Stake a Claim (For Archangel99)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Parlind Kingdom. A small mass of land held by a minor king and consisting of mostly grasslands with the occasional tuft of forest here and there. This is Dryvus Maxin's home land. Born and raised here he knows the place like the back of his hand. Normally such a small place would not be very eventful, but it is actually a brewing point for bandits and other such low life to lay low after commit higher crimes in higher stakes lands. Thankfully for Dryvus this means his work as a freelancer is fairly lucrative with small villages willing to pay fair mount of gold to remove highway men and looters. Work has been fairly consistent but as of now things have been getting rather slow and money is running low.

Dryvus find himself in Swalder town, a small settlement that thrives on the border of the kingdom. It makes a fair amount of profit due to most travelers making their first and last stop there on their way through the kingdom. Dryvus has recieved a letter from the mayor, a sleezy little man by the name of Carl Ruckus, about some issues with the roads again. Dryvus has done work with Carl before, always him asking for someone else to be removed...but at least he pays. For now, Dryvus is in the market square which is fairly active as people go about their business. The mayors home is in the north side of the city.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus looks at the letter in his hand, which he found under his door when he woke up. "So... The cunt needs my help. Again." Dryvus sighs. "I suppose I'd best get down there and see what he wants." He starts walking to the mayor's house, checking out goods in the market as he takes his time, trying to be as late as possible without being outright rude. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Roughly ten minutes after the written meeting time, Dryvus ends up at the Mayors house. With a swift knock the door opens to reveal Carl himself. His greasy black hair in combed back, his expensive clothes kept pristine and his face is as rat-ish as ever.

"Bout time you got here you great big lout. Get in, I got problems and you got muscle!" Ugh, his nasasly voice is like nails on a chalk board. At least his house is nice, standing three stories tall with no expense spared at lining it with finery, rugs and other such needless extravagance. He moves over to his living room and sits down in his chair, folding one leg over the other and tossing a map with a marker point north east from the town. "Normally, I need you to remove problem people...but not this time. Several of my traders and caravans both leaving and coming back have vanished in that area. It must be a large group of bandits or something, cause these are armed caravans ya know? So I want you to go to that point on the map, find who is doing, kill the stupid meddling idiots, reclaim my caravans and get back here with nothing but good news! Think you can handle that?"

The journey would be easy, maybe a day of solid travel by foot, longer for heavy caravans though. Biggest pain would just be moving through the trees and dealing without whoever is there.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus lets out a small breath. "Should be easy enough. Entire caravans, you say? That does sound rather suspicious..." He looks up and meets Carl's glare with a frozen one of his own. "You want me to leave now or...?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Of course I do you twit! Time is money and these bastards are taking up both from me! Move it! Go!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus simply stands and leaves without another word, closing the door after himself. As soon as he does, he turns, flips off the door, and starts muttering obscenities at Carl, most of which have the words 'stupid fat fuck' in them. "Well, I suppose I should get started." He walks to the main gate of the town, the first leg of his journey. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The journey out tot he marked location is fairly easy and calm. The weather is on his side and he gets there early in the morning on the next day. Immediately Dryvus can tell something is horrible wrong. The caravans are here but none of the pople. Horses that once pulled the caravans graze lazily on the grass nearby. Stranger still is the lack of if everyone just suddenly vanish without a struggle! There are no foot prints to follow either. This entire area has a rather eerie feel to is, like ruins of a castle destroyed by war.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Well ain't that just fucking odd." Dryvus starts walking around, looking for clues as to where the occupants possibly could have gone. 

[Permission to do a discern realities roll?] 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
[Permission granted, show me your roll. As we don't have stats down we will just use the dice totals, no mods]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Alas, it seems Dryvus is having an off moment. He looks and looks all over the place but just can't find anything indicating what went wrong. Nearly an hours passes and he turns up nothing of any real value and the frustration is starting to set in. It is at this moment that he hears a twig snap behind him in the forest and a pair of eyes peering at him through a bush.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He keeps his cool, but rests his hands on his kamas and turns. "Hey. I mean no harm. Could you please come out? I need to know what happened here."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
It's...a thing? What is that? It can't be more than three feet tall, red skin, black hair, little bat wings on its back and clawed feet. It's eyes are solid yellow and despite it's small body, it sports hefty C cup breasts and a moist slit slowly drips between it's legs.

"You are a human right? You look like one and you smell like one. So you have to be one. I have never seen one myself though. So, are you a human?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"I... Am. What are you? I haven't seen your kind before." Dryvus crouches and holds out a hand. "I'm Dryvus. And you are...?"

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yes! I found a human!" The little creature skips over to him and shakes his hand with as much vigor as her tiny body can muster. "I am an imp! there are lots of my kind back home. Oh this is great! You have to come with me!" She tugs on his hand but lacks the power to move him at all. "Come on! I can show everyone back home that Zenny is no push over!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Er... Okay... I suppose I can come along for a while." Dryvus starts walking with Zenny to wherever she seems so eager to take him, and he is a little surprised by her bubbly nature, but he knows that she knows something. Nevertheless, he can't help but get a little aroused at the sight of the naked woman leading him on. 

Common sense: Something is definitely very wrong here... But I have to go. Maybe she knows something or someone who can tell me where the people went. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The bubbly imp drags him along into the forest for maybe fifteen minutes and by the time Dryvus has notcied, the road is gone and he has no idea where he is. He doesn't have much time to contemplate that however, as Zenny soon comes to a stop in front of a large Granite boulder sitting in the middle of a large patch of scortched ground. "Ok mister, don't you go anywhere, I need to open the door again." She goes over to the rock and starts poking at it, looking a tad confused herself.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus looks around one last time before finally giving up hope and deciding that he really is lost. However... That butt bending over that rock does look rather enticing, bouncing and swaying as Zenny moved around the rock. Dryvus wonders how long it has been since he last had sex. Probably too long. The erection straining at his pants can't be ignored anymore... 

"Hm. Actually, I think I'm going to just stay riiiight here..." He murmurs, before moving up behind Zenny and grabbing her arms to slam  them against the rock. "And so are you." He grins devilishly before pressing his straining boner against her bubble butt. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The little imp squeaks and wiggles against him but has no hopes of escapeing the much stronger and large man. "Hey! What are you doing back there?! Let me go, i gotta open the door!" A blush covers her cheeks fading them purple. " that your dick?! No way, I thought humans were smaller than that!" She wiggles more but all that does it grind her ass against his erection.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Most are. Me? I'm a little blessed down south." He growls into her ear before unzipping his pants and letting his dick plop onto her ass. "Now you choose... Here?" He prods her tight looking backdoor with his girthy penis. "Or here?" He rubs his dick over her pussy lips. "Choose quickly. Or I might make that decision for you. Or don't. It will just be a better surprise." He chuckles. "Hurry up little creature. Or I might just start with this wonderful looking asshole here..." He says, grinding against her butt. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Umm, can I choose neither, have you let me go, open the door and take you back to my village?" She says with a hopeful smile.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus laughs cruelly. "No chance, bitch. We'll go, but only after I'm done with you!" He grabs her by the shoulders and lines his dick up with her backdoor. "Well, maybe you can shake loose the answer to how to get to your home when my dick is rattling your skull." He grins and spits onto her asshole before pressing his dick in. His grin spreads wider as he feels her tight ass trying to stretch to accommodate his girth. "Don't tell me. You've never had anything back here?!" He laughs with delight. "Oh, this is going to be soooo much fun..." He spits a few more times onto his dick so that he can glide in a little easier. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"No! It's too big! Take it out!" She screams as she squirms in his grasp. Despite her protests her pussy gets even wetter and much to Dryvus' surprise, her ass seems to have a natural lubricant of it's own, making penetration and the inevitable movement very easy! Even more so, her ass seems to be stretching better than one of her size should be able to she was meant to be fucked! Her tightness though is definitely virginal, a fresh hot ass ripe for the taking!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus laughs. "Take it out? No way! We're just getting started!" He roughly slams the rest of his length into her ass, making her squeal with pain and pleasure. "I don't know what you are... But the way your ass is acting right now, I don't really care." He allows Zenny a few seconds of rest to get adjusted to his girth. While doing so, he leans down and whispers into her ear. "I'm going to make this feel so good, you're going to want to take it up your ass for the rest of your damned life." He then begins to thrust in and out slowly, and his hands crawl down from Zenny's shoulders to grope her breasts, before grabbing her nipples and twisting, hard.

 Hearing a steady 'drip-drip-drip' sound, he looks down to see that her pussy juice has made a nicely sized puddle between her shaking legs. "Oh! Getting off on this, are you? I knew you were a buttslut from the moment I laid my eyes on you!" He crows. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Zenny lets out a constant Mmph, mmph, mmph in rythm with her thrusts. He small body is able to take his entire length with ease but the tightness is near painful for Dryvus. Her pussy twitches and squeezes as her arousal builds under his harsh actions but no more complaints are voice...probably cause she simply can't talk at this point. She squeals in blissful pain as her nipples are cruelly twisted and tuged by his strong rugged hands which causes a small spray of girl cum to land on his balls the next time he hilts...the imp just had an orgasm.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He growls in pleasure, the little imp's tightly wringing ass affording him heights of pleasure no normal woman could. He pulls her off the rock and throws her to the ground, her upraised ass with its slightly gaping dark star fueling his dark desires even further. He spreads her asscheeks wide before plunging back in, one hand keeping her ass spread invitingly for his dick, and the other playing with Zenny's clit. "Enjoying it, bitch? Don't think I didn't notice the way you came back there!" He laughs, reveling in the feeling of the insensate imp's ass around his cock. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Hah...hah!...HAH! No! I'm not! Pull it out!" She whines and tries to crawl away but he is so quick spear her ass with his dick that she doesn't get more than an inch of distance. Pleasure quickly drowns out pain and her body switches to auto pilot, her insides squeezing at his cock and trying to pull it in as deep as possible. Her ass is practically drooling lubricant, giving him complete free reign over her ass hole. By now the rest of her has gone limp, flopping uselessly against the ground as she is ravaged again and again.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Oh yes you are. Don't try to hide it from me, you little slut!" He growls, picking up the pace and pounding her even harder. "Gonna show everyone that you aren't a pushover, eh? Well who's ass is sucking my cock in now?!" He cries, taunting her. He cups his hands around her breasts and lifts her up off the ground. Using her nipples as leverage, he continues to thrust into her ass, using her as his personal onahole.

 "Cum again, bitch. Cum to the feeling of my cock stirring up your insides!" He bites her neck, not hard enough to draw blood, but hard enough to cause some pain and leave a mark, his sharp teeth leaving indentations in her red skin. Out of the corner of his eyes, he sees her eyes roll back into her head and her tongue loll out. He isn't sure if she passed out, but continues fucking her ass violently for a few minutes more until he cums, spraying her insides with his cum.