Rebellious! A Greenskin Story (for shinyhappyfitsofrage)


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Jun 30, 2016
Rin had a tough time wrapping her head around this, it all sounded so terrible. She might have understood her in a way. Rin had been forced to live in this swamp with her mother, all her fellow ogres were cursed by the god of rot so that he might feed on their misery. All of them were unable to leave forced endure in this bleak and disgusting swamp for their entire lives. Rin tried to express this sentiment. "Well hell.... sounds even shittyer then my situation was..... But uh, I do know how it feels to be trapped and hopeless.", Rin said still avoiding looking at her, though she may have peaked at Aitainyn's pussy and nipples a few times. She'd have to ask Dyzz how she got them out of there sometime, it sounded like would be quite the story.

They soon found Ekey and Knobb, the Orc huntress still limping painfully from the stab wound. "Eh?! Oh its just the ogress and you....", said Knobb wiping the sweat from his brow, "She got her pretty bad in the leg.... i've been trying to lay low and sneak away with her.", Knobb explained. "It hurt yes..... but Dyzz not kill me.... she leave for some reason. either way Ekey is so confused is Dyzz better now?", she asked. "I guess so... Vishdilub did something to bring her back. "Ah......", Knobb said as he caught sight of the fact that Aitainyn was functionally nude.

As for Asta and Dyzz, they found Wack stuck halfway in a rather shallow sinkhole, he was ok just.... kinda stuck. Midgee was nearby trying the pull him out by a branch but she lacked the raw strength to yank him back out. They'd catch sight of Dyzz and start to panic. "N-No! Dyzz no kill! Dyzz no kill! please no kill!" Midgee said as she put her hands over her eyes and shook. Wack looked back, still struck, eyes wide to see Dyzz there. He was about to shout but then he and Midgee both too a second to see that Asta was with her.... and she wasn't attacking them. "Uh?! Queen is ok?! No more evil eyes and wanting to kill friends?!", Wack said blinking. "I-Is Dyzz..... Dyzz?", Midgee said peeking through her eyes as her ghost flames were in a defensive formation. Asta, hand over her own pussy said, "She's fine you guys! Really! just kinda missing a few things.....", she said blushing.

The gargoyle would slowly shift to flesh and blood in most places, keeping a tail, wings, and horns. he was naked and.... did regrow everything but that didn't seem to bother him in the slightest. He was just so happy to be free and able to move around. "Yes! I live again! Really live!", shouted "Gar" in glee. He was a lightly muscled and tall guy he was human in away but now something else. to him race no longer mattered the world had moved on quite a lot without him. "You're a miracle worker my good goblin!"


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Aug 20, 2017
Aitainyn licked her lips. "Trapped... hopeless. Yes, I know the feelings well. Rin, you consider yourself a warrior, yes? I was a warrior as well, before I became a warrior philosopher. Before I learned true mastery of my craft. I'd pose you a question, one that might... serve to broaden your understanding of the world. I lived false lifetimes, as a false person, in a false world. It brought me to many understandings. That rock, and that tree... tell me. Are they one and the same? Is there any chance that that rock could be that tree?" She'd leave her to ponder that until they came upon the pair. Aitainyn remembered she had no healing potions. "Help me find some sticks, and cloth... I will make a splint and bandage the wound. Dyzz will care for it, soon... and you will heal fully." She didn't seem to care that she was nude, nor that Knobb was watching her.

Dyzz felt the pain of shame as she saw Midgee's terror. It hurt. She knew what had happened would... not be easily forgotten. She'd walk to Wack, where he was stuckin the sinkhole, feet bracing on the muck without sinking, somehow, and would pull him straight up and out of it. His powers would have difficulty finding purchase in such a place, obviously... but if he was desperate enough, she was sure he could manage to save himself with his earthen allies. Then, she'd be turning away, unable to face Midgee or even Wack for very long. She too didn't seem easily preoccupied by being nude.

Vishdilub quirked a brow at his transformed friend. "Well, if the aesthetics work for you, they're fine by me. The tail, wings and horns should all be functional, even if they shouldn't, naturally. They're supernatural pieces. It seems much of our group is having a bit of a wardrobe malfunction, so you'll fit right in in that regard." There was still a bloody hole where Gae Bolg had penetrated his chest... and the mystery of how he'd survived it was still unclear, especially after seeing the kind of damage it wrought upon the god of rot.
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Jun 30, 2016
Rin was thinking on what Aitainyn was said, thinking, "Weird question.... the rock and the tree ain't the same thing for sure. A tree's alive and get bigger while a rock isn't alive and gets all worn down.... But say the rock was broken up and became the soil and stuff.... and the tree sorta grew into it....". she would "hmmm" deep in thought. It turned out that Rin was a deep thinker, being alone a lot would give her lots of time to think, perhaps ogres were a bit "philosophical" in this world. Knobb was by nature a gentleman so he didn't bring up Aitainyns state of undress, and would respectfully try and keep his eyes at head level as he helped with Ekey's wound. Ekey was not so subtle... orcs were quite honest about their feelings most of the time so she would look at Aitainyn with small grin. Her leg may hurt but looking at a girl like her make her feel better already. "Ekey did not know Aitainyn was so pretty under the armor......", said the orc huntress, thinking she'd very much like to be around her more. Knobb would "Ahem" then say, "Looks like you're all set ma'am. Well miss Aithainyn lead us to Dyzz."

Wack was a bit surprised at the way Dyzz got him out and walked on the muddy gunk that had him stuck. And while he was seeing Dyzz naked again he found himself feeling not so horny right now... he looked to her to see the shame in her features as she turned away. there was nuance in this situation, and he's wasn't sure how to proceed. Midgee would slowly lower her hands to look at Dyzz fear still filled her system, she could still see Vish stabbed to the ground by her, it would play back several times in her head. "It's ok Midgee.... really.", Asta said getting on one knee and holding out her arms mentioning her to come. "B-But how we know Dyzz not get taken away again and badness could come b-back! A-And what about Vishy!", Midgee squeaked. "He's ok Midgee he's alive, i saw him. He was the one that got our Dyzz back.", Asta said looking to Dyzz's pained face. "She so sorry.... she really is... but she's back now. So come on Midgee, your a big strong leader now you don't need to be scared.", Asta said soothingly. "Wack.... believe queen is back. Most beautiful girl Dyzz still has Wack's loyalty.", he said putting himself to one knee and bowing his head to her. After a second of poor frightened Midgee shifting on the spot she ran crying into Dyzz's back where she hugged her tightly as she cried openly into her shoulders. "*Sob* Midgee thought everyone die! *sob* Midgee thought Dyzz gone forever!" Midgee didn't even mind that Dyzz was naked in fact she actually hadn't noticed yet.

Gar would simply wait with Vishdilub happy to be really alive again and able to move he would stretch and lots of pops and clicks woul happen as he bones were able to move again.


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Aug 20, 2017
Aitainyn saw the way Rin thought about it, as though she could read her thoughts. "What I mean is more immediate. Can that rock and tree be the same object, right now? The answer is... we don't know. We can't. We have our senses, and we must trust in them to figure out the world and survive, but we must also realize that they are wholly inadequate in this world of ours. There is so much around us that we will never understand, that we can't, and to think we know something for a surety is only self delusion. I learned the hard truth of it after sixty one years as a human princess, dying in my bed to an assassin's knife, wishing someone I'd never met, someone blue, and small, and impossible, a creature that couldn't exist in the world of man, was there for me. I cried her name with my dying breath, not knowing she was a real person, someone I loved very much. That rock, and that tree... for all we know, could be sentient beings that study us, creatures living at a foolishly fast pace, dying before we learned anything of significance of the cosmos around us. Understanding that believing we know things is but hubris is an important step towards the humility necessary for truly objective thinking... which will lead a warrior to insights that will set them apart from others who simply swing a blade." Aitainyn said all of this as she splinted Ekey's leg, not responding to Ekey's compliment towards her beauty. There were times for love... but right after her fight with Jacoby, she was still fatigued from battle, and still feeling the aftereffects of her battle trance. Emotionally detached, withdrawn, she wasn't... wholly there, looking at things that seemed far away, and disassociating with the world around her.

Dyzz almost cried when Midgee hugged her from behind, holding her hand and standing still. It took an effort not to. Being possessed, and too weak to do anything about it while someone in your body almost killed the people you loved was... not a pleasant experience. If there was one thing Dyzz hated, it was feeling helpless... and only Jacoby could do that to her, to such a terrible degree. "Thank you Wack, Midgee. You are precious to me... hopefully we never see Jacoby again, but just in case... Dyzz want you to train with Vishdilub and Aitainyn. To be able to defeat him if he come back. He killed a God, today... his appetite aroused. Can feel it. He may be back sooner than usual..." She hoped not.

Vishdilub watched him stretch, quirking a brow. "When you are ready, let us go find the others. You are welcome to join us for as long as you would like... I would recommend not rejoining your order in this day and age. With your appearance and circumstances, I daresay you would be declared extremus diabolus, and summarily tortured and executed, on sight. Best if we don't find out right after acquiring our freedom, hmm?" A sobering thought, and one he hoped would temper his enthusiasm... it was good to be glad to be free, but the man needed his wits about him.
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Jun 30, 2016
"Really....? what the body hell.... that wasn't the way my order was.....", said Gar drooping his wings just a little. "Ah well.... everyone decent in my order would be long dead now. So yeah think I'll just follow you lot round yeah? I'll do anything I can maybe tell a little bit 'bout the way the church used to be.", he said ready to follow them wherever they might go, he had a new lease on life and I intended to pay them back for their kindness.

Rin furrowed her brow, she had been given quite a lot to think about.... she was trying to process it all. She wasn't a dumb girl either, but she'd never been told something so.... deep. sparks would huff out of her nose as she looked deep in thought again. Maybe she wouldn't understand it all but she had the kind of mind that would try and perhaps that was the most important thing, she seemed open to learning. Much like Midgee and Asta, she could be taken and molded into a true leader of her people. "So... what you're saying is something along the lines of: "Don't assume you know shit, cuz you don't know shit in the grand scheme of things"?", sai the ogress as she had a hand under her chin. A bit crude but perhaps that was just the only way she could express her thoughts. Ekey wasn't hurt really phased by Aitainyn's ignoring her, she just felt like she had to say it. It was just the way orcs were. Knobb helped to support Ekey with Rin As they would make their way back.

Asta had to wonder how in the world she could stop Jacoby in Dyzz's body if he came back.... but maybe with the help of the forsaken she could learn. She needed to get stronger. She too felt a feeling of helplessness when Dyzz lost control. She was too weak! she couldn't help only run and hope..... but not next time.... Next time she would show Jacoby the door boot his ass out of it if she could... she would damn well try. It took a little bit of time for Midgee to calm down, she was sweat girl who was very emotional so she simply had to let it out, her ghost flames turning a deep sorrowful blue. eventually they would turn back to a "nice" light ghostly blue. She would sniff and rub her eyes and look away. "Come on... let's not worry Vish by taking too long.", she said putting a hand on Midgee's shoulder. "O-Ok....", sniffed the little goblin.


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Aug 20, 2017
Vishdilub sighed, speaking to the man. "It is, sadly, a corruption of your faith... such things oft become warped and twisted by men seeking tools to power. You might have the opportunity to change that, though... the church eradicated the flowering peace between green skins and humans by kicking all non humans to the curb, then promptly declaring war upon them." Vishdilub told him about the escalating conflict, including the mass conjured armaments for their troops... obviously not properly armored nor trained. A peasant army, made to look like knights... and sent to die in droves, by uncaring leaders. Probably told dying for their 'faith' was a glorious way to get into whatever haven in the afterlife they promise this generation, and to disobey would secure their place in some pit of Hel... as well as see to it their families starve and die or worse in this life. Basic tactics of faith manipulation. But an army was an army... you couldn't not fight them just because you felt sorry for them. They'd still spit your corpse upon their blades.

Aitainyn nodded to the Ogress. "Precisely. In all walks of life, in all things. What we know as life its self could be but a delusion. To grasp at a greater understanding, the most important thing is to be able to discard old prejudices and ideas. Only then can we truly start to learn, in earnest." She'd have an arm around Ekey's waist, half carrying her with her absurd strength, as they slowly made their way toward the rendezvous point, breast smushed to Ekey's thigh. Aitainyn respected Rin... she'd already figured that Rin would be one of the pair that would try to fight Jacoby, even knowing it'd likely be their doom... because they couldn't abandon their friends. She had no desire to see Rin die because she wasn't ready for too powerful a foe. Ekey, she had taken a liking to as well, but she knew little of the ways of tracking and stealth... Ekey's talents far surpassed her own already. She was a warrior, and only a warrior... and strategist, and tactician on the battlefield. And diplomat, philosopher. General.

Dyzz wanted to hug Midgee back... but had put everyone through enough already for now. She was glad it had been Vishdilub who had been impaled so, and not Aitainyn. Aitainyn was more flesh and blood... Vishdilub was a Pale Master. He was much like a true undead, and was... more difficult to kill than a mortal. Once they'd all gathered again, Dyzz would take the center stage, to make an announcement. "Everyone, your attention please... what you witnessed was one of the spirits of Dyzz's ancestors that speaks to Dyzz... possesses Dyzz, with a powerful will, sometime. For now, only Aitainyn and Vishdilub can stop him. But you will be stronger... until you can, too." She looked meaningfully at Rin, Asta, Wack and Midgee. Sweet, sweet Midgee. "Jacoby is... most powerful of ancestors. Troll headhunter, killed off whole countries. Millions of lives ended, before alliance of nations killed him.... with help of many dragons." It had been quite a war... waged against an individual. "For now... if see Jacoby again... run. Run best as can, do not try to talk, do not try to fight. There is no talk with Jacoby. There is no winning fight. He is much, much stronger than just Dyzz. Dyzz is... sorry, for you's pain. Come to Dyzz, Dyzz will heal you's injuries before we set out." There wasn't much more to say, and she couldn't address her burning shame directly, not so easily... though she knew she had to, on some level. They needed re assurances... that she wouldn't kill them all.
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Jun 30, 2016
Again the talk of his order going down such a dark path yet in the service of the goddess of warmth and light, would slightly dishearten Gar. but, he would brighten up again once everyone else showed up. Ekey would blush as she felt Aitainyn's big breast squish into her thigh. It would make it hard for her to think of other things besides the fact that "Oh gods I wanna bed this woman" thoughts running through her mind. It wasn't really her fault either, orcs of this world had a naturally high libido to go along with their need for a good challenge to their strength. Orc women would usually be the ones to try and resist those feelings more than the men, but that didn't mean they didn't feel it just as strongly. Rin again would consider Aitainyn's words with another grunting "hmm..." and wouldn't really say much after that. Ogres here tended to be that way. She'd not shy away from a fight but even she knew jacoby was out of her league, but the way Asta tried to help no matter how scary it got, no matter how badly jacoby could have killed her... she tried to stay and help... the hobgoblin had gained Rin's respect through her rather heroic actions.

When it came to Asta, she just seemed to put the safety of others above her own. It seemed to happen to her automatically without her even second guessing it. she might think about her actions later but in the moment when things would get hairy she was selfless nearly to a fault.

Midgee sniffed here and there her eyes still a little wet as they heard Dyzz's words. Asta would just stand with a somewhat mournful look on her face, a hand to cover her pussy, she couldn't compete ignore her nudity like the others could. Wack would actually worry over Ekey as she was passed too Dyzz to receive her healing. She was related to him actually being one of Galma's daughters (Galma is Wack's aunt). useing Dyzz's blod to heal made Ekey feel so much better, but she did seem just a bit wary around Dyzz.... she could not easily forget that crazy wild face that loomed over her waiting to kill her...

"So uh..... can we..... head back to camp and then maybe come back for the rest of the ogres? I'm sorry but.... i really wanna get a new loin cloth or... something.", Asta suggested her thighs rubbing against one another.


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Aug 20, 2017
There was a lot of greenskin nudity for the man who just got his penis back to feast his eyes upon, so Gar might not have been too down on the changing of the times. For the moment. Aitainyn seemed to remain oblivious to Ekey's lip-biting desire, or ignored it for the nonce, but in truth, she was simply too reserved publicly for open emotional displays. She knew how beautiful and desirable she was, and how strong, so her nudity didn't bother her, no matter who saw it... but she only gave in to her desires behind closed doors, so to speak. She wouldn't so much as kiss in public. Dyzz tended to Ekey's wounds, careful and slow, and eyes downcast... she was a good leader, but Dyzz didn't handle guilt well. Vishdilub and Aitainyn would have to council her on this, as she couldn't afford to act so reserved, so reticent and so simply guilty in front of her followers. A leader had expectations upon them, and she couldn't be allowed to shirk those duties. Asta's suggestion was taken well, Vishdilub peering around at everyone gathered. "Lot of female nudity. Seems the clothing of males is safe in this world, but that of attractive females, is the greatest prey." Not that the bloody hold in his robes was pleasant for him, but it didn't make his dingle dangle free and exposed.

Dyzz would have them set out for camp, to regroup and resupply, before they made a serious bid to gather the ogres. On the way, she would pull up next to Midgee. "Midgee... of all, Dyzz is sorriest to have frightened you. Dyzz must ask you to grow you's power, and grow it strong... if Dyzz become like that again, Dyzz want midgee be strong enough to not have to fear Dyzz. Dyzz... never want to see Midgee hurt. Never." Midgee was soft, and inexperienced. She'd give a similar speech to Asta, to Wack, to Ekey... even to Knobb and Rin, who barely knew her. Each one, individually, she'd talk to, telling them she cared for them, and that she never wanted to hurt them.
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Jun 30, 2016
Gar's dick did slowly raise it full hardness, he couldn't not look at the girls lovely exposed bodies, and he was a man. Of course he did his best to be respectful about it, but he found it hard to hide his penis in such a state. "Blimey.... you ain't kiddin' there.", he'd say to the remarks to the rather rampant female nudity. Rin, Ekey and Midgee managed to keep their clothes on at least. Wack found his loins reacting to all the women in a similar way, his gaze would find all the bare butts in the group and he would think about how wonderful it would be to squeeze them.... Asta was the only one trying to hide her pussy under her hands. Rin had the advantage of being super tall so she could just look a bit upwards to avoid looking at their lovely bodies.

Midgee would look down and off to as Dyzz spoke, her gaze would fick back to her a bit here and there. there was the obvious reason: Dyzz was stark naked. But mostly becuse it was just all to emotional for the little goblin girl. "Midgee..... Midgee want to be strong. But only to help..... Midgee doesn't like fighting.", she said leaning on Dyzz a little. her ghost flames would hover around the two of them making the air feel warm and cozy.

Soon they would get back to camp and there they would find Scrub shouting. "I'm tellin' ya, she went crazy in the head! Tried to kill everyone! We gotta run for it before she-", he would turn back to see Dyzz. "Gaaaah! There she is! Run Ruuuun!", Scrub cried. Galma caught him by the scruff of his collar as he ran past then said, "She not killing everyone look! they all there! But.... there are others also.... laking clothes on some, oh my....", Galma said a hand over her mouth. "UH! L-Long story! Um! Galma! can I go to your tent!?", Asta squeaked once eyes started going to her exposed lower-half. "Oh yes... Galma will find you something she always making new clothes. Queen and Aitainyn can come too... at least get girl parts out of wind.", said the big mamma orc. "Also... who is big lady~? Is she Ogre?", Galma said looking quite pleasantly surprised. "Uh... I'm Rin.... yeah I'm an ogre.", she said acting like it wasn't a big deal.


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Aug 20, 2017
Galma was greeted with some gratitude for checking Scrub. Dyzz and Aitainyn would be shortly behind Asta, to get clothing. Aitainyn, once behind closed tent flaps, seemed more unsettled by her nudity than even Asta. It wasn't that she was nude, however... she didn't have armor on. That's what truly made her feel vulnerable, and it was something clothes weren't going to cure. Dyzz had brought Midgee with her, still unwilling to let go of her little sweet goblin girl. If there was playing favorites, Midgee was Dyzz's. Dyzz had always loved the innocent... sweet natured, and soft hearted people. She liked to surround herself with people like that. Midgee represented something that she used to be, and couldn't ever be again... and she hated herself for foisting the demands of leadership on Midgee as she had, but couldn't bring herself to let her go, either. Rin would undoubtedly be met with a lot of awe... as well as Gar, who would find himself with offers of clothing too, surely, as Vishdilub would see to it that he was well received.

Dyzz would have Midgee's face crushed into her boobs while Galma worked on clothing, and Dyzz would explain to Galma precisely what had happened... to let her filter down the details to the tribe as she saw fit. She knew her tribe... and Midgee knew hers. They'd know how to tell it, and whether to tell it at all.
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Jun 30, 2016
"Hmmmm this not best news to spread un-smartly.... Galma will explain as tactfully as she can to tribe. No letting wack do it...", she said as she sewing. She would sometimes put her hands on Dyzz's butt and hips, but not in a teasing manner, but more to be able to get her size right for a good loin cloth. Midgee would blush in Dyzz's bust her own nipples poking firmly in her thin strip of a bra. She was mostly ok now, just a bit embarrassed to be hugged by a nude Dyzz.... it was rather comfortable though. Midgee would try to think of a way to explain the rather unfortunate incident as she stayed in the tent. Meanwhile, Asta was given a surprise; an actual hide skirt. She was quite relieved by this, this was much more comfortable for her. Galma would ask Dyzz if she wanted a new hide bra or if Vishdilub would make him a new bone one, doing this as she got Gar something to wear. She would make few teasing comments about him looking rather handsome for a human or whatever he might be now. Gar was seemed to be rather cheery and positive person, he always tried to see the bright side. It must have been the only thing keeping him sane during all the time he was stuck as a stone statue.

"Galma can make some more covering clothes for Aitainyn.... but armor is not something Galma can do.... Wack and his guards the only one who knows armor well enough. Ekey also know make a good hide and metal shield.", Galma would say as she gave a pat to the black goblins back.

Rin would draw lots of attention.... she wasn't a fan of it either. "Ugh.... can you all just stop staring at me?!", she shouted at the orc men, obviously ogling her. the tribal goblins were more wary and would take peeks at her, finding her rather interesting but a bit scary.... Gat was afraid though he'd lived long enough to actually have met a few ogres who actually lived out in the crags, away from sickwood. The refugees were also interested in her little mixiy would sneak up to her and then say, "Wow! Lady you are soooo biiiiiiig! I bet you can see the mountains! Can Mixiy get on your shoulders to look?", said the little enthusiastic goblin boy. Rin didn't know how to handle kids... "Er, maybe later kid... but only if you be good!", Rin said turning away.


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Aug 20, 2017
Aitainyn would be quick to head off to see Wack and his guards. She needed armor, even if it wasn't of the quality of the armor she'd left behind. Dyzz wanted to run away... she was trying not to be distant from everyone around her, but after Jacoby had owned her body, the desire for unfettered freedom and violence was strong, imprints of his terrible and powerful will left upon her mind. Dyzz would stay close to Midgee though, trying to do her duty... meanwhile, Aitainyn and Vishdilub were under no delusions. They would have to carry the slack for a while, as Dyzz tried to recover. Aitainyn was restless... she wanted to be training an army in organized warfare, wanted them drilled and disciplined when their lives would depend upon it. Vishdilub wanted the ogres brought into the fold, and found himself pulling Unsur and his demon along with him to see Rin. "I have some theories, but first I would like to ask if there is abyssal influence in the ogres of this world. Red skin, fire capabilities... horns. It seems to me there is a high likelihood of demonic elements in their heritage. Can you confirm?" He spoke as much to the demoness as to Unsur.

Vishdilub would also see to it that Gar was shown to be accepted by the clans at large, bringing him along with him in his duties, keeping him close to the most trusted of Dyzz's advisers while he got a feel for the reaction of the community to his presence. A feast, an orgy, and any issues would likely be washed away... once they could afford the time for festivities. Vishdilub did in fact get Dyzz a new skull bra, but Aitainyn didn't go to him for armor, for some reason. Seeing as he was able to make armor for himself on the spot, that might be a bit of a mystery to some.
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Jun 30, 2016
Wack was more than happy make some simple armor for Aitainyn, he and his guards Groo and Mack were the only one's in the tribe that knew how to make simple forge using dirt clay and stone. Also while he and Aitainyn didn't ever really talk he had his eye on her at times as well, warrior ladies were just plain sexy to orc men plain and simple. They would start work on some iron armor right away, they didn't yet know how to make steel... but they could be taught. There might have beeb be a few goblins among the refugees that worked in smithies. Goblin craftsmanship was actually really good stuff at least in this world, however they lacked a proper forge here....

Unsur and his demoness Vexi were summoned to take a gander at their newest ally Rin. Vexi would grin a knowing grin as she looked the ogress up and down, making sure to bend over a little show off her delicious naked butt, on purpose of course. Vexi was just the biggest tease ever, but it was always all in good fun. Unsur would look at Rin after getting over the fact that she was so big! Again, this would annoy her. She didn't like people staring at her, and the spider demon lady made her quite uncomfortable. The ogress would look away face flushing once she caught sight of Vexi's big jiggling boobs. Unsur was wearing something more akin to robe with a hood, he would pull it back as he squinted. "Hmmm? Unsur can see strange red lights coming form Rin.... the whispers speak of ancient times and very old love from long ago within her... Unsur not sure what that mean.", said the warlock in training. "Mmmm hmmm~, why yes she does have an infernal spark within her. This big morsel of a woman has demon heritage it seems. perhaps her people were born from a union greenskin and demon. This kind of thing can happen~.", Vexi said as hands on her hips.

"What...? Are you saying I'm uh... uh demon?!", Rin said as a few flecks of flame licked out of her mouth. "Not exactly dear, more like there's a bit of demonic influence inside you. honestly it's nothing to worry about hun.", Vexi said with wave of her hand.

Meanwhile Gar was given lots of strange looks by the orcs, and the goblin would peer at him trying to figure out what he was. "Hey mister! cool horns!", said little Mixiy. "Really, ya' think so?", said Gar feeling them. "Yeah! you look super cool!", said the excitable little boy. The goblins looked like they would warm up to the half-man half-gargoyle in short order. Orcs on the other hand were a bit distrusting of humans in general. the two races never really had the best relationship....

Asta would stay with Midgee and Dyzz, enjoying her new skirt trying to help Dyzz feel better.


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Aug 20, 2017
There came another shift over Dyzz, as she was with Midgee. She went still and quiet for a little while, then rose, ignorant of everything around her, and approached Vishdilub. She pushed his back against a wall, and put a hand on it beside his face, crooking a finger at him, and saying something. Vishdilub looked frightened for a moment... then laughed. She gave him her bone club, and he pulled a long, wooden greatclub from his magical bag of holding, iron banded and branded, a weapon that exuded a magical quality different from Dyzz's other weapons. Dyzz set it on her shoulder, the thing as long as she was tall, and walked around... with a cocky smile and a different gait. She'd set it down and pull out a bag of jewelry, working on her hair... adding much more gaudy ornamentation to it, and tying a bandana around her head. Then, she rose, set her greatclub across her back again, and went off to find Aitainyn... who'd she'd yank away from her armor fitting, and take out back to fuck headily before returning to the camp... having left Aitainyn walking bow legged back to her armor fitting.

Vishdilub would snicker, watching Dyzz... whatever the joke was, he knew it, and loved it.

Rin got to find out her entire kind shared a spark of demonic heritage, and Vishdilub found himself unsurprised by it. "It's good to know. While it's not a powerful enough a spark to name you demons, your infernal heritage might come in quite handy later. It's also worth noting that there are possibly tribes of infernal orcs or goblins as well... which would be very handy in the greenskin empire. Greenskin... and redskin. With a blue queen. I think we've got an idea of what we want our flag to look like." He seemed to be ignoring the two black skinned critters... himself and Aitainyn. It was fair to say they were likely to remain the only such, however.

Dyzz would be loud and boisterous, with a different manner of sitting and talking when next she spoke, leg's spread as she sat, mannish. "Ey, Rin-girleh. Ain't got a proper forge, but bet yer arse ye can conjure up a worthy flare with a little 'elp from Vish and the shamans. Go see to 'em iron makers, will ya?" Vishdilub started laughing out loud, apparently unable to contain himself. Whatever was going on with Dyzz, it seemed to be a private joke to him.
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Jun 30, 2016
Wack saw Aitainyn walking back in the way she did and couldn't help but feel he'd missed something. Her possibly stretched and dripping pussy may have clued him in however. He and the other two would get back to work in short order however, Aitainyn's hard gaze probably got them moving again.

Asta and Midgee were super confused about Dyzz's sudden change in speech and mannerisms. they would look to each other than back to Dyzz looks of puzzlement across their features. Asta had seen Dyzz change her speech patterns one before after a quick bit of meditation(?) so she knew she was capable of such a thing... but it didn't explain what exactly was going here or what was so bloody funny. Midgee was blinking and tilting her head this way and that, a bit at a loss really. Her little ghost flames would circle her in a random pattern to match her confosin. Rin would raise one eyebrow to Dyzz then frown "Ugh, Fine.... I donno what up with you but I guess i could help she said as she got up to head to Wack and the others.

"Ok... is anyone gonna clue me in to what the heck this is all about?!", Asta said with a bit of pout on her lips. "And what's the deal with the club?", she said pointing.


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Aug 20, 2017
Vishdilub pulled up next to Asta. "There are other ancestors that speak to Dyzz, though none so strong as Jacoby. A few, however, are able to possess her... though they generally do so with her permission. This is one such... a troll dead pirate by the name of Martuld the Dread, known for her raunchy yet matriarchal attitudes and her strong leadership capabilities... and martial ability. She prefers a greatclub, and is, in fact, one of the greatest sea faring pirates ever to sail. She also finds Dyzz's openness a challenge to her own legendary vulgarity and leadership capabilities, and insists on trying to outdo Dyzz at her own game... a friendly competition that benefits them both. Martuld's insights have proven invaluable in the past. She tends to... tease Dyzz while she holds her body. In fact, she tends to bully Dyzz in her own mind while she possesses her, making everything a competition. Annoys Dyzz to no end, Martuld will spend her entire possession seeking to do Dyzz's job, but better... and with her own personalized flare."

Dyzz was probably growling and chomping at the bit in the back of her own head, whilst Martuld told raunchy jokes, and promised half the orc and goblin males a crack at her crack if they'd do her some ridiculous favor or another.
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Jun 30, 2016
The orc men seemed more than happy to do said ridiculous favors, the tribal ones anyway. The goblins on the other hand were perhaps a bit too timid for the forward nature of the pirate spirit, though they would watch her curiously. Asta sorta hoped she wouldn't be pulled into this raunchy and somewhat silly turn of events.... gods only knows what the pirate queen spirit would think of her and Midgee. "Er.... So it's nothing to really worry about huh.....", Asta would say more to herself then vish.

Scrub was still nearby, but he was extremely wary of Dyzz now. He was a goblin that really remembered things and he not soon forget Jackoby's rampage. Gar now given a simple loin cloth of his very own was quite a hit with the children, for some reason. They all said he was very weird and cool! "Oi oi watch the wings kids them's real and alive yah know? now run along ya silly buggers.", he'd say as he shooed them back to their parents.

Rin's firey abbitues mixed with the orc guards control over both fire and ice the managed to get a good forge going and really got to work making something suitable for their warrior friend. Wack was a decent enough smith despite how..... simple he may seem. Just because someone was dumb in some areas. didn't mean they were dumb in all. this was perhaps something Dyzz and her two companions knew well. it would not take too much time before they would be done getting Aitainyn some rough but rather effective iron armor.

Meanwhile despite her hesitance... Asta decided to approach Dyzz, currently Martuld, and perhaps get to know her. After all it sounded like she might show up every once in awhile out of the blue, they should get acquainted now she figured. "Uh, hey.... so you another of Dyzz's ancestors right?", Asta asked conversationally trying to break the ice.
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Aug 20, 2017
Martuld quirked a brow at Asta as she approached, maintaining a vigilant eye over all, even as she got the others more accustomed to herself. The orcs dug her... and she had one lucky fellow on his knees, eating her out when Asta approached. Martuld was... a bit self indulgent, and a bit egotistical. "Ah, Asta. Yes. I am Martuld the Dread, one of Dyzz's more illustrious troll ancestors. I've seen that you had a run in with Jacoby... I am fortunate to have no relation to that fiend." She shivered. Even Martuld knew to be afraid of such a thing. Her hand was idle on the back of that orc's head, who's name she probably wasn't even aware of. "More tongue, you!" Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. "Ah, better. Anywho. I was a pirate... a commander of a large fleet, very experienced before I eventually fell... of all things, to a Kraken. Damndest luck, considering all the enemies I'd made, taken to the depths by a random monster attack. Dyzz really caught my attention when she ate one. Slurped it like a noodle. Started a, shall we say... friendly competition between us. In exchange for my nautical expertise, she's allowed me freedom with her body from time to time. With her wicked physical capabilities and my know how, we've built ships before. With but one pair of hands... good stuff." She seemed to have a rather jovial and open demeanor, and seemed to appreciate the people around her. This wasn't the evil kind of spirit Jacoby was.

"Ah, and where is Vishdilub? Cackling when I took over, then took off, no doubt. He's had an affair going on with me off and on, and it's become something of a practical joke against Dyzz." She had a slip of a smile on her face, too.
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Jun 30, 2016
Asta predictably would blush and maybe gave a tiny start once she noticed an orc eating Dyzz's pussy out. She to her credit did not turn away but simply took a seat nearby to listen, trying to ignore the sloppy wet sounds of mouth on cunt. The orc would speed up at her request hoping to get more out of this exchange the better he did. All in all she was quite interesting, a great pirate and sailor of the seas, perhaps a bit er, lewd and crude in some manner, but she seemed rather likeable and dare she think, charamasic. Asta felt they'd mostly get along just fine, but she somehow got the distinct feeling that somehow the dread pirate captain my try to get Asta in on the "joke". "Well I'm just glad your on our side. Last thing we need is more spirits making Dyzz kill people.", she said relieved somewhat, still doing her best to ignore the orc "munching on cunt" below them. "Uh, are you staying long? We're going to see about the rest of the ogres later.", Asta explained adjusting her hind skirt a little nervously.


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Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz... or Martuld... shook her head. "This is an introduction. Your people have seen Dyzz possessed by Jacoby. I insisted on acclimating them to some of the other, more benign personalities... I might have a part to play in the coming days. It's better if the people know and trust me... especially if there is to be naval warfare involved. They will need to get used to having me in command, and quickly." She seemed to be taking her duties to be quite seriously... and even these little games had their place in fostering good relations, for the future. "I'll be gone in time for Dyzz to meet the ogres. She'll leave a better impression than I, surely."
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Jun 30, 2016
"Oh I see...", Asta said still trying to ignore the sounds of the orc eating Dyzz's pussy. indeed she would useful should they need to take to the seas. Asta hoped that the fanatic knights did not quite hava navy yet, that could prove troublesome. "Well it seems like you're uh..... going over well the group....", Asta said eyes flicking the orc down there for but a moment. Asta thought about how Dyzz must taste the blushed and look of to the side wounding why she just thought that.

Soon Rin would be back dusting off her hands, "Well warrior girl will have herself some decent armor soon by the look of it..... so this I hear about there being another spirit in Dyzz?", said the ogress suspiciously. Asta would explain in short order, both her and Rin trying to ignore the attention Martuld kept getting from the orc men. "Oh.... thats kinda weird don't think I'd like other people living inside me.... I've already had a bunch of shitty ghosts do it...", she said hand under chin. "Well anyway I came to ask about this power giving stuff the orcs said Dyzz did and i want in on it!", Rin said sounding a bit excited. Asta would look to her for a moment and turn away blushing, her shadow squirming a little beneath her. It seemed the orc didn't tell Rin the exact details of how they were given power.....


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Aug 20, 2017
Martuld had a fiendish smile on her features when Rin suggested that she too, wanted powers. In truth, it was very likely the ritual wouldn't work on her, because of her infernal origins... but it was a faded touch of the infernae, so, that was somewhat of a gamble. Not that Martuld would mention it. She'd brush off the orc, and grow a rather... intimidating... penis where he'd just been munching. "So, the ogress wants powers, eh?" She stood before her, that giant cock hanging low, at full mast, but dragged down by its own ridiculous size and weight. "Well, you can suck it right out of Dyzz's fat, juicy cock. The ritual is done with an exchange of humors... so, get to it." There was a saucy, challenging look on her features... Martuld found such games to be quite fun.
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Jun 30, 2016
The orc really got a good look at the massive peen that had magically grow right in front of him. all he could do was gape and stagger to his feet. Asta would give a little start as she beheld that monster of a cock, did she really indtend to use something that big?! Then again, Rin was a big girl sooooo........ Asta would blush super hotly as would Rin, but in her case flecks of flame would come out of her nose. "Wait what?!", Rin would stagger a bit dramatically. "She's...... not kidding....", Asta said shifting nervously. "Maybe I should uh.... go see how midgee is doing yeah!", Asta said trying to sneak out of this before she got sucked into the possible public display. Rin would blink her already red face growing redder. She gave Dyzz's cock a look hard look biting her lip softly. "Well... I.... uh.... F-Fine! But only because I want some extra power!", Rin said crossing her arms and looking to the side. "And all of you can stop looking at me like that!", she said as she got to her knees and then got lower, nearly having to go prone to get her head far enough down. a big red hand would tentatively reach out to take the cock in her hand and stroke.

Unfortunately.... this got the attention of many orcs who would crowd around or just watch from where they were if they could.... "Hey! Hey! b-back off! C-Can't you see I'm..... busy!", grunted Rin.


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Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz... or more appropriately, Martuld, gave a rather sinister chuckle as her little blue hand wrapped around Rin's horn. "Get ready, ogre. In my world, trolls and ogres tended to... butt heads, quite often. I'm definitely going to enjoy this." Uh oh. What happened next would shock... no one who knew Martuld.

Poor Rin got face fucked with an astonishing intensity. That dick dived to the back of her throat hard and fast enough to bruise, pelvis slapping Rin's face loudly as her monster cock bulged Rin's throat out over and over. Martuld seemed intent on putting on a show of dominating Rin's face, using it like a toy, and violently so. She was panting after a minute, brutally and wetly, sloppily slamming Rin's face into a wet, red mess. "Fuck, your mouth is the tits... wish ogres where I came from were sexy sluts like you... gonna cum.... swallow it all, ogre bitch!" Not that she could. When that wave came, it'd be shooting out her nose and steaming as it leaked from her lips where it could, around that fat plug of a dick.
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Jun 30, 2016
Asta managed to get out of there cleanly it seemed but she worried for Rin.... she was quite unprepared for this. Midgee would wonder why a lot the orcs were huddled around something. "What going in there?", asked the innocent little goblin. "Er! Uh! N-Nothing you need to worry about M-Midgee!", Asta said taking her little hand and pulling her away face flushing as she heard Rin's "Mmmm!?", of surprise.

Rin was super unready for sheer force of the face fucking. She would gag on it but she could do precious little as Martuld inside Dyzz would fuck her throat in a such a forceful way. She was an ogre so she could handle being roughly used but this was on another level however. she might squirm and trash here and there she got way, waaaay, more than she bargained for. Dyzz might not have been too happy about the way the pirate used poor Rin.... but Rin had asked for it maybe not this much.... but she did ask. despite it all she herself would get lusty rough handling would get her going it was just the way ogres were, not that she liked it that way. many would spy her pussy under her skirt dripping blooming as Martuld had her way with her. Soon she would cum and boy did she.... filling her tummy in short order then backing her up so far it was coming out of her nose and slides of her mouth! Even some of the orcs were a bit worried for her hoping she'd be able to breathe after that. Rin had to use all the strength she had left to pry herself off that fat blue dick coughing and falling to the ground with as seed leaked out of her mouth.

She would lay there... trying to catch her breath her throat quite sore just as she began to heat up.... and heat up..... and heat up! Dyzz's magical seed had instead of giving Rin a new power "awakened" her infernal spark enhancing her fire abilities! her body would begin to catch fire as a display of her newfound fiery prowess. she had to act quickly once she realized what was going on pulling off her skirt and breast wraps before she burst into flame. leaving her a flaming naked ogress, howling as she felt her power surge! then the flame would die down and she'd be left sitting there.... naked with everyone looking and cum sizzling off of her.... making a very interesting smell....
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Aug 20, 2017
Martuld was only giggling for a moment, before she seemed to doze off... then snap back awake. There was a look of exasperation and anger on Dyzz's face then. "Dammit! Martuld is such a... a... clod!" She went to Rin, after her firey display, and would put a hand on her thigh. "Dyzz sorry, Rin. Martuld uh... well, she think she funny. Dyzz not think so much." She hoped the troll ancestor hadn't damaged her relationship with Rin too terribly... meanwhile, Vishdilub was still trying not to laugh, with only partial success. "Oh, put a sock in it, Vish!" Dyzz was very worried, now... and not just because they needed good relations with the ogre community! Martuld had just abused Rin publicly, and humiliatingly, for little more reason than as a joke. While the community at large wouldn't give Rin any grief about it, it was still an affair most would find mercilessly shaming.
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Jun 30, 2016
Rin would pant then quickly cover her naked body with her hands feeling quite ashamed.... she was a tough girl for sure but well.... she was still rather young, like asta and midgee. so she might tear up just a little the orcs felt a little ashamed for just standing around while Rin had been on the receiving end of some rather mean spirited face fucking... She was more powerful now but she didn't feel as fulfilled as she might have been were it just good old Dyzz. she was coming down from the surprise and shock now and she'd frown and look off to the side so Dyzz wouldn't see her tears... there was an emotional girl under all that size, muscle, and fire. She wasn't mad at Dyzz but she would hold a grudge with Marthuld. "I.... I'm ok.... just h-hand me my clothes would you....", she said with a sniff.
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Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz winced to see the ogress cry, and handed her her clothes. "Something... uh, well... Martuld, she can be mean, but she don't really mean no harm. Is just how she is. She actually like you, you know? She led cutthroats and it taught her to do things a certain way. Dyzz is sorry Dyzz didn't stop her, though..." Not that she could. Martuld was one of those spirits strong enough to hold onto Dyzz's body for a time, when she wanted to... and she didn't take well to being pushed around in any capacity, so Dyzz had to fight her every time, if she wasn't ready to go herself. Dyzz would kiss Rin, as part of her apology.
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Jun 30, 2016
Rin would slide her skirt back on and rewrap her breasts after placing her hand on the place were Dyzz had kissed her. Now Rin was very warm to the touch still but not in an uncomfortable way. She'd now be premium cuddle material if Dyzz wanted to pursue that later. rin would frown slightly "Really.... she likes me? funny way to show it....", Rin said a little horsley, her throat still a bit sore. her tummy was full of seed and her sore mouth still tased of spunk. "I think need some water....", she said as she got up a few drops falling from her pussy as she stood up. She hadn't found release in all that so she might do more then simply get a drink. Of crouse she would mostly masturebate somewhere quiet and out of the way she was quite sensitive about her privacy witch might explain why she was a bit hurt after all that. But she'd try not hold it against her.... but she might try to challenge Marthlud to a fight next time she showed up it was part of ogre law. holding grudges was not encouraged but fighting to make things even was.

Asta would slip back around to Dyzz, she actually had a question for her. "Er Dyzz, I've heard you say a lot about trolls.... I what i wanna know is... what is a troll?"
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz blinked. "Well, Rin, where Dyzz come from... probably lots different from here. Like, Ogres there are even bigger than you's kind, but yellowy, ugly, usually fat. Look way different... hard to tell females from males, and they's very, very dumb. Much dumber than Dyzz, even. They don't have no real laws or society. Trolls are... well... where Dyzz come from, they was blue skinned, tall, thin creatures, with huge tusks. They regenerated, healed from most anything, and super fast. Very muscley, strong, though not strong as ogres... but could cut them heads off and they just put them back on. Troll healing weak to fire and acid, but Dyzz ain't weak to either those anymore. Used to be weak to fire, very much so. Dyzz found ways around that." She scratched her head. "Most Dyzz powerful ancestor were trolls. Some masters of mad juju, most warriors of different kinds. Jacoby was greatest headhunter to ever live. Martuld was very feared dread pirate lord. Dyzz have very few strong goblin ancestor spirit... one was warchief Brahms. Big for goblin, very tough. Great warrior... Dyzz channel him spirit and let him fight Aitainyn sometimes. Dyzz thinks he love Aitainyn, even though he dead... makes Dyzz sad."

Dyzz did ponder something, though while she talked. "Dyzz maybe make up to Rin? Can give Rin the dick, if Rin wants to try one. Can use on Dyzz."
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