do something with my ass, it's going to get jealous," she purred.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"That I can do." he said, joining her on his knees with a smile. "After all, my dick was made for your ass." And she had, in her words, hurried him along. His member was already nice and slick...

He gave Sune another quick kiss before motioning for her lay down on the grass. "You can lie on your back or your belly, whichever you prefer. I'll go at it my hardest either way."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
She sprawled out on the grass, face down, and reached back to spread her fuzzy cheeks for him. "Fuck me, like the bitch I am," she commanded, as her asshole winked in anticipation.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk crept forward, groping her plush buttocks as he lined himself up with her ass for the second time that night. Seeing Sune splayed out before him under the moonlight, glancing over her shoulder with that lustful need in her eye sent another rush of warmth to his own modest member – poised and ready to drive deep into the heat of her rear.

Except it didn’t. The tip of his cock kissed at the threshold, teasing her asshole with the promise of penetration, only to pull back a moment later. He rubbed the glans around the rim of her sphincter before gently pressing into it again, a bit more forcefully this time, but he stopped before even an inch had gone in. He did this over and over, moving his hips just enough to make her asshole open for his manhood but never following through to fuck her properly. It was probably more annoying than anything else, but Dirk wanted a bit more time to calm himself. And also a small bit of payback for the long edging she’d given him.

You want this so badly, don’t you? He thought, looking down at her. Right, let’s reward that patience.

Suddenly, instead of pulling back, his hands clapped down on Sune’s waist and he rammed his entire length into her tight asshole. Dirk draped himself over her back and slipped his arms around her torso for stability as he began to buck his hips – as much as he could manage without actually pulling out of her.

Sune had laid down on this field and now he was going to plow her into it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Sune's groan of annoyance turned into a squeal of surprise, and delight, as her ass was filled. It was as tight as he remembered, and the warmth even greater than that. She couldn't do much besides splay her legs out to give him full access to her nethers, as she screamed into the night.


Well-Known Member
Valira could tell from both her moans, the sound of her voice and the expression on her face that Akalfa was as desperate as she was. This was unsurprising of course, and very much a relief it must be said as Valira needed her lovers touch like a starving woman needed food. It went without saying just what she wanted to eat, it lay out next to her on the bed, and she knew that Akalfa would devour her meal just as ravenously. Valira's nipples were as hard as diamonds at this point, her pussy dripping wet and as she stared at Akalfa's beautiful (and now enhanced) form it only grew worse. Her brain was filled with a lustful and animalistic need, and it took her a moment to respond to Akalfa's question.

''No, I think I require a midnight snack to truly drift off. And I sense you need the same.''

Her voice a growl, Valira practically pounced on Akalfa, kissing her passionately and roughly groping her tits. Her fingers rubbed and manhandled her beautiful nipples while her tongue fought hungrily with the Dark Elf's own. Her breasts were so much bigger than before and Valira could only marvel at how amazing they felt as she moaned into her lovers mouth, her core throbbing with desire.

A gasp of surprise came from Akalfa's lips but soon melted into soft groans of passion comingling with Valira's. The heat of their bodies pressing together was felt with thrice the intensity now that her own breasts could press against her companion's. She was still so unused to it, a pleasure nearly too intense that made her eyes flutter. Her hands clasped Valira's back tenderly, trailing lower into the soft heft of her ass as her fingers trailed across her tight pussy, playfully stroking her clit. Even without venom, Akalfa had always found herself enthralled by her beautiful companion's outrageous curves, no matter how much she fondled and groped. Every time her hands met her form a feeling of wonderment filled her mind at just how perfect Valira's body was. Maybe one day she would get lucky and the High Elf would take up her offer of day-long worship. With a body like hers, it was well deserved.

The rough exploration of her newly enhanced breasts made the sorceress's breath hitch, her body was still incredibly sensitive, Valira's hands alone nearly enough to make her cum. Akalfa pulled back from her lips with a wet pop, a sharp moan leaving as she panted. Not yet, she thought. Close as she was she wouldn't be satisfied with anything less than the same as what her lover desired. A little dessert to end off the night, just when she was starting to crave a certain sweetness.

"I couldn't agree more."


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira moaned loudly into the kiss as Akalfa groped her ass and stroked her clit, jolts of pleasure being sent through her entire body. She returned the favor, using one of her hands to rub her pussy and tease the Dark Elfs own throbbing bud. Valira could not believe that Akalfa had ever doubted her own attractiveness, that she had spent so much time feeling insecure about her looks. Even without the potion the sorceress had the body worth praise in song and story. Valira found herself wishing for the talents of a bard in order to properly convey her thoughts and feelings. For now, all she could do was moan and pant desperately as Akalfa pulled away. She new what they both wanted, nay needed and she was determined that they would find it together.

''Good, now lie back and let me take my seat.''

Valira pulled down her undergarments at that, revealing her massive rear end and dripping wet pussy. She then sat above Akalfa, leaning slightly so that her face would be able to lap at the Dark Elf's pussy while Akalfa ate her out. Breathing heavily, she then sat down on Akalfa's face with a harsh moan, as she began to lick her lovers beautiful pussy. It tasted as amazing as it did earlier, and Valira was intoxicated by it. It was like seasoning, with pleasure being the main course.

''Mmm fuck Akalfa...''

Valira moaned this out as she continued to lick her lovers glistening folds, sending vibrations through the sorceress's body as she did so.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Sune's groan of annoyance turned into a squeal of surprise, and delight, as her ass was filled. It was as tight as he remembered, and the warmth even greater than that. She couldn't do much besides splay her legs out to give him full access to her nethers, as she screamed into the night.

Dirk hardly noticed how much noise they were making: between short breaths of exertion, his stifled moans and her outright cries of pleasure, and the slightly-muffled clap of his pelvis on her fur-covered ass. He barely noticed anything at all outside of how good she felt around his cock. He gripped her tightly, pressing his bare chest into her back - and almost trapping her tail between them by accident.

He was so focused on giving Sune the hard ass-fucking she desired that he was failing to pace himself properly. Within just minutes it felt like he was on the brink of orgasm with every thrust he made, and it only inspired him to go faster, harder, in a frantic effort to drive her over the edge first.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Daisy picked her way through the underbrush as quietly as she could manage. Travel through the woods at night was one of the best ways she knew of to get lost, but she had to make up time. She had been out of the village on an extended search for herbs, and other materials that might be useful to her craft, when the strangers had passed through. She had gotten home to find everyone practically buzzing about the adventurers that had come and gone on their way to slay a dragon, and save a princess. Now, she was on their trail, or at least what was left of it. The sun had gone down, and she was about to give up, when she started to hear strange noises in the darkness. It sounded like a man and woman were having some sort of scuffle. Feeling that she was close, she pressed on, and as she did, she began to notice a strange feeling creeping into her; a heat that seemed to well up in her chest and belly and... was she getting wet?

When Valira plunged her tongue into Akalfa's pussy, the dark elf nearly lost it right then and there. There was no longer any doubt about it, the potion she had drank had enhanced her womanhood as well as her breasts, making it much more sensitive; to the point that even the light touch of her lover's tongue was sending tremors of pleasure through her loins.

As she cried and moaned in bliss, Sune began tensing, her muscles tightening until her arms and legs were drawn under her, forcing her up onto her hands and knees, and lifting Dirk up with her. "Gods, yes! Fuck me hard! Give it to ME!" she demanded, as she rocked back to meet his thrusts, her ass squeezing his cock like it was the last one in the world.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy knew better than to journey anywhere outside her home at night, both for her own safety and for other's, but the distance those adventurers could cover in a day's time was unknown but likely quite large. So, she opted to take the risk and go out at night to track them down and join them. She'd had everything prepared with her, a pouch of premade potions, a sleeping roll, a few spare changes of clothes, a bit of alchemy gear, and a few day's worth of food. She needed to rush a bit when preparing and sadly couldn't get a tarp or tent for herself, though she heard that there were two women in the group and figured one of them would be fine sleeping with her.

From the descriptions, she was looking for a human man, two elven women, and a demon of some kind. Daisy obviously doubted the claim they had a demon with them, especially given their goal of saving a princess from a dragon, and figured it would be some form of partial fiend like a tiefling. Very strange company to keep, though she wasn't one to talk. Sadly, looking around a dark forest at night turned up little in the way of results, until she tuned in to the moaning and groaning of a man and a woman. It wasn't a great lead, but it was better than nothing, so she went in the direction of the noise. Then she felt it. That familiar need within her.

She stopped in her tracks, clutching her stomach as her face flushed and breathing grew heavy. "Fuck, what day was it again?" She asked herself. In her mad dash to catch up to the adventuring group, she neglected to remember the day. Or more specifically, the phase of the moon. She grimaced as her head turned to look to the sky, hoping that her gut feeling was wrong.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
As she cried and moaned in bliss, Sune began tensing, her muscles tightening until her arms and legs were drawn under her, forcing her up onto her hands and knees, and lifting Dirk up with her. "Gods, yes! Fuck me hard! Give it to ME!" she demanded, as she rocked back to meet his thrusts, her ass squeezing his cock like it was the last one in the world.

It would prove to be too much for Dirk to handle.

“C-can’t… I… C-cumming!” He squeezed her tits tightly in his hands as the pressure and friction of her ass sent him careening over the edge. Dirk continued to drive his twitching member into her even as his orgasm overtook him, with each thrust releasing more semen than he would have believed he had left into her wanting depths. It was as though his body were attempting to fill her completely, or drain him entirely.

When he was certain that there would be no more, Dirk lifted himself off of Sune’s back and pulled his cock out of her sphincter, a thin trail of cum still connecting them even after they parted. He gave the demon an affectionate slap on her ass-cheeks before he collapsed on the ground next to her, gasping for breath while staring up at the stars.

He’d cum five times in one night! ...That was normal, right?

He couldn’t tell if Sune had gotten off herself, though. Once he got his second (fourth?) wind, he’d have to help her finish, in some way or another.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Daisy was surprised to find that the moon was not full. Close, but still a few days away. Still, the heat lingered in her, and her nipples grew harder as she continued to close in on the voices.

Sune rolled over to lay on her side next to Dirk, her massive cock flopping across his thigh. It was soft for the moment, indicating that she had, indeed reached climax alongside him. "I think I've got one more left in me," she cooed, as they rested.