Strive for Power (Slave Management, RPG)


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
Strive an adult, text based fantasy themed slave management game. You take a role of an aspiring young Mage, who takes a possession over a mansion and aims to achieve greatness by utilizing power, wits and magic, take control over various procedurally generated slaves of over 15 different races. You control your servants, which are used to generate food and gold, but not only that, - mana, utilized by magic, generally can only be acquired from sex.
You can brew potions, learn and play with spells, modify servants and yourself at the laboratory, and keep human farm. The turn-based combat, which allows you to capture and train slaves of different races and upbringings with unique traits.


  • Take control and direct procedurally generated NPCs with over 15 fantasy themed and monster races
  • Develop and upgrade your mansion to unlock new tools and possiblities
  • Brew potions and learn spells to affect and change your servants
  • Customize and train your main character
  • Fight and capture strangers and criminals to descipline them to your liking, or merely sell them away
  • Follow the lengthy main quest or discover minor side charcters with their original storylines which will be influenced by your actions





You can find and download latest public versions at

You can also check my blogspot and patreon.

Lastly, you can try out semi-workable web version at
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
I'd love to say that I'd be willing to help, but honestly, I just don't do non M/M content.  That said, I'm sure there are a number of creative people on this site who do play for that team, so no worries.  Best of luck :).


Active Member
Apr 10, 2016
not gonna lie this game is now a new favourite of mine seriously reminds me of slave maker except much fewer customisation in the clothing options but that said i do like the fact you cant see the mental parts of your slave, seriously a very good game obviously you've noted the need for writers but it looks like with a bit of work this is seriously one of the best slave management text games around really looking forward to see what else is done but i am definitely bookmarking this one :D  


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2016
Wow. Good start. Can I suggest you put what pairings and fetishes are preferred on the first post? 


Active Member
Jan 20, 2016
This has HUGE potential, I love it, keep up the good work! 


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
I'll try, although haven't really seen a template in other topics. 

I think you have M/F, F/F, Female / Futa, Con and Non-con sex, Furry (if you enable it), Transformation and I think also some MindChanging via spells

Was that all? Don't remember. OH and the scenes aren't fully written out yet so that's why you search for writers to help you, right?


May 8, 2016
I'm loving this game so far. But I'm sad to report that the laboratory isn't working for me, even if I bring someone with the right skills it won't assign them to assist.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
I'm loving this game so far. But I'm sad to report that the laboratory isn't working for me, even if I bring someone with the right skills it won't assign them to assist.

If you are at version, then it's unlikely you even managed to get magic arts at journeyman level since its training is bugged there. 


Active Member
Mar 28, 2016
Just started playing. looks good so far. I used to be able to write pretty good. But kinda rusty now a days. if you want to give me a try, send me a message and I'll see what I can do. 

Also, when/how does one start transforming their slaves? I assume its when you get access to the mages guild?


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
Just started playing. looks good so far. I used to be able to write pretty good. But kinda rusty now a days. if you want to give me a try, send me a message and I'll see what I can do. 

Also, when/how does one start transforming their slaves? I assume its when you get access to the mages guild?

You basically have to upgrade your laboratory and assign an assistant there. It's a big buggy to train one in current version though.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2016
Okay... I don't know whats going on with my girls. I have some that are going from absolute obediance, to stealing gold and food. WTF?


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
Okay... I don't know whats going on with my girls. I have some that are going from absolute obediance, to stealing gold and food. WTF?

There are TWO stats: One is Obedience and it can fluctuate quiet heavy, the other is Loyalty which determines in which direction the Obedience changes. Low Loyalty will cause them to loose Obedience so you should raise it as much as possible, but raising Loyalty is a slow task (unless you spend all you actions per day for 2-3 days straight to raise it AND choose the perfect options), so you can't just get a ton of girls at once or else some may flee/steal stuff


Active Member
Mar 28, 2016
Ah. I see. Thank you for that.

Does anyone have a list of what race gives what essences? I get that fairys give magic essence. But what about the others?


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
Ah. I see. Thank you for that.

Does anyone have a list of what race gives what essences? I get that fairys give magic essence. But what about the others?

Demons give tainted essence, dryads give nature essence and that's pretty much it for now. 

Also actually obedience drops if you don't have any loyalty AND girl has strong will. Also low obedience girls may influence other girls in a bad way.


May 8, 2016
If you are at version, then it's unlikely you even managed to get magic arts at journeyman level since its training is bugged there. 

Upgraded to and I still have the same problem. The girl has the skills,  Management: Apprentice, Service: Novice, Magic Arts: Journeyman. But when I bring her with me to the lab as a companion and hit change, nothing happens. It just says "Current assistant — Nobody."  and my only option is the return button. Currently testing it in sandbox if it makes a difference.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
Upgraded to and I still have the same problem. The girl has the skills,  Management: Apprentice, Service: Novice, Magic Arts: Journeyman. But when I bring her with me to the lab as a companion and hit change, nothing happens. It just says "Current assistant — Nobody."  and my only option is the return button. Currently testing it in sandbox if it makes a difference.

Don't you need service - apprentice though? 


May 8, 2016
I meant you had novice in service, but you need apprentice. 

Yeah noticed that and edited my post, it's working now. What I still find odd however is that it didn't say anything about her skills being too low. It did give the correct message for other characters who were lacking in skill.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
Yeah noticed that and edited my post, it's working now. What I still find odd however is that it didn't say anything about her skills being too low. It did give the correct message for other characters who were lacking in skill.

Looks like minor bug in the code. Fixed it.


Active Member
Mar 28, 2016
Is there a way to raise slave stats like Wit and Charm? Or can they only be lowered?


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
Is there a way to raise slave stats like Wit and Charm? Or can they only be lowered?

In current version you can raise courage a bit by winning fights, otherwise no. I'll probably change it a bit later on.


Jun 25, 2016
This looks promising.

What I really love here and that most games of this type are often lacking is that you can also always be a perfectly nice gentleman to the girls working for you - if you don't break and/or brand them, they are basically just "free" (as "free" as a medieval servant can be) people working for you for a home and a warm meal, with all the same mechanics intact (even though you probably did kidnap her off the street^^). You can choose for each girl individually how you treat her, and that's just great :)

I also liked the two events where you can have a girl join you of her own free will - how you treat her afterwards is up to you.

A couple of minor bugs and annoyances (at least to me), just in case if you want to know:

  • If you customize your first girl when starting a new game, the only thing you can't change is, weirdly, her name. Only way to change it is: It gets randomized again whenever her appearance gets randomized - which is kinda annoying.
  • Additionally: If you change the girls age, her appearance (and name) get randomized again for some reason.
  • Can we get a way to see exact version-number ingame (please ignore this if it's there and I'm just blind)? I copied the file in the patch download over the one from the main download, but both were the exact same size... so I'd like some confirmation that I am actually playing the patched game and you didn't accidentally upload the old file.
  • The interface is pretty solid, but doing anything takes way to many clicks on often rather small clickboxes - especially routine-tasks. But I know that those are issues with unfinished games and wont be ironed out until the interface is more final. What I really love is how the info popup-windows are done - they are pretty elegant and quickly dismissed by clicking ANYWHERE instead of having to search for a 'x'-button (other interface-designers, take note here ;-) ).
  • One thing you could really easily do for the interface is widening the distance between the entries in the sidebar on the right a little - it's a little awkward to click on the one you want quickly when you just want to go to the portal (for example) for the 50th time because they are pretty bunched together.
  • Another funny bug: The last names of your girls get shuffled around between them when you loose/give away/... one that wasn't the bottom one on the list ;-)

Oh, and there is at least one way to raise charm in the game already - let me just hint that it's the fox-girls, it involves an action you can spam quite a lot (even though you have to go through 3 menus every time... yeah, yeah, I'm nitpicking, sry... it's a designer's curse...) and they might love you for it ;-)

Got myself the perfect girl from customizing at the start this way - only thing I couldn't bump all the way up was looks, so she is "only" cute^^

EDIT: Oh, one more really, really important thing: Can you, pretty please with a cherry on top, make an option to save to a file at some point? The cookie-save really doesn't work for me. I even opened the game in another browser that I set explicitly to store the cookie, but no dice when running from a locally saved html-file :-( ...had to start over 3 or 4 times already (at least I found more bugs and min-maxing that way^^).
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
  • If you customize your first girl when starting a new game, the only thing you can't change is, weirdly, her name. Only way to change it is: It gets randomized again whenever her appearance gets randomized - which is kinda annoying.

Well you can change name any time in servant panel (rename option). But I also planning to make starting girl creation different and more choice based.

Can we get a way to see exact version-number ingame (please ignore this if it's there and I'm just blind)? I copied the file in the patch download over the one from the main download, but both were the exact same size... so I'd like some confirmation that I am actually playing the patched game and you didn't accidentally upload the old file.

Should be there on top of the very first screen you see. 

One thing you could really easily do for the interface is widening the distance between the entries in the sidebar on the right a little - it's a little awkward to click on the one you want quickly when you just want to go to the portal (for example) for the 50th time because they are pretty bunched together.

I could do that but then menu would be longer and clunkier on the side (are you perhaps playing very high resolution?). 

Another funny bug: The last names of your girls get shuffled around between them when you loose/give away/... one that wasn't the bottom one on the list ;-)

Nice call. Got it. 

Oh, and there is at least one way to raise charm in the game already

Some other races got it too btw. 

EDIT: Oh, one more really, really important thing: Can you, pretty please with a cherry on top, make an option to save to a file at some point? 

The thing is I'm not really responsible for engine, only the game. I'm trying to make the engine creator to add this function, but I'm not really in control here, unless I switch to different engine and this probably won't happen any time soon and i'd need side help with coding at that point. 


Active Member
Nov 1, 2015
The cookie-save really doesn't work for me. I even opened the game in another browser that I set explicitly to store the cookie, but no dice when running from a locally saved html-file

It's not a cookie.

Ensure that you're not running in Incognito mode.  Don't rename the HTML file itself, because its filename forms part of the "save file" name.  The name-sensitivity also means that save-files will be inherently incompatible between game versions, but that's probably a good thing. The save file is just a memory dump, and so the game would probably crash if you were somehow able to load an older save file.

If you've played a lot of HTML games offline then your offline localStorage may already be full.  The default limit is only 5 MB.  It's possible to increase the limit in some browsers; others may give you fewer options (e.g. clear the whole thing and risk losing all of your offline Save files, or manually delete individual entries via SQLite Manager).

If you're having trouble, Google "localstorage <your web browser>".  There may be a default configuration setting which you need to change, or a security feature which demands a whitelist exception.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
New version is out (link in first post)

Fixed couple of bugs and added 'save to string' option.

Added changelog to the game
Added headgirl assignment (can be accessed at 8+ maximum residents)
Added sex button in population screen and shortcut with cumming inside\outside
Added races, futa gender and surname to player character
Added new starting girl generation sequence
Added Apiary for passive mana generation (requires lab and assistant)
Added option to remove surnames on Rename button
Added experience system (exp rewarded for any tasks and fights and allows to learn skills) 
Added couple more options for cheat menu
Renamed Oblivion Potion to Amnesia Potion and added Oblivion Potion to reset resident's skills
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