The Desperate Rescue. [In Game]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Daisy couldn't help but remember the demon she had seen outside. If she was looking for someone to help her find relief, IT was unlikely to say no. That might even have been what Dirk was doing earlier. He did seem to be the only one here that wasn't having trouble keeping his eyes to himself.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
The thought of using the demon was certainly tempting, and seeing how Dirk was the calmest among them at the moment spoke volumes of how well she was able to drain the lust out of her partners. But Daisy also knew that dealing with demons came with strings attached. She wasn't aware of what kind of demon Sune was, though assuming she was some form a succubus, the sex itself would be an offering to her. And that likely wasn't a far off assumption. Maybe once everyone else had gone to bed, she'd sneak out and ask the demon. Assuming she couldn't quell the heat on her own, of course.

"Actually, since I do plan on getting to bed in a bit, I think it's best if I give Sune her tea as well. That way it isn't cold." Daisy did intend on bringing the her a cup of tea as well, so she poured a beaker for Sune as well. She slung her blouse over her arm and grabbed the tea, prepared to walk to her. "I'll be right back." She said as she left the lab and headed outside. And who knew, maybe the cold night's air would calm her down a bit as well.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Left alone with his comrades, Dirk quietly finished his flask of tea, wondering if he had just done something wrong. Valira and Akalfa seemed very... disappointed? Perhaps he shouldn't have said anything. They must have been planning something for Daisy and now he'd driven her off.

"Sorry about that," said Dirk, sheepishly. "Didn't mean to kill your social hour like that..." This is why I wanted to leave you three alone: I knew I'd only end up ruining it somehow. I always do.

He got to his feet, avoiding direct eye contact with both of them. "I think I'll just go before she gets back. You guys can show her to a room." And this time he'd stay out of the way, where he belonged.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira had listened in silence as she drank her tea, grateful for the distraction from her desires, and enjoying the beverage immensely. It served to calm her nerves and make her eyes droop even more heavily due to exhaustion. Daisy's abrupt departure, too fast for her and Akalfa to get a word in edgewise disappointed her, for both perfectly chaste and lewd reasons. She didn't even get a chance to warn their new friend about Sune, although Valira was sure that Daisy could handle herself the demon was a tricky one. Dirk's words broke the High Elf out of her reverie and she frowned, grabbing him by the hand to stop him before he could leave.

''You didn't kill anything, you are going to sit here and talk to us so that we can get to know one another. We may be very tired, but we have enough energy to hold a simple conversation for a bit at the very least. I told you that I would endeavour to become closer to you and I aim to keep that vow. Now, kindly be seated, please.''

Valira said this in a voice both kind yet firm. It was clear that she would not take no for an answer. She didn't like being so forward and insistent on this score, but this was a perfect opportunity and she wasn't about to squander it. Besides, part of her almost thought that Dirk was just looking for an excuse to avoid them and she didn't feel like making it easy on him.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk wheeled around in surprise at Valira's touch, but it was the tone of her voice that shamed him into acquiescence. Here he was, about to reject another hand extended in good faith, as though he'd learned nothing from his mistakes this week. They were all supposed to be a team, so why was he still trying so hard to stay distant?

"Right. Of course. My apologies." Dirk nodded, and sat down again, facing them this time but guiltily avoiding direct eye contact. He poured himself another flask of tea, hoping it might steady his nerve. "Figured you'd want to focus on welcoming Daisy to the group, but you're right. We can still talk for a bit."

"So, are you two feeling well?" He asked, straightening up in his seat. "You looked like you were both about to faint just now."
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''Thank you, I am glad that you decided to stay. It means a lot to me, and to Akalfa I am sure. We can welcome Daisy and converse with you, we are quite good at multi tasking after all, even in this.... compromised.... state.''

Valira smiled sheepishly, her face reddening slightly as she thought how best to explain their predicament. There was no point in keeping it secret from Dirk, especially if they hoped to have an honest conversation. Besides, it would be better if he knew so that he would not be confused or overly worried. Still it was an awkward thing to address and Valira took a long sip of tea to fully prepare.

''I am afraid that Akalfa and I are not dealing with simple exhaustion. She was drugged by the Dark Elves with an..... aphrodisiac. It should wear off in a day or two but until then, well, let us say we are feeling the effects most vividly.''

Valira swallowed heavily and shifted in her seat. She did not say how she became drugged but it was fairly obvious and she knew Dirk would catch on.

''We are managing as best we can, so until it runs its course you must forgive us if we act.... eccentric.''

As if to illustrate this point as she was speaking Valira couldn't help but ogle the contours of Dirk's body. She finally managed to rip her eyes away from him and cleared her throat, attempting to adopt a more dignified pose.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"Ah, I see. No wonder you two couldn't sleep."

Dirk's preconceptions still left him blind to Valira's interest, so he failed to pick up on how and where she was looking at him. He was partly preoccupied with not staring at her inappropriately, which required conscious effort at times.

He shut his eyes as he focused on the current predicament. If the two elves were afflicted by that sort of substance, then he wasn't sure there was anything that he could do to help, other than give them some privacy.

"Well, if you need time to work it out of your systems, at least you have a secure place for it. I do hope it clears up sooner rather than later, though. We still have our mission ahead of us."

He tapped his fingers on the side of his glass of tea for a moment. "On that note, I figured I would start scouting the mountains tomorrow. I don't plan to go far, just enough to figure out how to reach the dragon's lair. I'd offer for you to come along, but I don't know if either of you are ip for it, given that, er, present condition."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Daisy would find Sune basking in the moonlight. She sat on a stone, uncovered by clothing, the skin of her upper body looking for all the world like carved stone. This was the first time she had gotten a good look at the demon, upper body of a dark elf, wings of a bat, or dragon, a snake for a tail, and the legs of a goat; not to mention the phallus of a wolf. If she was a succubus, then she was the weirdest looking one Daisy had ever heard of.


Well-Known Member
Akalfa appreciated Valira's tact, yet direct description of their shared state. It was a rather personal subject to address that made her feel a touch bashful, but honesty was integral if a strong camaraderie were to grow. Sipping from her beaker Akalfa did catch the way Valira's eyes lingered on Dirk. Her flush deepening at the prospect that the High Elf may very well share the same train of thought as herself. Though his gaze seemed fixed elsewhere, in the opposite direction. Was he nervous? Thinking deeply about something? Sometimes she wished she could just pull his mask down and take a look for herself. There were so many things about him she didn't know, and that just made unraveling his mysteries sound more enticing, curious as she was.

He was...frustratingly inscrutable, in the most fascinating way possible. There was just a certain allure to him, her curiosity not stopping simply at the matter of how he may look or why he kept his distance. Instead, other curiosities welling up that made her question herself, and whether she was being unwise to think the things she did. There was no way to know if her elven lover shared the same sentiments about their enigmatic male companion. But oh how she wished she could ask, unsure if the visual cues she was picking up from Valira were simply in her mind, mired deep in the explicit fantasy. In her utterly tired state still, her body acted of its own volition, desiring more as though it would never tire, frustrating in contrast to her desire for rest and reservations about her newfound wants.

"Well, I- If you would ever...want..." Akalfa paused. Stopping herself as she digested what she had almost blurted out. What was she thinking? She had nearly soured the entire mood! The venom certainty took its toll but that was still a step too close. It would overstep a boundary, clearly, he had nearly walked out twice, and bringing up a proposition like that felt hardly appropriate, especially without consulting Valira. Maybe a few more sips would calm her compulsions...

"I'm sure Valira and I would be happy to accompany you on your excursion tomorrow Dirk. Getting a clear picture of the terrain is a smart idea. Best not to do it alone, after all, what are friends for?" Akalfa said, a soft smile on her lips despite the lingering tension she felt inward. Purposely chewing a few bitter petals to help keep her focus.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy simply stood in the mouth of the cave for a moment. There was an otherworldly beauty to Sune in that moment, as she lay under the moonlight. She had seen animalistic features on humanoid creatures before, mostly in books, though the sort of mishmash appearance of Sune's demonic heritage was exotic an alluring. It made a different feelings well up within her, not of lust, but of an appreciation of aesthetic beauty and scholarly curiosity. Though the sight of her massive knotted dick did make the juices flow a bit more strongly. She tried to shake her head of these thoughts though. She wouldn't be jumping on the demon's dick yet.

"Sorry to disturb you as you bask, but I brought some tea." Daisy said as she stepped into view and approached Sune. "I figured you'd like some as well. It's chamomile." She said with a smile as she held out the beaker of tea.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk swallowed. Friends, she said. The word stung him slightly – he hadn’t dared allowed himself to think they could be even that close, given their acquaintanceship was built on a foundation of deception.

...How would they all react when he finally broke the masquerade? If he admitted the truth about himself – the whole truth, would they reject him then? Send him off for taking advantage of their trust? Or… would they just be disappointed to learn that what they thought was a bold, daring rogue was merely a despicable little rat who wanted a way out of his old life?

He still wasn’t willing to risk it. Even after all that they'd been through thus far.

“Only if you’re sure," He said aloud. It was hard to tell going by just his eyes, but he seemed to be smiling. "I can be plenty stealthy on my own - when I’m not walking directly into someone’s line of sight like a moron, that is - so it’s no trouble at all if you change your mind.”


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira was relieved to see that Dirk took her confession about the venom in stride, no judgements or jokes coming from his end. She was also happy that somehow he hadn't noticed her lingering gaze, or if he did he was tactful enough to ignore it. Part of Valira wished that he hadn't however, that he would be bold enough to call her out on it and that would give her an excuse to take things from there. But Valira could tell that Dirk wasn't the most perceptive sort when it came to these sorts of things, or the most bold. They would have to make the next move if they ever wanted things to move to the physical, Valira sure that Akalfa was feeling the same sort of desires towards their mysterious companion as she was. She admired the Dark Elf's restraint, especially in the condition they were in. They would have to discuss the Dirk situation among themselves later. They had taken a step forward by talking to him, anything more would take time and tact on their part.

''We are very sure, as Akalfa said that is both a smart and practical idea. We can hardly let you do such a thing alone. We don't doubt your abilities, we simply would like to watch your behind, er, back.''

Valira blushed at her choice of words, giving a giggle.

''Of course in my case the two are not mutually exclusive given my own rear ends prodigious size.''

As if to emphasise the point, Valira bounced slightly making the chair creak and her ass cheeks jiggle. Clearly Valira's inhibitions were not quite as strong under the influence of the venom, hence the rather bawdy joke.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
Dirk’s eyes wavered for only a moment before he caught himself and looked away, trying not to think about Valira’s curvy bottom and almost succeeding. And now the elves were blatantly flirting with each other while he was still in the room. Whatever they were hit with earlier, it must have been potent.

Rrrright. Just don’t let the ‘problem’ get the better of you once we’re out there. If it starts to be too much, say something and we can come back. Is Daisy’s tea helping at all?”


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
''Of course, even dealing with a problem like this I am still a knight and a lady and Akalfa is a a skilled magic user! We will not let something like this get the better of us!''

Valira said this with both passion and determination, the dignity of her words marred slightly by her little (or rather big and jiggly) display but she wouldn't let that stop her from saying it.

''Yes Daisy's tea is serving to calm me down a tad, it is quite soothing indeed. Not to mention it reminds me of home, which is quite comforting.''

Valira smiled warmly at that, sighing in satisfaction as she inhaled the sweet aroma of the beverage.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
"Is that right? I don't think I've heard you say much about your home before. What's it like?"

It was an opportunity to change the subject, but also a chance to return her apparent interest. Even after travelling with Valira for over a week, he still knew very little about her. So what if he wanted to hide his own past? That didn't mean he couldn't ask about others'.
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Well-Known Member
Akalfa nodded along to Valira's response. She had been staring at Dirk intently the entire while. He seemed to be purposely looking away? If her eyes were not mistaken. She smiled lightly at this, he seemed bashful, not unlike herself at times. Especially when she first laid eyes on Valira's bombshell of a body.

"A good query Dirk! I too am curious as to what your homeplace is like. Surely it must nice." Akalfa's tone warm, chipper at the thought of the exciting trip to come and hearing the interesting origins of the group. Simple as it was more time to bond with everyone sounded nice, whether amorous or platonic. Though gods did she hope her own background wouldn't come into question. If so she'd have to prepare. Goodness only knows how they'd think of her if they knew the whole of it. Why she was in the swamp; the underachiever to top them all...

Sipping at her drink like a survivor in the dry desert Akalfa almost chewed all the petals from her tea. A shame considering it truly helped still her mind. Hopefully there was a bit more left for one last beaker.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2021
Ireland, dating OmegaUmbra
Valira's eyes took on a wistful look as memories of her home and family came to her mind. It hadn't been that long since she left, but she still missed it all regardless. While Valira was not hoping for any sort of reward at the end of this whole quest, returning to the place of her birth would be just as gratifying.

''Indeed, it is very nice. Green rolling fields, temperate weather, rich fertile farmland and incredible mountain peaks that reach the sky. Ashara is blessed with all of these things and more, birthing a culture that has produced architecture, poetry and music that is the envy of our neighbours. I think its the most beautiful place in the world, of course I am a tad biased.''

Valira gave a small smirk at that, gazing off into space before shaking her head slightly to bring her back to the there and then.

''I truly hope you will visit one day when this is all said and done, I would be delighted to have you both as my honoured guests when that day arrives.''

Valira smiled warmly at them both, voice filled with hopeful optimism.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Sune looked over her shoulder, and smiled. "Thank you, little lady," she replied, as she turned to face Daisy. The demon still made no effort to cover herself, and now that they were within arms reach of each other, Daisy had a full frontal view of Sune; full breasts, semi-erect cock, and all. "So, you managed to get away with your clothes on? I was sure the love birds would be all over you," she chuckled.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy's vision immediately focused on the front of Sune's uncovered body, looking at her ample breasts and massive cock. She tore her eyes away and looked the demon in the face as best as she could. "Well, we exchanged words and glances, though I felt it would be best to not have sex with someone the same day you met them." She stated with a chuckle of her own. "So, care for some tea? It's best when it's not ice cold." She asked, holding the beaker out to Sune.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Sune took the vial and looked at it, before smiling. "You know, these are the beakers I used to keep my ecstasy potions in," she purred, before taking the drink in one gulp. As Daisy watched, Sune's penis began to stir, slowly rising to full erection. "Hmm, looks like there are still some lingering effects," she said, looking down at her member, and then glancing back up to Daisy. "If I didn't know better, I might think you were trying to get me in the mood, young lady," she smiled, a hungry, playful smile.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Do you not wash out your glassware?" Daisy asked in a mix of genuine horror and confusion. The shock and terror of the idea momentarily rendered her unable to perceive any sexual intention in the demon's features, though it subsided rather quickly. A flush came across her features as she practically felt the heat coming off of Sune's member. "Never mind. No, it wasn't my intention to get you hot and bothered, I just wanted to get you some tea. Sorry for accidentally putting it in what was hopefully the only contaminated glass." She said, taking a moment to look inside of her own beaker as a heat settled in her nethers.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Of course I wash them, dear, I'm just messing with you." Sune smiled, widely at Daisy's moment of distress. "I'm a demon, I can come erect pretty much at will," she explained. "Though getting it to go down is a bit more tricky. Don't suppose you'd mind watching the door for a moment while I go take care of this , would you?" she asked.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Oh. Why did I not expect that." Daisy asks herself out loud. It made far more sense, to be fair. "Sure, I can watch the door while you handle yourself. I'll take back the vial too. I figure you'll need both hands to handle it." She said, motioning towards Sune's member before holding out a hand to take back the vial. It was a fair enough request, after all. "I would like to ask a few questions as well. Though I can do that after you've calmed down a bit."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Nonsense, I can multitask," Sune replied, as she sauntered behind a nearby tree. The rhythmic sound of skin upon skin soon filled the night air as Daisy sat there. "So, what would you like to talk about?" Sune asked, in a casual tone that might have been meant to make things less awkward.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy's blush intensified as Sune sauntered away, and grew deeper as the sound of her rubbing her cock filled the air. "Right. Well, and I apologize if this is rude, but what kind of demon are you? I had you pegged as some kind of succubus or incubus, but your features don't match any recorded." She asked in as casual of a tone as she could muster, given the circumstances. "You certainly have the face and 'assets' to be one, but your animalistic traits betray that notion. Especially the snake for a tail."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Not every demon with a good body is a succubus, we come in many shapes and sizes," Sune explained. "I happen to be an arcanoloth, a demon of sorcery to the layman. But, that doesn't mean I don't enjoy a good roll in the hay as much as the next girl." The sounds coming from behind the tree slow and rhythmic, clearly Sune was taking her time with herself.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
"Huh. I suppose that makes sense. I'll need to be better about not making broad assumptions in the future then." Daisy replied, her eyes looking over to the tree that Sune was behind. It was pretty tempting to walk over there and take a peak, though she resisted the urge for now. "So, why exactly were you called to the material plane? I assumed it was to have sex with at first, but that theory is clearly disproven now. Or at least it's not the main reason. I now presume it was for some kind of assistance with magic, like a ritual or just to make up for the lackluster spellcraft of your original summoner." She asked, moving over to sit down on the rock that Sune had lounged on earlier.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2021
''Indeed, it is very nice. Green rolling fields, temperate weather, rich fertile farmland and incredible mountain peaks that reach the sky. Ashara is blessed with all of these things and more, birthing a culture that has produced architecture, poetry and music that is the envy of our neighbours. I think its the most beautiful place in the world, of course I am a tad biased.''

Valira gave a small smirk at that, gazing off into space before shaking her head slightly to bring her back to the there and then.

''I truly hope you will visit one day when this is all said and done, I would be delighted to have you both as my honoured guests when that day arrives.''

Valira smiled warmly at them both, voice filled with hopeful optimism.

Valira's words stirred something in Dirk. He had never given much thought as to what he would do with himself after the mission was over. All he knew for certain was that he wouldn't remain in Goldaria, but beyond that he was at a loss. Valira's invitation to see her homeland was, at least, a reminder that he had other options than thievery, even if he didn't know about them yet.

"I think I would like that," he said, leaning forward in his seat. "If we all survive this, it'll definitely be something to look forward to."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"I was called here by an dark elf matriarch, gods she had a rack on her, to assist her daughter in running this outpost. We had just finished setting up when Dirk and his friends arrives, and started tearing the place up. Long story short, they found my true name, and now I work for them. Though, Dirk has done his best to make the servitude pleasurable. Mmm, the way he fucks my ass..." The sounds of skin on skin began to pick up, as Sune mentioned Dirk, and his... willingness to attend to her needs.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Daisy's mind goes back to when she first met Dirk and Sune, which was at the tail end of one of those ass fuckings. Or maybe it was the middle? It's a bit hard to tell, the demon's sex drive seemed to rival a nymph's. "Huh. Well that also explains why your nonbestial upper half resembles a dark elf then. Assuming that you aren't already in your true form, that is." She says, feeling her pussy get wet once more. The sounds of Sune stroking her cock and the recent memory of Dirk fucking the demon into the ground were helping to remind her of how horny she was. "I don't think I have any questions other than those two. Except for if you need help with anything." She said, thinking of the arcanaloth's dick as her hand seemed to instinctively move in between her own legs.