Skies of Sex [Floozer]


Jun 24, 2016
"N-No! D-don't stick it in! Unngh~! He's just too big!"

She winced, her cute face showing her struggle as her butt got stirred up. The canine dick slammed harder and harder... until she finally let her tongue out and loosened up. The smack of the knot slipping in and the lewd pop against Gio's balls marked her utter anal domination, the girl screaming as Gio leaned back. She was forced to support herself as she leaned back and tried to lift up off him. Her panic was mixed with growing pleasure, the knot pulling her down with each failed try. She wasn't moving and her virgin cunt was ready... and with Gio on his back, Essril could spread his legs and claim him like the missionaries of old. The sheep girl would likely be broken, stuck between them, no matter her choice... but the mutt's tail and virgin hole were now ready and within reach.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The sheep was surely broken by now, she could tell it by her face taht she was already loosing to the pleasure. But with Gio on his back and the sheep on top of him... not to mention the fact that his knot is now inside... not even he could break out of that right?

She moves down and slides up like she was going to use the sheeps cunt... but suddenly shifts target, spreading Gio's legs and diving forward, pressing the tip of her cock against his virgin back side. "Sorry Gio... but dominance needs to be set. Right now you are a time bomb... just waiting to go off, but after this you will be submissive... not broken like that sheep but enough to bow your head when asked."

With a firm thrust she sinks half her cock into his no doubt super tight ass, groaning at the feeling of it all.


Jun 24, 2016
She'd feel the right and hot hole as she speared her mutt, the dog-kin having been taken by utter surprise. Her massive dick stopped exactly at half-in, the warmth strong and the clamp ensuring she couldn't batter her way in. His hips bucked and thrashed, but the sheep fell back and pinned him unintentionally in his anally-surprised state. The bushy tail brushed her cunt as it ran between her legs, Gio panting and hugging.

"N-no... u-ugh! P-Pull... out!"

The hole seemed about ready to squeeze her dock off, Gio wincing and curling his toes... but then she'd hear a smack. The sheep wrapped her legs around Esril, arms back as she brought her ass down with a resounding smack to the base of the knotted cock. The act made him loosen, a chain reaction that let her slam herself in to the base of her herm cock. The sheep-kin lewdly mewled as the male moaned more like a bitch than a big guy, her face flushed as she used Essril to shake, raise and lower herself on the cock. Her cunt was nice and messy, helping the herm by forcing Gio to tighten and twist on the cock.

"Gaaah~... f-fuck him... until he breaks... please... cum inside and don't stop cumming... I... can help change him... into a g-girl in mind... w-with your cock in him!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Now this... was a strange turn of events... but if this little sheep really could speed up the process then that is all she needed. Taking her new chance, she rams her entire cock up Gio's ass, stuffing him completely full with her herm dragon cock. She moans at the heat and tightness of this unused ass... but didn't let that stop her.

"Fine... two for one special coming right up!" She says through grit teeth before she starts pounding into Gio's ass, grinding her cock against his soft inner walls and making sure to poke his prostate to shower his mind with a foreign pleasure that is sure to get him hooked to it.

At the same time she brought her hands up to grope and squeeze at the sheeps breasts, teasing her nipples and making sure her own breaking didn't stop!


Jun 24, 2016
The sheep-kin let out a baa-like moan as her tits were grabbed, the teasing of her nipples rewarding the tinge of milk. Maybe she had a little cow-kin in her! Her knotted grinding had her gasping and pulling Essril closer and tighter with her legs. The mutt let out a soft gasp with each push against his prostate, his hole trying hard to milk her cock. Gio was awash in embarrassment and arousal, both hands grabbing at the floor behind him as he designed to the anal fucking. He seemed closer to breaking than the needy sheep... maybe he enjoyed being dominated. She was creating a submissive bitch... and pleasuring a needy slut of a sheep!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Mmm Gio... such an honest body you have.... I can feel your ass milking my cock for my cum... you must really want it." She says with a smile, grinding against his prostate more and more while the sheep bounces on his dick "This is where you belong Gio... on my cock... submissive... dominated by me." She coos at him.

Her hands get more aggresive with the sheeps breasts as she rams into Gio's tight ass, pre cum leaking from her cock. Two for one special and all it took was a bit of patience!


Jun 24, 2016
Gio didn't respond, his mouth open and his face in pleasure from both. The sheep was squeezing the knotted cock harder, based on her own moaning and faster rocking. She met Essril's eyes, leaning forward and pulling her into a kiss. The male didn't bother trying to sit up... instead his legs wrapped around her hips and were pulling her into his hole faster! The pre was making things sloppy and messy, the lewd impacts of both his cock in the sheep and he dick into him was making it a memorable threesome. Then she'd see the mutt grab the sheep by the hips, moaning more like a girl than a big male as he flooded her tight ass and squeezed on the herm cock. And as the sheep writhed and came, she'd keep Essril pulled tight to see over her shoulder. Ears down, exhausted and sluttily panting, Gio was no longer the confident male. The was a bitch, averting his gaze and panting, who was in a body too masculine for his own good.

"A-Alpha... c-cock. I... a-am... yours... p-pull out... n-no more..."

"Nnngh~... he was good~... my ass was broken in, b-but... nnngh... I swear I will serve if you let me off him. I can get a potion... one that can make him androgynous. You can breed me, but I want him to suffer... for raping me... nnngh... this mutt didn't deserve to fill my ass..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Despite his pleas, she keeps on thrusting, fucking his sucking ass more and more as she considered the sheeps words "Hmmm.... So long as it doesn't crimp his ability to fight... then I accept that offer. I need a submissive bitch who can still hold their own... not just another cock sleeve." She mutters before pulling the sheep off Gio's cock and plopping her on the side... though she does make note to keep the knife away from her. "now go get it while I finish up here."

Her eyes go to Gio and she smiles at him, hands goes to tweak his nipples while she plows his hole "I have no cum yet Gio... you would not deny your alpha would you?"


Jun 24, 2016
With the knotted cock free, Gio had no one to hide him as he took it. And as she played with his chest, the cock oozed cum against her stomach as she slammed inside.

"B-but... n-not... w-w-wife... haa~!"

His legs tightened, his hands moving to grab her wrists. Despite the sheep freeing his cock, who was now digging through a bag from the ruins with her backdoor leaking cum, Gio was too weak from the buttfucking to fight back. His tail brushed her sack as his hole squeezed lustfully against his wishes. The sheep wasn't long, moving back over and grabbing his nose to force a bottle into his mouth.

"Drink, scumbag... you can be this woman's bitch!"

The effects were fast, the male moaning as the emptied flask was raised.the muscular frame thinned and lost definition, the ass she smacked with her balls plumping up to be s nice handful. The masculine frame was replaced with a more youthful and almost androgynous body, the wolf-kin almost girly from the waist down. His cock looked too big as it flopped and oozed without shrinking... but his face softened twice-fold in exchange. Gio looked like a girl, his face now carrying pouty lips and bigger eyes to fit a soft and curved face. He could likely pass for a flat-cheated woman or an effeminate male... and his hole grew warmer and softer to imply it was an asspussy... but his confident cock meant she couldn't buttbreed the mutt with pups. The sheep girl smiled, shifting around to lower her cunt on his face and grind about.

"Cum inside and he can't change back... promise! Mark his guts and y-you got my help!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Grinning like a devil she doubles her speed, ramming her cock into the new ass pussy with gusto and drive to see this problematic dog put into his place. Some might call this cruel... in fact, Esrill herself can't deny that this was fairly harsh... but at the same time, she was done playing with wild cards, she was ready to start playing with a full house in her own hands.

Her cook drooling pre cum, her balls slapping into that newly made plush ass... and a goal in mind, she stops holding herself back and falls into a near feral rut, shaping his ass pussy to the shape of her cock for just two more blissful minutes before throwing her head back and cumming.

Surge after surge of boiling hot herm cum floods the dog kins ass, painting his insides white and flooding his belly. Her load had increased in size, it seems, to compensate for the heavy demand back at base. "Yes! Take my seed Gio! you are my little beta now! Learn your place!" She cries, cumming enough to give him a nice pregnant looking cum belly.


Jun 24, 2016
Gio couldn't be seen thanks to the sheep-kin riding his face, but she could sure see his cock spat and spurt cum as she hammered deep and flooded his hole. Her new ally smiled at the sight of his expanding stomach and the mess he was making on it, giving her own moaning grunt as she rubbed her cunt against his mouth for an equally powerful orgasm. There was an erotic silence as the climaxing all came to an end... and the sheep finally slipped back and sat a short distance away while recovering. Gio's face was covered in fem-juices, eyes distant as his legs finally released Essril and his arms moved to grab the bulging belly.

"G-Guh... I-I... sub... mit~..."

His tail wagged happily on the last word, brushing her emptied sack as he remained still. His ass squeezed gently, the now-lewd hole all but assuring her that it'd likely give the cutest wink when he bent over from now on. His ears were still flat against his head, a sign of total submission... if she wanted, she could likely keep fucking him and he'd grow more and more accustomed to making her cum nice and deep. She'd broke him... but now was face with a smiling sheep-kin who was rubbing her own clit gently at the sight.

"Haa~... you're not bad. Giving me revenge on that scum... I guess I should serve you instead of those guys who paid me to track you down. Don't bother asking who they were... I don't betray my old employers. Despite my chest, I'll be a lot more useful to you with my mouth and my newly-claimed ass than as some broken breeder... you recognize that, right?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She sighs happily and pushes her cock back in and out of Gio's ass, idly fucking him while she looks at the sheep."you see, that is a tempting offer cause I bet you have all sorts of skills outside of a well broken in ass... but how in the name of all that is good can I trust you? You want tell me who hired you to hunt me down... you obviously know alchemy that can break people near instantly... and now you are asking to serve me which would mean bringing you into my home where I let me guard down? Surely you can see how suspicious that is right?"

She rubs Gio's Inflated belly while she continues to fuck his lewd ass pussy... but the reality is, she has a perfect reach for her spear should this sheep decide to try and finish the job.


Jun 24, 2016
The sheep frowned, raising the hand from her cunt like she'd been insulted. Gio's soft messy bitch hole squeezed and flexed around its new owner as the woman turned over and presented her ass and cunt toward the herm and her living-condom.

"Look, if you don't believe me, then mount my ass and fuck the same hole he stole. The potion was a gift... not exactly... mine. I'm a thief... but there's a tradition. Fuck a hole, get in the hole... so you take my butt, you got my skills. Lockpicks, spying... all yours. If it means letting that cock pump my ass to get your trust, fine... but I was a virgin until now because I didn't serve anyone but my pocket. But you? You're hot. And you fucked that mutt into one who likely will bend over in dresses, wear earrings and nipple rings, and suck your cock on a throne. So you're good. Hot, skilled, and the owner of at least one treasure slut like him. All great signs."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She looks at the presented holes and smiles. Pulling out of Gio's sloppy bitch hole, she moves up behind the sheep and pushes the tip of her cock against her ass hole "Very well then... I am going to hold you to these words." She then dives forward, sinking her cock straight to the knot in a single motion, teasing her tight pucker with the bulge while the rest pokes her insides "You... are.... mine now. And I bet you can tell can't you?" She murmurs while slowly fucking the sheeps ass, her hands holding her completely still.

"Gio... finger your own ass until I can get back to you... I don't want you to cool off even for a second" She commands while mounting the sheep.


Jun 24, 2016
Gio's feeble nodding and shift to his side was far quieter than the sheep's lustful groan. She leaned her front half down, resting her small horn against the floor as she panted and held up against the anal-embedding dick. The knot made her wiggle side-to-side, her cunt teasing the sack beneath it.

"B-Boss... w-we're definitely on the same side if you fill me this much! Fuck, you're a stud! A dragon-kin really is amazed inside. Like a rod of fire!"

Her wiggling and cute tail were incentives, the new partner trying to get cozy. This huge-tit sheep-kin was getting off with the big dick inside her! Goi could be heard and seen, his sloppy hole leaking between a two-fingered effort and the dominated asspussy. She really was lucky he wasn't a salamander and carrying a litter of drake-pups! But with her taking on her sheep friend, her girly boy-mutt was working the huge loads out and riding shivers of pleasure with the spurts of the inferno-like seed.

"This is... fuck~... smack that knot against my hole nice and hard! I really needed my first time with how my luck has been... now I need my first true boss to make my knees weak! Breaaa~k it and you owe me big, got it?!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She laughs at the sheep girls spunk, happy to have a willing and eager butt slut rather than the submissive kind like Juni who simply bend over and moan. She lands a slap across her jiggly ass while plowing into her harder and faster than before.

"Actually, as your boss, I can't break and fix this hole as I see fit! Plus.. mmm... with you wiggling those hips, I think you want to be broken don't you slut?" She says with a grin, pushing harder with each thrust and threatening to force her knot isnide. Using her grip, she flips the sheep onto her back and grabs her tits, pinching the nipples and watching them jiggle with every motion.

"Now who did you get the potion from? I need an alchemist like that on my side to help me mold people that need molding!"


Jun 24, 2016
The girl curls her cute toes to brush Esril's lovely ass as she takes the anal missionary fucking, her eyes going hazy as her chest was pinched my her nipples.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck~... I love that~...mmmm!"

Her hands reached up to grab the herm's breasts, tugging her down and giving wide grinding-swings of her hips to make the knot strain against her hole. Just enough to feel it but never enough to make it pop inside. The thief was riding from below, her eyes lustfully meeting the herm's gaze as she squeezed tight those lovely tits and brushed a blunt horn across her forehead.

"No... breaking~. I want all that cum away from me. Can't reek of a fat dragon dick if I want to sneak around and track down the merchant who had that. You and bitch boy can stay at this inn~, while I track down the rabbit who had potion!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She grunts but smiles... that does make sense after all "Very well... but you know you are missing out on a great, life changing time." She says with a chuckle while pulling down on her nipples, making her breast streatch a bit before letting go and simply groping them firmly.

Her pace is steady and strong, making her knot push against her tight ass with every thrust, feeling like it will go in before she pulls back yet again. The way this sheep was grinding her hips made her spear like cock rub against her walls again and again, earning long moans from the mander dragon.

"Oooh shit... now should I stuff you full or give it to my bitch boy again? Such wonderful choices... I honestly want to fill you up and mark you as mine for good!"


Jun 24, 2016
The woman beneath her was taking her second cock like a needy slut, her hands kneading Essril's tits with the hard smacks of their hips. Her eyes meet the mander as she licks her lips and then kisses her to playfully bite at her lower lip.

"Fuck... I really will smell like a condom just like your mutt, though... fuck... fuck!"

She slammed her hips against the knot to stretch her warm hole... and hungrily swallowed the knot with a low baa-info moan. She knotted herself on the cock intentionally, her legs securing Essril in place and bringing the rough buttfuck to a sexy and clingy halt with them chest-to-chest and lips-to-lips. The much more intimate kissing ensured she tasted chocolate and fruits on her new lover's breath, her tight hole massaging the knot as best her untrained hole could as she breathily broke the kiss.

"If you pull out, I'm going to really be unable to finish. Fuck me a bit more... then pull that thing out and send me over, boss. I want to cum like a denied slut while you feed your bitch his meal!"

Gio was still nearby, unaware to the pair as he once more sat on his back. A pool of cum was between his legs, rapid fingering had caused a steady drainage of the gut-stretching load. One of his hands was working his still-large cock, eyes foggy as he unwillingly was pumping up his butt and teaching his cock to enjoy stimulation from the lewd hole. If she gave him the load again, she'd have to likely watch it come rushing out his girly lips. A true act of entire cum inflation... which would require a lot of work to make sure he stays conscious to breath.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She grits her teeth, grinding her knot against her insides while still trying to rail her new sheep. "Fine... just this one... I will spare you my load... but later one, I am going to stuff you so full you won't be able to walk." She says through grit teeth.

With a tug she pulls her knot out of that tight ass and draws back till only the tip is in. Then she slides forward, ramming it all back in,t he knot slipping back inside with a lewd shlick noise and the clapping of their hips together. She leans back in and pushes her lips to the sheeps, sliding her tongue into her mouth while attack her breasts, tugging on her nipples and groping the soft flesh like her life depended on it.

"Now cum for me you sluttly little sheep, show me how much you like it up the ass or I will drop everything and break in your pussy with a fresh hot load to the womb!"


Jun 24, 2016
"Fuuuck don't breed me! I can't steal for you if I'm knocked up!"

She'd feel the sheep tighten her hole and squeeze her legs around those hips while both hands squeezed Essril's tits. She could feel a gush of femjuices against her groin as the sheep let out her loudest squeal and moan. She was locking the cock deep inside her, hole milking and desperately trying to tighten with her orgasm. It was crushing the knotted dick and her hold made it clear the large breasted sheep-kin was thinking like a breeder rather than a simple fuck.

A blissful buttslut like her wasn't going to make pulling out possible. The breasts were finally ushering sweet milk out as she rode her anal orgasm, too... enough so that they'd provide a tasty treat to take if Essril wanted to just take the simple road and just fuck the bitch's butt or even knock her up. With Gio's state, she'd likely need to carry both of them through the tunnels back home... but a nice creampie, anal or vaginal, could become her sealing trademark among her harem's members. The little thief could likely search the fort for hidden passages in her downtime! But if she wanted to continue... then she'd have to fight the hungry whore off and deliver a thick load to the still-horny and draining Gio!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
This was a hard choice to make and the super tight sheep around her cock was not making it any easier to make! She grit her teeth and stopped thrusting, trying to hold on despite the hungry ass trying to milk her for all she had. The choice really came down to this, fill up this sheep and seal her alliance here and now... or hold off for a while longer and get in contact with a potent alchemist.

With a snarl she dives down and squishes the sheeps breasts together, sucking both nipples into her mouth and lashing them with her tongue, tasting her sweet milk. She had to keep her mind busy and wait for her ass to loosen up so she can pull out. The alchemist could be very important, even if they didn't join up directly, having them stop by now and again would still be great!


Jun 24, 2016
The slutty sheep was milking and squeezing the fat cock for many long minutes, but Esril would finally feel her large shaft relieved of the intense squeezing and attempts to steal her seed. The legs around her didn't uncurl, but the weak hand on her head as the thief moaned and smiled in bliss made it clear she was done. Her breasts kicked up production in the aftermath, rewarding a nutritional and sweet bounty to the dragonmander.

"Ooo~... Alrune gave me a stud~... you didn't fill me~... you're the best, boss!"

A light wiggle had the knot tug side to side, but she was too worn out and could only giggle as the large tool remained lodged in her heart-like ass's hungry hole. Gio could be seen fully erect, panting as he stroked his cock and pushed three fingers roughly into his broken-in butt. He was likely nearing a climax, the lewd squelching of cum and his hole making it clear just how hard he was pushing his prostate.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With a titanic effort she pulls her knot free from the hungry sheep ass, gasping as the action nearly makes her cum all over the sheep "You... owe me a cream pie... later. As for now..."

she turns on Gio, throwing his legs wide open and out of the way before ramming her cock back into his slutty ass, moaning at the sensitivity she was feeling and plowing away at his lewd boy pussy as hard as she can. She doesn't bother holding back, she doesn't want to hold back... so she just rams his ass,poking his prostate for a few minutes before moaning and dumping another massive load up his ass and into his stomach, moaning ot the high heavens in bliss.


Jun 24, 2016
The sheep is left in her sex-addled bliss, smiling and moving a hand to tease her now-lewdly gaped ass, as she takes Gio by surprise. The new womanly face does little to hide his pleasure, his legs wrapping around her hips to help keep and guide her in ramming his prostate into submission. Ears flat and cute, his stomach inflated once more as his large dick let out a far smaller load on the pair. The male quivered and shook with a new cum-belly, his hands moving to gently cradle it with a look more fitting Juni than the once tough dog-kin.

"A-Alpha... my ass... I-I... th-the inn nearby... c-can... fuck?"

His eyes were distant in his well-fucked stupor, legs tightening as he leaned up to lick her neck and kiss her chin, brushing his cheek and ears against her in an act of total submission. She'd made Gio into a submissive bitch, a gay buttslut perfected for the dragonmander's herm needs. She no longer had to worry that her harem might be raped by him, only how to rape that buttcunt of his!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
With a happy sigh she pulls her cock from his ass and pats his round cum gut. "That is a fitting look for your Gio... We will have to get you some fitting clothes to go with it once we get some trade moving." She slowly gets to her feet and grabs her gear once more. "You there... sheepy sheep, what is your name? I think I should know what my new stalkers name is yes? Once you tell me, head out and find that alchemist, I am eager to meet them."

She leans down and hefts her new dog bitch up onto her shoulder "For the next day we will be in that inn just below this building. Meet us back there either with the alchemist or not. If they can't make it to there, tell them I have a fort just over the mountain and would love to meet them."


Jun 24, 2016
Gio could do little more than blissfully wag his cum-stained tail while his new alpha spoke. The sheep looked over, but sighed as she resigned to getting up to retrieve a poorly-fitting top and her tight shorts. Her wool looked cute sexy in coordination with her clothing, almost like natural bitch-grips.

"They call me Nava~, boss... and don't worry. You just fuck buttslut there while I take my tight one out to find that cute short stack who had that potion~!"

As she'd leave, no doubt ensuring that Gio and her could go to the inn and fuck the night away, Esril could feel the fortune shifting further into the MILF's favor...


It's almost noon, Gio laying on a large bed in their room with his bare ass up and tail drooping over a sloppy cum-stuffed hole. He'd insisted on a rough buttfuck after breakfast that almost made the small staff kick them out... but results had come. Nava opened the door into their room, smirking at the scent and sight as she walked in with a large barrel-pack.

"Got the little slut, just like I said boss!"

She'd dump the pack on the bed near the resting bitch, resulting in a far from expected sight. A foot tall fairy-kin! The little pixie was bound and gagged, the pack mostly containing bags and a small cart of almost cartoonish amounts of supplies. As small as she was, the blue-haired long-eared girl certainly seemed angry rather than scared... and her skin was almost certainly an off-shade of green. Her much smaller tits were a C-cup by comparison to a normal-sized person, but they and whatever was between her legs and shapely ass couldn't be seen beneath the ribbon bindings.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
As she watches the fairy kin tumble to the bed, she groan and face palms. "Nava... I wanted you to bring them back willingly! Not bound up among their own supplies!" She scolds the sheep, getting up and moving over to the poor fairy.

"I am so sorry about her... she is new." She mutters, taking the gag from her mouth and untieing her limbs "i tell her I want to meet an alchemist... and she abducts you.. good help is hard to find." She continues, getting the last bindings off.


Jun 24, 2016
Nava rolls her eyes even as the feisty fairy is released. The tiny girl shook the bindings off with the offered help, revealing her somewhat curvy figure. A modest-bodied tiny female if there ever was one!

"Because I don't do husiness without pay! I told her that, too! Urgh! Pull out your dick and we can talk business!"

The tiny girl flitted to a bag... and pulled free a large flask. The rumors must be true... the fairies used cum among their tribes for at least currency!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Does it have to be fresh? Cause if you look to your right, you will see plenty dripping from my butt slut there. Really though, I am so sorry about that." She glares at Nava "You.... silly sheep." She says, obviously holding back her real words.