The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira was about to object but truly the siren call of sleep was too powerful to ignore. Besides, Dirk seemed quite alert, it would be better for everyone if someone well rested like him took first watch. Valira stretched at that, giving a small yawn which quickly became a large one. Smiling sheepishly, she shot a quick glance at Akalfa, glad that they would soon be enjoying each others embrace as they drifted off to sleep.

''I am most grateful Dirk, I will gladly take you up on that. That sounds reasonable on both scores, I am beginning to worry about our bardic friend. Let us hope the worst that has happened to him and Ishtar is rug burn.''

Valira chuckled at her own joke, blushing slightly at the innuendo.

''Let us get everything squared away then.''
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Valira's fears would soon turn out to be well founded. Checking Ishtar's room, they would find the place empty, as well as the sick room, as if both had been vacated in a hurry. "Oh, dear, it looks like Ishtar might have regained he upper hand on your friend," Sune said, with a shrug.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira was shocked and deeply worried by what they had found, or rather what they hadn't. She hadn't known Zwarr for long, and though he was clearly the itinerant sort, he didn't strike her as the type to just disappear without warning. Ignoring Sune's flippant view on the situation, she did her best to search the room for any sign of what happened, any clue as to where Zwarr and Ishtar had gone. She had her own ideas, but didn't share them with the others just yet as jumping to conclusions would help nobody. She just hoped that wherever Zwarr was, he was safe and still had a handle on Ishtar. Regardless of the circumstances, she wished him well and would hold no grudges against him.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Eventually, after turning the room upside down, they would happen upon a note in Zwarr's handwriting.

Sorry guys,
The music it calling me home, and I can't really say no to it. I'll catch up again if I can. If not... well, have fun saving the Princess, don't do anything I wouldn't do.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“Well, that doesn’t sound so bad, I guess.” said Dirk, as they read the letter. “At least he wasn’t kidnapped again. Doesn’t really explain what happened to the elves, though. I guess they must’ve either escaped or gone with him.”

He didn’t show it, but Dirk was rather saddened by Zwarr's departure. The bard had given him a lot to think about in the short time they’d travelled together. It also meant one less capable adventurer at their side, which would make their mission that much harder…

“On the other hand, you guys can have whatever room you want now. Silver linings.”


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Akalfa wasn't entirely sure how to feel. She hadn't known Zwarr for much time, in fact she knew him the least, yet he was an interesting and unique figure who bought a sort of spark with his one of a kind sound. It felt bittersweet seeing their little group shrink one more. But one thing she knew for certain was wherever the music took him couldn't have been a bad place. It felt strange, almost too quiet now.

"I suppose...Is the whole fort vacant now? Since the Bugbears and Goblins are free, and Miss Ishtar and the huntress have hit the road, I do believe that was all of the residents. Right, Sunelarra?" Akalfa asked tilting her head.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''I suppose Zwarr has two extra.... what did he call them? ''Groupies?'' now if they decided to depart with him. Let us hope that is the case because the thought of those scoundrel dark elves free to cause mischief is not a happy one. Still, I am going to miss Zwarr. He was a good friend and a good ally, and it goes without saying that we are now a man short. But I am sure we can handle it!''

Valira said this with all earnestness, saddened by Zwarr's exit, but no less dedicated or confident in their mission. Dirk's point about silver linings made her chuckle, as Akalfa's question filled her with curiosity as they waited for Sune's response. At least only having her to worry about made things a bit simpler.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Sune nodded to Akalfa before replying. "Well, you still have me. You say we're going to rescue a Princess? Do tell," she said, with a raised brow.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk hesitated as always to explain the details of their mission, especially to one who was technically an enemy. It always felt like opening up an extra risk, to him. But Valira never seemed to have trouble telling everyone they met about it, so perhaps he shouldn’t either.

“That’s our reason for coming out here,” he said, flatly. “A princess was captured by a dragon and we were hired to get her back. It’s going… sssort of well? No one’s died, anyway. As far as we know.”


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira cleared her throat at that, turning to Sune with a blank expression. She was going to find out eventually, although Valira doubted whether she would particularly care about the particulars of their mission, other than maybe towards assuring her own self preservation. Still, for once Valira didn't feel up to telling the whole story in her usual boisterous manner as she was bone tired. The High Elf had an equally flat tone of voice, although she couldn't resist including just a bit of dry humour despite her fatigue.

''Yes well, Dirk's glowing assessment of our exploits so far aside, that is our goal and we aim to see it through. Perhaps in assisting us you can gain some measure of redemption for your crimes and become a better person''.

Valira smiled at Sune in as genuine a manner as she could muster, truly hoping that it would come to pass.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Ha! Yes I can see it now. Sunelarra, champion of the righteous, and the pure," the demon said, sarcasm dripping so thick it could have been bottled. "I'll aid you in recuing this lost Princess, with all of my might and power, if you will join me in bed this evening," Sune offered, with a smile.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira glared at the demon, not appreciating the sarcasm and feeling insulted that she would only help them with any gusto if her carnal needs were met. Valira did find the demon attractive, and a small part of her was tempted to say yes for that reason, but her pride and dignity would not allow her to give in. Giving her the initiative like this would be ill advised and would set a bad precedent. Instead, Valira merely gave a smirk back at Sunelarra, her eyes still filled with anger.

''A tempting offer, but I am afraid I must decline. Frankly, you aren't worth the effort of trying to convince you through such a method, and believe me I can be very persuasive. Besides, you don't have a choice in the matter. You are going to help us as it is part of your punishment and since you are under our control Sunelarra there is nothing you can do about it. So be as sarcastic as you like, it changes nothing. Any objections? Never mind I don't care.''

Valira stared down the demon, dead tired and in no mood for her nonsense.


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Akalfa was taken aback by Sune's words, an incredulous look on her face as she scowled. Great, now the demon was flirting with her companions. After everything they had been through, narrowly escaping the Breaking Room, impromptu envenoming, now she had the gall to try and make bargains? The exhausted sorceress was about to say some very choice words until Valira spoke up. Akalfa beaming as the High Elf stood her ground firmly. Tired or not her resolve was fierce as always.

"Well said Valira!" Akalfa said, shooting a warm smile toward her comrade.

"What we should be doing now is finding a decent place to rest. And a proper place to contain our favorite demoness for the night. Do you have a bedroom or something? Spare prison cell?" She asked with a raised brow.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Yes, I have my own quarters," Sune said, looking a little disappointed that her offer had been turned down. "Dirk knows where they are."


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"Yes, and I asked her earlier if she would behave if we left her there. She said no."

Dirk folded his arms, feeling somewhat guilty. Compared to his companions' ardent defiance, his own earlier actions now felt like the result of a lack of willpower. Yet again, he'd failed to live up to the heroic standard.

Is every decision I make the wrong one? Why do I keep letting this happen?

"Still, I can't exactly stand watch and keep an eye on her. Akalfa, you're the expert here. What do you suggest?"
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Akalfa didn't pick up on Sunelarra's hint, assuming Dirk must have found her bedroom earlier sneaking about. Presuming otherwise was simply not in the naive Dark Elf's very 'at face value' nature.

Looking off into the distance Akalfa thought deeply. Scratching her chin as she did so. It was pleasing to be thought of as 'the expert', though her mind did wonder if she really was all that knowledgeable. At the least, it was a nice thought that she came across that way!

"Well, truth be told a cell wouldn't do much good. Considering what she is it would be child's play for her to free herself. Technically we could order her to remain, but we may want to do that somewhere where we can see her. Why not order her to stay put and keep vigil? If it is a direct order she can not disobey, nor do I believe a demon needs to sleep."
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Akalfa's praise had filled Valira's heart with joy, and she returned her smile with enthusiasm, showing her gratitude. The question of what do about Sune was indeed a pressing one, and Valira found Akalfa's answer to it most wise. It would mean that they would have to take turns sharing watch with the demon, but considering they would need to keep an eye on her anyway that was a distinction without a difference.

''That is an excellent suggestion Akalfa! Sunelarra, I hereby order you to stay put and keep watch. Under no circumstances are you to move from that spot, do you understand?''

Valira said this in a kinder tone than the one she previously used towards the demon, but she was no less firm when it came to her instructions.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"Maybe not just that spot," said Dirk, who thought that complete immobility was a bit much. "As long as someone's accompanying her, at least. Would that be acceptable?"


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''Hmm you are right, that would be better. Forgive me, emotional and physical exhaustion doesn't lend itself well to the specific type of wording a thing like this requires. Sunelarra, to amend your previous order, you are only allowed to move from that spot as long as you are accompanied by someone else, understood?''

Valira gave a sheepish smile, a tad embarrassed at her own stringent orders, yet grateful for the correction.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Yes, yes, I'll handle guard duty while you mortals slumber," Sune said, with a wave. "Do hurry, if our quarry is a dragon, I would like to get to it as soon as possible. They are known to have many useful parts, after all."


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“You heard the lady,” said Dirk, ushering the two elves off. “Go find a bed and fall in it until you’re not tired anymore. I’ll get you up when it’s time for your shift, okay?”

Then he turned to face Sune. “Well, looks like you’re stuck with me for a few more hours. Hope that’s not intolerable. We’ll do a quick sweep of the outpost first and then stand watch by the entrance, I suppose. Don’t know if demons need to sleep or not, so I leave it up to you whether you want to stay up with whoever takes over afterwards or go and rest, yourself.”
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''That sounds good to me, if you need any assistance beforehand don't hesitate to wake us early. Come along Akalfa, there is a bed with our names on it and I look forward to making its acquaintance.''

Valira gave a tired chuckle and a stretch like that as they made their way towards one of the rooms, looking forward to falling asleep with her friend and lover by her side and in her arms.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa smiled before giving an exhausted yawn. The day was undoubtedly eventful, and now she more than looked forward to its end. Settling on a room nearby she sat onto the bed. At this point, even the firmest cot felt like a cloud, especially with her lover not far. Without ceremony Akalfa began to remove her coverings down to her undergarments, seemingly growing a preference for a similar manner of slumber like that at the inn. Pulling back the sheets she patted the spot next to her and spread her arms, looking forward to sharing her companion's warmth.

"Come on, let's get some rest."

As much as the venom in her veins wished for more, regrettably, weariness won over. A quick rest wouldn't hurt, and there was always tomorrow. The thoughts of what might occur next would be of great comfort as tiredness set in.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira stripped down as well, keeping her sword and armor nearby in case it was needed in a flash. She smiled widely at Akalfa as she cuddled with the beautiful Dark Elf, the feelings of warmth, softness and togetherness making her eyes grow heavy. She gave Akalfa a small kiss on the lips and let out a contented sigh.

''Goodnight Akalfa....''

Valira let out a small yawn as she finally drifted off to sleep, feeling more comfortable than she had in ages. The part of her that wished to pick up from where they left off in the storeroom, and enjoy Akalfa's new body to boot, had lost to the part of her that needed rest. Still, there was plenty of time for that later and it went without saying that the two of them would make full use of it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As Dirk turned to leave, Sune's arms wrapped around his chest, pulling him into a tight hug from behind. "Oh, come now, we've already walked the entire structure, I can tell you there are no others in the place. Why don't we just go out and have a little fun under the stars?" she cooed.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk shuddered in Sune’s arms while he briefly grappled with the morality of giving the demon what she wanted a second time. It didn’t really feel wrong to do so, even after seeing Valira’s refusal. Perhaps it was only a mistake if you made it one...

“Oh, I don’t know~,” he replied, feigning reluctance even as he leaned back against her bosom, “that seems so irresponsible! What if someone snuck in while we were off? I’ve heard that there’s a demon in these parts, you know.”


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Indeed there is, and she needs a big brave hero to give her the lay she needs," she replied, playfully, but paused, and pulled him in tighter. "But, this time, I'm not changing form. If you want me again, you have to deal with all of me." The tone of warning in her voice had Dirk confused for a moment, but then he felt something, quite large, poking at his thigh. Sune, it seemed, was getting excited.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk flushed under his mask as he realized what she was implying. The thought of handling her bestial member was… quite unsettling, and Dirk felt a small, reflexive amount of revulsion at the idea. Maybe now was the time to refuse...

No. No, he could do this! He would learn how to do this, if he had to! A few hours ago, he’d never touched a pussy, either – at least with this he had some experience to draw from. What was there to be afraid of?

Resolved, Dirk rubbed his thigh against the stiffness under Sune’s robe, teasing it through the thin fabric, and nodded. “That’s fine,” he said with, only a hint of nervousness, brought on by a mixture of discomfort and curiosity. "However you want it, Lady Sune~."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Sune stepped back with a start. "I wasn't expecting that," she admitted. "Most men run off as soon as I mention bringing The Beast out to play. You sure you're up for this?" Before he could answer, she opened her robe, to reveal that she was, indeed, hard. A bright red, canine member stood at attention, towering a full twelve inches. Both Sune, and the snake that was her tail were staring at him, waiting to see if he would flinch.