The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira's words rang warmly in Akalfa's ears. Gods did she live for moments like this. No matter how incredibly embarrassing they could be.

Looking back down she pondered. Perhaps the elixirs were there for a reason. The elven women back home were always so...endowed. Yet she had assumed her bloodline just got the short end of the stick, both in height and in other departments. So many years spent poked fun at, mocked, and gawked upon. There was never any unhappiness to be found with her current form, but to say it left more to be desired would be forthright. The figures she admired were seemingly out of reach. Or perhaps not? Surely that woman, Ishtar, must have done something to get a body like that. There was no chance Sunelarra simply mixed the potions without purpose, no one comes out the gate looking like a goddess of fertility! Well, no one besides the beautiful High Elf next to her. Envy was not present in her thoughts towards Valira, instead awe, sheer reverence, and appreciation for her companion's beauty. Being able to look even half as stunning as she did would not be a bad attribute at all...

There was nothing wrong with the way she was, certainly not. She didn't doubt Valira's words of praise and reassurance, but the concept of obtaining what she had once desired above all else was tantalizing.

Mulling over the possibility, Akalfa bit her lip, turning to Valira.

"What if I..." Voicing her thoughts came with some difficulty. It was something she desired, but also something she could live without. One single thought kept her from deciding:

Would her companion's perceptions of her change? Would they think differently about her, for better or worse? It was a question in which she could not answer, one that did bother her despite all attempts at shaking it off.
Valira smiled reassuringly at Akalfa, knowing full well what she was driving at. Clearly this was a matter she was struggling with, torn between remaining as she was or turning into something else. It must have been difficult for the Dark Elf, relatively small chested and surrounded by buxom peers, peers who no doubt did their best to rub it in her face at every opportunity. It gratified her that Akalfa would turn to her for advice in this matter, it showed that she valued her opinion and wasn't rash enough to just drink the potion then and there. She thought for a moment on how to respond, before finally speaking up.

''Akalfa I cannot make this decision for you. All I can say is that I find you beautiful just the way you are, and I will continue to think of you that way no matter what you choose. Either way, it will not change my opinion of you, and I'm sure the others will be equally accepting. Your happiness is paramount, do whatever you think is necessary to achieve it.''

Valira put her hand on Akalfa's shoulder, gazing at her with genuine warmth and understanding.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk cuddled up next to Sune, cock still firmly nestled in her ass, while the two of them came down from their mutual finish.

“So,” he teased, between deep breaths, “was that -hah- good enough?”


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Akalfa intently listened to Valira's statements. Her warm gaze made peace fall over the Dark Elf's mind, as did her touch, looking down at the vial no longer unsure. She returned Valira's smile and nodded. Her words had meant so much to Akalfa almost every time she spoke. To be supported in the midst of what felt like a very difficult decision was a relief. It was comforting and assured her that others would not see her differently, that she would not see her in a different light. Happiness with ones self was important, and Akalfa did not want to feel dissatisfied or simply content for the rest of her days.

But she didn't want to change in her entirety. Perhaps enough just to be satisfied...

Popping off the cork Akalfa took a deep breath, bringing the concoction to her lips and drinking it down. Unsurprisingly the flavor was sweet and bubbly. Why, if it wasn't a transformative she could sip it idly all day! The mixture tasted far better than it had any right to. While it seemed the sorceress would finish the entire bottle, she stopped halfway through and put the elixir down, hoping her restraint would somewhat lessen its full effect.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"I do believe your dick was made for my ass," Sune huffed, from underneath him..

A tingling sensation washed over Akalfa as the pition took effect. It started in her stomach, and quickly spread to her entire body, before pooling in her chest. As Valira watched, Akalfa's form began to shift some places, and grow in others. Her her generous ass became rounder, as her legs became more shapely to match. Her face became more defined, her features more delicate, as they smoothed over. The biggest change came to her breasts, however, as they started to swell. They slowly grew until the cloth strips she used to cover them split apart, revealing that they had increased a full three sizes, from almost nothing, to more than a handfull. It was as if Valira had just watched her lover go through a second puberty, one that took her from a bookish wallflower to a vision of loveliness in fust a few seconds.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“I’m half-tempted to leave it there for you, but I’ll probably need it later.” Regretfully, Dirk pulled his softening member out, and rolled off her back to lay down on the bed next to her. He felt rather giddy, after all that. He wasn’t a virgin anymore! And it was largely on his own terms! And not out of pity, even!

“You know, as long as we have a moment,” he said, curling up at her side, “there’s a couple things I’ve been wondering about. Like: how does a powerful demonic sorceress end up the lacky of someone like Ishtar? And why did you leave your name somewhere anyone could find it, with barely any security?”

He glanced down their now-soaked legs, as well as the newly-stained bedsheets. “Oh, and is there anywhere we can go to clean ourselves off, here? I have a feeling we’ll all need it tomorrow…”


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Ishtar is a Noble brat, who got this posting because of her mother, whom I work for, or at least did, before you all found my book, which wasn't left unguarded, I had an imp stationed to protect it, who swore he was up to the task. I will be sure to subject him to untold suffering, and humiliation, when I find him," Sune replied, as her body grew hot from the rage that filled her at the thought of her recent humiliation. "As for cleanliness-" she waved her hand, and a wave of magic washed over them, lifting the soil from their bodies, and the bed. "Better?"


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk shuddered, still a bit nervous about magic being used on himself, and rubbed his suddenly-clean skin warily. “A little better. Would’ve preferred to just wash myself, personally, but it’s fine...”

“Now, I don’t mean to press a sore spot, but this is kind of throwing me off: you seriously accepted that one tiny imp was enough to protect your single most important secret? And then you just left it on a table for anyone to find!?”

He stared at her incredulously, but admittedly: most people weren’t very good about securing important things. Dirk’s livelihood had once depended on that fact. He’d told himself back then that if folks didn’t want their stuff taken, then they should have bought better locks.

...He was so glad to have put that life behind him.

"I'm also curious about how it works. The name thing, I mean. What is it about knowing a demon's name that forces them to obey you?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"A tiny imp, inside a defended base? Yes, I somehow thought it was secure," she replied, rolling her eyes. "As for the name thing, maybe God thought it was funny, I don't know, that's just the way it is with higher beings?"


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira stared at Akalfa as she drank the potion, idly wondering at the taste but much more curious about what the effects would be. As the transformation took hold, she stared at Akalfa with a mix of wonder and lust, taking in her lovers new form with a flush to her cheeks. It had clearly worked and then some, and Valira had the sudden urge to explore the changes to Akalfa's body on a physical basis. She restrained herself however, after all they had just finished having sex a few moments ago, they still had a job to do and it wouldn't be fair to Akalfa to put her body through any more stress. Better to let the transformation settle, although so far it seemed to be stable. Valira was lost in thought, practically ogling her friend, before she suddenly remembered what she was doing and snapped out of it.

''You look stunning Akalfa.... absolutely stunning....''

Valira smiled warmly at her, voice and eyes filled with admiration and desire For a brief moment, she considered taking a swig from the potion herself but decided against it. Her body was outrageous enough as it was, there was no telling what effect it would have. Besides, she was happy with how she looked currently.

''We should do one more sweep, gather up everything we've found and then head back to the others. We don't want them to think we've gotten lost. Besides, we have to show them your new look.''

Valira smiled playfully at that, knowing that the boys were in for a pleasant surprise. Then she remembered something with a blush.

''We should probably try to find new clothes for you as well, your old ones are a bit.... lacking...''

Her eyes were once again drawn to Akalfa's beautiful nipples, seemingly even more erotic given the current state of her attire, before bringing them back up to look at her friend.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Perhaps it was better to drop that line of questioning – all it seemed to be doing was annoying her. “Sorry if I upset you…” Dirk said, pressing his body against hers by way of apology.

“Okay, one more question, and then I’ll stop.” He gestured vaguely at the other prominent furnishings of Sune’s bedroom. “Why do you have so many dressers?”

He’d been somewhat curious about them when they first entered, before she had… distracted him. There seemed to be more than one person could need – especially in a dingy outpost like this. Were they just there for decoration, or did she actually use all of them? Did Sune like to dress up or something?

“…And don’t just say ‘to hold my clothes,’ because you know that’s not what I meant.”


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For a time Akalfa sighed thinking the elixir to be a dud until a tingling took to her body in the span of mere seconds. The sensation was very ticklish, doubling over in a fit of small giggles as the potion worked its magic on her previously underwhelming figure. The process was more pleasant than she thought it would be. A slight arousal building with each new feature changed and softened. Akalfa let out a soft moan of surprise at the biggest growth of them all, that being her chest. The Dark Elf couldn't help but stare in awe at her breast's sudden enlargement. Finally looking more akin to that of her peers, yet not so much of a change as to be too much. It was exactly what she had desired and more. Her dainty hands idly groped at her embiggened flesh, hardly able to contain the joy and glee filling her heart. Now she could assuredly feel no need to hide. Venom aside, it wouldn't stop her hands from exploring her body. If anything it seemed to inspire more lust and curiosity.

Turning to Valira she smiled, a genuine grin full of warmth and satisfaction. On spur of moment, she ran up to Valira and embraced her in a tight hug, unable to hide her excitement.

"Oh, I wasn't truly unhappy before but this...this is what I've always wanted, always dreamed of!" It took all of her willpower not to squeal in delight. Valira's attention only made her feel further joy as she kissed her on the cheek, whispering hushed thanks for her praise. As she listened her grin only crawled up more, idly wondering what they would think of her changes. Though her friend did have a point, she would need new attire.

Pulling away Akalfa chuckled. The scraps she once called clothing were in no shape to go out in. And those rare reagents could come in handy later...might as well 'borrow' some, after all to the victor go the spoils!

"That would be best. The demoness must have something stowed, or at least her comrade Ishtar may."
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira hugged Akalfa back with a massives mile delighted at her happiness and, enjoying the sensation of the Dark Elves new bust pressing against her own. She kissed Akalfa back on the cheek, nodding in affirmation to her whispered gratitiude. They would have to thoroughly explore and enjoy Akalfa's new form later, at the earliest opportunity in fact, and the idea filled Valira with thoughts that brought a flushed grin to her face. Shaking her head, she returned to the task at hand.

''Indeed, I dare say this little shopping trip has been fruitful in more ways than one.''

Valira let out a chuckle as she helped Akalfa search for some new clothes, gathering up the various reagents and other pertinent items as she did so. A bag in the corner of the room proved most useful on that score, even if it was a bit dusty and made Valira sneeze a bit when she picked it up.

''I'm sure the others will be impressed by our haul, if nothing else we can sell most of these when we reach town or find a merchant on the road.''

Valira's mind flashed back to Sune and Dirk, hoping that the demon hadn't caused any trouble for her friend. That caused her to speed up her efforts slightly, even as she knew it was unlikely the woman could do anything given the hold her true name had on her. Still, it was better to be safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, I'm not sure what you DO mean then, because that's exactly what they're for," Sune replied. "A girl needs to have options. That and Ishtar liked to play dress up now and then," she added.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“What I meant is that it seems like more than any one person should need, but I get it: silly question to ask.”

Dirk sat up and stretched, “Anyway, I promised that’d be the last one. Are we done for the night? Because I really ought to get dressed before the others come looking…”


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk smiled back at her as he slid his way off of the bed. “I’ll take ‘decently,’” he said, gathering his clothes. “Some more practice and maybe I can improve that to ‘good enough.’”

He did feel some regret about stopping, not least because of the way Sune watched him as he got dressed. However, his comrades could return at any time, and Dirk didn’t want to have to explain himself from such a vulnerable position.

After a minute, he finished tying the mask around his face before turning back to her. “So, can I trust you to behave yourself if I leave you here?”


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, absolutely not. You want me to behave, you better keep a close eye on me," she replied, as she got up as well.


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After thoroughly purloining anything of relative value that could manage to fit into the dusty old satchel, Akalfa seized a rather nice robe tucked away inside of one of the many containers. Instead of wearing said robe, she ripped it asunder, taking a single long purple strip of it and tying it around her front. It seemed the Dark Elf Sorceress truly did have a preference for more...Simple and 'rugged' attire.

"Well, let's have a little check-in with the boys!" Akalfa said with a grin. A noticeable pep in her step.

Her companion was right in every manner of the word. Their haul of rare ingredients would amount to a pretty sum. That and the time spent growing closer along with the sudden magical turn had made for a pleasant outing indeed. Her mind did wonder how Dirk and Zwarr were holding up. Surely they had to have been great! Instead of her usual bout of pessimism bright optimism ran high with the fortunate turn of events. The venom's effects seemed secondary in comparison to her momentary glee. Within mere moments she was already out of the doorframe skipping down the hall.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk rolled his eyes. Of course she wouldn’t. “Then at least grab another robe or something. Consider it part of your 'corrective discipline.'”


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Sune stretched, and her body rippled, as Dirk watched. Her dark elven features vanished, at least partly. Her wings sprouted back into being, and her tail slithered out from behind her, while her legs quickly regrew their layer of black fur. Most noticeable, however, was the large phallus that now hung between them. It was large, almost ten inches, thick, and had a distinct canine shape.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk blushed under his mask as Sune returned to her ‘proper’ form. Her penis in particular - which he hadn't really noticed until that point - had him experiencing a number of mixed feelings, not all of them negative…

He cleared his throat and patiently waited by the door for her to clothe herself. He'd been quite clear in that request.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
She would grab another flowing robe, and nothing else, before following him out. the group would meet a little later in one of the many halls of the fort.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira giggled slightly as she followed Akalfa, happy to see her in such high spirits. Her good mood was infectious, and Valira found herself forgetting about any potential problems that may have arisen in their absence. As they rounded a corner, they came across Dirk and Sunelarra, with Zwarr and Ishtar nowhere to be seen. Valira raised an eyebrow at this but she assumed they were just running a little late. She could empathise, for she would want to spend as much time enjoying her lover as possible. Valira smiled as they approached, a little confused by Sune's change in attire but not unduly so.

''I trust everything went well in our absence? Akalfa and I found some valuable potions during our little excursion, as you can plainly see.''

Valira said this with a knowing chuckle, shooting a glance at her friends new form.

''Have you been behaving yourself Sunelarra? You didn't cause any trouble for Dirk did you?''

She affected a stern voice at that, narrowing her eyes at the demon.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
At first, Dirk thought that Valira had found another Dark Elf somewhere. It was only once they were close enough that he recognized Akalfa by her freckles, or whatever remained of them. Once that connection was made, the rest of her transformation swept his stream-of-consciousness aside and made it difficult to focus. Her enlarged breasts seemed to squeeze and jiggle with every movement around the strip of cloth that barely contained them.

He tried not to stare, and mostly succeeded.

…Is she just standing differently, or is she actually taller?

Valira’s question to Sune snapped him out of it.

“She was fine,” he said, somehow managing an even tone. “I had her show me around the outpost. We talked a bit about her boss and their history and a couple other things – nothing particularly interesting. Nothing that would really help us with our mission, either.”

Should he tell them the rest? No, it was too soon. It would conflict too much with the image of respectability he’d tried to maintain. Dirk wasn’t ready to break that illusion – not to these two. He shot the demon a sidelong glance. And don’t you dare tell them anything…

“So, potions, huh? And you just… drank them without making sure what they would do, first? Isn’t that a bit irresponsible?” It was more a deflection than a chastisement. He could hardly call the two of them out on it after his own recklessness. Especially not when they both seemed so pleased with the results...


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''I am glad to hear things went so smoothly. As for the potions, they are clearly labelled as to their purposes so its not as if we did so blindly. Akalfa is happy with the results and I am happy for her. Besides, she drank part of one, the rest we will most likely sell. Unless any one else would like to partake that is.''

Valira took Dirk's query with good humour, still in a very bright and cheery mood. She smiled warmly at him, feeling both relaxed and content. She showed Dirk the bag that contained the potions, allowing him to see for himself what they had managed to salvage. While he looked, she kept an eye out for Zwarr and Ishtar.

''We'll give those two another minute and then we'll have to go looking for them. We can't stay here all day, even if for some of us that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.''

Valira chuckled as she said this, with herself, Akalfa, Zwarr and Ishtar in mind.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk eyed the potions in the bag warily. If drinking part of one could bring about that much change in Akalfa, what would have happened had one of them consumed the whole thing? His imagination ran wild for a brief moment as he pictured both of the elves with even more curvaceous bodies, before he self-defensively buried the thought.

“I mean, we could stay. It’s a relatively secure location, and might make a good base camp from which to scout the surrounding area. I get wanting to move on, though. Especially after… y'know.” He nodded toward Sune.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira considered that for a moment, Dirk did make a good point and besides they had been through a harrowing ordeal, one both physically and mentally exhausting. It would be easier to rest here for the night and sally out in the morning, rather than having to take time to search for someplace else. It wouldn't kill them to spend a night, or at least she didn't think it would. Knowing their luck anything was possible. Still, it was probably for the best anyways.

''You bring up valid points Dirk. Perhaps a night or two spent within these walls would be prudent. As long as the others are fine with such an arrangement, then so am I''.

Valira turned to Akalfa to seek her answer, even as she kept an eye out for Zwarr and Ishtar, They would have to go looking for them soon and Valira blushed at the prospect of accidentally walking in on the two of them.


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Akalfa beamed having made their way back over to Dirk, the group all safe and sound just as she had expected. All but two were missing, but Akalfa was sure Ishtar and Zwarr must have been preoccupied for the time being. A slight blush on her face as she moved her thoughts away from anything illicit, so not as to further aggravate the venom running through her system. Looking towards Sune and Dirk she gave a thumbs up in approval seeing the demoness was well under control, not that she doubted his abilities. It was simply impressive how calm Sunelarra seemed, he even managed to get her to redress herself! She didn't doubt the demon must have raised all sorts of attitude at that notion.

On the topic of mystery elixir drinking, Dirk did raise a good point. Though it was past the point of regrets if there were regrets to be found. Akalfa nodded along with Valira's words, glad to be so well understood.

"Precisely. I'm relatively familiar with alchemy so I could interpret the potions use. But...I'd be lying to say I didn't take a chance."

Leaving off her words with a shy chuckle she continued to listen to them converse, occasionally adjusting the band around her chest. Goodness was this something to get used to...She did notice Dirk's gaze shift, although just once. Regardless any amount of attention to her changes brought a cheeky grin to her face. It was nice to be somewhat noticed.

"I don't think that would be a bad idea at all. Just for a night or two, get a feel of the area, gather information, rest a bit. Furthermore, I wouldn't be adverse to further exploring more of this place later. Seeing as though I do recall one other Dark Elf besides Ishtar being present somewhere..."

Her mind returned to the Dark Elf hunter who had darted Valira not too long ago, the name just barely escaping her memory. Unaware whether or not she had already been dealt with presumably the lean elf was still in the sick bed, and most likely would not remain there forever. Not that Akalfa was terribly worried. Whatever may come next could come tomorrow. Akalfa's eyelids were much too heavy and her legs too sore to keep adventuring for the day.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''That is a very good point, in all the excitement I had forgotten about her! Its possible she has fled the premises, but we should still be cautious. Its possible she's still here, lurking somewhere just waiting for her chance for revenge, so we should remain alert and vigilant. Regardless, it is settled then. We shall spend the next couple of nights here, glean as much information as we can and explore this place in its entirety. I would wait for Zwarr's input on this, but I assume he won't have any objections given that it means more time for him and Ishtar.''

Valira could tell that Akalfa was losing the battle with sleep, and she gave her friend a soft smile. She was feeling pretty tired herself and longed to drift off in Akalfa's loving embrace, but they would still need to keep a watch system, especially with a potentially homicidal dark elf running around. Inwardly, Valira groused that the scoundrel was really cutting into her time to explore Akalfa's new form, but she did not voice such thoughts.

''Why don't the two of you get some sleep? I'll take first watch if that is alright with you?''

Valira said this with a tired smile, trying to remain as focused as possible despite her fatigue.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“I’m not tired, actually. Why don’t I take the first watch?”

Even Dirk could see that Valira was exhausted. In that state, she was in no condition for standing guard. And also, despite his earlier exertions, he was wide awake. Maybe it was the excitement from after his first time, maybe it was a side-effect of doing so with a demon, or maybe it was just that nap he’d taken while waiting to sneak in, but he didn’t feel any need to sleep yet.

“Just help me find some place to put the demon, and I’ll gladly take over for you. Somewhere she can’t cause trouble. After we check on Zwarr, of course."