Futaworld (Pre-writing, taking monster requests)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
My current Patreon project is a Rogue-like game currently going under the working title 'Futaworld'.  It is intended to be a modular rogue-like game that loads up the enemies and their scenes from external files, allowing people to create their own custom enemy sets to allow for any set of pairings and fetishes.  The initial build will feature a male on futa stuff.  As I'm still working on the basic program, I don't have an actual game to share yet, but I do have a basic story and enemy written to share.  In this thread I'm specifically looking for enemy ideas and scene requests.  It helps a lot when writing these if I have somewhere to start.  Patreons can vote on what specific content I should focus my efforts on.

Game design document.

Game intro and some enemies.

My Patreon.

I am currently actively writing requests for monsters in this thread.  Please help me build the monsters!  I will update this post when I am done.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
You don't need to know!
I will give one recommendation with a bit of lore, because i don't know how much you have planned i didn't want to give too much information:

-Futa-angel: Followers of an unknown deity which people only know that hates males, they usually like to humilliate any man that they find or even capture them if they are able, however they treat womens with respect, even more than they would treat a futanari character.

pairings: mindcontrol, male humilliation, male milking, futa on male, male: anal, footjob.

Culture: In the futa-angel culture a male is just a slave, if they capture a male it is quite usual that they are taken to a milking factory or used as a "show" for the enjoyment of the population. They need males because they are infertile between themselves and they need a pure male semen to get pregnant. They have a lot of hidden rituals, in fact there is a  ritual that is able to make a female become an angel.

When a futa-angel has sex it is a must to be in a dominant position, because if not they are deemed as a failure, being defeated and raped is the biggest dishonour for them.

Society: They are mostly a warrior tribe, if they are defeated they will work harder so that it doesn't happen again, it's normal that they raid places, taking females to convince them to become angels and males as slaves, because of their divine element they are quite able to convince anyone about anything, given enough time... having personal male slaves is the meaning of "prestige" that they have, so the more they have the better they are.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Nice game concept your have here. I will most def keep this in mind in the future. I cant really think of recommendations besides demons, plant girls, witches, and cow girls.   


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
Cool concept. I'm not too sure about the stat/combat system as it looks very simplistic (and the melee/range stat means you can usually dump either, I don't like that but okay), but okay. I'm mostly curious about the meat of the game as since enemies/scenes are modular, there might be a lot of those later.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I will give one recommendation with a bit of lore, because i don't know how much you have planned i didn't want to give too much information:

-Futa-angel: Followers of an unknown deity which people only know that hates males, they usually like to humilliate any man that they find or even capture them if they are able, however they treat womens with respect, even more than they would treat a futanari character.

pairings: mindcontrol, male humilliation, male milking, futa on male, male: anal, footjob.

Culture: In the futa-angel culture a male is just a slave, if they capture a male it is quite usual that they are taken to a milking factory or used as a "show" for the enjoyment of the population. They need males because they are infertile between themselves and they need a pure male semen to get pregnant. They have a lot of hidden rituals, in fact there is a  ritual that is able to make a female become an angel.

When a futa-angel has sex it is a must to be in a dominant position, because if not they are deemed as a failure, being defeated and raped is the biggest dishonour for them.

Society: They are mostly a warrior tribe, if they are defeated they will work harder so that it doesn't happen again, it's normal that they raid places, taking females to convince them to become angels and males as slaves, because of their divine element they are quite able to convince anyone about anything, given enough time... having personal male slaves is the meaning of "prestige" that they have, so the more they have the better they are.

I'm afraid this isn't really something that will come up in game.  The player's enemies are all half real fantasies that are trying to break down the player's willpower in order to create their reality.  This lore could be used in the game over sequence or to add a bit of flavor to the enemy's attack and rape scenes, but that's about it.  I'm not really planning on writing detailed lore entries for each of the enemies this time around.

Cool concept. I'm not too sure about the stat/combat system as it looks very simplistic (and the melee/range stat means you can usually dump either, I don't like that but okay), but okay. I'm mostly curious about the meat of the game as since enemies/scenes are modular, there might be a lot of those later.

It is intentionally simple to start out with.  I want to keep the scope small for the first few updates and add more systems and features down the line after the important things are out of the way.  The real meat of the game, so to speak, will be in the adult scenes and ease in adding new content.

I'm going to start a thing were I try to write people's requests for monster attacks and descriptions (including different levels of power) as they come in, letting people play an active role in designing them.  Feel free to make suggestions for rape scenes and bad ends as well, but I'm not going to write them all up right now.  Here is what I have thus far:

Futa Angel



Helpless sex: The player is given a footjob while the angel taunts them about what they intend to use him for.

Game over: The player is put into a milking station and given a footjob by a futa angel while simultaneously blowing her.

Centaur Stalmare



  • (melee hit) The centaur rushes forward, forcing you underneath her body and slaps your face several times with her massive horsecock.  The smell of animal sex and cum is overpowering.
  • (melee miss) The centaur rushes forward, forcing you underneath her body and tries to hit you with her massive horsecock.  You manage to sidestep away before your pride can be damaged.

Helpless sex: 

Game over:


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Here is my first take 

Given the games theme of half imagined things longing to become real [I hope its not to ick]

Inanis [The formless ones]- [A psychic parasite]


Lowest level- Small grayish humanoid devoid of features or genitalia; and the only break in their glistening smoothness is a toothless, lip-less maul. The creature scrabbles and skitters in pursuit of the  player drawn on by unknown senses.

Mid level- Though smooth and grey the creature has evolved to take on the player preferred form. This might have been quiet erotic if it were not so "uncanny". It gives off an air of trying too hard, as it advances on the player, imploring arms extended

Highest level- The player's ideal rendered into flesh, glittering eyes, perfect bone structure, not a single concession to gravity to found on this form. This vision glides effortless towards the player.


  • (ranged hit) The creature inhales, swelling its chest to impossible proportions. Grasping your throat, you feel the very breath being drawn from your body.
  • (ranged miss) The creature inhales, swelling its chest to impossible proportions. Slapping your hand across your mouth, you literally catch your own breath.
  • (melee hit) A long languid caress slides down your body, illiciting an involuntary shudder of pleasure. Unfortunately this is all to soon replaced with cold numbness that clings to your soul.
  • (melee miss) You twist and let the extended hand glide past you, the attendant chill suggest that this was probably for the best. 

Helpless Sex

The creature is orally fixated and always tries to drain the player. Having consumed all the fluids and energy it can, it the evolves into the next highest level of Inanis and staggers off, confused by its new state.

Game Over

Should you succumb to the highest level of Inas following the draining the creature transforms into an exact replica of the player. While the player takes on the form of the Inanis. This power inversion complete the creature drags you off into its now fully realized realm to keep you as a sex slave and food source for all eternity.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Akheter, I think what I'd do for this one is a doppelganger sort of creature.  While the enemies are half imagined figments, they're the player character's fantasies brought to life.  So they'll have a very real and very attractive appearance out the gate, at least in the futa world module I'm building for the initial release.  I've got to run for the moment, but I can write up some basic stuff when I get back.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Okay, here we go.  How does this look to start with?

I also added to the list the nearly complete Nymph so it can be used as a template.  Not all enemies will be both ranged and melee attackers, so we don't need to worry about filling out both.



  • (normal) A beautiful nude futanari gracefully walks before you, her steps are almost a dance.  She is one-and-three-quarter meters tall with bronze skin and very long voluminous hair that hangs down past her hips.  The face that gazes at you longingly is also stunning, with the bones and lips just the right size and in the right place.  Her breasts are at least DD cup and hang down ever so slightly when they aren't bouncing in time with her movements.  The cock that swings between her legs is semi-erect and glistening slightly, seeming to be a bit larger than a normal human's.  Her form oozes poise and sexuality, with a near perfect hourglass figure.  You can't see a single sign of any muscles or fat on her, save that in her breasts and backside.

  • (stronger) A stunningly beautiful futanari gracefully dances across the ground before you.  You'd guess she is a little above average height, has soft bronze skin, and very long black hair that shimmers and flows around her form in a hypnotic manner. Her body is every aspect of perfect traditional female beauty, with an hourglass figure and at least DD cup breasts that never seem to stop bouncing with her movements.  The face that looks at you with great sexual hunger is no less beautiful, having a perfect shape and features of just the right size.  In no way does the smooth glistening cock, proudly raised above her feminine lips, detract from her appearance.  In fact, it only makes her seem even more unnaturally sexy.

  • (strongest) An impossibly beautiful futanari dances on the ground before you, seeming to glide or float instead of walk.  She radiates an aura into the area around her that changes the scenery and nearby creatures to complement her appearance such that any instance of her existence could be captured as the greatest painting of all time.  Her long black hair flows like starlight, shimmering and weaving around her form like a liquid, but never hiding anything from your view.  While you'd swear that there's never a missed step in her movements, every time you look at her bronze breasts you find them bouncing tantalizingly.  Of course, this is only the first part of her perfect hourglass figure, the wide hips and pleasantly round tush are no less fascinating.  That said, her smooth cock shining with moisture has to be the part of her body that brings it all together and draws the eye more than anything else, with one exception.  That is of course, her face, which smiles invitingly at you.  Her impossibly perfect visage seems to promise the world to you, while simultaneously demanding everything from you.  You avert your eyes, desperately trying to keep your sanity.


  • (ranged hit) The nymph blows a kiss to you.  A shiver runs down your body, it feels like she just kissed you full on the mouth.
  • (ranged hit) The nymph performs a small dance that emphasizes her assets and wears down on your resistance.
  • (ranged hit) While cupping her breast in one hand, the nymph runs her fingers up and down her cock while moaning and winking at you.  You can almost feel her shaft pushing into your body.
  • (ranged miss) The nymph blows a kiss to you.  A slight chill runs through you from ghostly sensations on your lips, but you're otherwise unaffected.
  • (ranged miss) The nymph ties to tempt you with a small erotic dance, but you manage to ignore the display.
  • (ranged miss) At the edge of your vision you notice that the nymph is doing something, but whatever it is, it has no effect on you.
  • (melee hit) The nymph pulls you into an intimate dance and grinds her self-lubricating cock against your leg.  It takes you a moment to disentangle yourself from the amourous fae.
  • (melee hit) You're pulled into a big french kiss by the Nymph.  She explores your mouth with her tongue for several seconds before you manage to push her away, leaving you feeling breathless.
  • (melee hit) The nymph hops up and wraps her arms tightly around your head while pressing your face into her breasts.  Then she leaps back off gracefully, leaving you gasping with a playful giggle.
  • (melee miss) The nymph tries to grab onto your arms, but you rebuff her attempts.
  • (melee miss) While trying to pull you into a kiss, you manage to knock the nymph back.
  • (melee miss) The nymph tries to jump onto you, but you avoid her.

Helpless sex: The player sits on the nymph's cock while she gives him a titjob.

Game over: Player is granted as a gift/sacrificed to the sacred guardian of a village; a nymph.  Get treated to your 'honeymoon' of an extended sex marathon lasting about a week in her sacred grove.
Futa Angel



Helpless sex: The player is given a footjob while the angel taunts them about what they intend to use him for.

Game over: The player is put into a milking station and given a footjob by a futa angel while simultaneously blowing her.
Centaur Stalmare



  • (melee hit) The centaur rushes forward, forcing you underneath her body and slaps your face several times with her massive horsecock.  The smell of animal sex and cum is overpowering.
  • (melee miss) The centaur rushes forward, forcing you underneath her body and tries to hit you with her massive horsecock.  You manage to sidestep away before your pride can be damaged.

Helpless sex: 

Game over:
Futa Doppleganger


  • (Normal) This person seems to be a nude female version of yourself!  She is the same height, same build, almost the same facial features!  The slightly wider hips and B-cup breasts being the only features that are obviously different, since she seems to also have your cock and balls.  The things that give away her inhuman nature though, are the eyes.  They lack any spark of imagination, and communicate only hunger and need.


  • (melee hit) The creature's arms stretch out, becoming long grey tentacles and whip your body!  The bruises left are a reminder left of the doppelganger's true nature.
  • (melee miss) The doppelganger's arms morph into long grey tentacles to attack you, but they whip harmlessly through the air.

Helpless sex: The player is forced into a 69, while the doppelganger sucks them off desperately while humping their face.

Game over:
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Aug 4, 2016
Maybe a level system that works a bit like the level system in Violated Hero? Where you are prompted to save after each 'lost' and you gain some stats depending on which enemy you just lost too.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Maybe a level system that works a bit like the level system in Violated Hero? Where you are prompted to save after each 'lost' and you gain some stats depending on which enemy you just lost too.

I was giving some thought to what a progression system might look like.  I think the way I'm probably going to do things is different starting conditions, ala FTL.  You'd unlock them in various ways that might involve rapes or transformations.  I don't really want to make the player have to do runs in order to start off stronger on subsequent runs.  As for individual runs, there isn't likely to be a benefit to losing to enemies.  Actually losing will take several rapes and the more you level up the more times you need to be raped before the game ends.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So what happens when you win the fight?

There isn't a victory rape if that's what you're asking.  When an enemy's health hits 0 they disappear and you get experience.  The gameplay will be a lot like the original Rogue game, so the game flow would be really slow if you had scenes after each enemy.

Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
Well clearly this won't be the game for me then. It's good that people are making games to appeal to different sorts though. Good luck with it, it's a neat concept.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well clearly this won't be the game for me then. It's good that people are making games to appeal to different sorts though. Good luck with it, it's a neat concept.

It is worth noting that doesn't mean that all scenes need to be player submissive.  There could be content where the enemy is trying to convince the player to dominate them, and that causes them to lose their will to resist the dimension.  The design is fairly flexible in that regard, though thus far I haven't done any enemies that are submissive to the player.

Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
Non-sub content is appealing to me so when it is made I may give it a shot although, I'm not a big fan of games where you have to lose to enjoy the content. I understand there are those that do, just not me. I do encourage you to continue regardless of my personal opinion on it, any new game is good.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Non-sub content is appealing to me so when it is made I may give it a shot although, I'm not a big fan of games where you have to lose to enjoy the content. I understand there are those that do, just not me. I do encourage you to continue regardless of my personal opinion on it, any new game is good.

I'm doing monster requests right now, do you have something you'd like to suggest?

Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
Plenty of possible ideas that appeal to me. Perhaps an encounter with a amazonian woman, could be an ogre or futa-minotaur or something. To make it similar format to the others but a different outcome in her lowest she would be that standard warrior-type barbarian but as it progresses she sort of "awakens" more feminine/submissive tendencies toward the PC. She's probably still have alternate sources for her male needs, maybe a threesome/orgy possibility. But to summarize, a mostly dom amazonian/ogre/orc/minotaur grows to desire the PC to be her Top/Man/<insert appropriate term here>. For those folks that like musclegirl futas but don't like playing receiver.

Another would be perhaps a young/low hierarchy demoness that(to build off what you suggested) attempts to seduce the PC and eventually succumbs herself to her more feminine wiles while also gaining power. Maybe bad end has the PC as her favorite consort or something?

I could go on but I'd like to see what you think. I tend to favor more Male on Futa rather than Futa on Male if ya get what I'm saying.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well, each version of the enemies has the same sex scenes.  The variations just affect their stats, so that different enemies can show up at different points in the game on different playthroughs.  Say on one you visit the forest right away and fight normal power nymphs and felines, but the next time you don't find a forest until right near the end of the game and face off against the strongest versions of the enemies instead.  So whatever designs you choose to go with needs to fit the sex scenes and game overs.

So some sort of muscular amazonian woman that goes to jelly when she sees the PC, or would you prefer one that goes to jelly only after she's finished beating the PC up?  Do you want something like a double team where an orc wants to "marry you off" to her daughter and the daughter is super shy?  I think we should pick one to work on to start with, so would you prefer a seductive submissive succubus instead?

Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
Those each sound like they have great potential. Perhaps start with the Amazon, I'd say perhaps a combo of both she seems to soften up upon meeting the PC maybe met with some apparent internal confusion and when she wins it's amplified instead of suppressed leading to perhaps a more tender scene than one might expect.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Those each sound like they have great potential. Perhaps start with the Amazon, I'd say perhaps a combo of both she seems to soften up upon meeting the PC maybe met with some apparent internal confusion and when she wins it's amplified instead of suppressed leading to perhaps a more tender scene than one might expect.

So, regular physical style combat, but goes full tsundere/embarrassed on victory?  Certainly would be one of the most unusual orc enemies in a game like this.  Let me get a basic description going.  Do we want to go with the mother/daughter thing where the mother gets you to do her daughter, or just stick with the main orc as the sole subject of the sex scene?


Description: The orcus is a tall green skinned woman wearing simple tribal clothing and wielding a wooden club as a weapon.  She is a little over two meters tall, with a thick muscular build.  Even so, she has clear feminine features in her pert breasts and sizable ass.  Her movements are mostly driven by ferocity and lack grace.  You notice that she seems to bite her lip with her fangs every time she looks your way and hesitates ever so slightly with each swing of her club in your direction.


Helpless sex: 

Game over: 

Miscellaneous Forum Viewer

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
Now that is a difficult decision because they both sound good. I like the thought of the woman having never had a male mate herself so I think the sole orc one. However, I recommend hanging onto the mother/daughter thing for another encounter, I picture that probably going pretty well along the lines of happening with a Drow/Dark Elf Matron and her daughter. I play a lot of Dnd. Just an idea, don't wanna pressure ya into anything.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Now that is a difficult decision because they both sound good. I like the thought of the woman having never had a male mate herself so I think the sole orc one. However, I recommend hanging onto the mother/daughter thing for another encounter, I picture that probably going pretty well along the lines of happening with a Drow/Dark Elf Matron and her daughter. I play a lot of Dnd. Just an idea, don't wanna pressure ya into anything.

Actually, I agree with you on putting that on a dark elf style enemy.  Back to the solo orc then:



  • (Normal) The orcus is a tall green skinned woman wearing simple tribal clothing and wielding a wooden club as a weapon.  She is a little over two meters tall, with a thick muscular build.  Even so, she has clear feminine features in her pert breasts and sizable ass.  Her movements are mostly driven by ferocity and lack grace.  You notice that she seems to bite her lip with her fangs every time she looks your way and hesitates ever so slightly with each swing of her club in your direction.


  • (melee hit) The orcus makes a large overhand swing of her club, scoring a brutal hit.
  • (melee hit) You're caught in a tight bear hug by the orcus.  She seems to get caught up in sniffing your hair a few times before you manage to get away, but not before getting a few new bruises.
  • (melee hit) Stars dance through your vision after being clocked in the face by the orcus's meaty fist.
  • (melee miss) The orcus makes a large overhand swing with her club, but hesitates for just a moment letting you get out of the way in time.
  • (melee miss) You're caught in a hug by the orcus.  She gets caught up sniffing and stroking your hair before you manage to get away, no real worse for wear.
  • (melee miss) You only just manage to duck a heavy punch to the face from the orcus.

Helpless sex: The orcus ends up being super embarrassed about having won, nervously presents her ass to you and begs you to take her while she leans against a wall.  The player agrees, partially because they're afraid of being beaten up more and partially because they want to take her.

Game over: The player is in a merchant caravan on a forest path that gets raided by orcs and one of them drags the player off to a secluded part of the forest.  There the orc admits that she's actually super submissive and doesn't want to hurt you, but needs to put up a strong face to avoid shame in her tribe.  The two then have sex in the forest, with the PC being in several dominant positions.

Nebula Fox

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
*Sees primary post* Oh boy! *sees primary build will be male on futa/futa on male* Aw, I'll still play it, but any chance of a female PC (assuming I'm reading this right as the PC will be male) in the future?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Chubby pigs please.

Any specifics for content and fetishes beyond the basic appearance?  Like sex scenes and the age of the pigs?  Are you looking for something like CyanCapsule's Emily or the MGE orc?

*Sees primary post* Oh boy! *sees primary build will be male on futa/futa on male* Aw, I'll still play it, but any chance of a female PC (assuming I'm reading this right as the PC will be male) in the future?

It was originally pitched to my Patreons as a male x futa game, so that's what the primary focus will be for the foreseeable future.  The modularity of the game was something I decided I wanted to do later, since it won't be that hard to do if I do it from the start.

Now, dark elf and her daughter:

Shadow Elf


  • (Normal) A lithe and dangerous looking woman with dark violet skin is before you.  She is slightly shorter than an average woman, around one and a half meters, but still seems quite dangerous.  She is wearing a leather cuirass and thick high heeled leather boots for armor, but her only other clothing is a thin bikini bottom that bulges with the shape of a cock and balls.  Her weapon of choice is a coiled whip, which she is in the habit of tapping menacingly against her thigh.  Her pointed ears and face with oddly shaped eyes and nose mark her as an elf.


Helpless sex: A younger dark elf appears and the original one gets the player to fuck the younger one, taking about the need for an heir and that her daughter is far too timid.

Game over: The player is a favored personal servant for a high ranking shadow elf.  After letting the player take care of her needs (handjob or blowjob), she has the player impregnate her daughter.