Rebellious! A Greenskin Story (for shinyhappyfitsofrage)


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The little fuckboi froze at Dyzz's stare his body freezing up their eyes met his face turning from a look of defyant rage to fear in but a few moments. His eyes looked away in defeat and shame. Asta was tensed she could practically feel the anger in the air. She expected him to try and fight to his death like the knights but this boy had more sense at least in that front. she knew that elves had a tendency to hold themselves up above every and look down their noses at people, but she'd never actually met ones like that, but the rumors had to come from somewhere. Interestingly, Aitainyn found the ogres rather easy to talk to, they didn't blame them for this in the slightest. Elves were the ones who attacked them not Dyzz's people. Even if they were simple people and stubbornly individualistic, they weren't dumb. interestingly they seemed smarter than the orcs in some areas. then wanted to go back after them though, oger law demanded that they, the elves pay tribute for this cowardly attack.

Rin and Midgee were there just as they came back with the elf, "So... this is one of the cowardly fools who attacked you lemme have him! I'll teach him a lesson!", Rin said cracking her knuckles in a menacing manner. Midgee was worried once she heard that Dyzz and the ogres had been attacked and was just glad to see that everyone was a-ok. "Oh Midgee was so worried.... Midgee is glad that the badguys are all gone...", she said with relief. She would look curiously at the elf never having seen one before. "What he... she? Midgee can't tell..."


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Aug 20, 2017
What Dyzz was really afraid of was the ogre's insisting on retaliation... while she'd take a hard stance at further hostilities, this was a time for diplomacy, not violence. It was the difference between long and short term planning, as her councilors had taught her... the emotions of today gave way to enemies that would last generations. She had a responsibility to a budding nation... she couldn't lead with her volatile emotions. At the least, she wanted to secure a ceasefire with the elves, if at all possible. But if there was no other choice but war... she would make sure their attack was so swift, so brutal, that the elves wouldn't even dare to think of retaliation afterwards. What was left of them, if anything, would only flee and focus on rebuilding their people.

But that was a last resort. Once back at camp, Dyzz would call together the war council as the festivities continued, food offered but the games put on hold as they convened an emergency meet. She would have the elf shackled and bound and kept at her knee at all times, within grabbing distance... not just to keep him escaping, but to keep him safe from the most violently angry of the ogres, who would have an inordinately large representation at this meeting, as they were all individuals, not a collective with elected leadership. Dyzz also made sure their gargoyle knight was there, hoping his voice might shed some light on the nature of the elves in question. Dyzz would take a chair above all for this, a throne of Vishdilub's bone, cementing her place as a voice of authority, and she'd start as soon as everyone was there, though Aitainyn would speak for her in the beginning. "Dyzz shall do what interrogations of this elf will be done before this council. Know now that our plans to proceed include entering into peaceful talks with the representatives of the elves, such as they are, in the interest of securing a ceasefire. We do not plan immediate retribution, and for that, I apologize on behalf of the Greenskin nation to the ogres who have been truly wronged here." She wouldn't allow them to voice their concerns just then, though, holding up a hand.

Dyzz turned to the prisoner, and stared at him a moment, before speaking. "You attacked us at a peaceful gathering. We celebrated the taking down of the God of Rot that infested this forest, a celebration to bring together the races of ogres, goblins, orcs, and hobgoblins. We wish to know who you serve. Who is responsible for this hostility?" All eyes would be on the elf, then.
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Jun 30, 2016
the ogre were a bit of a chore to seat at the council they didn't like each other, and as such didn't like sitting very close together. Thankfully though all one had to do was give them free food to calm them. Rin herself was enjoying a melon skin and all taking her time to taste it as she listened. Gods she could get used to this having good food every day. The orcs while new to this whole "meeting" thing seemed to be figuring it out thanks to Galma insistence that they do, Wack was seated next to her try to look important. Scrub was there after having sold some stuff to a few monks on pilgrimage somewhere he also gathered some intel by talking to them he'd tell Dyzz about it all later. At first Wack was staring at Dyzz, wondering if an orgy was about to happen.... since she was butt naked and all, but it seemed they were here to discuss matters of importance, there was a captured elf there at her side. Oh yes, there was an attack wasn't there.... he wished he could have been there. Asta was wondering if Dyzz even noticed that she was still... unclothed.... well she guessed they were doing this. Lords know she couldn't do it like that, she really hoped she wouldn't have to.

The Ogres were about to shout at the elf and throw stuff at him but Alty's hand stopped that, making them grumbled and give hard and disdainful looks. the elf was... surprised that he was not only still alive, but seeing what he thought were barbaric beast people holding a civilized meeting! With all eyes on him he gulped and began to swear under his breath. He would bit his lip and wished he wasn't here.... it was so stupid of him to charge like that... but he wanted to show his bravery his dedication to the cause. but now look at him.... Apparently he was to speak now. he was sweating quite a lot now, he would betray everyone's trust and give information to the enemy buy speaking... but but.... he didn't want to die! to hell with all this honor crap he wanted to live!

"I.... that is to we.... work under the grace of the goddess Varan and hear the words of her holy prophets, they said the greenskins would bring ruin to the world..... my unit was tasked with exterminating...... er..... the..... er..... ogres..... Commander Meric leads the er..... company of elves here....", he said hoping to live above all else.


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Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz knew this was going to require a more... tactful approach than she was used to. Of course, Martuld surfaced at the right time, steepling Dyzz's fingers and paying very close attention to the proceedings. She promised not to takeover here, but wanted to be a part of this specific circumstance. She'd face bigotry from elves before, but it'd been much different, and seemed... curious as to what was going on here. Moreover, Dyzz knew how invested she was in her success as a leader. It was Aitainyn who spoke, though. "Your bigotry is something to witness." She sat at her place at the table, back stiff, clenched fist on the table.

Vishdilub chimed in next. "I must admit... we are used to a far different paradigm in elven to human relations... differing religions, cultural norms. I never would have guessed I'd live to see elves attacking in the name of the same God's as humans... and simply because they were told to." He seemed to find this more amusing than others... perhaps he viewed the immortal elves in a different light than most. He'd always claimed immortality managed to not equate to wisdom in most.

Martuld and Dyzz watched the elf as he spoke, and both agreed on a course of action. They had the strength of arm to get far in warfare... but they would exhaust all other options first where possible. Dyzz grabbed the ear of the elf like an angry parent, and pulled him close, then licked him behind his ear, and released him. Over the next few seconds, she leaned back in her throne... and changed. She grew taller, slimmer... more elfen. In truth, she already had fae in her blood, and the transformation wasn't difficult. She turned into an elfen beauty that would eerily resemble the elf's mother... but blue. Her voice, as well... would reflect as much. "Perhaps you'd find such a form easier to listen to. It is important that you listen well. You come in the name of a Jihad, a holy war, seeking genocide at the request of your religious icons. It is up to you to learn, to see what you have not seen. I will not be able to allow you to return to your people, not as you are. For now, you will be our prisoner. More specifically... the ogre's prisoner. This injustice must be addressed. Learn for yourself of their people and their ways, at their knee." She stood, pulled on his ear again, and marched him over to Rin... she'd move Rin's meal aside, and sit him in Rin's lap. "Rin, he is your prisoner now, and you are responsible for him." She'd not tell her he was to remain unharmed, but all prisoners were guests under her rule... she wanted Rin to figure this out for herself. "Midgee, you are to help Rin in this." Midgee was... sweet. They would be the perfect introduction to the greenskin nation... Rin would show him that the ogres weren't beasts, and Midgee would be the one to enchant him, to show them greenskins weren't immoral, savage creatures. That was Dyzz's thought process... and he'd never forget the face of the beauty who resembled his mother, and spoke to him as she did, chiding and putting him gently in a position to be disciplined, but caring for him, when he feared death. That mystery would drive him for some time, she imagined.

By the time she sat back down, she was Dyzz again. "We will adapt, and overcome. It would seem the soft skin races enjoy great unity... under prophets and Goddesses, and are driven to zeal by their words. This war may be... very..."

"Very complicated." Aitainyn finished for her, and Dyzz nodded.

"Dyzz has seen holy wars... wars where the 'light' seeks to banish the 'darkness.'" Vishdilub spoke now. Dyzz's right and left hands knew where she was going. "Right and wrong no longer matter. Abuses, and immoralities are forgiven, divinely. People will do things they'd never do in the normal course of things, even war, for they are forgiven for abandoning their goodly natures." Vishdilub shrugged. "Such is the way of mob rule mentality, and it can infect any social creature. This does not mean our foes are morally bankrupt. It means they are infected with a terrible idea... an idea that turns the best of them into the worst of them, and the worst of them into something beyond repugnant. Like any terrible disease... inevitably, the root of it must be addressed. These prophets, and perhaps, this Goddess... they are the ones that need to be confronted. The Queen Dyzz Muju, Aitainyn, and myself will arrange to commune with this goddess, first and foremost. If we can establish some small communication, perhaps we can learn if this holy war is truly divinely inspired." Often as not, these wars were born of the twisted words of false prophets, power mad men. "There is no garauntee we will be able to do such a thing, but we will strive still for peaceful resolutions where we may, while our fledgeling nation is developing. However, make no mistake... we will not bow, we will not break. Those who are foolish enough to fight us will not find sheep. We will defend ourselves, no matter who our enemies are."
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Jun 30, 2016
The elvish boi shivered as dyzz took his ear and licked it! Then the elf boy could only stare on in awe as Dyzz turned into something very much like..... his own mother! so beautiful and fair of feature and yet making him feel like he was being scolded for being a bad boy! He felt both turned on and afraid bound there as he was. everyone listened well to horrors of a holy war, the refugees seemed to understand it already, after all, it was all that "religious zeal" that kicked them out of their very homes, uprooted all their lives, Asta grit her teeth to this. Rin would make a "Hey!" as her food was pushed away with the elf boy squeaking as his long ear was pulled.... his mother did use to do that.... he whimpered as Dyzz put him in Rin's lap. Rin would huff a soft "Seriously?! fiiiiiine......", with some flames huffing out her nose. Midgee would look look around then point back to herself as she said, "M-Midgee? Help? Goshy..... Midgee is unsure what she's supposed to do.......", she said in a meek little voice, her little ghosty lights orbiting around her head in a circle. Rin folded her arms as she felt the boy squirm in her lap, she had a pouty look on her face. Asta meanwhile could see what Dyzz was trying to do here and she took it to heart, this boy would be their first elven advocate if all went according to plan. Asta was beginning to understand how one could truly lead.

Wack wasn't listening quite as much his eyes locked on Dyzz's boobs the whole time, even as they shifted and changed. there was a thunk as his cock hit under the table. Galma rolled her eyes, then had to explain what Dyzz had said in simpler terms. "Oh..... er.... Wack agree! Orcs have no er arguments....", he said with a cough and was adjusting his loincloth below the table. Gar was there as well but he was silent the whole time looking deep in thought.... the ogre seemed to begrudgingly let Rin handle the prisoner, also quite a few of the ogres seemed to think Dyzz.... was a looker... a few slight blushes could be seen on the faces they were trying to keep angry looking. "So eh.... them elves... we gonna actually try to talk wit' em? I wouldn't trust far as I could throw em' ay.", said Scrub once again crossing his feet on table. "Tricky sons o' bitches them elves. As someone wit' eh, experience shall we say, I wouldn't expect them to play nice just cuz you snagged one of their boys.", said scrub wiggled a finger in his ear, then flicked the contents away.
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Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz watched the room, gauging their reactions carefully, and took note of what Scrub said. "Agreed, Scrub. Not like. Elves not often act so much like hoomans, in Dyzz experience..." She was rubbing her chin, in thought. "But, if they gonna act like hoomans, we have to deal with them like hoomans."

Vishdilub carried the thought. "Centralized leadership, fanatical, divinely inspired zeal. About the only way they resemble the elves we know is physically, and in their use of guerilla tactics. They work hand in hand with other soft skin races, and more importantly... allow their immortal brethren to become convinced of the simple false rhetoric of these prophets... as the boy said, they expected mere beasts when they came to hunt the ogres. They follow others blindly... never have I seen surface elves behave so." He still seemed to find the concept endlessly amusing. "I'd like to drill the child on their structures of national leadership and social hierarchy, before we go to the table with them. It pays to understand a foes etiquette, after all." That would likely become Midgee and Rin's job to extract. Vishdilub gave them both meaningful looks.

Dyzz rubbed her head. Too much heavy thinking, and she'd stopped herself from her more natural reaction of fighting. "Until we has answer, let's not sit in silence. We will continue the festivities, with a perimeter guard, and weapons close at hand. Council, thank you for coming, others, thank you for witnessing. Please, enjoy yous selves, and come to Dyzz, Vish, or Aitainyn with any questions or concerns." The festivities would commence in good fashion, the fight roster being compiled and put into action, the food still cooking and the drink flowing. Vishdilub even mentioned he might make a bone and web labyrinth with the help of his protege's friend for another contest.
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Jun 30, 2016
The ogres seemed more ok hanging out with the other greenskins then each other, they seemed more at ease with people smaller than they where. There were stories of solitary ogers taking entire orc clans under them or leading packs of goblins as their chiefs. The ogres were actually feeling better for once now that Ma'lecth was gone many were like Rin, smarter then they seemed just a bit crude in some ways. Speaking of Midgee and Rin, they had the sweaty elf boy with them. Rin was poking him in the back with a pouty look. "Crap, so I gotta take care of you eh elfy boy? Well just so we're clear I don't want any lip coming from you got it?", she put her face close to his. He put his hands up and he nodded quickly. "We no need to be yelly do we?", said Midgee, as she looked curiously at the elf boy from around Rin's leg. Rin huffed, then said, "We gotta take a hard stance ya' know? We can let people walk all over us Midgee! You gotta be tough!", she said standing up straight with her hands on her hips. "We gotta er.... what's the word.... in-terror-gate? Yeah! that's it! Its got the word terror in it right. That means we gotta be terrifying!", said Rin sure of herself, and looking pleased that she worked this out. Midgee tilted her head "Rin's sure?", "Positive, Now get over there and terrify him to make him talk, he have to work on your warface after all!", Rin said as she pushed Midgee forwards. The elf was blinking a bit confused buy these two. "Uh.... i can just maybe....", he began, but Rin cut him off with a look so he meeped and shut up. "Now go and be a scary goblin and make him talk!", she said with a nod. Midgee looked left and right with her hand behind her back and biting her lip adorably unsure of what to do. Then she ran up and went, "RAWR RAWR RAWR RAWR!" with her hands up and waving them around trying to be scary. "Now tell us the stuffs you know RAWRY RAWR RAWR!", Midgee said running around him flailing her arms. The elf boy flinched but but simply stood there looking bewildered. Rin facepalmed. "Ugh.... that's enough of the rawring Midgee....", Rin said as she rubbed her temples. Asta who was watching this almost laughed out loud, Midgee was just too adorable for her own good.

quite a few of the orcs were ready to get to the wrestling along with the ogres, it looked like great fun too both parties. Meanwhile Vexi and Unsur were more than happy to help Vish with his fun ideas, with Vexi saying how interesting this might all be, far funner then all that dark silliness going on in the hells. Meanwhile Asta had given up trying to clothe Dyzz and found herself looking at her butt quite a lot more then she'd admit. Asta was suddenly surprised to find that Galma had written her into the wrestling matches! "Asta need more fun, she always too worried all the time..... Is Dyzz gonna have fun too?~", Galma asked.


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Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz watched Rin and Midgee and the bewildered elf boy with more than a little amusement. He would get familiar with things, eventually... and even comfortable. Time would tell how deep his racism really ran, and how deep his religious ideologies were ingrained. One sampling didn't speak to the mindset of a whole race, but it would be a case study nonetheless. And Midgee was likely to win him over by herself... she had the charm and adorableness to become an incredible diplomat to the soft skins, by Dyzz's reckoning. Galma asked Asta if Dyzz planned to have any fun... to which she'd answer herself. "Only against the winners... and they be allowed to use magic, and be magic buffed before fight. Otherwise, not fair at all." It still wasn't fair... but it was closer. Dyzz was, before even a barbarian, a wrestler... and wrestling larger opponents was an art she'd beyond mastered. The girl could grapple things many times her size without much trouble, and it was always an amazing display.

Vishdilub and his protege worked hard on the labyrinth, getting it up in short order... and Aitainyn remained on guard, removed from the festivities, coordinating their guard herself. She was the stoic type, unlikely to engage in such things anyhow, and was glad for the excuse to keep busy and away from the rampant socialization.

Dyzz would stay close to the ogres... hearing them out on their thoughts about the elves, and asking them what they thought of her course of action. Meanwhile, she had a few others keeping an eye on the orcs and goblins, making sure no one was starting to feel under represented... if anyone felt stifled, she wanted to know immediately, and would address it personally. They all had a voice, they weren't some horde sworn to obedience, to keep their mouths shut and follow.
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Jun 30, 2016
The ogres, of crouse wanted to beat up the elves, but not actually kill them. As Rin had mentioned that while the ogres liked to fight, they seldom ever killed. They saw it as the cowards way out. An opponent defeated, but not killed, was one you could assert dominance over after all. The ogre men would shift their leopard print skirts uncomfortably in her presence Dyzz's beauty was not lost on them they often had to remember to look back to her face instead of her boobies, even some of the ogre girls would flush in her presence. the only one who seemed to keep his cool around Dyzz was the old man from before the one who was shot in the back. He would be seated nearby and bee seen smoking an ornate gold pipe. He would treat Dyzz with a lot of respect and just by looking at him she could tell he was the very oldest of the ogres there. "Never seen an outsider so intune with ogre law..... you also seem to know that we value our individualism. I am Bann oldest of the ogres. I can remember the time even before that terrible swamp..." he said as he stroked his long white beard. it appeared he had things to say to Dyzz. "We weren't always this way you know, my grandfather told me we ogres once had our own nation, he called it Darna the strongest of all greenkin nations.... and now you want to reunite us along with the rest of our distant cousins? A tall order.... a very tall order...", he said after a long pull of his pipe. "I see you've chosen Rin as one of your inner circle... a smart girl.... she never belonged in that swamp i could tell she was destined for better things even as i fought her and won a few years back when she just came of age. She has a dream you know its the same dream as her mothers was... to see the lands of Darna the lands of her ancestors, If you wish to build a nation of greenskins perhaps what was once Darna would be a good place to start....", he mused.

Meanwhile Galma was getting the westeing ring ready and setting up the fist fights between the goblins that decided to give it a go. One of them was the middle aged tracker Knobb. he was up against a tribal goblin of the shadow tribe called Vim who was younger and strong having many favor him to win. Ekey the huntress orc on the other hand knew what was really going to happen and so did Unsur who sat on Vexi's lap, swaying as one with his kind of mental demons does. But, he was smiling. quite happy as long as his spider momma was around. Anyway, his new power came with the abbities to "hear" the possible futures before him.... he favored Knobb to win. Ekey wished she could have sat with Alty but.... she busied herself with guard duty which made her frown a little. There had to be a way show the black goblin she liked her..... Asta watched as the match began she knew Knodd had it from the beginning, still it was a fun match to watch, with Knobb out thinking and positioning the tribal goblin even if he was quite spirited. the elf boy, apprenty named Shemelle, was sat next to Rin and Midgee still looking like a lost little boy. Rin didn't share her food with him as she chomped it down but Midgee slid closer to the Shem and let him have some of hers, they had to make sure he was fed right? was keeping a prisoner like keeping a pet? she was new to this concept still.


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Aug 20, 2017
The ogres were an honorable people. There was no more evidence needed than their reaction to those that had wronged them. They were angry, indignant, as anyone would be, but they managed to not be murderous, in spite of individualistic and proud attitudes, and being used to self destiny. Not a one of them demanded retribution, not a one of them tried to kill the elfen boy. These were a powerful people, but plentifully capable of peace... Dyzz was beyond impressed, and Vishdilub brought this up to her as well. The Forsaken would not have been so forgiving, back in the day when they'd left the god of Lore's infinite nightmare of illusions and found themselves so powerful from a time bent bender of murderous warfare upon eachother. He mentioned to Dyzz again that perhaps it was time to bring Plithlit... and she had to chew her lip and consider it. If they wanted the greenskins to experience a religious zeal to match the human's and elves own, then Plithlit was the way to go. He was a messiah that could elevate the greenskinned people's from any abhorrent struggle. But he was needed where he was... not here, not yet. Dyzz listened well to the old ogre, and found herself valuing his advice more and more. "Bann? It is a pleasure, Bann. Rin is good to keep close, Dyzz think, but is not ready for stuffy councils and big decision making. Dyzz think perhaps Bann would take mantle of representing Ogres. Even if solitary, Dyzz not think ogres all care only for self... Dyzz think will accept elected representative." Those were big words for Dyzz. Martuld was probably still lurking under there. There was no way she wouldn't be interested in these affairs. The dread pirate lord had united a near nation of misfits under her iron rule, once upon a time. "Darna..." That was something to think about. Dyzz trailed off, considering it. Dyzz snapped her fingers. "Before Dyzz forget. Prepare Bann for orgy, later. Is a ceremony, will grant power to Bann and Rin, as token of acceptance, should ogres join greenskin nation. The power... you will see during matches. It is different for all." He'd be left to ponder precisely what that implied while she walked off to view the fights from a makeshift 'throne', which just put her at head level with everyone else. Queen or no, she liked to sit among her subjects, not above them.

Dyzz watched delightedly, as the crafty veteran showed what experience was worth, and proved that his time was far from up. Dyzz clapped for his victory, and watched closely as Midgee took care of the elven boy. Rin was a bit reluctant to accept a responsibility she hadn't chosen for herself, and Dyzz made sure to remember that. If at all possible, it was important to remember that these ogres didn't like being told what to do, ever. Even if they accepted her authority, it would be in her best interest to learn to handle them delicately, lest they turn recalcitrant. Martuld coached her through the thoughts, explaining such things to her as she watched them. Dyzz called for Wack to fight in the next contest. he needed some recognition, and was still recognized as the chieftan of the Orcs, for good reason. He was strong, proud, and wouldn't bow easily. He'd also want a chance to be seen as important and showcase his talents, something Dyzz shared in common now. She needed the ogres to see the powers of the Queen's favored. That would be a big selling point in showing them what they had to gain, individually, within this nation after life times of solitude. Dyzz didn't want them joining simply because they were under attack and needed allies. No, she wanted them to want a place among her budding nation. "Show them all your power, Wack! Powers encouraged."
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Jun 30, 2016
Wack jumped at the opportunity to show off escapically in front of Dyzz. Meanwhile, Bann was left a little bit surprised after Dyzz told him to be ready for an orgy, coughing on the smoke from his pipe. Ogres were..... unused to the idea of sex with multiple partners, being the private people they were. Rin would be probably be hesitant about it, but enough sexual teasing or including Midgee might make a difference though..... regardless, the ogres would pick their own representative in time. They may not have saw themselves as one people now but in time perhaps they would warm to the idea of working together. The elf boy seemed very tense but he was in no danger now Rin reluctantly, had to keep him safe now. But.... she thought at least he.... was not bad on the eyes. when he meekly looked up to her she snorted and crossed her arms before turning her attention to the next match witch was Wack. She rolled her eyes. "Ugh he's such fuckin' show off.", she huffed Wack annoyed her, but she couldn't hate him there was something oddly endearing about the simple way he tried to please or show off to Dyzz. Asta Meanwhile knew him a little better. She knew even if he was sorta... not the sharpest axe in the armory he did really care about his people and have a way with rosing the orcs when they really needed it. The two never really talked much but she could tell he had a fondness for her too, he seemingly saw her as an honorary orc. He winked at her too once he flashily got into the ring. Asta rolled her eyes too but there was a very slight smirk.... this would be the first time anyone could have seen Asta almost happy and at peace surrounded by people on her side.

Wack saw his challenger and held up a hand to the younger orc. "Hold on! Wack very strong now! Bring more men! Wack can wrestle buch of you at once!", he said as he flexed an arm. So it came to pass that Wack fought at least six or seven of his orc warriors at once! His earthen powers and increased strength the elemental gave him tipped the balance all in his favor! Orc were very tough so he could bash them around with rocks and stuff and they'd be fine several times he let them all grab him all to only be thrown off with heave and some shaking of the ground. he'd show off his power buy bouncing up pillars of rock and making stone fly through the air and smack them around. eventaully they gave up and Wack was given the victory. "Oh so he can stop thinking about boobies for five secounds and actaully fight huh, go figure....", Rin said with a chuff. "That reminds me, hey Midgee.. we really need to hook you up with a weapon or something just cuz you got those little... er ghost flames.... doesn't mean you shouldn't learn one...", she said purposefully looking past the elf boi. "Oh... Midgee use to throw javelins and use knife.... but Midgee is good at traps.", she said swinging her legs back and forth on her seat. "Old Gat said Midgee could learn the fights buy looking at books but.... Midgee can't read....", she explained feeling embarrassed to admit it.

next up Asta was called to fight. Crap.... she wasn't really used to be the center of attention like this.... and somehow.... just somehow she had a fiant feeling that things could go embarrassing on her. Apparently big momma Galma would be her opponent! It was unknown to everyone just what Galma's power was. She had been keeping it secret for sometime now.....


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz didn't want to interrupt the matches, even if she'd like to throw a few pairings in there and see what happened. She sat aside with Bann, gauging his reactions to certain things. There was... little to do but sit in her seat and watch the matches. Dyzz started getting a little apprehensive about it. There was much going on, and she felt a need for action. Vishdilub saw this and cautioned her to patience, and she begrudgingly conceded, though she did crook her finger at the feminine elfen male, and have him summoned to her, to give Rin a break. She wanted a toy for a little while, anyway, and she'd had time to cool off.

She sat the elf in her own lap, even if he wasn't exactly shorter than her, and struck up a conversation with him, as he watched the terrific displays of natural power that the orcs, ogres, goblins and hobgoblins wielded. "Whatever you've been taught, Dyzz ask you to please open you's mind to the possibility that these people, so strange to you, are just people, just like yours. Good, and bad, and many just trying to get by. All work together though, all value eachother. All care for eachother... and not just those with green skin." There was the gargoyle knight, and the 'new cook'... though his servitude was still quite forced. "All are welcome among the tribes, that come with peace in hearts." She'd pull off her skull bra, if she was wearing it, pressing her breasts to his back. She'd snake a hand into his lap, to play with his manhood, idly.

"Ah, and we very free, sexually. If you says stop, any will stop. But, we like sex the same way hoomans like hugs. Is a simple, easy way to show affection." She'd rub his cheek with a hand, and kiss his neck, as she continued to pump him... quite publicly, as the show continued.
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Jun 30, 2016
Shem soon found himself sitting in Dyzz's bare lap. He had been stripped of most of his gear and was down to his little shorts. he gasped in a very girly way as Dyzz' hand found its way under his shorts and onto his cute peen. he wasn't very big, but there was enough down there to get a good grip around his elven shaft. in truth he'd been hard already.... Midgee's wide hips and sparse clothes had been making him both very aroused and confused before Dyzz "borrowed" him. her big soft breasts pressing against him only made him blush more as he squirmed slightly in her lap. he only made a very half-hearted attempt to pull her hand away.... it felt good..... and it made him pay more attention to her and her words. He was in a rather more "receptive" state right now. this was so far beyond what he had expected, the silver sages were never wrong before..... he'd asked if the greenskins could be reasoned with, and they said "no, they are but beasts in a vague human shape. controlled by dark powers....". But all this was not a clan of beasts... but a large group of well.... people, just like Dyzz said.

Her lick to his neck earned a shiver from the boi, her legs spread wider as his blush spread across his face. he'd never experienced such free sexuality, and several orcs and goblins would peek at Dyzz as she played with the little elf. "I'm.... I'm so confused! was my entire life a..... a lie?!", he panted.

Meanwhile the wrestling match between Galma and Asta was about to start. "So Galma hasn't show her power yet but she been using it for awhile now....", said the big momma orc as she did a rather deliberately sexy stretch. she was old by orc standards but they aged differently then humans did so she just look very mature really with really wide motherly, child baring hips, and she had bore many children in her time. Asta wasn't sure what Galma was playing at here.... "it simple, Galma has power of mind stuff!", she said as her eyes glowed pink! she then threw Asta back with a physic push! Asta yelped but caught her footing after almost falling. "Also Galma can do this~.", she then pulled up her loin cloth and bared her pussy at Asta and her eyes grew pink again. Asta was then suddenly feeling very lusty! her niiples going hard right then and there, thankfully her bra hid this.... but the blush on her face was more than enough to tell what happened there... "Wha.... what the hell!?", Asta said in surprise. "Galma now can make people all lusty with her mind make them think sexy~ she really like this.... now we wrestle!", and so the match began proper with both large women clashing in strength. Asta would use her shadows to get an early advantage but Galma knew Asta's biggest weakness..... lewdness. So every time Asta would try to pin her she would do something like grab Asta's boobies, slap her butt, play at her pussy and even once a full kiss to lips full of lewd tongue action. Asta was left panting under Galma influence but she was still in the fight, due to the fact that she can get very stubborn sometimes, and she didn't want to lose in such an embarrassing way! Galma was making her so horny, with her lusty physic power, and was able to fend meet her head to head due to her new psychokinesis abilities.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz shook her head at his words. "There are lies, always. Many would lie to us, and is up to us to learn for us selves. But Dyzz do not think you's life was lie. There's many that love you, yes? Dyzz does not think that is lies." The fight between Asta and Galma really heated up while they were talking, and a much anticipated big reveal occurred... Galma had psychic capabilities! She was particularly good at applying them to arousal, and that was a very strong play against Asta. Moreover, it was a very fun play to watch, for Shem. Dyzz was having fun too... and once she'd warmed him up a bit, he'd find himself being lifted and lowered again... onto a big. Fat. Dick. Dyzz was slow and careful about it, making sure not to hurt the boy, and there was plenty of lube involved... but today was going to be a whole lot of firsts for the girly elf.

"Just relax, and enjoy self... and enjoy the fight, too." There were boobs and butts and more all over the place, after all... plenty to rev up the engines on a sexually repressed elf.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Shem had no idea what to do with himself... things he thought he knew were turning out to be massive lies, it made him scared of what else he was wrong about. He was not of the highborn elves of the silver forest, but a mountain elf. still recognized as part of the elven kingdom but... they were often seen as the lowest of the elf kin.... as such many tried to prove themselves to other elves... Shem was like this, he wanted to make his mountain brothers proud, and prove that he was in-fact a brave man despite his girly apparence. Also there was all this lewdness around him! Everything was so terribly arousing to say nothing of the bare lap he was sitting in.... no matter were he looked all the ladies were scantily clad or... worse! he blush could only deepen from the lewd match going on in front of him... And on top pf all that Dyzz had his wang out! his little short pulled down he cute cock out for all to see the ladies seemed to like it, any that weren't looking at the rather saucy match anyway.

But then... he felt it... a cock! going slow and steady into his cute soft butt! his eyes when wide as pleasure previously unknown to him opened up! he made a small little squeaking noise as he shook, this time being his first time with anal. his cock throbbed and some pre squirted out as he moaned. "I-In..... My Butt?!", he thought as his cheeks clenched. "AH! H-How?! b-but.... I'm a... a guy! this shouldn't feel..... good....", he said as blush began to go down his neck.

Meanwhile, Asta and Galma continued to wrestle with the orc momma getting increasingly sexual by the second. However she was impressed with Asta's drive to win, she was as stubborn as any orc, inwardly she smiled and was franky quite proud of her. Secretly, in her mind, she had adopted her as sort of a.... new daughter. she tended to do this with everyone in the tribe mind you... but she really had grown to dote and worry about her... she was sure Dyzz would approve. as they grabbed and grappled Galma wasn't going to just let her have this one. Her eyes glowed and she really poured her "lust power" into Asta trying to see just how far she could go, she really did want Asta to win but she wanted her to earn it. She had to learn to get past her embarrassment. Asta gasped! as her body was filled with desire! "Come on Asta! You gonna let sexy pussy feeling beat you? Show Galma yous willpower! Dyzz is watching.", she said as she looked Asta dead in the eyes. Asta grunted and closed her eyes...... she wasn't gonna lose so easily! she pulled herself up and out of Glama's grasp panting. Glama in that time had stripped herself naked to pose for her the waves of pure arousal coming off of her. the audience was seemingly getting affected buy it too.... many couldn't help but stroke themselves. Asta blushed what could she do it was so much.... then she had an idea that she really wished she didn't get.... but.... it just might work! If she couldn't beat the lust.... she'd use it... Asta then did something no one would think she'd do willingly.... she stripped herself! with how detemidly she tried to keep her dignity at all times it seemed so out there to see her willingly get naked! She felt the eyes on her wonderful toned and busty body her yummy nipples hard. Glama was inwardly screaming in delight. Then Asta jumped back into the fray! and this time... she was the one grabbing at tits and stroking at pussies! her shadow was a great help in this kind of attack! Galma was surprised! Asta was so embarrassed by this, but it was working! using her own lust she was dominating the fight! throwing everything back at Galma until finally it well..... delved into sex, with Asta frocefully mashing her pussy to Galma's.... it was over, Asta had made her submit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Asta beat Galma. Dyzz knew Asta was strong, but Galma was an experienced fighter, a crafty veteran. This came as a surprise to her. Still... now that that was over, it was time for another show. Dyzz had a table brought out before her, and bent her little boy toy over it. She had Midgee called up to her, and had her get up on the table on the other end... and had Shem's face shoved in her crotch. "Now, Midgee. Dyzz want you to do you's best... to get him whole face wet, very wet, with you's pussy. Can you do that for Dyzz? Wet as you can get it." Meanwhile, Dyzz fucked him furiously from behind, slamming his face into that little goblin slit over and over with wet 'sploshes'. "If you don't cum before Dyzz do, Shem, you can cum in Midgee instead. Shouldn't take too long, hehe." She made her fucking loud, and the tournament would probably be paused for the little half time display, of their elven would be conqueror being thoroughly dominated by two little goblin ladies.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
After the Asta well... won.... she had to come down from a rather intense orgasm with Galma panting beneath her. "You.... win..... Asta... Galma is... so happy.", she said with a slight grin on her face. Asta blinked her shadow going back underneath her. She helped the big momma orc back up blushing heavily.... everyone was looking at them.... Asta tried to cover up, but Galma took Asta's hand and raised up her arm as cheers rang out. Asta bit her lip her thighs closed tight. Then she spotted it... Dyzz fucking that little elf boi....

Midgee meekly made her way over, her adorable face trying not to look directly at the elven anal plunging going on right there. she didn't quite know how it happened but she found herself stripping off her little loin cloth and having her pussy mashed into the elf bois face! This was obscenely embarrassing to Midgee but... gosh it felt good. the elven bois face was so soft and his tongue quite an inventive little oral organ~. for his part Shem found himself suddenly at the center of attention, all eyes suddenly on his girly nude body, his shorts gods know where. Dyzz either had a way with words of just did this all so quickly nobody had to think about it. once the table was there everything just sorta happened. Shem still stuck on her cock moaning and licking into Midgee's goblin puss. Midgee agreed only because she was so horny form the match minutes before. (Rin could be seen trying to be stubborn and not finger herself at this sexy sight). Shem was lost..... his body controlled buy pure lust now, the fucking so rough there could be thoughts of nothing else. Midgee meanwhile was wetting up his face nicely, her lil' ghost fires glowing bright as she couldn't help but moan loudly. Midgee was a very wet girl down there as everyone knew so it did take long for his face to shine with girl juice. Meanwhile Shem's poor butt was getting red with the slapping of their hips, his own cock leaking pre all over the table he couldn't outlast her and he was first to cum, he just didn't have the raw stamina of the greenskin peoples. He squealed into Midgees pussy making her wail and gush into his mouth and all over his face... he'd later have to admit she tasted really good down there....

Everyone was stroking themselves the air was thick with lust and it wasn't even Galma doing it goblins and orc alike were just naturally inclined that way, the refugees were feeling awkward like Asta and Rin where...


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz found she'd gotten a lot of attention. That was good... she was making a point here, putting on a show. When the boy was done cumming, as was Midgee, Dyzz took her seat back on the throne again, taking the boy with her... and letting him recline in her lap. She'd hold him like a baby, and pet him, letting him cuddle some big boobage. "That was a wonderful fight, Galma, Asta." She'd kiss the boy, and after giving him a few moments to settle in, pass him off to Midgee, and Asta. "Give him cuddles, eh? He was a good boy." She'd also ask Galma to keep an eye on them, and get them anything they needed, before she stepped out into the ring. "Now, then." She looked in the stands. "Dyzz see many of you's not used to greenskin wild orgies. Is a different way than you's. Fair enough, no one has to join if they no want. But is a thing greenskins enjoy. Now, we invite Redskins to join in, too. Dyzz asks any of the ogres that wish to try they's hand at sex with greenskins to come into the arena... can have Dyzz any. Way. They. Wish." She ran a hand up her body, pausing on her boob to slide it to the nipple, and tug it out, releasing it... again and again, letting the perky breast jiggle back into place over and over. "Dyzz take on all ogres that brave enough to cum."
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