Dyzz knew this was going to require a more... tactful approach than she was used to. Of course, Martuld surfaced at the right time, steepling Dyzz's fingers and paying very close attention to the proceedings. She promised not to takeover here, but wanted to be a part of this specific circumstance. She'd face bigotry from elves before, but it'd been much different, and seemed... curious as to what was going on here. Moreover, Dyzz knew how invested she was in her success as a leader. It was Aitainyn who spoke, though. "Your bigotry is something to witness." She sat at her place at the table, back stiff, clenched fist on the table.
Vishdilub chimed in next. "I must admit... we are used to a far different paradigm in elven to human relations... differing religions, cultural norms. I never would have guessed I'd live to see elves attacking in the name of the same God's as humans... and simply because they were told to." He seemed to find this more amusing than others... perhaps he viewed the immortal elves in a different light than most. He'd always claimed immortality managed to not equate to wisdom in most.
Martuld and Dyzz watched the elf as he spoke, and both agreed on a course of action. They had the strength of arm to get far in warfare... but they would exhaust all other options first where possible. Dyzz grabbed the ear of the elf like an angry parent, and pulled him close, then licked him behind his ear, and released him. Over the next few seconds, she leaned back in her throne... and changed. She grew taller, slimmer... more elfen. In truth, she already had fae in her blood, and the transformation wasn't difficult. She turned into an elfen beauty that would eerily resemble the elf's mother... but blue. Her voice, as well... would reflect as much. "Perhaps you'd find such a form easier to listen to. It is important that you listen well. You come in the name of a Jihad, a holy war, seeking genocide at the request of your religious icons. It is up to you to learn, to see what you have not seen. I will not be able to allow you to return to your people, not as you are. For now, you will be our prisoner. More specifically... the ogre's prisoner. This injustice must be addressed. Learn for yourself of their people and their ways, at their knee." She stood, pulled on his ear again, and marched him over to Rin... she'd move Rin's meal aside, and sit him in Rin's lap. "Rin, he is your prisoner now, and you are responsible for him." She'd not tell her he was to remain unharmed, but all prisoners were guests under her rule... she wanted Rin to figure this out for herself. "Midgee, you are to help Rin in this." Midgee was... sweet. They would be the perfect introduction to the greenskin nation... Rin would show him that the ogres weren't beasts, and Midgee would be the one to enchant him, to show them greenskins weren't immoral, savage creatures. That was Dyzz's thought process... and he'd never forget the face of the beauty who resembled his mother, and spoke to him as she did, chiding and putting him gently in a position to be disciplined, but caring for him, when he feared death. That mystery would drive him for some time, she imagined.
By the time she sat back down, she was Dyzz again. "We will adapt, and overcome. It would seem the soft skin races enjoy great unity... under prophets and Goddesses, and are driven to zeal by their words. This war may be... very..."
"Very complicated." Aitainyn finished for her, and Dyzz nodded.
"Dyzz has seen holy wars... wars where the 'light' seeks to banish the 'darkness.'" Vishdilub spoke now. Dyzz's right and left hands knew where she was going. "Right and wrong no longer matter. Abuses, and immoralities are forgiven, divinely. People will do things they'd never do in the normal course of things, even war, for they are forgiven for abandoning their goodly natures." Vishdilub shrugged. "Such is the way of mob rule mentality, and it can infect any social creature. This does not mean our foes are morally bankrupt. It means they are infected with a terrible idea... an idea that turns the best of them into the worst of them, and the worst of them into something beyond repugnant. Like any terrible disease... inevitably, the root of it must be addressed. These prophets, and perhaps, this Goddess... they are the ones that need to be confronted. The Queen Dyzz Muju, Aitainyn, and myself will arrange to commune with this goddess, first and foremost. If we can establish some small communication, perhaps we can learn if this holy war is truly divinely inspired." Often as not, these wars were born of the twisted words of false prophets, power mad men. "There is no garauntee we will be able to do such a thing, but we will strive still for peaceful resolutions where we may, while our fledgeling nation is developing. However, make no mistake... we will not bow, we will not break. Those who are foolish enough to fight us will not find sheep. We will defend ourselves, no matter who our enemies are."