The horse-kin raises a brow, but reaches an arm around her to give her butt a squeeze and whisper back.
She released the hand-filling ass, smirking at Essril more like a man inspecting a prize than a lover. Only after the moment was shared would she give a shake of her hips and start walking slowly, letting Baz handle working her cock as she moved off into the kitchen to work. Staying in the fort until her child was born was one option... but it would certainly be boring and mostly involve her having some casual sex and spending the days relaxed. She could take the time to prepare designs for her banners and see if they could get made... by the time her pregnancy was finished, she could have a tabard to wear over her breastplate or designed purely as a groin cloth. There were options... but all of them involved relaxing and letting her fort run while she braced herself for a smooth pregnancy.
She released the hand-filling ass, smirking at Essril more like a man inspecting a prize than a lover. Only after the moment was shared would she give a shake of her hips and start walking slowly, letting Baz handle working her cock as she moved off into the kitchen to work. Staying in the fort until her child was born was one option... but it would certainly be boring and mostly involve her having some casual sex and spending the days relaxed. She could take the time to prepare designs for her banners and see if they could get made... by the time her pregnancy was finished, she could have a tabard to wear over her breastplate or designed purely as a groin cloth. There were options... but all of them involved relaxing and letting her fort run while she braced herself for a smooth pregnancy.