Skies of Sex [Floozer]


Jun 24, 2016
The horse-kin raises a brow, but reaches an arm around her to give her butt a squeeze and whisper back.


She released the hand-filling ass, smirking at Essril more like a man inspecting a prize than a lover. Only after the moment was shared would she give a shake of her hips and start walking slowly, letting Baz handle working her cock as she moved off into the kitchen to work. Staying in the fort until her child was born was one option... but it would certainly be boring and mostly involve her having some casual sex and spending the days relaxed. She could take the time to prepare designs for her banners and see if they could get made... by the time her pregnancy was finished, she could have a tabard to wear over her breastplate or designed purely as a groin cloth. There were options... but all of them involved relaxing and letting her fort run while she braced herself for a smooth pregnancy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
While it was boring... he draw backs to something happening to her child were far too high. So with a grin on her face she goes to design her new flags and tabard.

It takes her nearly two hours before she is finally happy with something. A royal purple base with gold trim. In the center is a blazing fire with a large tower shield standing stalwart in the center. Three vertical claw marks run from top to bottom of the shield.

(time jump?)


Jun 24, 2016

With careful guidance and plenty of cum-potions, her pregnancy and her lover's all go smoothly. Seemed it was easy to convert the recipe for Juni and Konni. Baz spent most days wearing a dress, still on the masculine side of androgyny but now acting more like a girl. Ostia had taken to fucking her often, letting Essril rest.

Her daughter had been born, different than both of her parents. She had grown to a small child in a matter of days, her skin rosy pink. Her eyes were big and red with a head of brown hair. She had a salamander-kin's lengthy tail, but hadn't been blessed as a herm. In a few more days, she'd be a young adult... and her rapid growth was matched just as Ostia's family suggested. She was reading books quickly, learning to speak... she'd be a great asset soon! And, obviously, she was kept in a room sound-proofed by the elf to ensure she didn't walk in on or hear any sex!

The same room also had two cribs. Konni had popped out three fist-sized eggs, while Juni had let out two head-sized ball-eggs. His were kept in a moist tub, while Konni's crib was a straw-filled nest lookalike. She was going to have more rapidly growing children soon... and still had to name her daughter!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
After getting a good grip on her daughters rapid growth, she decided to name her Vivian... or Vivi for short. It was strong and cute at the same time, fitting for her strong girl.

Despite not originally wanting a child, she couldn't be happier with Vivi and spends as much time with her as she can, teaching her wrong from right... or at least her version of wrong and right. She has also been gently teaching her hand to hand combat, just begginers things in prep for when she gets bigger!

Seeing Juni lay his eggs only made her want to fill him up with more... she would likely need to get a contraceptive for him lest she get him pregnant again and again.

Konni's eggs honestly made her a bit nervous... She could not stop them from learning from her mother and she worries if she can please that many harpies.


Jun 24, 2016
Vivi was standing with her mother, in particular near the special crib for Juni's eggs. She was watching with her mouth wide, reaching out to gently poke the large soft eggs before puffing out her cheeks.

"Mmm~... when are my siblings gonna be born!?"

Juni smiled, but simply moved over to pick the girl and heft her up onto his shoulders. She clung to his head, wearing some clothes made from the potato sacks they had no use for. It wasn't the most comfortable clothes, but they had little options without some access to fiber or cotton.

"Patience, okay? They'll hatch soon... promise!"

Konni wasn't anywhere to be seen, actually having a remarkable rate of detachment as she hunted often. Her eggs had shook occasionally, a sign of her rowdy harpies in their eggs... but relatively Essril was lucky that things at least stayed somewhat similar even with the addition of one child.

"You know, lover... once the crops start yielding in another day or two from all my... er... seeding? We're going to have a lot of good food for the young ones. It'll be nice... even if those potions mean they'll grow up fast."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She smiles and nods, walking up next to Juni and patting Vivi on the back. "Listen to Juni dear, they will hatch soon enough, they just take a bit more time is all! And you are right Juni, having more stock will be a great boon... Ostia has been getting a tad grumpy lately with restricted supplies."

She backs up and rubs her chin "Speaking of... we need more supplies... namely cloth and other such things. We have food covered and water.... but cotton, fiber, silks... finer things like that are few and far between."


Jun 24, 2016
Juni frowns, Vivi smiling as she kicked her legs briefly. The salamander lowered the girl to the ground, turning to face the herm.

"Well... if we go further into the mountains, it may be possible to... find... a village or something to trade with. The kobold presence from the caves means they likely aren't going to be near here, though, we do have furs from those hare to trade. Not like we can use the pelts without a proper tailor among us..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"And that brings another problem.. we don't have a tailor to work any cloth we might get." She ruffles Vivi's hair lovingly as she talks. "So we have some pelts to trade but I am not sure how far that would get us. So I need to find us a tailor... or three, to bring back and stay here. Then we need a stable income of cloth and silks."

She scratches her head and frowns "Ugh, so many things to worry about."


Jun 24, 2016
"Well," he gently ushered the hair-rustled Vivi over to her toys, "I know you'll think of something. Maybe... you should see if Gio will help you push into the tunnels? He's sat naked every day, waiting to fight... I know he's not very trustworthy, b-but... he's strong, right? If we run them off, we'd be able to search their caves for ore and anything of value."

"Or... just follow."
Gio's voice caused Juni to turn, Vivi looking but thankfully not flashed by dog-dick. It seemed Gio had defied the norm, wearing a collection of furs stitched together into a fur-skirt that fell to the middle of his shins.

"Know... city close... here. Oasis... close... to path there."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She turns to face Gio, arms folded over her chest. She wasn't really afraid of him any more as Vivi had been born safely so if she had to fight there was no risk to someone so precious.

"You know the way to a city somehwere down in the sands? What about the Kobold tunnels? Both of those could prove some great value to the keep."


Jun 24, 2016

"Know no... Kobold. City... may not... stand. Possibly... gone. Best... bet."
The dog-kin grumbled, turning and making his way out. Being alone made Juni inmediately move to whisper to her.

"Hun, going alone... a-are you sure you can trust him?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"No, no I a not sure at all." She moves over and puts on her adventure clothes before snapping on her runed armor "But if we stagnate here then this place will fall apart. So I must go with him." She opens the bottom drawer of her dressed adn takes out a kite shield and battle hammer she scavenged from the armory. "So I trust you to keep a handle on all the young ones while I am gone ok?"


Jun 24, 2016
The additional weapons had Juni frowning, especially as she had abandoned the guard's prized spear, but he could only sigh and move to hug her. Vivi was still in the children's room, which meant that while they were alone he could move and kiss her. The salamander-kin reached down to her pants, putting his hand over the bulge of where her cock was hidden and flacid.

"I... understand. But be careful. If you don't come back, then we'll have to raise them without you... a-and... you already put me in a weird spot, getting me pregnant... s-so... you need to take responsibility."

He'd kiss her again, this time squeezing her groin, before pulling away and moving off to the room to keep an eye on Vivi. She could see Gio from the doorway of her room out in the courtyard, the dog-kin staring off toward the sky above. Konni was likely out hunting, which meant she wasn't going to be able to say goodbye to her... and it also meant that getting down the mountain wouldn't be simple. However, it did give her a new chance to hopefully find different paths to rely on and explore if he knew this area better than her...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Don't worry Juni, I will come back if it is the last thing I do, trust me." On the way out she grabs her favorite spear, the weapon that kept them all safe during their escape, and slung it onto her back. "There we go... safe as houses right? I will be back soon enough Juni!"

She strides out and over to Gio, giving him a nod. "Alright then... lets get moving."


Jun 24, 2016
The dog-kin sizes her up, but flicks his ears and turns to lead. Ostia can be seen sleeping for once, Baz beneath her and seemingly at home on her cock. Seems he'd become a loving cocksleeve, too. As he gets exit, the dog-kin led her to the tunnel entrances, looking to it for a moment before facing her.

"You... armed. You... lead through. Give... you directions."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Right... Or we could walk side by side... it all works the same doesn't it?" She says with a raised brow. "I am sure you can react fast enough to get out of the way of any trouble."


Jun 24, 2016
"Make difference... fine."

Gio moved and entered the cave, grumbling as they walked. A fight between them was something her elf said would be hard... was it wise to be fighting with him already?

The time spent walking into the caves seems to be for sometime. Glowing crystals spot the walls, lighting the path well enough. The roughest sections of the cave seemed cleared of debris and rock, a testament to how busy the kobolds must be. They finally reach a cavern not too long into the walk, the open nature of it suggesting it was a crossroad.

"Middle... leave mountains. Left... town. Right... kobold cave. Smell them."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Huh... that is an impressive nose you have there. Considering you have no gear of your own we should probably check this town first and leave teh kobolds for later yea?"


Jun 24, 2016

He turned and started down the tunnel, making it just into the entrance before a snort could be heard.

"You two would be good bitches~... a breeding woman and a slut-mutt!"

She'd see a kobold-kin standing near the entrance to their den's path, a male with cute hips and a young, almost girly face. He was fairly average at three feet tall for a wild kobold-kin, his green scale and dark fur shining in the crystal light. His loincloth did little to hide a thick cock, seven inches long and two thick. His tail moved as he smirked, confidently watching Essril as Gio growled. His grey eyes held a spark of mischief, visible between his black bangs. He wasn't armed... but staying could mean others came.

"How about you and him suck me off? Swallowing would be bad, since using my seed ensures my siblings don't come running you down. You want safety... so let me grant it, yeah?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She turns and faces the kobold, her grip on her shield tightening "Look short stop, we are just passing through here, down that cave there. Don't try to talk big cause i know you like to fight in groups and right now you seem to be alone. So back up and put your cock away before we decide to take you down on us."

Her whole speech was a gamble. Just like pests, if you find one kobold you have found lots of kobolds... so she was hoping on the others not being close by yet.

"Come on Gio... lets just keep moving..."


Jun 24, 2016
"Tch... your loss! I'd fill that throats better than your mutt!"

The kobold didn't follow, Gio as dismissive as they started down the path. It was likely they wouldn't visit the kobold lair without getting fucked into cocksleeves... so she had earned their first enemies. All the same, they now had a peaceful walk. They passed through the tunnel unmolested despite the bluff... and came out into the light of the end of the day. Seemed the crystals magically moved them through farther distances but accelerated the time outside. A few days of distance in hours... a rare artifact of the old human empire. The village, however, wasn't as expected. Buildings cut from the side of a cliff, they seemed old and even partially collapsed. Gio frowned at the sight.

"Been... long. May be... no one left. Supplies... may be here. Trader... too. Inn... still standing."

He pointed to a two-floor building, its structure partially repaired with new darker rock. The sign hanging had old runes... and the modern language underneath it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Wow... people are still living in this place? Look at it... just a bunch of ruins that are falling apart... heck, my old fort is still in better condition than this. Ah well, so long as it isn't going to crumble I guess we can look around for a bit."


Jun 24, 2016
Gio led the way,but he didn't go in the inn. Instead, his left ear peeked up and he turned to look toward the ruins of a home. He quickly rushed off toward it, leaving Esril behind as he even dropped and used his hands with extreme precision to climb into the mess. She'd hear cursing, then a scuffle, and finally growling.

By the time she'd find Gio, he had thrusted his cock into a warm mouth. A sheep-kin, her cute and youthful face spotted with a black-tipped nose as her thick pinkish white wool hair was pulled and forced her base-deep. As she gagged and her blue eyes fluttered, Gio grabbed her thick but short horns for a better hold, tugging her along his dog dick without any fear thanks to them being blunted. Her chest was held within a tight black leather band, her olive-skin almost making it invisible. She had to have a E cup chest, the cleavage pushing against the dog-kin as she tried to grasp his legs and endure the facefucking. Her arms and legs had wool as well, from thigh to ankle and shoulder to wrist, a thong highlighting her small ass but cutely accenting a wooly, tiny tail.

"Fucking... slut! Try... stab me?!"

A thrust got her to gag hard, the male throwing her down to the ruin floor as she gasped for air. A knife could be seen a few feet away, the tip bloodied. A nick in Gio's ear showed he had been hit, but the bleeding had already ended. She had a cute tit-sheep here... and a horny and ready to rape dog-kin!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
To say she was surprised was an understatement as she looked down at the tit sheep and her obviously angry dog man. "Ok... I have very little idea what is going on here, so rather than fucking the brains out of her, maybe you could fill me in? You suddenly ran off and finally catch up only to see you fucking this girl and claiming she stabbed you?"


Jun 24, 2016
"Tried... stabbing! She aimed... ear!"

His foot went down on the poor girl's thong-concealed cunt, pointing to his ear.

"Call... evil. Should fuck... break!"

The woman prepared to speak, but a shove to her cunt set her into a gasping shake, the male getting down and tearing the fabric away. A puffy, cute pussy was beneath, inspiring her to try and push him away. But rather than pound her pussy, he rolled her over and climbed over to pin her facedown against the stone. His cock was pushed to her pucker, his growling asserting dominance as she shivered and whispered in a mature voice.

"C-cur... I-I was... s-spying and you rushed me... y-you ran into th-"

She winced and cried out as the dog prick tried pushing into the unready hole. There wasn't any chance he was spearing her backdoor, but Essril had no more time. Joining the rape could bond her and try to break the sheep... throwing Gio off would start a fight and likely give this girl a chance to get away. That sheep had large tits and a cute mouth... it could get her slick and potentially give her a chance to buttbreed the mutt. If he knotted her ass, she'd have the angle to hold him down and duck two sluts with her cock!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
It seems like there is far more to this than what Gio is going on about... but this could be her chance... She has no love for this sheep, doesn't even know her... but if Gio rapes her ass and then gets stuck with his knot inside... she could finally claim his ass! It would only take one force anal orgasm to set him on the path of submission.

Kneeling down she smiles at Gio "Go ahead Gio... break this sheep for me... show her what happens when you mess around with my men."


Jun 24, 2016
Gio doesn't hesitate, lining his cock up and pushing against her. Despite how tight and how unprepared her butt might have been, it fell by scream-accompanied inching inside her. Gio grabbed her horns, growing and shutting the crying girl up. Essril was responsible for the anal destruction, whether she knew this sheep-kin or not. Gio wrestled her up and around, her tear-streaked face filled with pain as she winced. The knot slipped right up against the hole... but didn't slide in even as he fell back to sit with his rape-victim twitching and gasping.

The gamble wouldn't work. She was too tight to knot... unless Essril could get her to loosen up and Gio to fuck her. His hands hand moved to pinch her huge tears, squeezing and tugging the nipples as he growled possessively. He was content to shame the sheep slut and break her at his own pace...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She mentally rolls her eyes... things tend to really not go her way it seems. So she scoots up to the sheeps face and wipes the tears away. "you need to relax dear... deep breath in.... and slowly let it out. Relax as much as you can and you might actually enjoy some of this. Come on... breathe in.... breathe out... relax your muscles."


Jun 24, 2016
"F-fuck you!"

She screams in painful defiance, though a quick heft up and down the cock with a hard smack against the knot made her moan. She might have been a virgin, but there was an anal slut under the pain and tightness. And Gio planned to rape it to the surface, his hands moving to spread his new bitch's legs. It put her rosy cunt on display... likely much tighter with her ass packed.

"Fuck... too. Cum... lots! Bitches... love breeding!"

She panicked but didn't get more than half up before he thrusted up and tightened his hold to squeeze her tight against him.

"N-No! I can't... guah~! B-Be raped by two! You'll break m-m-me!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She grins a bit wider and uses this new point as leverage "Then lets make a deal here... you relax and takes this butt fuck like a good girl... or I will join in and together we will completely break whatever is left of you. So... what will it be?"