Skies of Sex [Floozer]


Jun 24, 2016
"Put that slut below. I'll get my cocksleeve to finally help make it easier to get down there. My uh... second cocksleeve."

She smirked, a hand lowering to squeeze Esril's cushioned ass.

"All I need is a date on when we might have our next kid. She'll be big in no time... and my tribe keeps filled homes."

The horse-kin backed off, grunting as she began thrusting into Baz again. The rough assfuck was loud... which meant they were likely done speaking.

The dungeons below had two options. A normal cell meant the kobold could be cock-caged and milked daily... likely for big loads that might make more concentrates. It'd make him potentially recover and require hard buttfucks. Of course, binding and hooking magical vibrator up inside his hole and bounding him above a large tub would make him little more than inventory. It might reflect poorly if anyone saw him, however, and opposed such treatment...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She sighs and heads for the normal cell where she takes the Kobold off her back. Finding a cock cage she locks it around his junk to deny him any pleasure at all before matching it with a full chastity cage so he can't try to finger his ass to orgasm either. Once done she unties him and steps out of the cell, locking it up tight "Be happy that I am not strapping you up above a collection tub.... this is more than you deserve." she mutters before making her way back up.


Jun 24, 2016
Sissy-locked, the male is too busy fiddling with the cage to respond as she walks out. The sight of Gio fitting a remarkably high skirt was in one eye, his cock still being large causing issues for the female faced femboy. Juni was coming out of the barracks, the male undressing slowly as he likely prepared the day's gardening rituals... which meant he'd either not seen Nava or was leaving the slutty sheep-thief alone among the many eggs and Esril's daughter. The sight of the fairy lifting up with her pack meant the first trade was underwear, the elf panting while the only human of their entourage rubbed and comforted him like the slave-wife she'd been getting fucked and trained to be. The humping of Baz was still going on too...

But her harpy was missing from the walls, her darts still present. It wasn't like her to not carry the hunting tools around. Esril likely would need to head to the gatehouse to check out where she might be... or head to the barracks. Nava was loyal and settling in... a nice visit could get more info about her helpful pickpocket and figure out milking times for her cow-tits. Or give Esril the chance to break her in and turn Nava into a breeding cow half her blood wanted her to be. A baby in her would likely force Esril to break her into a slut, but would make her milk better and prevent the sheep from even remotely running away.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her paternal insticts are firing off and she makes her way to the barracks to make sure Nava isn't doing anything stupid with her kid or the eggs. She pushes the door open and steps inside.

Breeding Nava into a cow slut would be nice for the milk... but she needed her as a pick pocket, so she will have to win her over in other ways.


Jun 24, 2016
As she walks in, she finds Nava in one of the other rooms. The room with her child and eggs is closed, likely ensuring they were fine. Nava could be seen stripping in her room, the sexy sheep-kin's tail sitting above her rather compact butt as those large tits came spilling out. It was amazing she didn't need a bra or have a bad back with those huge knockers. She turned to face Esril rather conveniently as she'd see the sheep, Nava smiling seductively through her doorway before turning her back to the herm and giving a small wiggle silently before walking further into her own room toward the bed no doubt...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Not one to waste a chance to get with the slutty sheep, she heads over to the door and lets herself in with a smile "Well, I see you are settling in alright..."


Jun 24, 2016
Inside the room, she'd see Nava had shed her clothes all over the floor. The room's bed was smaller than the large one Esril owned for fucking her whole harem, but the sheep-kin fit nicely on it. She was on her back, legs spread invitingly with both hands atop her breasts to hide her nipples.

"Of course, boss~... I didn't want to take your room, though. I have... assets warranting a personal room. I might have to get a strap-on, though... you have some cute boys here."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"That I do" She says, strutting over to her bed and sliding up between her legs. her hands move over and grab Nava's, gently moving them away from her nipples to expose her fine breasts completely. "don't cover these up.. it is a shame when you do."

"so my adorable little sheep... having a supply of milk around here would be great... so we nee to get you on a schedule."


Jun 24, 2016
That seductive smile perked up into a smirk as she let her oozing nipples be exposed. With the herm between her legs, they slowly folded around behind her to keep her from escaping. Her hands instead reached ahead and down, grabbing those pesky pants to tug them lower and let the meaty cock flop out and atop her groin.

"Mmm~... a schedule to let my boss milk me. That sounds nice... if you do it by hand, I don't mind doing it once a week. In exchange..."

Her hand brushed up underneath the herm shaft, stroke the dragonmander as she no doubt got her fully erect. Her feet squeezed their toes gently at that lovely ass as well, her hand stopping as she grabbed the head of the massive cock.

"I milk you. Tasty cum like yours is good for my body thinking it needs to produce more milk. Next to getting a kid, which I think neither of us needs... there's nothing better for a cowgirl than a belly full of cum. My butt or my mouth... both are your cumdumps between jobs. As long as you feed me, clothe me, and bed me... then you've definitely got yourself a proper thief, boss. So let your dick think for you... then let's see your tits and fuck our brains out for a few hours~. You'll milk me tonight... all night."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"You got yourself a deal Nava. I admit that putting a kid in your had crossed my mind... but I need you to stay mobile in case I need some, how to say, less than savory work done. So lets just keep fooling your body into producing as much as it can."

her cock, already rock hard, rubs against the entrance to her pussy and she slowly pushes inside, stretching her walls open and around her cock. She smiles down at her sheep and keeps her pace slow before drawing back and removing her now lubed up cock "Now... for the real show." She mutters before sliding her pointed cock up Nava's ass.


Jun 24, 2016
The brief pussy-fuck had got Nava grunting, but the swap to anal got her to finally moan. Her legs kept Esril close, her hands reaching up to grab at that pesky armor and strip her bare. Her backdoor tightened around the cock and relaxed to ensure the slow sex was at least fun until Esril was completely bare. Her armor clanged to the side of the bed, then her shirt came off. She was stripped of all clothes on her upper half before Nava finally reached up to tug her down into a breast-to-breast hug. The closeness ensured she could kiss the herm, Nava finally grunting as her tits oozed enough milk to get both of them slicked up somewhat.

"Fuck, such a stud. I like railing that mutt-slut... but I might just enjoy your fat cock more. Now~... fuck. My. Ass. Hard."

The last part was accented by Nava releasing her leg hold, pushing her chest up against Esril as she forced her into a deeper kiss. Her hands moved to grab Esril's tits firmly, kneading the herm's chest as she hoped to likely stir her into action. The slutty sheep-kin was definitely not like her submissive femboys or harpy!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She smiles into the kiss and her hands go up to grope and squeeze Nava's chest, not caring about the milk right now before she draws her hips way far back... and slams them forward with her considerable might! A loud slap right through the air as their hips meet and soon it fills the room as she pounds Nava's greedy ass, her fat cock spreading her wide and the slowly inflating knot making every thrust just a bit different than the last.


Jun 24, 2016
Each smack into her earns Esril a grunting moan from the thief, her toes curling as her butthole got fucked wide. Her hands made equal movements in tune with the ones on her tits, her milk spurting against Esril's palms and making things quickly a milky mess between them. The cute anal slut was so wet that each smack of the knot wasn't too much harder as her juices leaked down and coated the cock!

"Gods, f-fuck," she whispered between them before grabbing Esril's nipples to give the herm tugs and squeezes briefly before grabbing them roughly and milking her in an attempt that made Esril feel her milk wanting to kick up, "Fuck my ass! Break my bitch butt! Shove it in until I gape for years! This is the beeeest~!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She moans as Nava gropes and squeezes her breasts, her cock thorbbing inside of the tight ass she is currently fucking. Sadly her breasts have gone dry since she isn't pregnant any more... but that hasn't been an issue until now so she didn't think much of it.

In response to Nava's begging she decides to put this sheet slut through the paces. Rather than just slam into her hole, she now also grinds her cock around in circles to use her knot and make her ass hole gape wider. As she keeps on working Nava's ass eventually gets so wide that her knot just slips in and out without issue!


Jun 24, 2016
The rough fucking earns more and more baa'ing moans, Nava's eyes fluttering as her legs wrapped around Esril. She pulled the knotted prick through her battered hole harderwith each thrust, her cunt gushing in a climax that had her biting at the herm's neck. Her hole squeezed despite the efforts to batter it wide, the thief's greedy hole trying to steal her seed.

"Fucking beast... S-so gooood~!"

The cow-side of the slut showed as her tits spurted in unison through her orgasm, her hands releasing Esril before both moved around and down to the dominating dragonmander's ass. Groping her cheek with one hand, the other pushed two fingers deep into Esril's backdoor to press her prostate in a greedy whisper.

"Stuff me boss~... fucking give me one hell of a load!"

The open door behind them had ensured the sounds of rough sex likely reached the others outside the barracks, everyone likely heading each moan and smack into the rather average ass from Esril's hard fucking!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Gritting her teeth she lets out a snarl and starts railing her ass as hard as she possibly can, slamming her cock in and out of the abused hole before letting out a long moan and releasing the flood gates.

Wave after wave of her hot virile cum floods into Nava's ass, stuffing her belly full in a matter of seconds before she starts to swell out. The constant demand for her seed has increased her production rather dramatically lately.


Jun 24, 2016
Each gush that forced her stomach to stretch made Nava squeeze her legs tighter. Even with her gape, she squeezed the thick knot to seal her butthole and greedily store that seed. As brief and rough as things were, she was panting into Esril's ear as both hands moved to gape her unoccupied asshole.

"If only there was a thick cock for your hole... thanks for the cumbaby, boss~..."

The sheep's breasts had engorged during the breeding-anal, easily HH cups that had the sheep-kin plop back and move both hands to the massive jugs to balance them. Her body sure was quick!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Hmmm... maybe we should get to milking you now... just look at how big your breasts have gotten! There must be gallons of milk just waiting to be claimed!"


Jun 24, 2016
Nava didn't give a reply, simply humming in her sated state with the knotted prick buried in her butt. Instead, she gently grabbed the herm and brought her up to one of the cute quad-nips to gently pull her onto it and force the small buds into her mouth as she dreamily looked down. Her breast almost immediately released its bounty even without suckling, Nava locking her legs nice and tight.

"Boss, you're so cute~... let Nava feed you~... hehe~..."

To say she was more bubbly than a well-fucked harpy-kin would have been an understatement, though there was some luck as she let out a gasp and a weight shifting on the bed ensured Esril they weren't alone. Her favorite broodmother Konni had arrived, her mouth latched greedily to the opposite jug as she sucked and moved her hands to grasp it firmly at the top and bottom. She was aggressively milking Nava, swallowing the liquid deep for many long seconds before popping off and letting it squirt upward with her eyes narrowing.

"Steal Konni's cock... Konni thinks you're a great cow!"

Hefting fully off it, she brought out a bottle that was easily a couple gallons in capacity, shoving it against the breast. Nava was gasping and looking at the abuse of her breast without any ability to wrestle free of the cock in her butt to try and fight it... which meant she was howling in moans as Konni wrapped one of her wing-like arms around the breast and squeezed it, the milk gushing up and into the massive glass container as the harpy smirked.

"Konni brought four! Cock-thief cow can fill all of them then Konni might show mercy for stealing favorite cock for rump-bump!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She laughs and pulls herself off of the forced breast as Konni comes up to steal some milk for herself "Geeze Konni, you gotta learn to share you greedy girl!" She says while grabbing another jug and working over Nava's other breast to try and fill it up.


Jun 24, 2016
With the pair of them squeezing and milking her massive tits, Nava is left mewling and shaking beneath the massive pressure needed to milk the massive tits. The jugs continue getting painted in the white liquids, Konni finishing one jug and turning it up and over before lowering it to the ground with a clunk. There was little mess left on the tit, Konni quickly leaning in to huffily lick the sweet mixture up and away.

"Konni is the only one you need... sluts like this don't need their rumps pumped!"

She secured a new jug to the breast, climbing up and atop Esril's back as she wrapped her legs around the herm and gave a rock of her hips. The powerful shake bumped the base of her cock against Nava, her wings grabbing the jug and shoving it down when the hard shake made Nava moan and spurt even more.

"Hump her rump... Konni want to be done so Essy can share!"

Another shake ensured the knot tugged and the base smacked against the sheep, Nava's arms flopping onto the bed as her eyes rolled up slightly from the euphoria of both hard-fucking and her breasts being simultaneously milked!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She moans and gasps as Konni makes her fuck Nava below them "Fine fine... just stop doing that you silly harpy!" She says before starting to move her hips on her own, rutting Nava's ass nice and hard to get her milk flowing faster.


Jun 24, 2016
"Konni make Essy hump-pump hard whether she wants or not!"

The harpy had a lick of lust as she kept her mischievous rocking up to make the smacking into Nava louder, the hole being pounded wider and gaped as the jugs filled. As the pair of large bottles topped off, Konni grabbed both and tugged them up and away. One was clunked to the floor, but she took the other in both her hand-like grips to heft it up and drink from it. The sight gave Nava's fucked-silly look a warm glow, her smile growing as she squeezed her legs tight so Esril felt her inflated stomach as she thrust.

"D-drinking my m-moo~lk... I'm so glad it tastes goo~d!"

Konni lowered the jug with a content sigh, smiling as she rocked her hips harder to make the herm bottom out with the loudest smashing into the rather average ass yet.

"Good cow... Konni want keep this one. She good for young, drink, better slut than cockthief... Essy should knock the cow up!"

"Moo~... I don't want a boo~by~..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Growing impatient with Konni and her constant demanding... she reaches up and grabs the back of her head before shoving her face first into Nava's breast "you are getting a bit pushy feather brain... why don't you just have a big long drink and let me run my people how I choose." She says as she keeps pounding and gaping out NAva's ass "A good thief is a great thing to have."


Jun 24, 2016
Konni gave an uncharacteristic squawk, muted as she was shoved mouth-first against the milk-filled breast. Her legs let go so she half-flopped off Esril, both arms securing the massive breast as she drank from it. The angry glare went to a pleased one, her squeezing and drinking combining to make the anally-assaulted sheep to spurt a torrent of milk from the other. Her ass was almost fully spread from the reaming now, her cunt gushing from a now-constant but weak orgasm, as Nava reached to guide Esril to her spurting breast. The milk gushed into her mouth with an even more rich flavor, the thief locking her legs tight as Esril bottomed out.

"C-cuuum... boooo~ss... finish for goooo~d!"

The anal breeding and enlarged stomach wasn't slowing the sheep, but Esril could feel the bed shift and groan as a familiar beast moved to her cunt. Ostia stood over the trio as her demon cumdump grabbed Esril's ass and parted her a bit more, licking the shaft. Baz and her horse-kin arriving meant today was about to become an orgy zone... and the massive equine cock pushing against her cunt while Nava held her with arms and legs meant she was likely going to take a pounding while giving one!

"Don't worry... Baz will prep me. You have fun with that sheep, my mate... I'll make you something after breeding you to prevent us having another child too soon!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She gasps and looks over her shoulder, seeing Ostia's massive member so close to her made her shiver a bit... but not with fear, no she was excited. "Mmm, it's been too long since I felt that shaft Ostia... I trust you know what I like."

With that said she turns and grins at Nava before surging forward, burying her cock into her gaping ass hole and pounding away with reckeless abandon. Her hand remains firm on the back on Konni's head, forcing the harpy to guzzle milk or down and she rushes toward her second orgasm.


Jun 24, 2016
Konni wasn't removing herself even as the rough fucking shook the smaller Nava. The cock felt little resistance at all, finally breaking the sheep-kin wide open for the night. Her guts gushed cum around the knotted prick, the large belly shaking as Nava shook in total submission. Ostia's flared cock bumped Esril's tight box a few times as Baz licked, the demon finally pulling away from her ass and grabbing the folds of her cunt. His fingers spread her gently while Ostia grabbed her shoulders and simply thrust. She'd feel the cock rush through her guts, easily depositing a foot of horse-dick in her before Ostia came to a forced stop with a chuckle.

"There's my right hole! Now... to fuck you silly!"

A harder thrust battered her cunt wider, Baz letting go and instead moving around and climbing up. Esril would see the bliss-fixed sheep-kin vanish behind her demon, his smile big as he forced his cute trained hole against her mouth. His shuddering made it clear she was rimming his boypussy, his tail curling around into a heart-shape as his hands grabbed Esril and Konni's heads to thrust his cock between the huge tits. Esril could see his cute prick poking up as he rocked back and forth, but she'd feel a body-wracking smack of Ostia's balls against her ass and a bulge in her stomach. Unlike before, the horse-kin didn't seem to consider going slow... and was already dragging the flared prick from head to base with a loud clapping into the herm's plush ass!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her eyes cross and her mouth hangs open as Ostia plows into her tight ass, a long moan following a poweful shudder as she flops on top of Nava "Oooooh yes! the best cock... inside my ass!" she cries out in blatant submission to her massive centaur lover. She is only have thrusting into Nava now as the impact of Ostia's thrusts causes her to fuck the gaped sheep regardless of her own motions.

Bliss coursed through her body as Baz simply helps himself to a tit job and a rim job from the sheep but she doesn't stop him since tonight is Nava's night to be plowed and used. Her ass remains tightly clenched around Ostia's cock and with nothing else to do with her mouth she wraps it around Nava's one remaining open nipple.


Jun 24, 2016
Ostia gave a noise fitting the large stud as Esril succumbed to her beta position. The enormous cock was slamming in and out to ensure the thick sack met Esril's pair as they clapped into Nava. Her cunt was definitely addicted to the horse cock, the front hoofs lowering as she kneeled. Her stomach pressed on Esril's back, pinning her completely and smashing her against the cum-filled gut. Cum rushed out of the sheep-kin's plugged hole and made a geyser-like mess of cum that intensified the pleasure from her ass. The mooing was loud enough to cut through the room, Baz moaning from the vibrations. His cum gushed out from his sensitive anus giving an orgasm, splattering her and her milk-drinking harpy. Konni opened her mouth and slipped up in time to even grab the cockhead in her mouth, her arms moving up to pinch the tit sealed and jerk the demon off for more cum.

As she drank seed, Baz moaning and bucking wildly, the milk fed her and helped Esril relax. The rough mating and orgy was blurring together...

Until Esril woke up in the now lightly-lit room.

Nava was beneath her, Esril still in her ass and on her back. The room was cleaned, but the scent of sex was still strong. The naked sheep-kin was squeezing her cock with the softest asshole around thanks to so many loads and the cockbashing her insides took. Her tits though, had seemingly vanished. It seemed she'd been milked entirely flat, her mouth agape and drooling as her cute tail wiggled against Esril. Likely the amount of milking has been too much, but it meant that a super orgy could produce tons of milk!

The blanket over their nude forms hunted her salamander lover had been-in, the absence of others making it clear they were either late in the day or early in the morning when everyone was either heading to bed or waking up. Her tight cunt made sure she'd been creampied, but the lack of a seal ensured she didn't have a baby in her. With Nava sleeping and squeezing her cock, she had plenty of options to get up to... and at least ten of the massive jugs of sheep milk along the nearby wall to give her a nice drink to wake up with!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her body ached, her cock was sore and she was fairly certain she couldn't even feel her cunt at the moment, but this is the happiest she has felt in a fair while. Reaching over she grabs a jug and takes a large gulp of the sweet milk to slake her dry through and get some liquid back into her body rather than on the way out.

Surprisingly, despite her cock being sore she felt primed and ready to go with this soft wonderful ass squeezing her member so lovingly. With a sigh she puts the milk down and starts to gently rut Nava's ass, stuffing her with cock fast enough to please herself but likely not fast enough to wake up the fucked silly sheep girl.