Stake a Claim (For Archangel99)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The second slap earns something Dryvus wasn't expecting...a lusty moan from the shark girl! Gawd wasn't kidding, they like it rough! Her tail stays up on it's own now and her pussy rapidly moistens before his eyes. "No...not any many limp dick bastards around here. No one strong enough."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Indeed... I suppose I can fix that for you." He says, grinning, then gets to his knees. "But first, I wanna play a little..." Dryvus spreads her ass wide, exposing her winking star and dripping folds. He leans in, drawing one single digit through her wet folds. A tiny little shiver passes through the shark girl's body. Smirking, he presses the lubed up finger against her ass. "You got a choice... Vaginal or anal?" He murmurs, his fingers prodding both her holes but not quite penetrating them. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The shark girl is silent for a while before she suddenly puts her face down, reaches back and spreads her pussy wide open. "V-vaginal!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus grins, lining his already hard dick up with her pussy and roughly shoving it in, accompanied by a hard slap to her ass with one hand and the fingers of the other worming their way into her tight asshole. He doesn't give her time to rest, immediately picking up the pace, slapping her ass with one hand and thrusting his fingers in and out of her ass in time with his strokes. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Teh shark girl squeals and pushes back against his member, eager for more of that big dick. The rough treatment only seemed to spur her onward, moaning and drooling like a slut. Her pussy is pleasingly tight while her ass is just about as tight as Zenny's from before! Her breasts press into the ground below and each thrust drags them cross the ground just a few inches, but it is enough to get more juices out of the shark girl.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus nods at the giantess, signalling her to come forward. Suddenly, he ceases all movement, only lightly caressing one cheek of the shark girl's butt. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Gawd grins and turs toward them, her massive legs on either side as she ditches her loin cloth to reveal her large pussy, already wet from the sight of them.

The shark girl looks back at Dryvus. "Why did you stop? I was finally feeling good!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"I'm going to continue on one condition." He points to Gawd's pussy. "Get to work!" He signals Alta to come over too, and she does. "Alta, on my signal, I want you to get under Sharky here and treat her rough. Pinch her nipples, play with her breasts, whatever. Just keep her moaning." Dryvus winks and gives a quick pat to Alta's butt to send her ahead. "Oh wait. Alta, hand me your club for a sec." She does, and Dryvus takes it, examining the hilt. "Yep. This'll do."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Uhh, alright then. Whenever you say go boss."

The shark girl looks at her enemy then back at Dryvus. With a resigned sigh she leas forward and lightly licks at Gawds pussy. Gawd just rolls her eyes, reaches down and shoves the shark girl inside of her up to her shoulders. "Ah! There we go! Squirm around more!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Dryvus raises his eyebrows in surprise, but shrugs. Should have seen that coming. He nods to Alta, and then picks up her club and insistently presses it down hilt-first into the shark girl's asshole. It slides in easily, thanks to the stretching his fingers had given her earlier. Then, he goes back to his original rough pace, slapping her ass in time with his thrusts, and using the other hand to force the hilt of the club deeper into the shark girl's ass. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The shark girl squeals inside of Gawd and forces herself back out, only for god to grab her head and push it against her clit. With a reluctant look she opens wide and starts servicing the giant in front of her while moaning at such a rough treatment. Altra slides under the shark and grips her tits firmly, twisting and pulling at the shark girls nipples with reckless abandon. All this extra treatment causes her pussy to clamp down on Dryvus' cock even harder as she suddenly hits orgasm, her girl cum squirting out and onto his the remains of his chest piece. The club is about half way into her ass but is now impossible to get any further without causing some permanent gaping.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Poor Dryvus was unprepared for the sudden assault of the spasming muscles around his dick. He groans, feels his dick twitch once, twice, and finally burst a load into the shark girl's waiting pussy. He gives a few more token thrusts before pulling out and yanking the club out with him. Exhausted from his recent battle and the sex that followed so soon after, not to mention he hadn't slept thanks to everything that had happened, he only managed to groan out "Keep her there." before passing out on the warm, comfortable sand. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Dryvus falls asleep to the sounds of the shark girl being forced to pleasure the giant while her tits are tormented by Altra. He awakens several hours later to find himself cleaned up and dressed once again. Gawd is still here, naked and soaking up the last fragments of sun light. Altra is off to the side playing with the purple slime actually playing with her, it seems they are playing patty cake. Though it doesn't last long as by the time Dryvus sits up, the slime has Altras lower half inside her body and is fucking both her holds while Altra moans in bliss.

Gawd looks over to him and smile. "Hey, there is our victor, have a good nap?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Ugh. Yeah. I suppose so. Where's Sharky? "Dryvus looks over to Alta. "And how the fuck did THAT happen? What did I miss while I was asleep...?" Dryvus groans and stands up on shaky legs, steadying himself against the giantess' thigh. "From what I remember, I fucked a shark girl. Proooobably knocked her up. Also recall something about a payment." Dryvus grins up at Gawd. "And an extra hundred for getting her to lick your pussy. Like I said, whatever you need, I'm your man!" He says, bowing with a flourish. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Gawd chuckles and hands him a large coin purse. "There you go, four hundred dons. Well deserved if you ask me. As for them..well that is just what happens when you spend time with slime girls. They are very friendly and will never harm people in any serious way, but they constantly desire cum of any kind. So it played with Altra as she wanted and is now taking her payment. Don't worry about them, the slime will let go after an orgasm or five." She hums happily and rubs her belly. "As for 'Sharky' she is currently inside of me. She is very talented and I came several times with her mouth. I didn't feel like activly holding her so I shoved her into my vagina. Right now she is asleep inside my womb. If I had to guess, yea, you got her pregnant alright. Congratulations!" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Wha-? W-wait. She's INSIDE you? Er... Isn't she going to... I don't know, suffocate in there?" Dryvus asks, stunned by the fact that the woman had actually managed to fit the entire shark girl into her. "Can you... Spit her back out or something? I want to talk to her. Oh, and of course, my thanks to you for this." Dryvus jiggles the coin pouch and smirks. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Gawd chuckles and she begins contracting her vaginal muscles. "Normally yes, there is no air flow obviously. But there is a reason I have such a silly name. Most giants are named Thron, Graug, Taila and other such simple names. I am called Gawd because I am not simple." A ball of light appears in her hand and floats over to Dryvus. The moment it touches him it fades away but he suddenly feels much healthier! "I can do magic. so a simple spell and she has several days worth of air!" With a sigh she reaches into her pussy with two fingers and pulls out the shark girl, covered in girl cum. She stirs and her eyes slowly open before wincing at the dull sun.

"I'm out? But...oh. Has it alwasy been this cold out here?" The shark girl seems a little addled right now, but mostly clear in the head.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The shark girly lazily looks at him and rubs her eyes as her mental capabilities come back to her. "Oh, it's you, mister choke hold. What's up?" He demener has returned to casual since the vigorous fucking.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Mister choke hold? Is that gonna be a regular nickname now?" Dryvus shakes his head. "Anyway, I just wanted to ask a couple of things." Dryvus holds up a finger. "One, what's your name? And two," He says, holding up a second finger. "Did you enjoy?" He says, grinning. "And three..." He holds up a third finger." I was just thinking, I could use a girl with your skills. Want to join me?" He asks. "If you want..." He leans close and whispers lustily into her ear. "I can fuck you like that... Every... Night. Aaaalll night long." He pulls away and looks expectantly at the shark girl with a slight smile. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She looks at him, then at Gawd, then the lack and back to him. She shrugs. "Sure, why the hell not? My name is Frasia, yes I enjoyed that...first real fuck I have had in a long time. As for your second will! Other wise I will get bored and come back here." She puts a hand on her stomach "Oh shit...uhhh, hang on." She gets up and runs over to the water and quickly dives in. A minute later she comes back with a soaked bag in her hand and eating something. "Since you aren't the type to pull out I need some of this stuff. Called numb weed, only grows under water. Eat it before or after sex to stop pregnancy. Unless you want to knock me up in which Not now any way. Maybe later in the far future when you prove your worth in more than just combat."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"More than just combat? Hm. Interesting." Dryvus smiles, then stands up and walks over to Altra, looking down at the goblin's blissed out face, and then at the slime. "Mind letting her go in a while? We kinda have to leave." He turns back to Frasia. "First, we're gonna head to the city. I need some new armor," He says, tilting his head to the patch of bare skin where Frasia had ripped out the armor and the cloth beneath. "And... Maybe something less... Deadly." He says somberly, glancing down at his kamas. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Frasia nods. "Yea, that is why I use my fists. Much easier to control how much punishment you deal out that way."

The slime frowns at Dryvus but nods all the same. Altra squeals in one last orgasm before the slime genlty sets her on the floor with a kiss. She then scoots off, happily full of cum once again.

Altra slowly gets to her feet with a smile. "Love me some slime fun! So, what is going on?" She looks at Frasia. "Oh, you coming along too? Neat. More people to fight while I hide."

Gawd chuckles at them and waves. "nice meeting you all. Come by any time, i am here fairly often."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"See you later, Gawd." Dryvus calls out, waving. Motioning to his companions to follow him, he sets off in the direction of the city of Toy'la. As they walk, he asks Frasia and Alta to tell him a little more about themselves. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The two girls follow after him. Altra speaks up first. "Well, I was born with seven sisters. i grew up in this forest and have never ventured to the other lands other than the grasslands to find some lone travelers for a quicky. Until you showed up, I just patrolled around the forest and hung out with slime girls. A simple but happy life I assure you! I don't have any real combat skills...other than brute force but even that is lacking. I am rather good at alchemy though! So if you get your hands on a mobile brewer set i can put it to use!

Frasia chimes in next. "Well, I was born at Oasis, a small settlement in the desert lands. My mother got knocked up by a naga guy out there and didn't want to make the trip back with a child in her belly. So I grew up there till I was eight. Then she pulled some strings, sucked some dicks, and we got safe passage here. That was fourteen years ago. Since then I just hang out with those other shark girls and swim around. It was honestly getting very dull. I know my way around a fight and can punch harder than a minotaur! Wouldn't mind some gauntlets though to bring up my power.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Seven sisters? Wow. That's... Quite a brood. Alchemy... Well let's see if we can find something in the city to help you with that. Would be nice to have a regenerative potion or maybe something that would give me a temporary boost of strength." He says to Alta. 

Then, he turns to Frasia. "First off, I'm surprised sharks can even live in a desert." He chuckles. "It is a little sad that your mom got raped, but..." He looks over Frasia. "Somehow, I doubt she regretted it." He smiles. "As for the gauntlets, we'll see if we can find something like that in the city. Myself, I'm planning to get a staff. I know how to use one pretty well, plus it's better than killing people off. Just knock them out so I can have fun with them later." He chuckles again, a wide grin on his face. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Frasia smiles at that. "That is the spirit! Fuck them, don't kill them! Also, she wasn't raped, I was an accident... 'the best accident in the world' she would joke." She chuckles and follows along. "Well, lets pick up the pace, i am excited now!"

The trip north to the grasslands really only takes a few hours before the forest fades and they are in wide open grasslands. It is mostly flat with only a few trees and bushes dotted about. In the distance they can see large stone walls that must be Toy'la city. Both Frasia and Altra smile in anticipation. Altra speaks up as they move forward. "Keep your eyes open. While this place is mostly harmless, there are a few things out here looking for a quick lay and don't take no for an answer. For example, Hyena hunters....they are not nice. They are completely female tribal hunters that steal men and use them for breeding and status."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yikes. I hope we don't meet one. More for their sake than mine." Dryvus murmurs, just loud enough for them to hear. They both nod in agreement. "Let's just hurry. The sooner we get there, the better. I can't risk another Invunche. Not now. Not so soon." He says, picking up the pace and lightly jogging towards the city. 

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The girls manage to follow his pace and thankfully they come to the city gates. Two guards, both minotaurs, stand at the ready. When they approach one steps foward and speeks in a deep rumbling voice. "Sorry sir, but I need to scan you real quick. New security measures put in place by the Duke General." He takes out a white cyrstal and waves it in front of Dryvus. it glows and a small pruple cloud apperas in the center. The guard frowns. "Ok, you are cleared to pass...but heed my warning sir, demons are sexy and all, but no matter what you do, fucking one has consequences."

The guards step aside so they can pass.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"I raped an imp before I came here." Dryvus murmurs to Frasia as an explanation. Then, he walks into the city.