Rebellious! A Greenskin Story (for shinyhappyfitsofrage)


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Jun 30, 2016
Rin and and Asta would listen, intrigued about the trolls and ogres from her lands. she spoke of how different they were from here and how trolls had an uncanny healing ability, It certainly made them think. Also it would interest Asta to learn of the goblin warchief brahms. she would wonder what he was like. Perhaps she could speak with him sometime once Aitainyn started really training Asta. Rin was glad her people weren't like the ones from Dyzz's land she quite liked being able to actually think. She thought about what it would be like to fight one....

it was rather interesting all and all hearing about a world beyond your own. Asta wouldn't have believed it if it wasn't for the fact that she had met people from another world back in her hometown.... they had spoken of a world where the dead were rising from the graves in large numbers as some cosmic horror plotted against the world. They were strange people indeed, there was an other worldly feel to them...

Rin would look back at Dyzz, blinking in confusion. "Wait what!? Give me a...... dick?", Rin asked in a strained voice. "Let me guess Asta... she's not kidding she can do it.", she said without looking too her. "Er... y-yes.....", Asta mumbled. Rin would bluh as she said, "W-Well maybe i could....."


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Aug 20, 2017
Asta certainly hadn't been kidding. Dyzz didn't want to Rin on such a humiliating note, and pushed a thumb to her crotch... which would give the ogress what was promised. "Only last for little while... unless you want one for keepsies. But, works good and the same. Not, uh, make little ogres or anything, though. Just for fun." And what fun it could be! Dyzz would look up at her again, this time seeming... nervous. "You not... mad at Dyzz then?"
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Jun 30, 2016
Rin would gasp as Dyzz reached right into her skirt touch touch her crotch. But then her eyes would grow even wider as a huge penis and large balls would grow out, hardening and lifting up the front of Rin's skirt. she would moan and stagger a little quite surprised by this, and perhaps even more horny. The new cock was red and hot and little flicks of flame would drip out instead of pre. However, it was harmless not actually buring the short grass around them, "H-Holy shit! I... I have a dick?!", Rin said as it swayed slightly and bobbed up. She would touch the thing and being to stroke gasping as she felt the alien sensation of penis pleasure. Asta was blushing blinked a few times it was quite a long thing.... must have be more than a foot long.

"No.... I'm not.... it wasn't really you....", Rin said still staring at that peen of hers and blushing holty. She'd then quickly pick up Dyzz like a little football and take her behind the tents to try and get some privacy. She still couldn't quite believe she had such a big cock hanging on her. "I... I really wanna stick it in your pussy....", she admitted feeling a little embarrassed to say that out loud. "Can you really take this whole thing.... inside?"


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Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz was shuffled away, all of a sudden! Once they were behind the tent, Dyzz looked up at her, wide eyed, upper lip caught on her tusk. "Oh, came for privacy? Dyzz thought you might wanna do publicly, since Martuld... well, this works fine anyway. Dyzz can take... yes. Dyzz can take it." Dyzz was adaptable... she could take ludicrous insertions. She'd reach up to Rin's cock, already at dick sucking height while standing, and caress it, running her little blue hand along the length of that large shaft... and she'd grip it, squeezing lightly, and stroking back and forth. "Is a very nice cock, innit?" She'd lick the tip gently, then slurp on the crown noisily, and flick under the top with her tongue, hard, a few times. She watched Rin's eyes while she worked, licking all over that cock, and kissing it, getting her nice and wet.
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Jun 30, 2016
Rin's eyes would open wider once she was given pleasure most alien to her. her huge cock would throb and leak warm flaming pre into Dyzz's tongue. Again it would seem to be on fire but it would only register as warm and perhaps a little spicy to the tastebuds. She would gasp and moan, her breath coming in quicker. Dyzz's little hands and tounge were making the ogress' knees weak with pleasure. "Oh F-FUCK!", she moaned. Even if she was super lust she felt she needed to say something. "Ogres are p-private p-people....", she would make a little gasp then continue. "I.... I don't want people to see me like that....".

Then she would stop Dyzz with a big hand and say panting, "Yes.... it is a good.... cock....."

they weren't quite alone as Rin would think Midgee was peeking at them from around a the corner of a big tent. Dyzz saw her but Rin could not. she was blushing quite a lot and Dyzz would see the little goblins arm moving slightly....


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Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz saw Midgee, and gave her a little smile and a wink. The poor thing probably wanted to join in... but she'd have to muster up the courage to ask, if so. Rin would almost undoubtedly say yes... but for now, it was time to soothe the hurt Ogress. Martuld had been far too rough with her, though Dyzz wasn't simply giving her a pity fuck... she respected Rin, and she had very real desire for her, and cared for her. Rin's happiness and well being was important to her. Dyzz stopped toying with that cock, and got on her knees, shaking her ass at Rin. Face down, ass up... "And don't worry about bein' rough. Dyzz can take anything you can dish, hear?" If she wanted to be gentle, that was fine... but if there was fire in her, Dyzz could take the heat, and that cock was dripping napalm at the moment.
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Jun 30, 2016
Rin found herself staring at Dyzz's butt she could see her asshole and pussy being bared to her, Dyzz's loin cloth doing her no good in that position. Rin's heart would thump harder in her chest making that big red cock pulse in time with it. Even though she had just gotten dressed just a bit a ago she was pulling of her bandage-bra and undoing the side of her skirt to bare herself fully to Dyzz. She was glorious to behold big, red, fully of fit muscle but yet busty as all hell wide delicious hips her little tuft of pure white pubic hair now sat above a huge throbbing cock and large swaying balls. She stood there blushing as Dyzz offered herself to her. Though she had seen Rin naked already, and the ogress had a hard time keeping her lower lady bits covered (like Asta), she had done this willingly, witch for her people is a sign of great trust. She looked down at Dyzz hesitantly even if she said she could take it.... it still made the ogress nervous as she got to her own knees and gently undressed Dyzz.

She just had to squeeze that butt a little with her big hands... it's just hard not to with nice round butt like Dyzz's. Rin would gulp audibly as she tried to line up that massive peen of hers with Dyzz's pussy she was finding it hard to maneuver the thing, it was unwieldy for sure but not an uncommon size for an ogre. In fact there were naturally herms among them, the slight demonic influence was possibly the reason for this. "S-Sorry I.... I dunno how to handle this thing! it's all hard and...", Rin said feeling a little embarrassed. Finally she got the thing lined up after a few silly misses on her part with cused flaming pre to be rubbed all over Dyzz's butt. She then grunted as she pushed! quickly shoving that peen forward and into Dyzz!

Midgee would gasp but Rin would be too preoccupied to hear. the little goblin would look right and left her, little ghost flames zipping around her as she tried to edge herself closer to them. she had no idea why she was doing this but... she wanted to be with them....


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Aug 20, 2017
It took the shy Rin a few tries to even penetrate Dyzz. Poor thing! Dyzz was so used to anything with a penis taking control... she hadn't had a shy lover in a very long time. She'd pop off of Rin's cock, making up her mind. "Tell's ya what... you just sit down, and Dyzz will take care of everything, oki?" She'd lay Rin on her back, with a little gentle persuasion, before climbing on top of her... literally. The ogress was probably in the ballpark of quarter ton and some extra, with all that muscle. Dyzz wouldn't rest her knees around her waist, but would rather plant her feet on either side of Rin's left thigh, then shake her booty on that shaft, easing herself onto Rin's rod. "Ahhhh... a nice ogre meat stick, mhmm!" She took it without too much effort... she was tight, and her pussy twisted around the insertion, but it never seemed to have trouble, even taking every inch down to the root. Surely, something in Dyzz's body was being shoved out of the way! That dick went up to her lungs! A little blue ass bounced side to side and grinded, then Dyzz leaned forward, looking over her shoulder, hair hanging, eyes saucy, as she got her motion... leaning on that leg, she slid up and down that shaft at an angle, to where Rin could see all of that ass, and her gaze, and her arched back as she polished her rod. Dyzz knew what she was doing... and she was giving more than just Rin a show. She crooked her finger, but Rin might not know why... she was signaling Midgee to go ahead and join in. Maybe she'd sit on Rin's face, hehe. Dyzz loved it when her fellow gobbos got a good chance to gang up on their bigger friends, in more ways than one.
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Jun 30, 2016
Rin was indeed actually very shy all the time, she just hid it very deep under layers of annoyed tough girl behavior, she was quite emotional too. Perhaps that was why she was sort of an isolationist, she didn't want people to see her soft vulnerable side. She laid back when prompted the blush on her face only darkening her red face. laying back with her legs slightly spread her cock would point sight up, throbbing with need as Rin bit her lip softly. She would gasp as Dyzz rubbed her but against her and then squealed as she pushed that huge cock inside! All the way! How did she even?! Rin thought as her cock pusled powerfully inside the tight confines of Dyzz's pussy. On top of that Dyzz was giving her quite the show as she began to thrust and grin with the pole of ogre meat. these were rewarded with sweet little moans from Rin, along with fleck of flame coming from her nose and mouth. it just felt so.... good.

When she crooked a finger Rin would blink unsure of what that meant. Midgee would look left then right biting her own lip and pushing her two pointer fingers together nervously. She would timidly undress getting out of the things that really only barely kept her decency anyway, then edged her way a few more steps blushing furiously. Then she lost control and ran and then pounced onto Rin's big breasts making them jiggle all over. She would rub her face and body all over Rin's breasts. Rin would yelp in surprise her hands coming to the little goblin as she snuggled and kissed all over those boobies! "M-Midgee?!", gasped Rin still feeling the pleasure from her cock. "M-Midgee w-wanna sexy sex with Rin too! She is so big she is biggest big and pretty! and you save Asta! Midgee want! Midgee want!", squeaked the little goblin. she then wriggled out of Rin's hands and made her way to Rin's face and pushed her face into hers to kiss the hecking heck out of her!
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Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz watched as Midgee basically lost all control of herself, chuckling to herself quietly as Rin was practically mauled by the enthusiastic little goblin. That was goblin excitement, all right... nothing compared. Dyzz hoisted herself off of Rin, and whistled for her attention. "Dyzz think Midgee want Rin more. Dyzz think... maybe Midgee want the rough stuff, eh? Goblins what likes the bigguns... tend to like rough stuff." That was a bit of an understatement... some goblins had an attraction to larger creatures, and those that got as excited as Midgee was tended to want to be dominated and stuffed like toys. Midgee was likely in for a rather wild ride. "No need hold back... Dyzz can help if hard on Midgee." She had medicine for anything... though seeing as Midgee was a goblin, she was probably tough enough to handle Rin just fine, in spite of the massive size difference. Dyzz would whisper her next bit of advice to Rin, "Should probably flip her, face down in the dirt, ass up. Pound her until she eating dirt, eh?" She'd be in such mindless pleasure the dirt on her face wouldn't bother her in the least. Midgee wanted to get fucked silly... Dyzz knew what she needed. If Midgee was as receptive as she thought she'd be, Dyzz would probably help out by double teaming the cutie with Rin.
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Jun 30, 2016
Rin would gasp as Dyzz slid herself back off of the big pole of ogre meat, the two girl looking back to her when she gave her little whistle. Rin was just so surprised by Midgee's actions. the little girl was just so lusty all of a sudden.... gosh did she really like her that much. It made Rin's whole body heat up, not that she wasn't getting very warm already. every breath from her had sparks in it... Midgee still panting didn't really know what she wanted she just knew she wanted Rin to have her to take her! To do anything to her! Rin however was hesitant as the little goblin continued to squirm and snuggle against her. Rin would blink uncertainty at Dyzz's advice... could little Midgee really take Rin's new fuckstick without hurting herself? AS she thought that Midgee had slipped down to Rin's cock and ball and started licking all over it, teasing the remains of Dyzz's wetness on the shaft.

This made the ogress suck in air sharply as her back arched. "Do s-sexy sex! Do sexy sex!", whined Midgee her brain consumed with want and need. Rin was sweating slightly as she bit her lip. "Okokok! J-Just hold on Midgee gods dammit!", Rin said as she took the little squirming girl off of her, her little ghost flames flying all over the place. She put midgee down very carefully even as her big cock throbbed eager for more fucking, its last session cut short. She would then make her go on all with big firm hand. Midgee fro her part would wiggle her butt at her as drool would drip from her mouth and she panted, one could almost see the hearts in her eyes. Midgee was normally so shy and quiet.... but when her lust was peaking she seemed to get far more vocal and forward with her wants and needs. Rin took one more look at Midgee before taking her cock and pushing it in! Sliding it in quickly! Somehow Midgee's little pussy stretched wide to take the huge red cock though maybe not as seamlessly as Dyzz had but still it did fit, against all of Rin's expectations. Midgee wailed in pleasure and even squirted a little, the simple act of penetration with cock so huge making her have a mini orgasm. Fot Rin's part this was super tight it it made her eyes cross she might lose herself to lust too....

Then Rin did what came natural.... well sorta, she was girl.... cock having was still new to her, but she knew how this went; just pump it back and forth to feel good! witch she did slow at frist then adding speed as she when along. She really wanted to be gentle with Midgee she really did, but she could feel her thrusts getting harder and faster with each passing moment! Midgee would moan out loudly and freely people, would be hearing this...... her little mind was overtook with pleasure, her whole world was now her and that cock. Dyzz would see that hazy look of bliss on Midgee's face as it got dirty on the ground.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz watched as Rin pounded Midgee into the dirt... rather literally. She was multiple times heavier than Midgee, and her hips were comically larger, slamming into Midgee's plush little green butt. She looked like a hammer slamming a nail into the dirt, colors notwithstanding. Dyzz chuckled at the sight. The sight and sounds of their lovemaking was something to see. Dyzz had an idea of how she could join in though, and in a fun way. She bit her thumb, then rubbed that thumb above Midgee's nose. Midgee's esophagus would separate... and she'd find herself only able to breath through her nose, as it developed a separate track to her lungs. Then, Dyzz grabbed a handful of Midgee's hair, and lifted her by it. It wouldn't hurt her at all... goblins were tough, didn't worry much for pain, and were tougher, especially in the head, than most. Then, there was a big Dyzz cock in Midgee's face as she swayed back and forth with Rin's rough fucking. Dyzz lined herself up, and pressed her cock into Midgee's mouth, and back into her throat, bulging it excessively as she nearly pounded her stomach. Despite the roughness in rhythm with Rin's own thrusts, Midgee would find herself able to breath perfectly fine, and would still be able to moan in spite of the odd separation in her throat. This was a neat trick Dyzz had picked up some time ago.
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Jun 30, 2016
Midgee was really "there" for a bit, just lost in the feeling of that massive red dong spreading her and pounding her. Rin herself was losing it too. she would pant and the fries from her mouth would flare out even more. her face was tense with effort but her eyes glazing over too. Green and rough skinned people tended to really enjoy sex, at least in this world perhaps an evolved incentive to keep their populations up. It was definitely this way for goblins and orcs for sure. Ogers on the other hand didn't have sex so often being the solitary creatures they were so their bodies tried to make the most of the experience. They also tended to get very heated during the act, and in a very literal fashion. For Midgee Rin would suppress it as much as she could, she didn't want to burn the poor girl.

Midgee was taken out of her lust induced stupor find her head being lifted by her hair. it might have hurt but she really couldn't feel much with a such a big peen slamming into her. She would give Dyzz a hazy questioning look before the blood was smeared on her just above her nose. She might have asked something but all that would come out was moans. Next thing she knew something was happening inside her throat! She gasped as her eyes would grow wide. Thne, there was another peen being shoved into her mouth. and going deep deep inside of her. She wondered how in the world she wasn't suffocating, but the realised she could breathe just fine.... Dyzz did do something to her throat! In her hazy mind she half expected the two cocks the run into one another inside of her. Being fucked from both sides started lulling her back into the pink mists of pleasure city once again, her moans though muffled coming through her nose instead of her mouth. Midgee would be extremely embarrassed about all of this later, she tried to think of herself a an intellectual goblin who wasn't so lewd. but well one could only stray from the baser parts of their nature so much.

There was little else to do then to fuck the slightly dirty cuite from both ends. Crazy thing was she could take it! Rin would have never guessed she could really fuck the little girl so much without hurting her, and this... made her want her more.... she was now her little goblin, and she'll be damned if she let anyone mess with her little goblin. Midgee seemed to have a strange effect on people like that... it was hard not to love her. As for Midgee herself she loved both of them no matter how hard they fucked her. Her little ghost fires would hover over to their nipples and warm them up in their ghostly flame, a neat little trick of her own. Things just went on for there until finally Rin could hold on longer. She gripped Midgee and thrusted furiously groaning and moaning loudly before her temporality cock throbbed hard then, blasted its hot sticky load deep inside of the current chief of the shadow goblins. Midgee would wail through her nose as she came a squirt of her own, her little ghost flames glowing brighter. Rin meanwhile had to pull her head up as a gout of flame would fire from her mouth.
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Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz would ride the wave of pleasure, hips bouncing off of Midgee's face, until everyone came to a rather timely and heady climax. When she was done, Midgee was a mess... Dyzz would pull out of her, lift and flip her, so she could cling to Rin while Rin was winding down... or back up. She didn't know just how much vim Rin had, not quite yet. The firebreath made for an impressive display, though. Dyzz would pat them both on the rump before walking off, to give them some time together without her hovering over them. She felt they might have a lot to say... or do. Perhaps even both, once Midgee's excitement had run its course. It was relations building... ogres, goblins. Orcs, goblins. She felt she might need to make an effort to see the orcs integrate with ogres... both were a bit more headstrong in different ways, and Dyzz wasn't sure about how the majority of them would receive eachother. Goblins, in any incarnation, she could handle, could keep a finger on the pulse of. Orcs and ogres were a bit more removed from her experience.

She'd make her way into the camp, rolling her shoulders, warmed up, and ready for some real exercise. She'd seek out Asta, and see what she'd been up to... and ask aloud what their next planned move was. She'd forgotten... but she hoped it'd involve some action. She had been Jacoby for her last good fight, which meant she hadn't gotten to enjoy it... and it would be a long time until she was as good as he was... which, seeing as he used her body, made her kinda uncomfortable. It meant she could be stronger, even now... if she was just better.
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Jun 30, 2016
The two would merely snuggle and hug as Midgees lusty trace would wind down. Rin would hold her butt with one hand head her head with the other as she let her rest in her massive breasts. Her big red dick would slowly shirk back into her leaving her with just her cute little white tuft of hair and red lipped pussy. "Midgee.... love Rin.....", she murmured sleepily. "Yeah.... uh..... b-back at you....", Rin panted. She wasn't as good at articulating her feelings in words.

Asta would be found with the goblin refugees, they were more her people then the orcs. She had a kinship with them, they were outcasts like her. Once just regular citizens, now hunted just for being what they were. Gar liked them too and the little goblin children seemed to get very attached to him very quickly. "Blimey! You little squirts are all over me!", he chuckled as the hyperactive goblin kid's would jump on him and ask him question after question. Asta was happy to see that the kids were in good spirits, they had hope witch was what everyone needed these days.

When Dyzz asked her what was next on the agenda she turned to her hoping she was dressed.... she had heard some.... noises earlier. Either way she said, "Uh if i recall... we were gonna go get the rest of the Ogres. We got Rin but all the rest of them are still in sickwood." She wasn't exactly sure how to get the rest of them together but she did recall they had a few plans. Scrub had mentioned that lots of loud noises and lights or the smell of food was one of the best ways to attract them. Also, they were suckers for a challenging fight.


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Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz was still surprised to see how well Gar integrated. He might become a strong argument for peaceful relations later on. She might get some busty goblins in his bed, and see if he didn't develop a taste for the green... no matter his more recent history or crazy accessories, he was human to his core. Maybe he'd even develop a rapport with Garam and help him get over his situation. Dyzz decided that she should probably grace Gar's bed herself, eventually. For now... she was more interested in getting the ogres together. "Ok then! Bring out the meats! We set up on the edges of the swamp, start cooking, get a good wind to blow the smell, and send us fastest to spread invites and signs! Challenges and foods, we has plenty of both. Rin, Asta, Aitainyn, Dyzzself. Anyone else who wanna fight them some ogre, Vishdilub host lists and sign you's name up!" Not that most of them were likely literate, so he could handle that.

Dyzz wasn't dressed when she went to see Asta, and probably wouldn't think about it without being told, though she'd no man-parts on display now. "Tell them ogres that if they can beat the Dyzz, there is great prize." She'd whip up something exceptional as a reward. Or have Vishdilub do it. He was good with magical stuff. "Maybe wrestling... maybe wrestling belt! Wrestling belts is way good juju." Dyzz seemed to be musing aloud, next to Asta.
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Jun 30, 2016
Yep Asta called it.... Dyzz didn't get dressed. Asta's eyes would bounce from her tits an pussy then back to her face every once and a while as Dyzz explained her plan. It sounded all about right this would certainly attract the ogres. The only thing Asta saw wrong with this was two things; One, her being included in the wrestling possibly. And two, that the Ogres might start fighting each other once they get close enough to one another. However perhaps all it would take would be Dyzz pulling a tree out of the ground with one hand to make them pay more attention to her. Meanwhile, Midgee was being cleaned up by Rin... she made her very dirty and felt she owed her a bath. Midgee was very content to let her big hands roam all over her and get her clean. The little goblins face was super dark with blush though... Rin had explained what they actually did together as Midgee's mind sort of blanked out at some points. She couldn't believe how lewd she got! Rin reassured her that it was fine... She was sorta embarrassed about how she acted too. But at least... it wasn't the worst experience ever. And now like Asta she loved Midgee too. they only thing that hadn't happened yet was Midgee, Asta, and Rin having a nice three way, or four way with Dyzz.

Asta poked Dyzz in the thigh and tried to offhandedly mention that she was in fact still naked. Thought whether or not she did something about it was entirely up in the air there. either way man Orcs would sign up even big Mamma Galma! in fact..... she had yet to reveal what her powers had done for her she was keeping it very secret this whole time.... Dyzz would finally be able to see her use her elemental whatever it was. The orcs and goblins set about getting a lot of food for the coming ogers ready all kinds of meats and cheeses and all manner of fruits set out, no doubt with help from Dyzz's ability to make stuff grow. Soon everything was set out and ready to go. Asta had a suggestion. "Hey maybe we should go into the swamp too, I'd like us to be near the ogres when they start moving towards us. You know, just in case they get a bit to rough with our messengers."
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Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz agreed with Asta's suggestion. "We'll do what we can to bring them into the celebration peacefully... but after the dark God's influence, many might be wary, or simple violent. We should be ready." Dyzz was taking this affair quite seriously... she wanted this to succeed. "Vishdilub and Aitainyn will keep order in the camp... we can go usselves." She'd like to have Rin too, but Rin was having a tender moment with Midgee... which she was loathe to interrupt. "We's set up a perimeter, use the scouts to keep track of them, and only we engage them openly. The scouts will try to funnel them towards us as they come. We make sure they come in with cool heads, and open minds." Dyzz would lead Asta off into the woods, expert eyes taking in the creeping fingers of branches and mapping out the solemn, dead brush. It was very open, very little greenery remained... they'd have good visibility, and the many dry, dead things would give away such big feet as Ogre's possessed. They shouldn't have much trouble with missing them, Dyzz thought.
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Jun 30, 2016
Though the swamp had been filled with the rotten influence of Ma'letch life did cling on, after all things had to live to rot away. And now with him gone the place was beginning to recover already. the heavy sense of dread and depression had left the swamp and it just felt so much more lively now. The spirits had apparently all been put to rest. Some scouts led buy Knobb reported to Dyzz that: the Ogres they found were all feeling quite confused and rather irritated, but the tended not to want to move at frist. But, some had smelled the food and started moving anyway. Others found the idea of a nice fight a good way to relieve their frustration. Some did make attacks on the scouts but they were all too fast and far away to really be in danger. Asta Noticed that one again Dyzz still didn't get dressed she gave up trying to correct this.... she sighed and looked ahead instead keeping an eye out.

There was a rustle then a rumble as seval Ogre's came tumbling out of the the dead but still mossy and wet foliage. Several trees snapped as the four ogers, three guys one girl, were fighting each other with fists and feet. "Get out of my way!", shouted one. "No you get out of mine!", cried the girl. "Fuck the both of you this is my turf!", said an older male. "To hell with you old man!", said a younger guy. They were all red, horned, and very big just like Rin, yep these were the headstrong ogres. Like orcs when their afraid or confused then can grown very angry as well. But unlike goblins and orcs that will band together the orges were oh so very individualistic. "Crap.... I thought this might happen!", cursed Asta. "How are we gonna handle this?", she said hand under her chin.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz stood with a regal poise, in spite of her nudity. Her body looked soft, and frail, not bound in muscle... with strong muscle under the little bits of fat, sure, but she wasn't just short, she was curvaceous, fecund in figure. Still, she had the stance of an Amazonian... and that was what she projected. A whole lot of warrior attitude, just with nice, motherly hips and gropable tits. It was a calm, collected, confidant and vetted warrior attitude... few enough barbarians ever reached a stage where they carried themselves more like a warrior than a brawler.

Dyzz looked to Asta, as the ogres came stumbling out of the woods. Four of them, with clashing personalities. They were focusing on their arguments. Dyzz changed that. "Welcome." Her voice projected, loudly. Her eyes were twinkling rubies, her posture relaxed. She was still naked, yes... and gave it far less thought than Asta. Dyzz wasn't ashamed of an inch of her body. "Food, and fighting enough await for all of you, and more still. But you will keep the peace among my people. Bring your fighting spirit, but leave your squabbles here. This is a time of celebration." She smiled at that. She wondered if they even knew what they were celebrating. The swamp was at peace, but they might not truly know why... she planned to explain it all at once. Of course, that depended on how the ogres all reacted to being told to keep civil and play well with others.
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Jun 30, 2016
Asta really wasn't sure what she was supposed to do here, then again, she hadn't given it enough thought when she left. She silently cursed herself for that. She wasn't sure about this heir to the throne of greenskins thing, but she now knew that she was to be a leader. there was a bit of sweat on her brow due to Dyzz's current state of undress. Thankfully Asta herself was dressed in her hide bra and skirt. She was constantly feeling undressed. She did come from a human family after all and was used to wearing things like panties and pants not loin-cloths and and hide skirts with nothing underneath. Still she stood there trying to look stoic with a nude little goblin who's personality seemed to take up all the available space around her. She just had to be here and look cool or something... show that's she with Dyzz as one of her trusted people. her shadow would shift slightly underneath her, ready to stretch out and grab and restain them.....more fore their own good then anything else.

The Ogres all stopped once they herd Dyzz's voice, so loud, yet not yelling. Their heads all turned one way then another not seeing Dyzz at first. They looked to Asta first and blinked. Asta shook her head and pointed next to herself. then... they saw her.... in all her goblin glory... They did hear her too but were perhaps just a bit distracted by what they saw. In Ogre culture presenting oneself naked had a meaning onto itself. It was a sigh of nonaggression for one thing, and it was way to show one's willingness to speak of compromise. This kind of thing didn't happen too often as usually things could be sorted out with a good fight... and that was well and proper behavior in most disputes. but whenever things were too complicated for a simple fight such things as Dyzz was doing was necessary. Ogres tended to value what little clothes they had quite a lot, (especially the females) so to come up to someone both unarmed and naked would get the attention. it was considered completely un-honourable to attack someone in such a state, only a true coward would do such a thing in their eyes. They would look to her and see her as a rather astute person that apparently knew ogre law.

The old one with a rough white beard spoke. "it seems you understand us.... blue one. You must know ogre law.". "So wait did she say food!?", said the girl. one of the younger boys said, "Wait, wait, wait.... this all sounds too good to be true!". "Oh yeah what do you know? I'm gonna check that out!", said the other ogre lad. "Er, yeah... it's all real you can smell it right?", Asta added nodding her head and trying to look amiable. The would all "hmmm" at this while they would look at Dyzz's body... it was nice to look at... Asta was keeping an eye out meanwhile for some reason she felt like they were being watched... and it wasn't the ogres. Suddenly a blot of sliver light shot out and hit the old man ogre in the back! He cried out in surprise and pain as an explosion happened right on top of him. The other ogres roared in anger and surprise as three more blots of light came blasting at them. Asta gasped and pulled up a wall of shadows to protect her as a blot came flying at her too! Her magical sight homed in on a hazy slim figure in the trees. it was indistinct and nearly invisible but she could see it! just barely. hobgoblin magical sight was very strong. "Were under attack! Up there!", Asta pointed into the rotted trees nearby.
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Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz laughed gaily for the ogre's response. She liked them, a lot. They were simple minded, in many ways, in strong greenskin fashion, but heavily honor-bound and highly independent. She admired all of those traits. Asta was less comfortable, but Dyzz led by example... she figured her own comfortable nature would rub off on Asta in time. Dyzz was a little confused about the allusion to ogre law, but supposed that it wasn't too terribly important just now. Then, there was an attack... on her guests. Dyzz grimaced. That was... upsetting. Very. "WHO DARES?!" She yelled. She stuck two fingers in her mouth, and let out a sharp, shrill, long whistle. The sounds of music and celebration in the camp stopped. There was a loud noise, then the suit of bone armor that some would recognize as Vishdilub dashed through the woods, shaking the earth with every step, literally toppling trees from his path as he ran in the direction of the attack. There was a heavy landing sound as Aitainyn appeared beside Dyzz, battle axe at the ready.

The ebon goblin with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes looked to Dyzz, and the ogres. "What happened?"

Dyzz pointed. "Someone has attacked our guests, shot them in the back. Find them." Aitainyn nodded, then started giving hand signals into the dark. The orcs and many goblin hunters were getting prepared, and would soon follow. Another goblin came up, bearing Dyzz's axe and bone club, and she took them in hand, cracking her neck. It seemed Dyzz fully intended to fight nude.

"Forgive Dyzz. Whoever has done this... they will pay, dearly." She'd march past them, brazen, making herself an open target... for anyone foolish enough not to flee from Vishdilub's charge. Aitainyn came in behind her, guarding her queen, and Dyzz looked back to Asta. "Come. This menace will pay."
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Jun 30, 2016
Scrub showed up as well to hand off Asta's favored halberd. He hung around just in case the people Dyzz was hunting down dropped anything worth selling. He'd just slink around in dark just outside of the battle he was good at that bit. Little Mixiy wanted to go but vish had most likely told him to stay put, his new favorite little goblin stable boy, now archer in training tried to say he was a man now! he could help! But instead he was given the very important job of keeping watch just in case someone has it out for the non combatant refugees. Wack had stayed behind as well. in a rather surprising display of forethought stayed behind as well, much as he wanted to go fight himself. Orcs that ran in did so in normal loud orc fashion, but the huntresses lead buy Ekey were far more quiet and reserved. Knobb was hanging around her too, they intended to fight together, they seemed drawn to one another. Even a few of the Half-orcs joined up the might have been only half greenskin but that was green enough. most of the goblins intended to fight in sneaky ways hiding in the shadows and ambushing at the right time, much unlike the ones Dyzz was used to. Rin would likely show up later after she was told what was going on.

The ogres were mad really mad now! Such a cowardly attack angered them to no end! the four began to follow Vish just in case he spooked their attackers out. Normally they'd be kinda mad about all these goblins and orcs running around in their turf, but they were to mad about the sneak attack to care, their previous grievances forgotten. Asta took up her halberd and pushed Dyzz's nudity out of her mind as much as she could. She would fall in with Aitainyn and Dyzz, taking note of the orcish iron armor that was made for Dyzz's chosen second in command. "You won't hear me argue!", Asta said as she let her shadow tendrils wave around her.

As the trees fell from Vishdilub's smashing charge Asta's magical sight would spot several figures jumping up and trying to hop into other trees, the were slim and light of foot. to Asta they were as hazy sliver figures but she hazarded a guess.... "Elves? Here?", she said out loud. Then more blots of silver light came fly, and yes two were stupid enough to try and shoot at Dyzz, thinking their invisibility might keep them safe. the two shot came from two different sides at once. They were aimed right at both sides of her face, left and right. it was a very coordinated strike!


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz figured that she was up against elves, considering how they moved through the trees, and judging by the magic on their arrows. Agile, swift... guerrilla fighters. Drawing the greenskins into their kind of fight. Dyzz knew Vishdilub and Aitainyn had figured that out long before her, so she dropped the line to Aitainyn. "Assume command." Aitainyn nodded. She pulled back, leaving Dyzz to go solo, or with Asta.

Aitainyn would pull up beside Asta while running. "Dyzz will be going alone. You may follow her if you wish, but it will be dangerous. The rest of us will be pulling back to establish a defensive perimeter and protect the isolated Ogres. We could use all hands available." Dyzz, however, had to sate her indignant rage... at least she was good enough of a leader to know to pass the buck before she took off helter skelter.

Vishdilub was still in a rage, or so it seemed. His keen mind never shut down. He was throwing up bone walls to top the trees, making a jungle of the woods near the campsite, and leaving entrances for the ogres. The guerrilla fighters would not get so close again, easily.

But Dyzz... Dyzz was filled with rage. She roared as she plowed ahead, and started uprooting trees in her way with heavy slams, heading straight for the elves fleeing from her. She was a tiny behemoth... the destruction left in her wake was evidence enough of the danger. Two arrows stuck out of her face, now... one through her cheek and teeth, another in her head. She wasn't bothering to dodge... the arrows were being pushed out of her head as she ran. She cocked back the arm holding her axe, and the bone club flickered. She threw the axe. It spun end over end, and along its arc was a tearing gale, and a series of small explosions. It tore through the trees towards the fleeing enemy, ripping the trees they clung to to shreds, blowing splinters of wood in every direction as trees groaned and fell. It went through half a dozen trees, a mere touch of its arc enough to drop the foliage, before returning to Dyzz. "You WILL pay!" She didn't channel Jacoby, but called on his lessons. She was taking to the falling trees as they plummeted to the ground, her footwork that of a headhunter, more agile, and sure in such a setting, far removed from the heavy and tactless tread of a raging barbarian.

Her posture changed... she wasn't a free running barbarian anymore. She was deft, agile, tactful. She was planning her movements in advance, and she was soaring like an eagle through the trees. Her little blue body contorted with the lithesome movements of a master of parkour... jumping and flipping and controlling her falls with twists of her body that spoke of expertise. Her naked body caught the moonlight, and her ruby waves of hair spread like wings on the wind. She was a streak of cyan and crimson flowing after the attackers.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Generally speaking Ogres were not ones to leave a fight, such a cowardly attack had put them into a rage. under normal circumstances this would play into the elves hands to lure the ogres into a trap. However, they underestimated Dyzz's group seeing them all as little more than primitive vermin. The ogres followed vish around just in case he spooked any elves their way. the old man ogre seemed the most angry blowing flames into the trees around him. Many ogres were able to get to camp thanks to Vish and his bone walls many were confused not having been at the actual ambush.

Meanwhile Asta had to book it to keep up with Dyzz she was just so dang quick! Asta could run quite fast due to her long strides and muscled legs but, she was a rather heavy girl she could only ghost Dyzz from a distance. She thought about going back but, she had to be here.... for some reason she felt it necessary, she wasn't sure why excatally. Asta had only ever met one elf before and she was really nice to her, and ever complimented Asta her on her lips, say some elves would kill for such a sexy smoocher. She wondered if she could meet her again.... ANYWAY! the shimmers could be seen jumping away from the axe's path as Dyzz destroyed any tree they tried to use as cover. Asta could see them better than most, her natural magical sight allowed her to see their shapes cloaked in a faint silver glow. The elves would begin to fire back again trying to blow Dyzz up with silvery explosive arrows. then just behind one elf risked it..... he took a leap with a silver blade drawn and leaped at Dyzz while she was in mid air aiming to cleave her head off!


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Vishdilub continued creating chaos, though with his bulk he'd not likely catch any elves... his magic was bent on maintaining that defensive wall, so he was down to his bone armor, and tactics. He knocked trees though, and cut off easy escape routes, paying attention to where the elves fled and Dyzz chased, loud enough to make the fight easy to track, the ogres in tow close behind. Steamed as they were, they likely had much less realistic expectations about what they would catch... even if this was their home, Vishdilub, like the other goblins, didn't imagine they'd fare well trying to catch guerrilla fighter elves.

Dyzz, on the other hand, didn't seem to care that they were elves traveling through trees. Explosive bolts came back from them, and she simply muscled through them, taking the blasts, which shredded her forearms, and carrying on through. She barely bled... her arms regenerating quickly, barely torn for having taken such a powerful blast, and seemingly causing her no discomfort. Then, one of the elves turned to fight. It was either bravery, stupidity, or both that had him dashing forth to clash with Dyzz in the skies. Either way, it ended the same... agile as he was, she was even more so, and too strong and hearty. She took his blade down in a weapon cross, both of her weapons on top of it, and completed a flip, bringing her thighs around his head in mid air. They dropped together as she locked him in a vice grip, and they'd land hard... but her grip wouldn't relent with the hard landing. She had a captive... and he had no hope of escape.
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Jun 30, 2016
The brave/stupid elf certainly didn't expect Dyzz to be so nimble in the air! He had but a moment to contemplate his error after she expertly blocked his attack and then wrapped her legs around his neck! he gasped as her thighs (which were nice to look at mind you) were clasped tightly around his head and neck. it did hurt quite a bit to fall as far as they did even in his light elvish armor. his cloaking glimmer spell was dispelled at Dyzz's touch being the walking anti-magic charm she was. Also his focus would be broken so it wasn't like his spell would have stayed active long anyway. when he next opened his eyes he would be "treated" to the sight of Dyzz's bare pussy and cute little tuft of red pubic right in front of him. he would try to get out but Dyzz's legs were like an iron collar around his neck and it was becoming hard to breath. "Get... off me you... beast....!", he grunted. the sword had fell from his hand when he fell but... he made a reach for his dagger and tried to jab at Dyzz's back. At the same time the other elves were split between trying to free their brother in arms or continue their plans for regrouping back in the deeper parts of sickwood. Three more arrows were shot at Dyzz confident in their ability to hit her instead of their trapped ally. Asta however, had other plans. She had only just caught up as she saw the elf hit the ground and appear with Dyzz's legs clamped around his neck. Seeing some of the others try to fire on Dyzz she reached out with her shadow and blocked the blasts with writing shadows tendrils as she shouted, "Oh no you're not!".
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz let him stab her with the dagger, simply lifting a brow at him. She grabbed the dagger, pulling it out of his hand and her back like she was taking a toy from a child, and chucking it behind her. Asta's help wasn't needed, but it was appreciated. "You're Dyzz's prisoner now." Vishdilub appeared, along with many angry ogre's... the fight's tides had officially turned. There was no need to pursue the rest now, though. Dyzz had her prisoner. She put a hand around his throat, then stood, and turned around, back to the elves. "You hear now the words of Dyzz Muju, Queen of the Goblins! If you wants your soldier, you will come and speak with clans in civil fashion... unarmed and in good faith. Any more attack will meet with blood... more cowardly strikes, and you will bleed until you can bleed no more! Starting with this prisoner!" She said this loudly, and it would put an end to the matter... or they'd start a war for real and true, then and there.

Dyzz would begin dragging him off, unless one of them was foolish enough to try to stop her... but the proclamation had been made with serious finality. She had the authority to make unilateral decisions on behalf of a nation... a nation they'd now seen mobilizing for war. They would be fools not to take her words seriously... but Dyzz didn't truly know what to expect when she turned her back, which was closing a dagger wound effortlessly. Whatever they did, they had put a damper on her festivities... it would take some work to turn this around in her negotiations with the ogres.
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Jun 30, 2016
The Elf in her hand would struggle vainly, gripping her arm and trying wriggle out. How could someone so small have such a strong arm. The elves, or the shimmers that were probably them would look to her and the prisoner then swiftly as they could make an exit deeper into the swamp. The guy tried all he could to escape even trying to punch Dyzz in the side with an armored fist. one had to admit that the guy had spirit if nothing else. he wasn't very tall as far as elves go and he was quite fair of feature with long dark brown hair light, slivery, scale mail covered him with a black sash around his waist. it would be quite easy to mistake this boy as a girl. "You won't win.... you villain....", he coughed. Asta was expecting more of a fight then this but grabbing one of their dudes seemed to stop them either that or they were up to something. "Well shit.... that happened....", Asta said hands on her hips. "Cowards!", cried the ogers they were quite miffed. Rin would probably be too once she found out about all this. "Er Dyzz, what are we gonna do with this... guy?", Asta said uncertaintly, she couldn't be sure by looking at him.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Vishdilub was there, and Aitainyn was well, in a heartbeat, as Asta asked that question. Vishdilub was the one who responded. "He is a prisoner of war, now. Hopefully, we can bring them to the table for diplomacy, and establish more favorable relations. If not, well... it is better to be feared than loved, if one cannot be both." He looked down at the elf, with a wicked smile.

Aitainyn huffed. "I would like to know the reason for this unprovoked attack before we jump to conclusions, but nonetheless, I find myself... vexed." She could barely restrain the anger in her voice. Vishdilub chuckled at that.

"I might leave interrogations to our General, then."

Dyzz waved a hand, silencing them both. "Dyzz will handle this prisoner." That was all she said on it. Vishdilub quirked a brow, but seemed more impressed than anything. Aitainyn huffed again, and went to speak with the ogres, to smooth things over and explain their plans as best she could... hopefully, they would agree with this plan, of figuring out why the elves stood so strongly opposed to them, and without retaliating with immediate bloodshed. Dyzz's blood was still up, and she didn't even look at the elf as he struggled, until he punched her. Then, she stared at him... with a look of murder in her eyes. Her blood was up... and he needed to be quiet, and meek. Her grip tightened as she looked at him, still dragging him away, and it looked as if it took the entirety of her willpower not to squeeze the life from him.
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