The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The trio of women would reach the kitchen, or lab, without difficulty, and Daisy would find that in either case she would have everything she needed to brew a few simple potions.

Once he reached the mouth of the cave, dirk would see that Sune was still there, sitting on a large stone, and rather caught up with herself. Her cock was erect, and glistened in the moonlight, as she steadily stroked its length, slight moans slipping from her lips as she work herself over. "Mmm, come on, baby, hurry up. Sune wants it, bad," she muttered to herself, clearly not seeing him.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk was somewhat surprised that Sune had stayed put. Though he still suspected that it had something to do with true-name compulsion, the idea that the demon actually wanted to remain there lifted his sullen mood somewhat.

“Were things really that uneventful out here?" he asked, stepping over to where she was sitting. "Nothing else was drawn in by all the noise? I guess we don’t need a sentry, after all.”

Dirk circled around to her front as he spoke, so she wouldn't have to turn her neck. "The others took Daisy somewhere for a spot of midnight tea. Seemed like they wanted it just the three of them, so I came back out to check on you.”

His eyes were quickly drawn to her unsheathed, bestial member, twitching in the night air. Ah. Right. The other reason he’d come back out for her. He did promise, after all... Dirk sat down next to Sune and joined her in stroking it, focusing his efforts on the warm, crimson flesh near the tip. “So, what manner of mischief did you get up to while no one was looking? Started scheming on how to turn the tables on us yet?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Oh my, that's not a very long time. Only a few days are you're already as close as you are. You must have very good compatibility." Daisy stated, shocked at how few days the dark elf was in the group. "I can only hope that I'll fit in just as well then."

Daisy gazed at the lab in mild awe. The devices and instruments on display weren't particularly foreign to her, though their condition was very impressive given that they were stored in a cave. "This should be enough to set some water to boil." She said, walking over to a source of flame and setting a kettle of water on it. "Now we wait for it to boil." She stated, grabbing a stool and sitting down.

She grabbed two more and set them down for the other women. "So, Akalfa, you stated that you were a magic user as well, I believe. I'm curious as to what kind." She asked, looking the other woman up and down to try and gleam some insight on her magic based on her clothes. No luck, sadly. Robes and cloaks were popular in all disciplines, after all. Though the fact that she basically only wore a cloak and some undergarments was curious. They hardly seemed practical for colder weather, though the idea of walking around while wearing basically nothing did sound comfortable.

Daisy didn't quite know why she thought that nudism would be more comfortable than clothing, and then remembered the warmth in her body and flush on her face. She'd been caught nervous, and the full moon wasn't close enough to wash away those nerves with lust quite yet. She also thought of how to broach the topic of her aversion to moonlight. They'd be traveling together for a while, likely spending at least one full moon with the group. Keeping that a secret wouldn't be easy, but maybe she could find some way to escape the group or excuse her absences during those nights.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Sune leaned back, and let him take over stroking her rod, while she began fondling her breasts, lifting them up to let them flop back into place, and pinching her nipples. "Oh, I've just been sitting here, wondering which of you is going to 'break in' that new girl first? My money says the elf," she replied, as she tugged on her nippled.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
“Well, there’s certainly precedent,” said Dirk, bringing his other hand around to squeeze the lower half of her cock. “It’s only happened twice already with two different women, but I’d say that’s enough to call a trend.”

He gently massaged the knot near its base while his first hand tightly twisted its way up and down her length as he continued. “I think it’ll be both of them at once, personally. You should’ve seen the way they were looking at each other. I wager they’ll all be crowding into one room by tomorrow night. Maybe if you apologized and asked politely, they’d let you in as well.”


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Heh, bet you'd like to see that, wouldn't you? Me standing behind that high elf, her obscene tits bouncing, as I slam this into that gigantic ass of hers." Sune began to tremble in his hands as she approached her climax, and somewhere else Valira got the strange feeling she was being watched.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa appreciatively accepted the seat offered by Daisy, sitting next to the two women. Compatible was a very good word for it. Despite the unamicable history between High Elves and Dark Elves they didn't let history get in the way of the bond they shared, a slight purple hue to her face as she thought deeper on that bond. Only a few days felt more akin to a week, it was hard to believe it had only been such a short time. Time really does fly fast when you're enjoying every second of it.

Akalfa noticed Daisy giving her a once-over but was unbothered. The sorceress's sense of style was atypical, and while staring may have made her nervous in the past a part of her started to enjoy the small bouts of attention she could manage to draw from time to time. Albeit it did feel strange to have eyes on her it was oddly pleasant not to be immediately overlooked. Dark Elves weren't known to wear much, used to the damp, humid caves below the kingdom. Changing seasons be dammed she'd still find a way to be half dressed, seeing no oddity with her people's peculiar taste in "clothing."

"I specialize in destruction magic. Flames, frost, thunder, et cetera. Never could get a grasp on healing, nor wards, and I just didn't have the aptitude for anything like summoning, at least thus far."

Akalfa said thinking back. Her range of abilities was nothing magnificent, especially in comparison to the mighty Sunelarra or the great Court Mages out there, but there was a power behind it, while she did feel lacking at times the Dark Elf sorceress took comfort in the fact the little she knew packed a punch.

Seeing the flush on Daisy's face did make Akalfa grow concerned. Hopefully the poor girl didn't get sick wandering out at night.

"Are you alright? Is it a little too warm in here?" Akalfa asked Daisy with a quizzical head tilt. Turning to Valira, Akalfa peered at her. The High Elf was just as flushed as she was, though it didn't take much as to guess why, considering what went on moments ago. Fighting off the effects of the venom was a struggle, one she hated to see her lover now burdened with. But at least they could always take...comfort, in each others company. Before she could daydream up any illicit imagery she shook her head and tried to focus at the introduction at hand. Exhausted as she already was the last thing the Dark Elf needed was more fuel for the fire, no matter how tempting.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira had stayed in silence during the walk, allowing Akalfa and Daisy to get to know one another. Despite her enthusiasm her fatigue did not lend itself well to conversation, to say nothing of the venom ravaging her body. Valira chuckled inwardly at that thought, as thinking that she would prefer her body to be ravaged, just not by some annoying poison. As they sat waiting for the kettle to boil, she shuddered slightly. Valira didn't know why but it was almost as if she could feel someone watching her, or at the very least talking about her. A strange and disconcerting thought, but it was probably just the High Elf's imagination. Valira shook her head clear of such thoughts as she too noticed Daisy's flushed expression. She and Akalfa of course didn't look any less hot and bothered, but that was probably for very different reasons to their new friend.

''Yes we have only been travelling together a short time, but we have grown quite attached regardless. I have no doubt that we will come to care for you just as quickly, and vice versa of course.''

Valira smiled warmly at Daisy, noticing Akalfa's gaze and returning it with a look of understanding. She knew what the Dark Elf was probably thinking and she appreciated the concern, one she returned completely. Until the venom worked its way out of their system they would have to help each other bear it, a prospect as enjoyable as it was debilitating.

''Yes you do look a bit hot Daisy, do you need a drink of water?''

Valira imagined Daisy's flush expression in another, dirtier context, and she had to shake her head clear of the decidedly unchaste images that came unbidden to her lust addled brain with that thought.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk blushed guiltily under his bandana. As much as the thought excited him, actually envisioning his comrades being intimate felt like he was crossing a line. He doubted that they would approve of it if he actually started thinking about them in that way.

On the other hand, he had always been burying these lecherous thoughts... but tonight he was experimenting. Why not let them flow free, just this once?

“I don’t see you standing," he said coyly, craning his neck to whisper into her ear. “I see you laying on your back. Valira straddles your waist, smirking down at you as she takes you on her terms. Behind you, Akalfa gently pushes your head down, crawls forward to sit across your face, and commands you to lick. As the two of them begin to ride you into the sheets, Daisy gets on her knees next to you and reaches between their bodies to pinch and squeeze whatever parts of you she can reach…”

Dirk slid closer and pressed up against Sune’s side. He was really getting into it now. Feeling that she could burst at any second, he subtly aimed her member away from them as he stroked her harder.

“The three of them teach you your place. They barely even acknowledge you as they grope and kiss and writhe atop you. Their moans may be muffled by Akalfa’s thighs around your ears, but you can tell they’re all enjoying it, and so are you. So you give it your all, and they respond in kind. Faster, warmer, harder, until finally, inevitably, you cum!”

He squeezed her cock has hard as he could, seeking to draw out her orgasm in time with the story.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Sune screamed as she arched her back, and let loose. Despite his efforts, several thick strands of her cum ended up splattering over his hands, and her shaft. She leaned against him, panting, and moaning as she slowly came down. Smiling, she gave him a peck on the cheek. "So, you get off on people being taught their place do you?" she asked, mischievously. Slowly, she stood, pushing down on his shoulder to keep him seated, and turned to face him. Her half hard cock was inches from his face, half plastered in her own cum, and the heady scent of her musk filled his nose until it made him dizzy. "Alright, little man, clean me off," she stated firmly, and her smile only grew more wicked. "With... your... Tongue." With each of these final words, her cock bobbed, nearly touching his nose, and he was suddenly very aware of how much bigger, and more powerful Sune was that himself.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk’s wide eyes drifted from her bestial cock up to her face as he slowly pulled down his mask. He gingerly took hold of it with his hands to keep it steady as he opened his mouth, breathing down the length.

“Say please.”

Dirk looked up at her with an innocent smile across his face, still holding her member. This was probably a bad idea, but she was asking a bit more than he was comfortable with right now. Sune would have to show that she understood that. A request, not an order.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Sune's smile dropped, and she let out a sigh as she looked away. "Will you, PLEASE, lick the cum off my cock, Master Dirk, Sir?" Dirk might just have been the first man to ever see a demon pout, and... was she blushing? Regardless, she crossed her arms under her breasts, and turned her nose up, as if she were a child that had just been told to apologize.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"You can drop the 'Master' and 'Sir' stuff," he said, trying not to giggle at her display. "But thank you. Was that really so hard?"

His head tilted to either side as he tried to figure out the best way to approach cleaning her member. Oh, well. Head-first it is… He stuck out his tongue and ran it along the underside of her cock-

And gagged, as though he had just bitten into a raw lemon. Dirk had no frame of reference for the taste of semen, but it was much stronger than he’d mentally prepared for. Eyes watering, he still managed to cover the full ten inches, but he spat the load out on the ground rather than swallowing.

Dirk scraped his tongue with his teeth before he looked up at her pathetically. “S-sorry. Wasn’t expecting… N-never done… I’ll just… I’ll just keep going, okay?”

Who knows? Maybe it would get tolerable… He turned his head to the side this time, wincing as he licked up the stray cum around her knotted base.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Most men have trouble the first time, but you'll learn to like it," Sune said, as she dropped the spoiled child act. As much as he might want to refuse that, she seemed to be right. Like a hard drink, the more he got in his mouth, the less he disliked it. As he lifted the final dollop off her cock, the urge to spit had faded.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk circled his tongue around her tip as he finished and pulled away, gagging only slightly as he swallowed it.

“Okay, that wasn’t entirely unpleasant…” he said, licking his hands clean and wiping them off on his clothes. He got to his feet and smiled at her. “We’ll see if I ever feel like repeating it.”

Then he stretched, looking up at the night sky. How long had they been out here? How long had they been up? Unnatural energy or no, he was definitely starting to feel sleepy.

“Well, we’ve been at it for a while, haven’t we? I think I might look in on the others real quick before I turn in tonight. See how they’re getting along. Then I’ll just have to figure out where to sleep…” Barracks should have some empty beds now, could commandeer one of those...


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Sune stepped behind him, pressing her breasts against his back, and purred into his ear. "Or, you could go look in on those elves, and ask if they mind a third bedfellow. You've already made a demon your bitch, whos to say you can't do the same with them?" she asked, before slinking off to take a seat at the cave entrance. "Think it over," she said, as she took up her post as watchman.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk didn’t need to think it over. There was a reason he’d left himself out of the imaginary scene he’d made. He was quite certain by now that Valira and Akalfa had no interest in men. Daisy he was less sure about, but it was probably safer to assume she was the same way.

Bidding good night to Sune, Dirk headed back into the outpost – taking a brief detour to quietly peek into the lab and see how the others were doing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"I can only hope I grow closer to everyone here. It certainly seems like it will happen, given how kind you all have been so far." Daisy smiled. The two elves were friendly, and while she had a rocky introduction with Dirk and Sune, she suspected they were good people as well. Well, not certain on Sune, but Dirk was a definite softy hiding behind a mask.

"There is an art to destructive power. Many people would pay to see magical explosions or gouts of fire. You could probably make a healthy living off of using frost to cool cellars as well, if you're not interested in drawing attention." She said, leaning forward with her flush faded slightly. "And I understand not getting healing, I still struggle with it myself. And the most I've ever managed to summon was a horribly botched familiar. The cleanup on that mess was awful. Viscera everywhere." Daisy shuddered at the memory of that day before refocusing. "Oh, right. My specialty is in hexing. Curses and wards and what have you. Not quite as flashy as what you do, but I'm quite proud of it."

Daisy's flush returned with a vengeance as they asked her if she was hot. The answer was yes, but not in the way that she assumed they meant it. "Oh no, I'm alright. A bit exhausted from needing to track this group down is all. I'll be fine with a bit of tea to calm my nerves and rehydrate me, and some rest." She smiled. It was a bit obvious that she was hiding the complete truth. Night in general was always a bit rough. Even when the moon wasn't full, it's light could still force lust into her body. For some reason though, tonight was particularly rough. "Though I will admit it's a bit hot in here. Likely the fire heating the kettle." She admitted.

"Perhaps I should change into something a bit lighter. Would you two at all mind if I did so?" She asked, relenting a small bit to both the heat of the room and the heat in her stomach.

Just then, she spotted Dirk peeking his head in. "Oh, have you decided to join us for tea?" She asked, her face still beet red.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk was sure he hadn’t made a sound, even from nudging the door. How had Daisy noticed him so easily? He opened it a bit wider, but didn’t step into the room.

I’m really not very good at sneaking, am I?

He shook his head in response to Daisy’s question – the only part of the conversation he had heard clearly. “I was just heading to bed, actually. Thought I’d check in on you three to make sure all was well before I did. Sorry, didn’t mean to disturb you.”

He waved, turning on his heel, about to leave again. “Anyway, don’t mind me. You just keep going with your discussion.”


Well-Known Member
"Wards you say? How incredibly interesting! I couldn't begin to wrap my mind around the complexities surrounding hexes and the like. Perhaps on our journey, we'll learn much from each other." Akalfa said with a soft smile. Having someone to trade spells and tips with did sound fun and Daisy seemed like a greatly knowledgeable individual. Looking towards Valira now and then she gave her an encouraging grin. They were going to get through this. This introduction will not be fumbled, and they would get some well-needed rest. The demoness would not prevail yet again. Their self-control would overcome all!

As many times as she inwardly repeated these words it didn't stop her mind from wandering.

Akalfa deeply exhaled undertaking to remain calm, the fight with her libido being a formidable one. Everything still felt much too hot. The purest of thoughts became something closer to a love-drunken poet's lurid erotica with every glance she took around the room, Daisy's proposal almost making her break out into a visible sweat. Her mind screeched to say yes, and yet her lips hesitated to speak not wanting to appear like an overeager pervert to an acquaintance. Chewing her lip she was surely about to stammer out something near-illegible before noticing a certain figure Daisy had pointed out at the door.

Oh, he was not running off again!

Moments of peace were rare and she hardly ever got a chance to speak with anyone without a monster of some sort dismantling everything. The only way she was going to figure out whether he was shy or simply didn't care for their company was to take the rare direct approach.

"No no, you aren't disturbing anyone at all! You're a part of this group, I insist you sit with us!" Akalfa declared, getting up from her stool and approaching him before he could completely hoof it in the opposite direction. With a slight tug on the sleeve of his armor, she gave the most inviting smile she could muster, though it was obvious she was anxious about overstepping a boundary. Men were a rarity down in the caverns, human men even more so, bumping shoulders with one was enough to get her heart racing faster than she could handle, but she wouldn't back down even if trying to keep eye contact made her flush enough mirror the likeness of a walking blueberry. Gods, did she hope she wasn't making a complete fool of herself.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy spotting Dirk wasn't due to hearing him come in or superhuman abilities, she was simply seated in a way that faced the door and saw it crack open with Dirk peeking in. "You're disturbing no one. There's enough tea to go around as well. I'd actually planned to bring you and Sune a cup once it was finished steeping." She said as she stood up. It was a bit more convenient to talk to everyone at once than to swap between the two groups of two, so she wanted to get him in the room about as much as Akalfa seemed to. She walked over to grab another stool and set it down with the other three.

Just then, the kettle began to whistle, signaling that the water was boiling. "Look, you're right on time as well." Daisy walked over to the kettle and took it off the fire, setting it to one side and adding the dried chamomile petals to the hot water. "We'll wait a little bit for it to steep and then we can enjoy some tea." She stated as she sat down on her stool once more. "It'd be a shame to need to drink cold tea in the morning. Besides, Chamomile is good for relaxing, so everyone will be able to fall asleep much faster with this."

Daisy briefly considered standing up to urge Dirk in the room like Akalfa, but opted not to. She didn't know him as long as the dark elf had and would absolutely be overstepping a boundary if she walked over and began pulling at his clothing. "I was about to start talking about wards as well. Perhaps we can bore you to sleep over academic talk?" She said with a brief giggle.

Daisy's face was still flushed, and she was beginning to genuinely feel hot in the room. The mixture of the fire and steam didn't do anything to cool down the room. Not to mention how Akalfa had been looking at her after she mentioned changing into something lighter to escape the heat. She briefly debated in her mind if it was a good idea to just go ahead and do it, regardless of if the others were okay with it. Based on Akalfa's reaction, she figured that at least one person was okay with it, possibly even eager to see the witch wearing something else. She opted not to for now, though every moment drew her closer and closer to simply going ahead and changing clothes.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira smiled at Daisy's words, and while it wasn't exactly her forte the discussion between Akalfa and the newcomer about magic was interesting regardless. Things seemed to be going well, Daisy was a kind and intelligent individual and it was clear that her skills would be quite useful indeed. And she could even boil tea, bringing just a bit more of the lifestyle Valira was used to! Roughing it seemed a little less rough with a spot of chamomile after all. Daisy's request to change made Valira swallow heavily, her body growing even hotter as her nipples hardened and her core clenched. By the gods this venom was potent! The mere suggestion of such a thing had made the High Elf nearly lose it, and judging from Akalfa's expression she was wrestling with similar thoughts. Dirk's interruption, along with a steadying breath, was very well timed. They needed a moment to process this. Valira was a bit surprised at Akalfa's entreaty of Dirk, but also very proud. It wasn't easier for her to be so forward, especially to someone as aloof as Dirk could be. She completely agreed with her friend, up until this point they hadn't had much of an opportunity to get to know Dirk at all, and Valira had intended to keep her promise to him to change that.

''Dirk I am afraid its three against one, now kindly sit down and enjoy some tea with us. We so rarely get the chance to relax uninterrupted, and it will give us a chance to get to know one another more intimately.''

Valira flushed at the use of that last word, staring at Dirk with as much intensity as she had at Daisy a moment ago. She had always found him attractive, his aloof nature only adding to his mystique. The truth was she desired men just as much as she did women, and this quest hadn't lent itself to exploring both sides of her attraction given the ratio of females to males. Part of her disappointment in Zwarr's leaving was her hope that she could have some fun with the devilishly handsome (pun intended) bard being dashed. In fact on the very night of Sholgra's abduction they had been planning to approach him on that very subject. Speaking of Sholgra, she had wanted to sleep with Dirk and had even asked for Valira's advice on the subject. Ironically, it had involved getting to know him first. Now here they all were, in a quiet and cozy setting, with her and Akalfa hot and bothered and Daisy close to removing articles of clothing. Was it any wonder thoughts of them all sharing the same bed, moaning in pure ecstasy as they touched and tasted one another, filled her mind with all the intensity of a rampaging owl bear? Valira took a shaky breath and tried to calm down, at least a little bit. It was rude to stare, venom or no, and she did her best to rip her eyes away from his body.

Had he gotten more muscular? Or was that just the venom talking?

''I must say I am looking forward to this beverage, it has been quite a bit since I have had a nice soothing cup of tea.''

Valira was telling the truth when she said this, but she said it more to distract herself from her burning desires than anything else.

Suddenly she remembered that it was rude to leave Daisy's question hanging. Their new friend was uncomfortable, and regardless of how it might exacerbate things, it wouldn't do to see her swelter. Besides, Valira couldn't deny that she wanted to see Daisy so do, and that she hoped that her group fantasy might become closer to reality if she did so.

''Please feel free to change Daisy, Akalfa and I do not mind in the slightest. As long as you are ok with that too that is Dirk.''

Valira said this in as neutral a tone as she could muster, shooting him a look that seemed suggestive despite her best efforts.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Akalfa suddenly pulling at his sleeve nearly made him jump in surprise. Dirk was left momentarily speechless by her entreaty. Closely followed as it was by Daisy’s and Valira’s, he looked between all three of them in nervous silence. But of course they had the right of it. This was possibly the first proper moment of calm they’d had in a while – or at least the first when the whole group was in the same room, anyway. Who could say when they’d have another opportunity to just sit down with each other?

Besides, it was an unambiguous invitation, earnestly made by all three of them unanimously. What more did he want? He couldn’t possibly walk away from them now.

“…Alright,” he said, meeting Akalfa’s gaze again and nodding to her. “Sure, I’ll join you for teatime.” He stepped fully into the lab and sat down on the stool Daisy had laid out for him. Even still, he couldn’t stop feeling like the odd one out..

It’s only boiled leaf water with your comrades, nothing more. Just don’t get any wrong ideas, and it’ll be fine.

His thoughts distracted him such that it took him a moment to realize Valira had asked him a question of sorts. Something about Daisy, and whether he was okay with her doing something? He simply nodded. “Oh, of course. Go ahead. Whatever makes you comfortable.”


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Brewing a bit of tea is nothing for me. It really is as simple as boiling water. If you ever want some, I'm happy to serve." Daisy responded to Valira's praise with a smile. She was happy that the group was as nice as she'd hoped. The thought of them being nothing more than wandering violent vagrants had come across her mind more than a few times both when she first heard of them and on the way to meet them. The fact that they were so polite was a relief. Though with a knight seemingly leading them, she wasn't particularly surprised. "And I'm happy that you'll be joining us Dirk."

"Thank you. It seems I'm getting a bit hot in this cave." Daisy stated as she took off her pointed hat, setting it down on the table, and stood up. She turned around and lifted her blouse up and off of her body, revealing a sleeveless white undershirt below it. The fabric clung slightly to part of her sweaty torso, rendering parts of it transparent. The three behind her could see very clearly that she didn't have anything else on underneath this final layer of clothing. She turned back around and sat down once more to reveal that the front remained mostly opaque. This didn't stop her hardened nipples from being visible, pointing through the fabric.

"Much better. I feel cooler already." Daisy stated as she looked the group over. Her face was already much less red, though a light flush was still visible on her cheeks. "Now stop me if the lecture becomes too boring, but I believe Akalfa wanted me to speak about wards a touch." She spoke as though she hadn't just undressed in front of the entire group. It wasn't a particularly sensual motion when she took off her blouse, nor was the sight of an undershirt nearly as provocative as Akalfa's single strip of fabric, but she did still strip in front of them. She seemed fairly unbothered by her reduced state of dress though, and simply wanted to continue with the conversation. She simply set the neatly folded piece of clothing down onto the table, taking her hat back and putting it one once more.

Daisy's core was on fire right now though. She was surprised she was willing to strip right in front of a group of strangers with almost no hesitation. What's worse is how she enjoyed it. She wanted to go further and have her whole torso bare, letting them see her modest chest and flat stomach. She wasn't a goddess like the two elves were, but she knew how to work her charm. The thought of them grabbing her and removing the rest of what she wore went through her mind. Then thoughts of them ravishing her poor body, teasing every sensitive part of her body. She barely managed to shake her mind of these delusions and calm down. She barely knew these people, and it would be rude to think of them as slabs of meat to get sexual relief from. Even if she really really wanted to.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Daisy seemed to be cooling off, but Dirk felt slightly warmer instead. Not by much - barely enough at present to conjure up the odd wayward thought, especially now that he wasn't letting his imagination run rampant. He was mostly just confused; the room didn't seem that hot to him.

He glanced sidelong at Valira, in case he'd missed something by coming in late, before settling in for the lecture. Perhaps listening to a dry discussion about something he couldn't understand would help take his mind off of everything else that had happened tonight.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira did her best not to stare too intently at Daisy as she removed her blouse, only partially succeeding. Her lust addled brain won out over her sense of propriety and she found herself enraptured by what she could see of the other woman's bare skin and hardened nipples. Valira wanted nothing more in that moment than to suck on them, to grope the breasts they were attached too, to see Daisy fully laid bare before the trio to taste and touch at their leisure. She swallowed heavily and tried her very hardest to distract herself from the dirty thoughts that filled her mind. Dirk's questioning look only made the situation worse as it somehow came across as smouldering to Valira's compromised state. She sighed inwardly, the venom was both a blessing and a curse...

''I hope that makes you feel better Daisy. Please continue your lecture.''

Valira said this partly hoping that the woman before her hadn't noticed her staring like a lecher, part of her hoping she had.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy squirmed a bit in her chair, Dirk and Valira's looks having an effect on her. She cleared her throat, trying to bring her focus back to dry magical lectures. "Alright, wards are a complicated topic, as I'm sure Akalfa is aware of. The basic purpose of a ward is to prevent the effects of certain spells, or to prevent certain creatures from passing through a designated area. A ward is usually engraved or placed on a physical object. Though it is possible to create momentary wards not attached to anything, they are weaker and and only last long enough to counteract the effects of a spell or bar a creature's passage once. Wards can either be general and effect all creatures or magic of a certain type, or specific and effect only one creature or magical effect. Specific wards are always stronger than general wards, as they only need to stop one creature or spell." She lectured, trying to make the topic as not boring as possible.

"Now, one of the interesting aspects of object bound wards is the practice of binding one to a living creature. This allows for one to store spirits or demons or whatever inside of a living host, as well as prevent possession of a host. The process is a bit painful though, as you need to etch the ward into a creature. And the process can be undone if the warded part of the body is ever removed or excessively damaged." Daisy begins to trail off, looking over the three people in front of her. Thoughts not pertaining to warding crossed her mind. She was silent for a moment, staring at them as her face grew slightly more red, and her breather became deeper. She blinked after a moment, realizing that she was staring, and tried to play it off with a laugh. "Pardon me there, it seems like I was lost in thought for a moment. I think the tea should be done steeping now. Let me pour our cups."

Diasy stood up, and felt the wetness from her pussy now on her thighs. She was thankful that she was wearing a long skirt, or else they might have caught a glimpse at how wet she was. Though a part of her couldn't help but want to show off how hot and bothered she still was, even after taking off her blouse. She grabbed some empty beakers, the closest approximate to a cup in the lab, and poured the tea. "I apologize for not having a strainer. Just try not to swallow the dried petals, they're quite bitter." She said, handing one to each of the trio and taking one for herself. She sat back down and took a sip of her tea and took a breath. "Now, where was I?"


Well-Known Member
Akalfa tried with all her might to listen to Daisy's lesson, finding the subject considerably interesting. But like the others, her eyes were drawn to the witch's lithe, inviting form. Graceful, yet enticing as could be. The heat in the sorceress's stomach tripled, her eyes practically glued to the other woman's semi-transparent blouse. It didn't help that their little circle of stools were so closely placed together. Sitting so near three individuals whom she found so enthralling did nothing to douse the searing burn of venom coursing through her veins.

Shyly tearing her eyes away from the stranger only seemed to make things worse. Valira's appearance ever still brought on a subtle heat in the Dark Elf, jade green eyes never failing to pierce. Sitting next to Dirk as well boosted her amorous interest towards men to a newfound, nerve-wracking degree. Try as she might her heart raced, thought's scattered to the most licentious fantasies imaginable. It felt partially wrong to think of a stranger and a man she hardly knew in that light, but the thought of the four of them together excited her more than she wanted to confess. The idea of her and her elven lover sharing their bed distracted her terribly. Harems were commonplace in her culture, it was nothing unusual to have multiple partners together in her eyes. But she couldn't shake the thought that the others may find the view of taking pleasure together taboo. Irregardless the concept brought on a dizzying warmth. Truly bringing a pool of sweat to her brow.

Shaking her imaginings Akalfa realized she had just spent a good minute staring a hole into each of her companions. Feeling incredibly embarrassed by her bout of awkwardness she merely looked at the ground, not wanting to interrupt the lecture.

Now out of her hazy stupor, Akalfa accepted the cup of tea, muttering a quick word of thanks as she drank. The heat of the beverage merely making her tremble more obvious. Fanning herself for a brief moment she let out a an unsteady breath, the cloth tightly clinging to her breasts brought unbearable friction. Little as the strip was it to started to feel like too much clothing with the venom making every article swelter like a furnace.

"T-thank you very much for your explanation thus far Daisy! It was very informative. Maybe one day I'll figure out wards proper. Do go on."

Akalfa spoke out with a stammer, wishing she could say more to the rest of the group but failing to form any words with her worsening condition. Sipping at her drink the soothing beverage felt like the only thing stilling her thoughts. Temporarily.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"You were saying something about possession, and putting wards on bodies?" Dirk raised his beaker under his mask, sniffing cautiously. Was it really safe to be drinking out of these? He shrugged and took a swig of the still-hot brew. If nothing else, the bitter drink served to wash away the lingering taste of Sune's cum.

Looking to either side of him, the elves seemed to be having a much harder time of things. They looked feverish and sweaty, and they were both staring at Daisy very intensely - rather more so than the lecture called for, by his reckoning. It worried him.

"...Are you two feeling okay? Do you need to step outside for a spell?"


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Well, I aim to please Akalfa." Daisy said with a smile. She could feel their eyes on her body. It made the heat rising up in her body rise even higher. If this continued any further, she would likely say or do something that she'd regret in the morning. "I think Dirk might be right. We're all a bit tired right now, so it might be best to simply stop the lesson for now. We'll have plenty of evenings to learn about each other in the days to come." Daisy said, even if her body begged her to continue talking about creatures entering the bodies of others.

Daisy stood up from her seat, tea still in hand. "Why don't you two go back to bed, and I can have Dirk show me to my room. I'll leave the kettle here for now. I can always get it in the morning." She grabbed her folded up blouse in her other arm, preparing to leave. Her mind raced with lewd thoughts of the three in front of her, though she managed to push them back for now. It would set a bad example if she were to present herself as some needy whore, even if she felt like one at that moment. It was either get out of that room and somewhere private to calm down, or sate this hunger that was growing within her.