So would you wanna live there or what?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I probably wouldn't touch mods other than non-sexual ones, e.g. ones that would improve my vision, retain youth, etc.
My thoughts exactly. I'd have more than enough if I could go back after visiting Ceria for an everlasting, perfect hairdressing session, taking a couple of Lemon Loftcakes and possibly training at the Arbetz Travel Agency for some minor increase in tone and decrease in thickness. I'd take some EasyFit with me at best, since trying ManUp and Knot a Problem would be awkward IRL.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
That's not how carbon dating works in the slightest. Especially since that shit doesn't work on living things.

Yes, it works on living things. It would prove we're from the XXI century because of nuclear testing, which spiked the C14 present in our atmosphere and we measured it, which means from that point onwards it's possible to determine a person's year of birth using carbon dating, on top of that person's age.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Yes, it works on living things. It would prove we're from the XXI century because of nuclear testing, which spiked the C14 present in our atmosphere and we measured it, which means from that point onwards it's possible to determine a person's year of birth using carbon dating, on top of that person's age.
Still being alive throws carbon dating out a window as far as being a useful measure goes because you're still exchanging carbon with your environment.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
You would still be going into a universe that would be 1000 years ahead of what you know.
Compare languages, which are always evolving. You look at the manuscript that Beowulf is written on, its over 1000 years old and one of the oldest examples of Old English that still survives to this day. Its still readable, but you basically need a university degree to read it.
Imagine come for 1017 and trying to read text from today, actually imagine someone trying to read something like Moby Dick or something by HP Lovecraft. Now put yourself into the shoes of that poor schmuck as you get transported at least 1000 years into the future. Would you be able to read the language? Understand the signs?

You'd be looking at a reeducation that would probably last several years. Would it be worth it?


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Still being alive throws carbon dating out a window as far as being a useful measure goes because you're still exchanging carbon with your environment.

The higher levels would be more than enough to prove who you say you are, but in this case, the teeth and neurons are what's used to carbon date living things.

You would still be going into a universe that would be 1000 years ahead of what you know.
Compare languages, which are always evolving. You look at the manuscript that Beowulf is written on, its over 1000 years old and one of the oldest examples of Old English that still survives to this day. Its still readable, but you basically need a university degree to read it.
Imagine come for 1017 and trying to read text from today, actually imagine someone trying to read something like Moby Dick or something by HP Lovecraft. Now put yourself into the shoes of that poor schmuck as you get transported at least 1000 years into the future. Would you be able to read the language? Understand the signs?

You'd be looking at a reeducation that would probably last several years. Would it be worth it?

Aren't those nanobots supposed to act as some kind of universal translators? Besides, picking up new languages isn't very difficult if you're thrown directly into the fray. People have been know to learn to speak and write a new language on a basic level in a few months.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
You're still assuming that for all the advancement made in 1000+ years, someone from a contemporary period would have little difficulty adapting to a whole universe being opened up to them. But can you acclimatise someone to such a rapid and expansive change? Consider how much technology and how we think has changed in the past century; half century; quarter century; even the last 15 years. Consider how quickly people can be left behind in the pace of such technological change. Consider how much information people are going to have to digest before they'll even be allowed out the door of where they've been staying in.

There's also the matter of the whole 1000+ years of history. Anno's Ghost Deck mission mentions Bell-Isle/Grunmann and the United States. Bell-Isle/Grunmann is considered something of a historical footnote but no one remembers one of the nations that was the driving force of the 20th century and the early 21st century. If you were someone brought forward into the TiTSverse, that would be a pretty big blow, and one to remind you of the fact that everyone you knew was dead. Everything you knew was gone, those values and ideals would no longer matter. Everything you would see would be a constant reminder that you mean nothing, you life before meant nothing, you're just a speck of dust in a very big, very cold universe. That would be a massive headfuck for anyone. The real question would be if they're able to survive that realisation.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
You're still assuming that for all the advancement made in 1000+ years, someone from a contemporary period would have little difficulty adapting to a whole universe being opened up to them. But can you acclimatise someone to such a rapid and expansive change? Consider how much technology and how we think has changed in the past century; half century; quarter century; even the last 15 years. Consider how quickly people can be left behind in the pace of such technological change. Consider how much information people are going to have to digest before they'll even be allowed out the door of where they've been staying in.

There's also the matter of the whole 1000+ years of history. Anno's Ghost Deck mission mentions Bell-Isle/Grunmann and the United States. Bell-Isle/Grunmann is considered something of a historical footnote but no one remembers one of the nations that was the driving force of the 20th century and the early 21st century. If you were someone brought forward into the TiTSverse, that would be a pretty big blow, and one to remind you of the fact that everyone you knew was dead. Everything you knew was gone, those values and ideals would no longer matter. Everything you would see would be a constant reminder that you mean nothing, you life before meant nothing, you're just a speck of dust in a very big, very cold universe. That would be a massive headfuck for anyone. The real question would be if they're able to survive that realisation.

Yeah we would be baffled of course, but as I said previously, we've integrated people from primitive jungle tribes to modern society, we're talking about stone age tech there and the TiTS universe seems to have special protocols for that too, uplifting. So, in a sense you'll just have to go through the uplifting program. There is at least two examples, the zil call girl you find on Tavros and Able. If Zil can adapt to modern technology and society I think someone from the XXI century could do it too.

as for the psychological repercussions, well that's different for each individual, I wouldn't care much, I've always been very interested in the future.
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Well-Known Member
If you were someone brought forward into the TiTSverse, that would be a pretty big blow, and one to remind you of the fact that everyone you knew was dead. Everything you knew was gone, those values and ideals would no longer matter. Everything you would see would be a constant reminder that you mean nothing, you life before meant nothing, you're just a speck of dust in a very big, very cold universe. That would be a massive headfuck for anyone. The real question would be if they're able to survive that realisation.
Man that shit is dark as hell!


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
You're still assuming that for all the advancement made in 1000+ years, someone from a contemporary period would have little difficulty adapting to a whole universe being opened up to them. But can you acclimatise someone to such a rapid and expansive change? Consider how much technology and how we think has changed in the past century; half century; quarter century; even the last 15 years. Consider how quickly people can be left behind in the pace of such technological change. Consider how much information people are going to have to digest before they'll even be allowed out the door of where they've been staying in.

There's also the matter of the whole 1000+ years of history. Anno's Ghost Deck mission mentions Bell-Isle/Grunmann and the United States. Bell-Isle/Grunmann is considered something of a historical footnote but no one remembers one of the nations that was the driving force of the 20th century and the early 21st century. If you were someone brought forward into the TiTSverse, that would be a pretty big blow, and one to remind you of the fact that everyone you knew was dead. Everything you knew was gone, those values and ideals would no longer matter. Everything you would see would be a constant reminder that you mean nothing, you life before meant nothing, you're just a speck of dust in a very big, very cold universe. That would be a massive headfuck for anyone. The real question would be if they're able to survive that realisation.
I was going to post a video of Fry coming to the realization you're talking about in the first ep of Futurama, but I couldn't find it on youtube.

Flash Dingo

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2016
Fuck, re-education for the language of the future? I couldn't stand going through school once.

Also, we're assuming those nano bots actually translate anything at all. We might be looking at the future "Galactic Basic," where the language is universal and anywhere it isn't has seen enough people come through that they're picking up "broken English."

The codex is the one providing Steele with all the info.

Mister Gregar

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2016
Also, we're assuming those nano bots actually translate anything at all.

It's stated in game that they do. In fact, Steele is surprised in game when they hear someone actually speaking their language instead of having it translated for them. It seems in universe that most keep their native tongues. While Syri, for example, doesn't have it stated what language she speaks, she purposely seeks out Ausar translations of books because "fuck your language".


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2016
The answer is "no". Main attraction of this universe are transformatives and based on the number of NPCs that Steele meets, that part of the attraction is a quick and easy way to lose your civil rights and get enslaved it seems. You have to be pretty wealthy just to have a "normal" life in TiTs.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
The answer is "no". Main attraction of this universe are transformatives and based on the number of NPCs that Steele meets, that part of the attraction is a quick and easy way to lose your civil rights and get enslaved it seems. You have to be pretty wealthy just to have a "normal" life in TiTs.

Most NPCs you meet lead normal lives with normal jobs man. Mechanics, shopkeepers/vendors, barmen, peacekeepers, civil servants, etc. Sure, if you get in debt and can't pay you're fucked, but that's no different from real life.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Well, it's a little different, in that when you're fucked in TiTS, it's literal.

To be fair, that's because it's a porn game so all debt bond characters we meet are basically sex slaves, but Reaha mentioned the sex part was optional and when we buy Sera we are informed of the basic rights a debt bond person has, so they are not full slaves.

So, unless you're pretty impulsive, it wouldn't be hard to avoid becoming debt bond. I mean, debt bonding only happens to people who buy stuff they can't return if they don't pay, for example gene-mods or implants, you can't return those.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Why are we talking about going outside and interacting with aliens and shit? Fuck that.

I know what I'd really do: strap myself into the future spess Internet and check out futuristic memes and shit post. They'd most likely find my corpse collapsed on top of whatever they use as computers.


Apr 19, 2017
Give me a guarantee that I'll live past the median age of living and not get enslaved by the first people I meet then I'm game. Give me those soft fluffy tails.


New Member
Aug 16, 2017
In a heartbeat, yes.
I am actually a little shocked at all the naysayers.
What is not to love about a world where you can change you appearance or sex on a whim.

A place were people can be happy and comfortable in their own skin or making any changes so can be, even living while living out on the fringe. Most people I have meet in TiTS never regretted modding themselves. Also a place were herms run wild sounds like a hell of a place, one I would love to see.

As someone once pointed out most sex based stories only work because the characters are 'all in', for a lack of a better phrase. They might resist at first but all parties generally end up enjoying the act and harbor no ill will. Heck, even in TiTS you encounter people in battle and after beating them up they expect to be killed (nice touch by the writers as it makes then characters feel a bit more real) but instead you end up having sex with them. Which world clearly be considered rape. Although in this instance they end up enjoying it and even ask that if you meet in the future yoke could do it again. A world actually like that would be strange indeed but even without that it's still a no brainer for me that I would go.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
In a heartbeat, yes.
I am actually a little shocked at all the naysayers.
What is not to love about a world where you can change you appearance or sex on a whim.

A place were people can be happy and comfortable in their own skin or making any changes so can be, even living while living out on the fringe. Most people I have meet in TiTS never regretted modding themselves. Also a place were herms run wild sounds like a hell of a place, one I would love to see.

As someone once pointed out most sex based stories only work because the characters are 'all in', for a lack of a better phrase. They might resist at first but all parties generally end up enjoying the act and harbor no ill will. Heck, even in TiTS you encounter people in battle and after beating them up they expect to be killed (nice touch by the writers as it makes then characters feel a bit more real) but instead you end up having sex with them. Which world clearly be considered rape. Although in this instance they end up enjoying it and even ask that if you meet in the future yoke could do it again. A world actually like that would be strange indeed but even without that it's still a no brainer for me that I would go.
You see the setting as a garden with beautiful roses, but you're forgetting that they have thorns.

And that the garden has a 5 meter high electric fence, automated gun turrets, armed patrols, robot guard dogs, and is owned by corporations that make our own look like kiddy lemonade stands in both power and ruthlessness.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
You see the setting as a garden with beautiful roses, but you're forgetting that they have thorns.

And that the garden has a 5 meter high electric fence, automated gun turrets, armed patrols, robot guard dogs, and is owned by corporations that make our own look like kiddy lemonade stands in both power and ruthlessness.

Well the thing is that most of the thorns are more so just do to the fact this takes place in a science fiction setting they've just been changed appropriately to fit the... purpose of the game so less like thorns and more so shock baton/dildo's you wont get cut but it still hurts like a motherfucker and if you get hit enough you could still die.

Take Mass Effect from what we see in the game's it almost seems perfect despite having all the same problems of pirates, slavers, automated turrets, robo dogs, and Cerberus which is equally a corporation, or rather uses them, and a terrorist group but unlike TiTs these aren't played off of as often and only come up in specific instances, generally out in the Terminus Systems basically frontier space/Rush space.

Or Titanfall if we want to talk about mega corporations that are utterly ruthless and powerful. The I.M.C., or Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation, who have kept up the subjugation of the frontier populace so heartlessly well that it caused an all out rebellion and the founding of the Frontier Militia as a legitimate military force so the people could keep themselves safe and use their own planets resources for themselves instead of getting strip mined Dead Space style. Which is made worse by the fact the I.M.C. had been running simulations of how this could play out under just the right circumstances in which they would wipe out a significant portion of the frontier populace showing a complete lack of concern for the sheer lose of human life but they didn't initially expect people to unify and stand together against them. And that's just what one can pick up from the first game with all of its lack of a single player and minor story laced "campaign".

TiTs is basically all of this but shoved together with a jizz covered slightly dulled blade and not really purely focused on ruining the lives of others for the sake of making money.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
I think people are exaggerating a lot about corporations, yeah they are powerful and despotic, but the game never says they are ruling the galaxy with an iron fist and treating people as disposable slaves as many people claim. Those you meet seem to be doing ok, there are tons of independent shopkeepers and freelancers on many places you visit and those working for the big corporation don't seem to complain and some say they love it.


Apr 19, 2017
I think people are exaggerating a lot about corporations, yeah they are powerful and despotic, but the game never says they are ruling the galaxy with an iron fist and treating people as disposable slaves as many people claim. Those you meet seem to be doing ok, there are tons of independent shopkeepers and freelancers on many places you visit and those working for the big corporation don't seem to complain and some say they love it.
That and there are quite a few places in TiTs where corporations have yet to touch and laws have yet to be fully developed, so you could pretty easily just set up a kissing booth on some planet without having to worry about paying anybody any money for your plot of land. Just need the guns to fend off any angry locals, which seeing the technological gap, shouldn't be too hard.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Lets not forget that if people want to leave their respective companies they have to pay exorbitant fees to get out of their contracts.
Yammi has been born and raised in Ice Teats Confectionary Company and works as an indentured servant. She's charged for food and shelter and when the place is trashed, its added to the already substantial amount she owes the company.
Emmy can't leave the Kiha-Corp shop without incurring a penalty clause in her contract and she still has to keep a rather dodgy chip in her head without breaking the clause.
Reaha willingly entered into a contract on the understanding that, yeah, she'd be prostituting herself to clear her debt, but she ended up in the basement with addictive patches slapped over her body.
Snugglé have attempted to drive the Zil from their homes in order to clear cut the trees and convert Mhen'ga into another farm world.

That could be the worst of it because TiTS is set at the edge of controlled space, its a wild frontier where the laws that govern the Core have not reached. But it could also be that the Planet Rushes happen because the bureaucracy of the Core has expanded and the watchful red tape of the governments is watching, so companies get a new Rush going to find new planets and races to exploit. But that's a darker theory.
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Aug 11, 2017
Truthfully, it depends. I'd like to keep TiTSEd. Not for the infinite money, but for the stat point booster and the ultimate protection against TFs and harmful perks. The cheats are nice too, like the "furfag" cheat and the I'd like to actually be my Steele. I would spend the rest of my days there, if I could take my friends as crew, along with Celise. Having a fully-developed Azra on-board would be nice as well. I certainly wouldn't be as sex-crazed as some other players. I'd actively seek out the Queen of the Deep, though. Chances are, though, I'd invest in actual ship upgrades, like better speed, shields, guns, and crew spaces. If I didn't answer any of the questions, let me know.


New Member
Aug 16, 2017
Hmm ... it seems as though some of you do not realize just how cruel our world actually is.

First, the slavery argument. Some of you seem to think slavery does not exist any more. Sorry but reality is too cruel and there are those that are not slaves in title but by all rights are. Do a look into Foxconn, the corp that builds your iPhones. Their 'employees' are basically slaves. India has over a million debt bonded peoples as well. Then again most of us are debt bonded to some extent. The vast majority of people owe large sums of money for a mortgage, student loans or a car. Most of these people will never be free of these debts. Proof of this is that retirement for the current generation is not expected to exist for most people and a lot of folks will be working well into their 70s even at least part time to be able to get by.

Secondly the world is not nearly as fair or free as most people think. Sure there the democratic system is becoming more prevalent around the world but even in the United States our last few elections we have getten to cast a vote between a doushbag and a turt sandwich. The winner of which will run the most powerful and influential country in the world. One the most the rest of the world akins to a 14 year old kid holding a gun.

Lastly even within the United States there are millions of people without healthcare of any kind. Without a l roof over their heads or a guarantee of when their next meal will be.

The TiTS universe at least boasts massive technological improvements where hopefully the last problem I mentioned has been primarily solved. With technology that can splice your DNA fixing a broken bone should be a simple task.

The poor treatment of people in TiTS might just be due to being out on the fringe where laws are bent and twisted a bit more. This is not entirely like our own world. Take for instance the kid from the United States that got life imprisoned in North Korea just for touching a propaganda poster.

It might not be perfect there but I honestly do not believe a perfect society will ever exist. Which is part of the reason that imperfect fictional worlds feel more engaging, as they are more plausible.

I am also speaking as a privileged individual where I would throw it all away for a place that seems to have higher highs. Even if it conversely has lower lows. Overall the world seems fun and interesting even if it is not perfect.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hmm ... it seems as though some of you do not realize just how cruel our world actually is.

First, the slavery argument. Some of you seem to think slavery does not exist any more. Sorry but reality is too cruel and there are those that are not slaves in title but by all rights are. Do a look into Foxconn, the corp that builds your iPhones. Their 'employees' are basically slaves. India has over a million debt bonded peoples as well. Then again most of us are debt bonded to some extent. The vast majority of people owe large sums of money for a mortgage, student loans or a car. Most of these people will never be free of these debts. Proof of this is that retirement for the current generation is not expected to exist for most people and a lot of folks will be working well into their 70s even at least part time to be able to get by.

Secondly the world is not nearly as fair or free as most people think. Sure there the democratic system is becoming more prevalent around the world but even in the United States our last few elections we have getten to cast a vote between a doushbag and a turt sandwich. The winner of which will run the most powerful and influential country in the world. One the most the rest of the world akins to a 14 year old kid holding a gun.

Lastly even within the United States there are millions of people without healthcare of any kind. Without a l roof over their heads or a guarantee of when their next meal will be.

The TiTS universe at least boasts massive technological improvements where hopefully the last problem I mentioned has been primarily solved. With technology that can splice your DNA fixing a broken bone should be a simple task.

The poor treatment of people in TiTS might just be due to being out on the fringe where laws are bent and twisted a bit more. This is not entirely like our own world. Take for instance the kid from the United States that got life imprisoned in North Korea just for touching a propaganda poster.

It might not be perfect there but I honestly do not believe a perfect society will ever exist. Which is part of the reason that imperfect fictional worlds feel more engaging, as they are more plausible.

I am also speaking as a privileged individual where I would throw it all away for a place that seems to have higher highs. Even if it conversely has lower lows. Overall the world seems fun and interesting even if it is not perfect.
Except that TiTSverse is a corporate distopia setting with everything our current world has and then some enough to counterbalance anything high tech can improve, especially when the mods and tech are expensive.

And before you say anything about how easy it is to grind up enough money to get anything, remember that that's because Captain Steele has "game protagonist powers" and this is an RPG in it's mechanics.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
To be fair on the whole credits thing, I'm pretty sure I've heard (think it was from Savin) that credits don't really have any set meaning as far as actual value goes.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Except that TiTSverse is a corporate distopia setting with everything our current world has and then some enough to counterbalance anything high tech can improve, especially when the mods and tech are expensive.
The Core Worlds would probably look like what we'd find in Deus Ex. Massive social stratification, private armies, corporate shadow governments and probably a negative view of aug - I mean mods.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I think the view of mods depends on the people and the mods. Like Ausar kinda discriminate against full furry modders and people who stick to the Church of the One are against modding in general i think.