[OK I see your roll there, a + or - 1 would be irrelevant so I'll just narrate the outcome for you. Kea I wanted to mention that your child's hair is naturally blonde, witch is unheard of for the tenuki. they are also technically a half elf, for what it is worth. Uta also gives birth to her child around this time, a half orc for what it is worth. +3 prosperity to the steading sounds like great start I'll narrate the details of that in a bit, Tori you slay a small time local war chief on the borderlands (either an orc or a knoll) during one of your outings they have a small precious item on them worth 700 silver, narrate that encounter. As for Asher you get a small band of cutthroats to help you scout the sable swamp and discover a full blown knoll village bordering it. You may roll to discern realities on it with +1, describe your motley crew, and what the expedition was like.]
The coming winter saw Alex working hard every day to work towards building the new lodge in the center of the lake, with the skill of the villager's carpentry and Tilde's strength they were instrumental in pounding in the support struts that held up their hotel and made the building a rock steady dock for all manner of rafts and swimmers. Still while the others of her group seemed to come and go as they pleased, contributing when it was convenient, only Alex was there day in and day out, working in the sometimes chilly conditions, feeling their hard work was sometimes overlooked in favor of her compatriots other clever contributions. Towards the end of the season with the first signs of the upcoming thaw still weeks away Alex received a letter. It was delivered by a carrier quail, a old hedge wizard's trick to send sensitive documents to singular persons, the conjured creature poofed out of existence almost as quickly as it had been summoned. The letter was addressed from her people it read only this;
Corruption is spreading, something in the water,
Tribals in the east are giving us trouble,
Return soon Alex, relight the Fire.
While Sophie and Tori enjoyed the relative ease of the duchesses patronage, Dan and Rocky decided to enlist in the SDF (Sidhe' Defense Force) specifically under the command of Cpt. Gruthun.
The military training did them well as they grew more masculine and fit, becoming fine young men. Sophie too was developing in to quite the young woman, an aspiring entertainer, courtesan, and socialite amidst the Sidhe' elite. [Tell me if either of you develop a pregnancy, and don't forget about your encounter with the Countess either]
[and so we are clear everyone other than Alex signed up with the Duchess yes?]