Seeds of Chaos [Ren'py - Version 0.2.42]

Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
Yeah, that's the plan.

Also, still a WIP, but this is what skills are looking like

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Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
I like that :)

Making combat a string of choices rather than click and grind is a good and unconvential way to do it in a RPG. I was wondering anyway how or even if it was possible to do a normal combat system with the Ren'py-engine.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
I'm impressed with amount of skills we have... and a bit worried as well. A common problem I've witnessed throughout my years of RPG gaming is that there's usually a lot of quantity but not enough quality when it comes to their use, leading to situations where only a handful of skills are actually worth investing long-term while the rest is dropped because they they're rarely ever used. Do you have any plants to counter this?
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Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
I'm impressed with amount of skills we have... and a bit worried as well. A common problem I've witnessed throughout my years of RPG gaming is that there's usually a lot of quantity but not enough quality when it comes to their use, leading to situations where only a handful of skills are actually worth investing long-term while the rest is dropped because they they're rarely ever used. Do you have any plants to counter this?

There's a few ways. One is the simplest and most effective; keeping a list of what events use what skills, and try to keep it relatively balanced. Another is to make situations where the player can choose between using multiple skills (ie a bluff/deceive/intimidate choice). There's always going to be some skills that are better than others, but there are also going to be situations in which every skill is useful. For example, a player who piles all his points into search, disarm, disable etc. is still going to be at a disadvantage to the player who chose jump when they come across a gap that needs to be crossed.


May 31, 2016
While the game itself is quite enjoyable I do have one complaint. the original sex scene was quite high resolution however the two new sex scenes' quality was well, to be blunt, piss poor. I do hope that you can find a better artist as this game has a metric shit tonne of potential. It would be a shame to see it get ruined by the artist
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2016
Also, still a WIP, but this is what skills are looking like

Oh, that looks very nice. A whole stat page works very well.

I too noticed this Kyleamus, however not to the extend of calling it "Piss Poor" considering its better then a lot of CG art I've seen. I believe the CG artist has had more practice in the environmental art, but I can almost guarantee that as a artist works longer on a single project the art will become better and better, and I speak from experience from working on my own few projects with a small team. But for now I don't think one small scene mishap is enough to deter me away from playing it.  
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Oh, that looks very nice. A whole stat page works very well.

I too noticed this Kyleamus, however not to the extend of calling it "Piss Poor" considering its better then a lot of CG art I've seen. I believe the CG artist has had more practice in the environmental art, but I can almost guarantee that as a artist works longer on a single project the art will become better and better, and I speak from experience from working on my own few projects with a small team. But for now I don't think one small scene mishap is enough to deter me away from playing it.  

It wasn't enough to deter me from throwing a few bucks at the project, but I noticed this too.  In particular, Andras, the male demon, looks far more feminine in his sex scene than he does anywhere else.  I wouldn't say the scene was low quality per se, since I still enjoyed it, but it was disconcerting for him to appear feminine when he should have been at his absolute most masculine and dominant.  I can't comment on the str8 scenes though, since I don't touch any sort of content with females in it if I can possibly avoid it.

Edit; btw, in that portrait of Rowan in the stat screen, he looks gloomy as hell.  Guess he isn't enjoying his time as the newest servant at the castle.  Poor guy :( .  It certainly serves as a poignant counterpoint to how cheery he was at the start of the prologue.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Edit; btw, in that portrait of Rowan in the stat screen, he looks gloomy as hell.  Guess he isn't enjoying his time as the newest servant at the castle.  Poor guy :( .  It certainly serves as a poignant counterpoint to how cheery he was at the start of the prologue.

The guy's village has been burned to the ground, his wife got kidnapped and is probably cheating on him (depends on whether Nice Time for Roo is on or not), he was made into a prisoner with inhumane conditions and beaten relentlessly. Now he has been forced to serve two demons he (potentially) hates into bringing a new era to the world - an era that befits their ideals and seeks to destroy everything he has lived for and believed in. I'd say the guy has all the right in the world to look gloomy... besides.... he's a villain now and villains aren't supposed to radiate joy, barf rainbows and have cutesy anime eyes. :p

PS: Maybe he's on his way to become a demon himself? There's something about his eyes, their fiery hue, that makes him look otherworldly... *shrug*
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The guy's village has been burned to the ground, his wife got kidnapped and is probably cheating on him (depends on whether Nice Time for Roo is on or not), he was made into a prisoner with inhumane conditions and beaten relentlessly. Now he has been forced to serve two demons he (potentially) hates into bringing a new era to the world - an era that befits their ideals and seeks to destroy everything he has lived for and believed in. I'd say the guy has all the right in the world to look gloomy... besides.... he's a villain now and villains aren't supposed to radiate joy, barf rainbows and have cutesy anime eyes. :p

PS: Maybe he's on his way to become a demon himself? There's something about his eyes, their fiery hue, that makes him look otherworldly... *shrug*

Anyone else find immense amusement in this post? xD


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
Anyone else find immense amusement in this post? xD

A little, but i have to disagree about villains not radiating joy.  'If you don't enjoy your work, why do it?' is doubly true about villainy.  The demon twins, for example, should generally seem ecstatic with their lot in life.  They just bound a famous former hero to their cause and potentially (probably) made him their bitch as well.  No doubt his humiliation and suffering tasted quite sweet indeed, and all of this done merely as the first step in their journey in the quest to rule the world.
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Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
IMPORTANT - READ THIS FIRST - You have to start a new game. If you load an older one, it will not work.

Okay, so here's a new release. It is still very rough around the edges, waiting for sprites and some other things before I can add a proper tutorial and introduction, but for the time being you can get some idea of what the game looks like after the prologue, and play for six weeks. 

Version 0.1.01


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
Nice :) I was wondering when U would release the next version for puplic access :) Thanks ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm not really sure what is going on in the current version, but I assume it's mainly placeholder stuff for demo purposes.  A small suggestion for skipping the prologue would be to let the player make any important decisions that happen during that period in a menu.  For instance, why you choose to serve.  You could also use it to confirm any decisions the player made that might affect the story or Rowan's stats during the prologue.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
I'm not really sure what is going on in the current version, but I assume it's mainly placeholder stuff for demo purposes.  A small suggestion for skipping the prologue would be to let the player make any important decisions that happen during that period in a menu.  For instance, why you choose to serve.  You could also use it to confirm any decisions the player made that might affect the story or Rowan's stats during the prologue.

honestly, I took it as proof that nothing you did beforehand would affect the story in a meaningful way.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2016
Aha, a new release. Should be interesting.

Edit: Okay, well the  one thing that seemed most prevalent is that is seemed very. Rushed. The basement addition and the "Visit..." option does give some suggestion as to that you'll be able to capture people and maybe convert them? And the explore option in the portal room is nice and gives some insight into some possible new characters and tells of a "Research" option which sounds very interesting and gives the feeling the game will have a bit of management involved which definitely adds to the game, however, the lack of images during the explore phase really takes away from it since it's a visual novel, and when you explore it kinda takes the visual out of that part. I hope that you may be able to add some images for the explore phase later on. But so far my analysis is that it seems rushed. 

Don't push yourself to quickly at releases, quality over quantity. 

But so far I'm very intrigued to see just how the game completely unfolds. 
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Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
@Hiz I'd like each event to have an image, but I'd need to be at the point where I could hire Hikari for that really. If things continue like they have been, that'll be in about six months though, so not too bad.

Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
While things have been a bit quiet, work is still continuing. Here's a little teaser of the coding going on at the mo. :)



Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2016
Change outfit, that will be very cool to see indeed and...

Do I sense some Mind Break and corruption? Now this game really has my attention by hitting my favorite two tags. 

Glad to see you're still trucking along, continue the work and just keep us updated with the goings on so we can see what to look forward to. 

Edit: Say, if I made the art and story for a character would you consider placing it in the game?

I'll soon be branching into CG art myself soon and was thinking of various projects I could do after my work on another game.
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Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
Corruption is pretty much the main theme, so you'll probably be happy Hiz. :)

Not sure about adding player content, mostly because I already have enough work to do. What 'll probably do, when the game is in a more advanced state, is just release the source code and allow people to play around with it that way instead.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2016
Not sure about adding player content, mostly because I already have enough work to do. What 'll probably do, when the game is in a more advanced state, is just release the source code and allow people to play around with it that way instead.

Yeah, that sounds good. It would be quite a long time before I would be able to get around to it anyway. 

Using the source code would definitely be fun, and Ren'py doesn't need complied Python code. Ugh, the only part I hate about Python though is the damn whitespace; having to live everything up right. Out of all the things I can do making choice options is what I can't.

Guess I'll oil the rust out of my Python knowledge every so often.

Well, keep us updated! ^.^             Love to see the player doing more corruption ahead rather then the other way around. 

Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
Well, to a certain extent all the code that you need is going to already be there (unless you want to do something completely new), so as long as you can find the right bit of python, you can just copy it and make the relevant changes to add new stuff, rather than code from scratch. :)  

Lord Arioch

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2015
Still working on training, waiting for Keidi to finish the castle NPCs sprites, and fixing some interesting bugs the new version of Ren'Py has introduced (galleries are completely borked). 

Here is a little taste of what you'll be seeing when playing with the training system though (this is the low depravity variant, and will change if you persuade Alexia to be a bit less pure ;))

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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Still working on training, waiting for Keidi to finish the castle NPCs sprites, and fixing some interesting bugs the new version of Ren'Py has introduced (galleries are completely borked). 

Here is a little taste of what you'll be seeing when playing with the training system though (this is the low depravity variant, and will change if you persuade Alexia to be a bit less pure ;))

View attachment 5047

B-but she looks like an innocent maid... 


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2016
Here I was about to ask you about the newest version of Ren'py. Heard they added a few things and the UI has been amp'd up. Has it caused any problems with the game so far? 

Training system, nice. Hope to see a lot more content in the next update! ^.^