Stake a Claim (For Archangel99)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The normal bliss of orgasm is..strange with this one. Yes he gets his load off and yes her belly swells with his large load...but it feels like her body is milking his cock, sucking more and more out of him for nearly a minute, leaving him dry and a dull ache in his balls. Zenny however, is out like a light. unused to anal and such rough treatment, she is limp in his arms, a constant stream of girl cum leaking from her slit. It takes nearly five minute before she regains her sense. Before Dryvus can react she jumps off his cock and flies out of his reach with her wings. "You are a big meany! Now my butt hurts really bad!" A purple light shines in her hand as she throws it at the rock, a purple swirling portal opens and begins dragging him inside!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Oh shit!" Is all Dryvus manages to get out before the portal sucks him in, taking him to lands unknown. There is a feeling of being violently tugged in all directions, and his breath leaves his lungs. All he can see is that he appears to be in some giant tornado, images of landscapes flashing around him like shards from a broken mirror. It isn't long before he passes out from lack of oxygen. 

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Slowly and painfully, reality bleeds back into Dryvus' mind. The sound of birds chirping and other forest sounds rings out around him. Was he still at the rock? As he opens his eyes and takes in the land the head ache pounds his mind like a hammer at steel. The rock is nowhere to be seen and this isn't the same forest he was in before. In fact, this entire world seems off. Getting up to a sitting position he immediatly sees a person sitting on a stump near by. A tall woman with light purple skin, black heels for feet, black hair, shiny black gloves on her hands and a voluptuous body that no human woman could match. If that wasn't strange enough, the foot long cock she has buried in some sort of flower is certainly a new sight to behold. She notices his waking and turns around.

"Oh, so you are the one Zenny brought in! So glad to see you awake at last. Welcome to our home of Kreseil! Things are different hear but I don't feel like explaining why." She gets up and hilts her cock in the flower, spraying what must be the world biggest load of cum down it's vine before pulling off and facing him. "I will say this though...this place has a way of changing you. It is really fun! Here, i will get you started!" She points her finger at him and purple light surrounds his body. The change is very minor, some of his muscle tone and mass fades away. Dryvus feels just as strong as before, but it is less noticable. "There! just a little change at first. Now, I have a home far to the west, past the great swamp. If you can get there and still be in control of yourself...I will grant you three wishes! I wouldn't reccomend going their now though..oh no, the people there will have you locked up and hungry for cock in minutes!" She giggles and steps back.

"Best of luck! Don't turn into a mindless cum slut! ...or do, then come find me, my harem could alwasy be bigger!" With a snap of her fingers Dryvus is alone once again.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"What... The fuck... Just happened...?" Dryvus groans. He flops back onto the ground and stares up at the sky for a few minutes, trying to process what just happened. Then he sits up and surveys the land around him. Sure, it's a normal looking forest, but that plant... He stares at the plant the demonic woman was fucking. It still dripped obscene amounts of cum past its... Petals? They looked more like a pussy. How odd. He stands up and looks around, trying to discern any landmarks he can travel to. He sure as hell wasn't going west, that was for sure. That crazy woman obviously had something cooked up. But, a thought suddenly strikes Dryvus. She and Zenny, they looked almost the same. Zenny was probably an inferior version of whatever species that woman happened to be. 

"I guess I should start exploring. Get a bit of the lay of the land." He murmurs to himself, then turns in a circle, looking for the highest spot of terrain that can be seen, so that he can get a better look at the land he was now in. Well, at least I had a nice welcome party. He chuckles, remembering Zenny's wonderful ass. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Right now Dryvus is in a clearing in the forest. A large rock is nearby that could serve as a land mark should he choose to mark it some how. Various plants and trees are all around him, most being simple vegetation but there are some with alternative measures. Pussy flowers and vines shaped like various cocks are spotted about. 

[Roll for discern reality again, 2 D6 plus wis mod.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Hmph, a forest is still just a forest, no matter how messed up it might be. Jumping up on the rock helps Dryvus as he quickly gets his barings. North, east, south and west are now in his mind giving him a fine sense of direction. Sadly with all the vegetation around, her can't see what is in those directions only their position for him. The demon lady said that west would chew him up for good, so best avoid that until later if he even wants to go there. Everything else is fair game. Of course, he could just explore the forest more. Who knows what is in here?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus decides to explore the forest, hopping down from the rock and taking exactly ten paces northward, and turning slightly. He then starts to walk with measured, even paces, scouting out the forest in an ever-widening spiral, wondering what he would find. 

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Dryvus wanders for a while, finding nothing but plants and small creatures. In is getting kind of boring. Tree, bush, palnt, pussy flower, tree..ugh. You would think a land that 'changes you' would be more exciting! It is at this point however, that something soft and heavy crashes into the back of his head, knocking him to the floor before rolling away. Looking up reveals another small person, standing four feet tall, green skin, dark blue hair, pink eyes, wearing nothing but a leather bikini and wielding a wooden club. Her body is rather cushy looking, with D cup breasts and a pillowy looking ass all on a slightly thick body with lovely curves. 

"Ha! A human so far out into the forest? You are mine! First I will beat you down, then get you hooked on my potions. You will be my breeding stallion forever!" She lifts her club and prepars to attack!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus unhooks his deadly kamas from his belt. "Is that so? Bring it on, bitch!" He growls, baring his sharp teeth at her. 

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The goblin charges forward and...misses her swing! She went for the legs but Dryvus has experiance and jumped backwards to dodge!

[I am using dice to determine enemy hits and effects...just as a heads up]


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016

Dryvus kicks out powerfully, aiming for the little goblin's stomach, then lunging forward and swinging with his kama held upside down, seeking to stun her rather than lop her head off. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The gobin girl dodges to the side, avoiding the kick but takes the blunt end of his kama to the shoulder. She rolls across the ground and quickly jumps back to her feet. She glares angrily and jumps at Dryvus.

Her club comes down hard on his left shoulder, forcing him to drop one of his kamas! that will leave a bruise in the morning!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"You're really gonna pay for that..." Dryvus swings the kama hard, aiming for the club, hooks the kama around it, twists, and rips it out of the goblin's hand. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The club goes spinning out of her hand and into the bushes. her eyes go wide as she is not unarmed against a now very angry enemy and quickly tries to scamper off and get her weapon. However, the moment she turns to run, a cock vine finds it's way around her ankle and she falls flat on her face, rump sticking up into the air.

[Oh gods she rolled a 2!]


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016

Dryvus takes deep breaths, trying to calm down the bloodlust coursing through his veins and reducing the pounding drumbeat in his head. Instead of jumping her, he decides to sit down. He sits with his legs crossed and watches the scene with interest, reclaiming his dropped kama as he sits. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"No! Not now you stupid thing! let me go -Mmph!" A second cock vine slides down from above and quickly shoves it'self into her mouth, and throat by that buldge, quickly cutting off her protest.  That is when the frenzy starts. Countless cock vines swarm out of bushes and trees. Several warp around her legs, pulling them spread eagle. Three wrap around her arms and tug them behind her back while the third wraps around her wrists and hands. Two vines push forward and slam into her pussy at the same time taking turns thrusting in and pulling out while another very thick one forces into her ass giving her what must be a painful stretch. Even more come out, wrapping around her breasts and squeezing them firmly, a very small one wraps around her clit and tugs at it..hell, one is even pushing into her navel! It is probably the most savage gang bang Dryvus has ever seen.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus lets an evil grin slide into his face, content to watch. Then, after a few minutes of watching the gangbang, he gets up and walks around to the goblin's face. "If I get you free, will you agree to work for me for however long I'm going to be here?" He says, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Blink once for no, and blink twice for yes!" He calls out in a singsong, taunting voice, laughing at the goblin's predicament. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Despite her current prediciment, she glares at Dryvus and blinks once. That blink is short lived as the vine in her as sinks even deeper and the one in her mouth starts slowly pouring something directly into her stomach that makes her face go red and her body is forced to relax in the vicious assault.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Mmm... You sure you don't want my help? I could just... Leave you here to be fucked for days on end... Until you die of dehydration or your mind breaks. Or you agree to my terms, and I cut you free. Service to me isn't as bad as... Well, that." He points to the tentacles currently mounting an alien invasion on her holes. "So what do you think? Get your mind broken by tentacles or die of dehydration, or come and serve me?" Dryvus cocks his head to the side, wondering if the goblin would really be so stupid as to refuse his offer. But then again, goblins are known for being pretty fucking stupid. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She stalls for a moment as she shudders in orgasm, which only makes the plants move faster. She then looks at him with panicked eyes and blinks twice.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Smart choice." He stands up and quickly and efficiently starts chopping the tentacles off, and hooking a kama around her neck so she doesn't run off. Then, he turns her to face him. "What's your name?"
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The goblin hits the floor and gasps, coughing up an amber sap that must have been pouring into her stomach. When she gets her breath she sits up and looks at him. "...Altra."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus flips the kama and sticks it into his belt. "I'm Dryvus." He extends his hand for her to shake as well as use as help to stand up. "You okay?" He looks her up and down. "Well, more or less, anyway."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She looks at his hand cautiously and takes it to stand up. "Well, my stomach is way too full and my ass is probably gaped for a few days..but other wise yes, i am fine."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus looks down at her for a while. "Do you know your way around this place? I really need a guide." He says with his most charming smile, which, unfortunately, creeped most people out, as it displayed his sharp teeth. Unfortunately for him, he never noticed. "And I was lucky to find one so close by. Even if she did try to brain me, get me addicted to her potions, and turn me into a breeding stallion." He smiles wryly, making light of the matter. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She gives an embarrassed laugh. "Umm...yea....sorry about that. I know this place well. I could guide you out of here if that is what you want. Or were you looking for something specific?" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus shrugs. "Not really anything specific. I just want to wander around, get a lay of the land. And seeing as what happened back there..." He thumbs over his shoulder to the tentacles. "I'm lucky I found someone to help me around this place."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Altra brushes herself off and looks around. "Right. Well watch out for the cock vines, they can be fun but clusters will rape you for days on end. They never kill you as they feed you this really sweet sap, but it will most certainly break your mind. Pussy flower is safe though, use those if you want. umm, don't chop down any trees for they might be a dryads home and a pissed of dryad is not something you want to deal with. Or worse yet, it is an tree monster." She taps her chin in thought. "As for places of note there is the fungus cave to the south full of for a while but don't let them take root, Moonlight grove is to the west a ways...nothing there at day but during the night aluranes like to gather there and sing. East is the great lake, lots of shark girls, slimes, and anyone else who might be there for some reason. North is nothing, just plants and what not as far as I know. that is pretty much the forest in a nut shell. Other goblins like me should be around though we are loners."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Well... Let's head to the lake. Been a long time since I was near a lake. I used to go swimming in the lake near my house in the summer, you know? Man, the water was icy!" Dryvus says wistfully, staring off into space with a slight smile playing on his lips. "Come on. Lead the way, Alta."