Skies of Sex [Floozer]


Jun 24, 2016
With the knot wedged in her mouth, all the sheep could do was squeeze her throat on the invading prick. Her stomach bloated as her face was bred, her lips locked around at the base as she dreamily gazed into Esril's crotch. The grip on her horns kept the big-hugged sheep-kin nice and still, sucking and trying to milk the balls dry of the tasty seed. Gio approached and could be felt gently wrapping his arms around the herm. She could feel his prick against her ass, flaccid as he squeezed his arms and gave her a small tug.

"M-My Alpha... y-you should pull out before it inflates fully... w-won't we... be here longer... if you fully knot her?"

Nava hummed peacefully as her bound hands gently squeezed her shirt. The slutty rogue was a master at handling her cock and swallowing a load, but the milky-titted thief was likely not ready to endure a face breeding like Esril could give. Pulling out would give her a better time and place to fuck and feed her sheep gallons of semen... continuing would definitely get her stuck but let her punish Nava with some oxygen deprivation and plenty of cum in her belly!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She sighs, knowing she needs to get a move on and now simply isn't the time to deal with her slutty sheep. "Yea... yea you are right." She pulls out of Nava's throat and mouth which means the last half of her load sprays all over the sheeps face and between her breasts as she shoves her cock into the smooth valley of her cleavage.

"There... only cause I want to get back to the keep rather than be stuck here for another day."


Jun 24, 2016
When the knotted prick slipped up and out, giving Nava a facial, Esril would be rewarded with her cute baa. Expertly scooping it, she had herself clean-faced and swallowing the extra load. She kept her tits messy, though, glowing as she gently lowered her stick hands to grab the cock head and squeeze it gently with one cleaning lick to end it.

"Haaa~... boss, clean me up and help me dress then...I feel so full~..."

Gio was blushing, but took initiative as he leaned around and moved to lick the cum from the sheep-kin's cleavage. She looked to him, smiling as she juggled her tit to slip her nipple into his mouth. He was stunned, the lick causing the smallest of spurts!

"Ahh~... my mom was a cowslut... I'll need a good milking back at your base, boss... by hand, maybe~?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She nods her head "Gio, lick her clean so we can get moving. When we get back to the base I will milk those tits dry and give you a proper rutting to claim you as mine. I think we will milk you normally and just use that as our base drink... hope you have the production for it!"


Jun 24, 2016
"Rut me? I don't need kids yet, boss~... but I can definitely produce."

She finally freed herself, hands moving to keep Gio pressed into the cum on her tits. Only when he finished did she release him and pull her top on. The lack of moisture meant she had slowed production or stopped... it was likely that fucking or the hormones of sex led her to lactate freely.

They left the inn not long after, Nava having patched a cute pink collar around Gio's neck. He walked nude, drawing her some smirks as they left, but gave her a nice sight of his cherry-red ass each time it got spanked during their walk. But as they reached the crossroads where they'd met the kobold, Gio's face flushed. Nava staggered as one hand moved to her large, skimpy-clothed chest. And Esril felt her cock stiffen as a strong scent hit her.

The kobold from before was standing in the open, the chubby dick out as a smirk on his face. A puddle of spunk lay in their path... and it was emitting powerful scents to get them horny.

"So, who pays my toll? Someone of this cute trio is getting fucked... or you might as well turn back!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She sighs and rolls her eyes "Alright... .I get the picture now... if one of us fucks you and takes a load, your cum will keep the swarm away from us right?" She asks flatly

"Very well then... but first I gotta know... what kind of side effects can we expect cause... just smelling that stuff has hit us all"


Jun 24, 2016
While her head seemed clear, there wasn't any hesitation from her new beta. He'd walked ahead, falling to his hands and knees in the puddle with a look of pure conflict. The small kobold grinned, moving over and around to his butt while the mutt plopped face-first into the semen puddle.

"Don't worry, it can't addict you... it really works best against the most submissive. Like this bitch."

A loud smack sounded as the scaly mutt hit the rosy ass. He used one hand to push Gio flat into the puddle, the tail wagging slowly as his cock stiffened and angled back between his legs. The kobold gently stepped one foot upon the shaft, smirking as he looked to Nava as she looked back.

"I s-say we let G-Gio become his bitch. N-Not like-"

"You misunderstand... I want to cum down your big friend's throat. She waved me off before, when her mutt was big and strong. But he's small, submissive, and immobilized by my cum. So you suck my cock, I don't keep him and tell my kin where you live. I'm sure they'd love to take your fort, since those pesky guards are gone. You need a guide through these tunnels, too... so suck my cock back at your keep. Let me cum as much as I want, then we'll be even. No strings... just one chance to throatfuck you like no large man or herm ever could!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"What?" She asks with an edge to her voice "So you expect me to not only take you back to my keep, but let you fuck my face until you are done and want to leave? Look, just fuck my mutt here and call it even. If it wasn't for me he would have attacked you last time we met. Seriously, come on now."


Jun 24, 2016
"D'awww, you're no fun. But your slut mutt could be..."

The kobold seemed a bit intimidated, but the protective spooge puddle ensured he lad little fear. As small as his body was, he made a strong show of tugging the mutt's tail to just slightly raise his ass. An abused butthole made him smile, lowering down and wrapping both hands around those lovely hips. Those girly eyes looked back almost possessed, Gio grinding the cushy rump back to help hotdog the massive rod. But the scaled kin wasn't going to just sit back, hefting his hips up almost comically to line up and then thrust hard. A loud smack into the ass Esril had broken in struck just as loud as the botch boy's moan, his cock spurting as the kobold chuckled.

"Think I might keep him and raid your keep later... unf~... if he was a virgin I'd enjoy breaking him around my cock, but this just ain't a sweat deal."

Nava was openly fingering herself beneath her shorts now, looking to Esril as the rut occurred. The sheep-kin must have also been succumbing, a testament to how the sex-flooded herm's bloodline was standing up. Nava had already lowered to her knees, kneading one breast in slow squeezes.

"Haaa~... b-boss... I-I'm feeling... j-jealous. That cock is r-rearranging Gio's guts... slamming h-his butthole into a p-pussy... s-so dominant... plowing him into a bitch!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She kneels down and whispers into her ear "Keep talking like that... nice and loud" She mutters before getting up and slowly moving around to the side, trying to get out of the kobold's view. She had a plan.. the same plan that ruined Gio will hopefully ruin this cocky mutt.

Moving around she aims at the Kobold's ass, hoping to find an opening in which she could counter rape this arrogant prick and take him down like she had the mutt he was fucking.


Jun 24, 2016
As Esril flanks her target, he simply thrusts in and out of the facedown mutt. By the time she's approaching his average rump, however, something changes. One moment her cock is about to pound the hammering male into her mini cocksleeve... but the next he slipped out and over Gio. His thick cock struck her own like they were swords, the kobold not phased as he vaulted over Esril to land behind her. Both hands reached to grab her cock, squeezing as his spunk flooded her senses.

"Close, but my butt ain't yours to fuck!"

The small male was rubbing something onto her cock, slicking it up and spreading an arousing warmth through her. He wrestled her against Gio's cute hole, jerking her off as she'd feel the head at the roomy entrance. It was his sperm being used to live her up, the thick cock oozing between her legs.

"Now fuck him... just sink in and I'll claim that mouth a while. I'll let you swallow all of it... you can't get addicted even if your stomach has as much as this puddle inside!"

Nava had stripped nude by now as well, crawling atop the messy Gio. She wasn't forcing him to eat her out, simply lowering down and opening her mouth wide and pulling it wider with two fingers. A stretched bitch or a hungry slut's throat... the pair were under her cock-wrangler's cum influence now. But she had hope... in particular, she could likely mount him and ride him into submission by grinding that thick cock against her cumt. She'd have one sore cock if she ignored her aching member, but the kobold was only agile. Smashing her hips down would make him tired in no time... but she'd be taking it rough to muscle him into submission. A huge dick like that could make her beyond needy to the point her bitch couldn't dominate her anymore thanks to his submissive anal-battering...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She glares at the Kobold who was grinding her cock in his hands... his damn cum was starting to smell really good and her cock was harder than a rock at this point... however, while her body had desires her mind was stubborn as a mule.

Looking down at the mutt... he was in grabbing range and even his agile movements couldn't get him out of there in time... but could she hold back after riding his appealing cock to try and break him? ...she had to try!

With a swift movement of her own she grabs his shoulders and pushes him back onto the floor so she is straddling his cock. "You talk a lot of shit little man... lets see how much you can stand when you aren't in control!" She says with a smirk before slamming her hips down, taking his dick to the hilt inside of her pussy!


Jun 24, 2016
As she forced the thick cock into herself, she'd remember that all the cum from her centaur of a horse-kin had tightened her up. Because the huge cock felt massive as she bottomed out. The kobold gasped, his much smaller form pinned beneath the huge herm. But as startled as he was, it wasn't an instant victory. The small male simply grabbed her motherly hips, grinding around to rub the entrance of her womb.

"L-like that would work! Let's breed you thoroughly!"

The scaly mutt reached one hand back, smacking her much larger ass to encourage her to work him. Her two friends were crawling over by now, Gio lowering face-to-face beside the kobold to lock him in a sloppy cum-kiss. The two men were enjoying themselves even as Nava appeared to gently lean Esril back. Then she brought her naked form around and in front, grabbing the herm by the shoulders before angling herself in the very close position.

"M-My my~... such an eager cock... let's tend to it!"

Esril felt the familiar and greedy butthole of her sheep-kin as she lowered, those huge tits pushing up and rubbing Esril's armor as she wrapped legs and arms around the herm to make small, deep movements to bump the cock in and out. The kobold had started an orgy to show just how potent his cum could be... a good use of this cum could provide her non-harmful defensive measures. Kobold cum could make a great flask bomb, thrown to explode and cover people with that hot mess.

She just had to find a route to victory while having dangerous unprotected sex and being rode by the thief-sheep.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She gasps and groans as Nava makes matters worse, riding her cock like the whore she is as Gio makes out with the kobold from above... but she still had one way to break this bitch. She tightnes her cunt up as tight as she can while smashing her hips against his.... and then her tail makes its move.

It dips into the puddle of cum before aiming right at the kobold's ass and diving in,spearing him wide open and stretching out his tight ass like never before!


Jun 24, 2016
The muffled yelp rewards her greatly, the kobold wiggling within her as she pegged him hard. The cock within her pushed against her walls thanks to the aphrodisiac nature of the cum, penetrating her womb as Nava's bouncing smacked and lifted her in small smacks into the small male's hips. Her tail worked that tight hole hard, Nava lustfully lapping at Esril's neck as she grunted and grinder the cock deep in her backdoor. The kiss broke between Gio and the kobold, however, causing his voice to groan out in bliss.

"Fuuuuuuuck gonna breed youuuu~mmmf?"

Gio had lowered atop the kobold, red-faced as the male was forced to eat his well-fucked hole out. Gio gently reached to his chest, his large cock resting on the male's chest and oozing pre. The pulsing rod inside Esril meant she'd likely be pumped with another kid... but the pair of cum-addled sluts had completely ensured she suppressed the kobold. His eyes were closed as he ate that lovely ass out, his body pinned beneath them all. And the cum gushing up and into her suddenly and rapidly was a sign to confirm she'd have one messy kobold to try and tend to... and likely a small litter of scaly mutts if she didn't find something to prevent a pregnancy!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
her eyes widened as she felt the first shot splash inside of her and she was quick to stand up, sliding his cock out of her which also meant Nava fell off of her own cock but that was fine. She watched with a smiirk as spray after spray of thick smelly cum splashed all over her sheek and the kobolds own legs.

Once his orgasm was done she grabbed Nava and used her fat tits to wipe off his dick... before she slams back down, giving him no rest! "Nice first round... I wonder how long you can go before your mind snaps in half!"


Jun 24, 2016
Esril had many rounds to go, but her lusty encounter was a rapid blur of fucking and cumming. Gio got fucked, Nava had to have sucked her off twice, and the kobold... well, he was definitely broken.

The stench of cum was overwhelmed by their combined mating, providing clarity as Nava finished pulling her top on. Gio finished wrapping the kobold to Esril's back, her tail lodged almost base deep in him. He'd bounced himself down in his mumbling state... now he was gagged, blinded, and writhing atop it like a tail cozy.

"Fuck boss~... hope that his cum didn't get in you too many times over those two hours. But I bet your tail is warm now... ugh~... my ass is definitely sore. In... a good way."

The sheep-kin smiled, her top snuggle hiding those thick tits as she turned to gently take the lead. Gio was finishing rubbing down Esril and reclothing her after securing her new prize, his voice soft.

"M-My alpha... y-you... should u-use him... in our d-dungeons. If he was... s-smart he isn't now... n-not after all that. T-turning him into an a-aid... w-would be time consuming."

It seemed her work breaking Gio had made him more timid to the point he was becoming like Juni. If she wanted him competent, she'd need her new beta to feel useful... otherwise he'd likely become too reliant upon her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She reaches over and pats Gio's head "A fine idea Gio! We can keep him down in the dungeon and drain his balls daily. He might not be very useful, but his cum sure is! I bet a certain centaur could even make some potions out of it!" She says while smiling at him, trying to make him feel clever.

"As for me... well... I can only hope it didn't take. If it does, then I will boost it forward and start my own little kobold squad."


Jun 24, 2016
The pats earned her an awkward moment followed by the male's ears lowering submissively to allow her to better pat him.

As they returned, the immediately noticeable thing was the gates were open. The second was the sight of her familiar elf-kin speaking to a familiar fairy-kin. Her large bag was resting on a table not far from the gate, Esril's harpy-kin perched atop one of the wall segments and spying the bag. She'd likely seen something shiny.

Nava walked in like she belonged, smirking real big as she sauntered off to the barracks. Gio slowed and hid behind the herm slightly, whispering to her over the distant chatter.

"Alpha... m-may I go m-make some clothes? Or can I have mine back f-finally? S-so I don't... c-corrupt the young ones?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"fine... go find some clothes... but I want you in feminine clothes now. Skirts, dresses, short shorts... understand?"


Jun 24, 2016
"Y-Yes, my Alpha."

She'd get to watch that gaping cute hole between that gropeable ass while Gio moved into the camp, leaving her alone with her bound and tail-pegged prize. As Gio moved to the storage area to start making something loyally, the pair of fae-kin turned to view her.

"Esril, you're back. Was that Gio a moment ago? If so, then you took my advice to be careful of him well..."

"She used her thick cock, the same that gave me all that seed... she is quite virile!"

The small fairy-kin smiled, winking as they stood to wait on her choice. She could likely join them or entrust her elf-companion to handle things... or she could go and figure out how best to maintain her new kobold jizz maker. There were many ways to milk a male... and the dungeons here had done a great job training Baz into an anal slut. She'd also no doubt have the chance to speak to one of her growing harem and fort's population to determine what she might want to do Now that she'd secured her trader.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She approaches the two of them with a smile on her face "Glad to see you got here so quickly, It rust your people were really happy with your payment." she points tot he kobold stuck on her back "Found this snarky bitch trying to strong arm my group... so I rode him into the floor and took him along with us. I don't think he has any helpful skills but his cum works as a powerful aphrodisiac so I was thinking of locking him up and just milking him for that every day."


Jun 24, 2016
The fairy zips around, no doubt lustfully grinning at the kobold cock as he wriggled in mute protest. But the male wasn't as enthusiastic as their tiny guest.

"I'm not one to judge... but are you sure that's not... a bit vile? Raping your enemies is one thing... abducting a kobold that you only intend to kill for spunk... it seems like you may be dabbling on a dark path."

Moving up and around, however, he helped take stock by grabbing the erect shaft and giving it a small flick.

"I guess I could use a bottle to fuck my new breeding wife some nights. With those potions to speed up pregnancy, my slut will likely pop a kid out soon..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I have to admit... it is rather dark... but this little punk was really pissing me off. He thought his special cum could just win him the round... I showed him it doesn't."


Jun 24, 2016

The male released the stiff prick, turning and facing the lustful fairy.

"As for our deal... I'll cum for you as well and make a fair trade for cloth."

The pair could be heard speaking in a fancy language -likely some trade language- and leaving her alone with her bound kobold.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With that she moves over to fin Ostia to talk to her about using this cum for potions. As she walks she starts twisting her tail around inside the kobold.


Jun 24, 2016
That small wiggle got her a throb and muffled moan, the tail clamped tightly. He'd been fucked enough that he'd learned to squeeze down. If she finally shoved a cock in him, it might give Esril the best vice and make him quite the portable cock-cozy. But as she approached Ostia, she'd find a familiar sight. Baz was on his stomach over the table, grunting happily as she plowed his demon hole with hearty smacks. If she'd been serious instead of at least willing to make their arrangement work, Esril would be in Baz's place based on the old horse-kin. But the new Ostia was holding a handful of Baz's hair in one hand and a sweet potato she was gnawing on in the other. It was the proud father and mate who had at least become her friend.

"Yeah, squeeze my cock... that's a good bitch. I'll dump a load in your guts before the day-... Esril, ah... you have a small friend on your tail."

A hard smack of her hefty balls against the red butt got a soft whimper from Baz, his gaze looking distantly to the mistress of the keep with a blissful smile.

"H-hello... g-guh~... j-just enjoying Ostia's cock... I h-heard it's a custooooOOOH~!"

He'd moaned as Ostia released his hair and took a half trot back. It tugged her huge prick loose briefly, only for her to saunter back and stuff his guts unexpectedly in a rapid fashion.

"There'll be good food for him... and that big titted scoundrel who arrived with you. I wouldn't mind ramming that sheep slut into my cocksleeve too... but she looks strong-willed. You get to handle your new girl."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She giggles and walks up to Ostia, stopping her thrusting for a moment "Hey... hold still for sec" She says before grabbing her in a hug and kissing her cheek. She was actually rather fond of Ostia... she was a real sweet girl at times... its just that her switches are easily flipped "Glad to see you again. Quick question, can you make potions from kobold cum?"


Jun 24, 2016
"Potions? From kobold cum?"

She looked behind Esril, taking quick inventory of the bound and pegged male. Baz even looked up curiously, his tail securing the cock inside him before he gently propped himself up. Not that it made much difference, bent so far and pinned by a guy-stretching horse cock. But Esril could hear panting and feel tightening rapidly, Ostia jerking him off until a spurt of cum spattered on the ground. She smiled at the small puddle, releasing the cock and moving the messy fingers to lick one clean and then gently intrude one within Esril's close lips. It was tangy and made her bulge stiffen, but nowhere near the sensation from the large puddle's proximity.

"Huh... it tastes normal... standard quality stuff like this could make a great lube. I can make a single concentrated vial every once in a while, though... make someone drink it or slather it like a poison and you'll make anyone into a rapist or needy sow."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Excellent! That is just what I wanted to hear! Oh Ostia, you are the best, have I told you that?" She says with a dopey smile, hugging her centaur mate once more. "so, should I get this guy hooked up in the dungeon or leave him here with you? Also on that note, do you need anything right now? We have a trader coming by now so we can put orders in for supplies we are missing. Our first shipment is cloth, furs and hide."