Rebellious! A Greenskin Story (for shinyhappyfitsofrage)


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Jun 30, 2016
Asta would gasp as her shadowy tendrils were grabbed, it would make them recoil as a sudden lash of fear overtook Asta. Rin would look from Vish, to Dyzz, then to Asta. Their instincts were now screaming at them but Asta couldn't move frozen by fear for her friends lives. Rin was perhaps a little more intune with her more base instincts on these matters.... Quick as she could the ogress would grab Asta and run for it! Carrying her like a football as many brittle trees would snap in her wake. "No! Vish! Dyzz!", Asta would cry. "Shut up! we have to run! Run!", Rin said as she ran as fast as she long muscled ogre legs could take her.

Unfortunately Rin didn't pay too much attention where she was going and she ran into the deeper bog. The place where all the spirits all seemed to come from. The ghosts would moan around them and float around overhead lazily, drawn to their fear and Asta's mental anguish. They didn't attack, but they did act like vultures waiting for a kill.


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Aug 20, 2017
Vishdilub made one last desperate grab for the spear as Rin did the sensible thing, taking Asta and hoofing it. Even Jacoby would take time to hunt them all down, spread out as they were, and Aitainyn was on her way. Dyzz hissed as they fled, wishing they'd fought... it was quicker. Easier. Dyzz snarled, and drove that spear down again, piercing Vishdilub another time, before taking her leave of him... she'd collect her trophies when the hunt was over. She leapt straight upwards, and moved through the trees, the very incarnation of stealth, death its self made flesh. Jacoby was on the prowl.

Jacoby could never resist a good hunt. It wasn't the strongest that he'd pursue first... their strength meant nothing to him. He'd kill them as easily as a squirrel, or a hare. Easily as insects. What excited him was the hunt its self... finding his prey. He went for Scrub, for Knobb and for the orc huntress. The shadow of Dyzz would be close behind them, Jacoby hoping they would prove worthy prey.
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Jun 30, 2016
Further away Scrub would be running, speeding through the brush as only a goblin of this world could. "Bloody 'ell! bloody 'ell! Bloody 'ell!", Scrub hissed sweating, "Oh by me old grans grave I did mess up! Maybe it wasn't in me best interest to hang wit' these people! one minute it's all "Oh scrub wes' ya friend~." and the next blam! tryin' to kill one another!" The grubby scruff that was Scrub would duck, dive, and weave his way through the bush. the two trackers would soon catch up to him. "This ain't good... we have no idea where we are and where we're going.", said Knobb as he finally got a handle on Scrub. Ekey would appear from her invisibility. "Dyzz might come for us... she had the wild eye.... Ekey saw it. We's in grave danger, we have to hide.", she said quiet as she could.

After that the three of them would head for the denser brush, Ekey disappearing form view once more. Scrub would hide himself and in hollow log and quickly rifle through his bag, "Ah there you are..... my little pretty.", he said as he pulled out the little bone that Vish had given him. Knobb would hide as well, slowing his breathing as much as he could as he hoped they were in dense enough shrubbery.


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Aug 20, 2017
Brush, tracks. The swamp provided. Muck recorded the passage of footsteps like a pen putting down a history to paper. It was a river of red blood in a world otherwise grey, to his eyes... so obvious as to be impossible to miss, even from the periphery, at a glance. Even the invisible one, light footed and sure, like the two goblins, couldn't hide her passage. The tree's didn't even rustle as Jacoby moved through them, the galloping horseman, Death upon a pale steed. They finally stopped running and hid in brush. There was a rustle from up above them...

Then Gae Bolg appeared from the left, and punctured Ekey's leg, pinning her to the ground. Her invisibility seemed worthless against this hunter. Dyzz came walking to retrieve the spear, out in the open, hoping to scare the others into running again, hopefully this time, they'd be harder to follow... after she finished Ekey, of course. Her eyes were wide, wild, and her steps oozed the confidence of a creature unchallenged in his time.
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Jun 30, 2016
Ekey would cry out in pain as she was pinned, taken completely by surprise. she had hopped her newly enhanced senses would have clued her in to what was going on but in the end it mattered little..... Knobb would look to see his new friend painfully stabbed to the ground. the ghost would circle around them waiting for a new soul torture, to add to their fold. Scrub would fall over in his place in the log able to see everything unfold.

Ekey would pant and cry out in pain as she tried to free herself pulling at the bone spear with all the strength she had left. She couldn't die here not like this not in this place! Dyzz and her had shared such a wonderful night together... she had bound her to the spirits.... she had given her a good and noble cause to fight for.... the Orc huntress knew that everything might end here. She had been in the battle with her, seen Dyzz's wounderus boar mount. As far as orcs go that makes a person as good as family. she could not get the spear out of her leg and the spirits began to whisper to her, telling her to give in to despair and accept her fate and die, to know bitter hate and deep regret. In the aura of sickwood a being would watch from afar, cackling with glee and the swamp would be given yet more playthings. It was ancient creature a god know to all once, a being of rot, decay, and hunger. its power diminished without the believers it once had. its singular green eye would watch through the ghosts. "Yeeeeeessss... kill them.... let them rot in my swamp.... let their souls know endless hunger.... heee heee hee heeeee!", crackle Ma'letch, old god of rot.

Scrub would watch with horror then look down at his hands... Oh yes! the bone! Vishdilub had told him that skeletal warriors would burst forth if he broke it! "Ruight then.... Was gonna maybe save this for a rainy day but... it's metaphorically pourin' ain't it?!", he said as he broke the bone, hoping they would give Ekey some time. He would then make a dash for it with knobb reluctantly turning to follow after him.


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Aug 20, 2017
Ma'letch proved the fool. Jacoby had been a legend, without peer... but he'd never had the mystical capabilities of Dyzz's body in his lifetime. The legendary troll headhunter had been denied little game in his time, but Gods were among those he'd never been able to take a shot at. Dyzz's eyes were wide, and now, there was a wicked grin on her features, as she pulled the spear from Ekey, and walked off, no longer caring about the lesser prey. There was only one beast that mattered, now. Ma'letch would be a fine trophy.

Jacoby was a whisper in the woods once more, and utilized facets of Dyzz's nature she wasn't even fully aware of, communing deeply with the spirits, interrogating them even, riding on the wind and searching like a fury for the fallen once-God being. Jacoby would have his hunt... and even a God wasn't safe from his wrath.
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Jun 30, 2016
Ekey would cry out once more when Gae Blog was pulled from her, a few spurts of blood announcing the exit. Ekey had been fearing for the worse, she thought she was about to die..... But then Dyzz would walk away from her and then just about disappear. Ekey would blink a few times. she.... was alive? She was certainly in pain, she she had to be. She was an Orc however so it would not prove to be a fatal wound. She would pull a bandage from her side pack and bangae herself quickly to stop the bleeding. She could bare pain well enough orcs simply made that way. Knobb who hadn't completely left ran to her side. "You alright Ms.Ekey?", he said in his gruff but quiet voice. "Yes.... Ekey will live..... somehow... Ekey was spared.", she panted. "Scrub's gone but He'll find his way, Come on let's get you back up.", said Knobb as he took the slim orc woman's hand. "Can you still walk? I could carry you.", he asked, he seemed quite the gentleman. "No need Ekey can walk just.... not fast.... it hurts lots....",

Meanwhile in the deeper bog, where the muck was much thicker. Asta and Rin wondered around, still very wary of the chance of Dyzz following them. "How could that have happened to her.... she was well..... actually real nice to me there.", Rin said blushing as she remembered all the hugging and nuzzling Dyzz gave her. "I don't know.... I'm just so worried for everyone now. I wasn't strong enough I couldn't do anything! And now Vish might be dead!", Asta said on the verge of tears. she would put her back against a tree and try to hold back her feeling of fear and dread. Rin was not really good at this whole comforting people thing.... but she tried. "Listen If he could do weird shit with bones, maybe he could do something to save himself.", she said as she put a big red hand on Asta's shoulder. Asta would feel so lost now, Dyzz was sort of her guiding influence, someone too look up too... now she might try to kill all the new friends she'd made.... was their cause now doomed? Not only that but she was left half naked in a dirty dank swamp, shit had really hit the windmill here.

Just then a large decrepit mansion would appear to rise from the mucky water of the deep swamp. a deep rumbling being heard from ground around them. a strange green aura would radiate from the place. "The stink" of the once great god of rot Ma'letch would seep into the air. the spirits would flow around this strange structure. "What the hell?!", Rin cried. She'd lived in this swamp for sometime and she'd never seen anything like this. the elementals of the place would after a bit of interrogating, speak of Ma'letch and his strange mansion pointing Dyzz in its direction.

"Do you think we should check it out?", Asta asked seeing nothing else to do now. Rin would stare at the mansion for a while before answering. "I.... I can feel it.... the curse that keep all of us ogres stuck here.... it's from there. It has to be.", Rin said. "I wouldn't go in there if was you....", said a grinding, stoney, and tired sounding voice. looking around they'd see a gargoyle on a pedestal nearby. "What the?! Did you just talk?!", Asta asked half hoping she wouldn't get an answer. "Eh, yeah.... I did.... Incidentally, did you know you're half naked?", it said its head grinding to turn to the side. Asta would sigh and put a hand down there, "Yes.... I do...."

"Ok right then, Just so ya's know. That there's the mansion of my old master. A wizard of sorts. lets just say.... he messed with stuff that he really shouldn't have.", said the gargoyle dryly.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Jacoby was incensed. This! This was the hunt he craved! The mansion was scaled, and scoped, quickly... he took in the terrain, felt the magics of the place on Dyzz's skin, and breathed deeply of it. A God. And it's head would join his collection... Dyzz entered the place, quietly. Even the most powerful of magical and supernatural means couldn't track Jacoby, not in Dyzz's body, which warped all magic that dared to touch it. She was a living, breathing, arcane anomaly... and would creep through the mansion like a spirit herself, silent and alert, covering ground and leaving not even the dust and cobwebs disturbed.

Meanwhile, Vishdilub staggered through the swamp, weakened, propped up by Aitainyn. They pursued Dyzz directly, knowing that stopping Jacoby had to be their primary objective. This was why two forsaken were supposed to always accompany her... either of them were strong enough to stop Dyzz if she went haywire, unless it was Jacoby who possessed her. Then, it was uncertain whether both at full power could. Fortunately, they knew the secrets of Jacoby, knew his weaknesses, few though they were. Hopefully they'd be in time to stop him from hurting anymore of their friends... and irreparably marring the queen's name.

"Aitainyn... I hear something. Something dark, and divine, has awoken... awoken by Jacoby. I fear it is a God, and I fear he will pursue it as prey." Aitainyn kept her eyes forward. "Then a God shall die this day... and we may hope Jacoby is weakened enough for me to finish." Were it only so that Dyzz were as potent as her ancestor, in will and might both. How fearsome she would be.
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Jun 30, 2016
The mansion was a strange place.... it's interior space was warped. It was bigger on the inside then out. while most things would be like one would expect in an old decrepit mansion, old dusty chairs and tables, cabinets filled with cobwebs. even a few bones strewn about. But at other times she might see things like tentacles wriggling and writhing about on the walls, mouths that would spew noxious gas and corrosive slime, what looked like people that would constantly melt then regenerate just to melt again. it was place madness, despair, and sickness. the whole time a nearly indescribable smell would permeate the air Dyzz perhaps might resist the urge to puke her guts out but it was still the most wretched smell she might have ever smelled. of course it wasn't really Dyzz that was walking the rank and disgusting halls of Ma'letch.

the once great god of rot would slither and slide about in the deepest depths of his own little inner world within the mansion. A wizard one of the last few that even knew of his name had tried to summon the god to give him power decay and rot, to stop the sickness plaguing his frail body form killing him. Ma'letch of course gave him what he wanted.... the wizard would not die.... but would eternally rot and decay forever and become Ma'letch's ancor to this world. None worshiped him anymore he could no longer feed on the belief of people, but being a god of decay and suffering meant he could sustain himself on the misery and pain of the spirits of the swamp. It was he who cursed the prideful ogres. So full of life and always so hungry.... he could use their suffering to one day break free from the swamp and spread his influence. He was very prepared to play the long game on this too, he could wait. Rot and decay were slow processes, and after all what was time to a god?

He could sense that someone had entered his lair but he could not turn his single, green, godly eye to them. "Whaaaaatsssss thisssssss? Ssssome onesss in my laaaaaair. Keee keee keeee! why can't I sssssee them?!", he said feeling confusion for the first time and hundreds of years. the giant slimy leech like form that he had chosen raise from it assorted pile of muck. and try to strain its single glowing pale eye. "Keee! Keee! Keee!? Do theeeeey dare to challenge a god!?"

The further down she went the more.... fleshy the walls became. soone great eyes could be seen darting their gaze all over the place. "Keee! that one had sssssuch vaiatity such... liiiiiiife..... think of all the ssssssufferning she could endure.... all the rot i could impose upon her limbs and yet ssssshe would live....."


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Aug 20, 2017
Jacoby himself might have trouble with a god of rot... Dyzz wouldn't. Disease, poison... these were nothing to her ageless, invincible form. Dyzz didn't have a sense of smell for 'bad' things, either... she'd eaten rot, and putrescence. She'd eaten garbage, and carrion... she'd eaten plague carriers and venomous and poisonous things, potions of inscrutable power... her sense of smell only fed her information. Nothing triggered disgust in her, as nothing was caustic to her biology. Jacoby descended in Dyzz's body... drooling, now. The troll headhunter never feared much in the way of disease either, as he was a corpulent, half rotted breed that simply regenerated from most any wound... he was diseased his whole life, to little effect.

As Aitainyn and Vishdilub made their way to the mansion, Dyzz descended, deeper and deeper... Dyzz avoided the tentacles with ease for the most part, but when one grabbed her, she simply yanked it out of the wall... along with much of the wall. She threw it down, and walked, unperturbed, Gae Bolg ready to strike. As powerful was the weapon was, Dyzz had never been able to truly harness it's might... only Jacoby knew its full secrets. The stairs were long, the halls dark... the walls damp and filled with the disgusting elements of this god. Dyzz simply licked it, taking a sample... and her body would remember. Eventually, Dyzz came upon the God, in his form... and for once, broke his silence, broke his stealth. He wanted his foe to know terror. Standing on an ornate, rotted railing above him, Dyzz unleashed a roar, and grinned, feral and manic, before diving at the God, proceeding to rip and tear with Gae Bolg. Nothing could stop Dyzz now... Jacoby, this excited, wouldn't be stopped by a full platoon of the forsaken.
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Jun 30, 2016
"Keee! Keeeeeeeee?!", cried Ma'letch in surprise as he turned to see Dyzz/Jacoby leaping for him. He could finally perceive the beat of her heart and smell of her untouched flesh. his divine sight locked onto her. The great leech he had chosen as his form screeched, tentacles coated in the worst of his plagues lashed out with there stinging tips pirecing through her body. they would try to impose his influence upon her rot her away, to make her writhe with pain. To feed him with the delicious anguish he loved to inflict upon people. he would throw her to the ground even as she might rend his tentacles asunder, he had hundreds. "Now you will wisssssh you would die! My rot now stirsssss within you! I will take my time watching you wither awayyyyyyyy bit by agnoizing bit! Your sssssuffering will feed my growth!", he cackled perhaps not knowing this his great curse, his greatest of plagues my not do as much as he had hopped.

Back outside Rin and Asta saw the two black goblins go inside the mansion. "Oi Oi! that's not a good idea you don't wanna- damn.... welp that'll be two more for rot....", said the gargoyle trying to stop Aitainyn and Vishdilub. The gargoyle would sigh. "Oh bugger.... no one listens don't you two go in after 'em that place is filled with evil!" said the gargoyle wagging a finger at Rin and Asta. "B-But vish! he's alive! I don't wan't them to....", Asta said. "Well you ain't doing that without me!", Rin said. "Wait wait! no no! listen to me. You don't wanna go in there that's the lair of the god of rot! Ma'letch! You go in there and you might rot for all eternity!", said the magically animate statue.


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Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz was laughing, now. The noise was raspy, throaty... disturbing. The diseases of a God of rot found no purchase, perhaps for the first time in its ancient existence. Instead, Dyzz bled from wounds inflicted by the writhing mass of divine being, and the blood would prove its bane, even as the legendary spear Gae Bolg began to rip and tear, shedding seeds of its self that would expand within the God, doing incredible levels of damage. Dyzz took damage, and much of it... but it didn't seem to phase her, and more and more of her turned to unbreakable stone as the god ripped and tore into her... and she in turn ripped and tore into it, to likely a far, far greater effect.

Vishdilub and Aitainyn were hurrying, heedless of any dangers, and struggling their ways through the halls, the stairs, the tentacle and rot laden land, fortified by chewing poultices of Dyzz's blood and bread to stave off the rot around them. They had to reach her, soon... to stop her before Jacoby finished his hunt and sought to move on to greater hunting grounds. Having found one God to hunt, there was no chance his ardor would fade... he'd want more.
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Jun 30, 2016
There was a screech that shook the very fabric of reality itself, Vishdilub and Aitainyn would see the mansion warp and twist around them. Tentacles erupting as the stonewall began to turn into rotting flesh. It had been a thousand years since Ma'letch was actually challenged let alone felt pain. He had nearly forgotten.... years upon years of feeding off the anguish of others and now he himself would taste it. The fragments of bone in body would tear at him and he would writhe and trash. "KEEEEEE! KEEEEE! KEEEEEEEEE! HOW ARE YOU NOT DOUBLED OVER IN ANGUISH?! WHY DO YOU NOT ROT?! IMPOSSIBLE!", cried the ancient one in disbelief. None had ever shaken off his deadly plague before! it effect were random but they always left the one affected by it in excruciating pain as the body would slowly die in the most slow and horrific way possible. but it had done nothing to Dyzz!

The giant leech would spit open along its back as Ma'letch created another incarnation draining more energy from the tortured spirits of the bog. A huge insect would step out of the old body of the leech as it was torn apart. "Keee! Kee! I am immortal! I AM DECAY! you cannot resisssssst a force of nature!" cried the slimy voice of Ma'letch. He now stood as a massive locust like creature still swarming with tentacles. "Melt and feel aaaaaagonyyyyy! keeeeeeeee!" he then opened his disgusting slimy mandibles as a stream of the most vile acid ever known to this world was unleashed upon Dyzz.

Outside The gargoyle spoke some more. "The god of rot Ma'letch once was one of the most powerful gods of the land, it took the might of the original knight of Varan to cleanse his followers from this land. Ya'see back then the very first knights were actually true heros let me tell you. I was one of 'em once! But with my shitty luck I got myself stuck under the influence of a dark wizard....", sighed the gargoyle. "Wait you were a knight of Varan? But didn't they go insane years later?", Asta asked. "Eh!? They did!? Well crack me up with a hammer.... damn. one of them "live long enough to become the villains" things eh?", he said as he sighed and crossed his arms. "I didn't know about any of this either.... but whatever it's human crap.", said Rin shrugging.


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Aug 20, 2017
Jacoby knew Dyzz in ways she never would, just by possessing her body for a short time. When Ma'letch ceased being a threat, which was surely earlier than the God thought, Jacoby ceased taking it seriously. Dyzz was standing, staring at the bug as it crawled out of the carnage that had been its old form, and her eyes were half lidded. Jacoby was bored. He walked towards the God, slow and deliberate in his pace, a nightmare on tiny blue feet. Then, Dyzz's jaw stretched. Open, wider, and wider, gratuitously so, hugely so... and then that gaping maw descended upon the fallen God of Rot.

Vishdilub and Aitainyn entered just in time to witness this occurrence... Jacoby devouring a God. Inside of Dyzz was not a stomach, but a singularity, that compressed matter in a separate dimension. Aitainyn immediately set Vishdilub down so he could begin his ritual, and she kneeled to enter her own transcended warrior state. Jacoby was enjoying his victory, for another few moments... even if his opponent had disappointed him, he had finally committed to a dream of his... killing a God. It was not lost on him that as powerful as he had been, it might not have been possible in his old body, even with Gae Bolg in his hands. The God would have won against any other mortal opponent... Dyzz was simply the bane of such a being, made manifest... immune to its very nature.
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Jun 30, 2016
The acid seemed to do..... nothing! the strongest and most painful of corrosive liquids he, the god of rot, had ever conceived. he had melted even others god with this stuff and yet there she stood, not turned into a tiny melting skeleton. At the same time he was not at the height of his power. He lacked that witch all god needed to become truly powerful, believers. Hundreds of years ago his plagues once scoured the land, bringing thousands upon thousands of people to a slow and agonizing death. Jacoby maybe hunted for his own selfish and evil reasons, but at this time.... he was doing the world a favor. He was finishing what the original knights of Varan started to finish he blinght on this earth known as Ma'letch. As her mouth began to swallow him whole he made one last desperate attempt to escape. As the huge locust was being eaten... to be crushed forever into the oblivion of Dyzz, the single green pale glowing eye would suck itself into its body and explode out the back of the abdomen of its secound incarnation. "Keeee! Keeeeee! Gotta escape! Keeeee!", squealed the god as the single glowing eye tried to escape. trying to fly away "I won't die this way! keeee! You'll regret thissssss!"


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Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz's clothes were gone, everything on her person melted by the extremely potent acid spewed by a desperate God. Her stone headed axe was just a stone head, pitted and broken in fragments, though the bone club had survived, miraculously... it was somehow able to resist the acid. Even Gae Bolg had been pitted by it, though it regrew through whatever incredible mysticism held the bone spear to its legendary status. Jacoby seemed to chuckle silently, shoulders rolling as he watched the God flee in such a puny form. He took a step towards it, and halted... as Vishdilub's incantation took effect. The spell attacked the hold the spirit had on Dyzz's mind, shaking the connection, and allowing Dyzz to struggle for control. Against Jacoby's will, Dyzz's was as nothing, on her own. He turned, growling, as Aitainyn finished her warrior's meditation, and rose.... jumping down over thirty feet to land heavily, metal armor shaking and battle axe in hand. Her icy grey eyes were hard as she watched Dyzz like a hawk, and approached weapon raised, breaking into a run. In her meditative transcendence, Aitainyn went from a grandmaster warrior to something even greater... and still when her axe clashed with Gae Bolg, as the attack from Vishdilub shook Jacoby's ability to control his body... she immediately found herself being driven back. Their weapons flashed faster than the eye could follow, and they moved with such speed that they swirled around the battlefield, trying to maintain solid footing on floors literally crumbling and melting underfoot from the acid spewed by the dying God. The battle was incredible.
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Jun 30, 2016
Ma'letch used this opportunity to escape back his divine realm of rot, Ka'lenta as he hissed, "I will return..... Keeeee!" as he winked out of existence and out of the mortal plane. He would remember this disgrace....

All around them the walls began to turn back into regular stone, the horrible mouths and tentacles fading from existence their master unable to continue to warp reality for them. but the acid would remain melting the wood and stone into a slurry and crashing several floors around them. Even as the fight raged the mansion would shift back to it original run down state, the inside would stay bigger than the out, it being of a different sort of magic then the kind that was Ma'letch's influence. The many people stuck in infinite decay would finally die, their suffering finally coming to an end. The spirits would begin to lift away from the mansion as they souls were released from the curse of rot. they would pass on, death would finally be able to let them pass on. even as Jacoby would rage in Dyzz's body, denied his true prey of a god, the atmosphere of the place would brighten. now longer would there be an eerie feeling of dread, a heavy feeling of sadness, or the hefty thickness of regret in the air.

Outside the mansion would shudder and shake as the deep bog would ripple from all the excess energy left behind of Ma'letch's departure, as well as from the thunderous battle within. "Bloody hell! No way! He's..... gone......", said the gargoyle in disbelief. "What? you mean the god?", Rin said blinking. She could feel it too.... the curse was lifted from her, she felt like a heavy weight was lifted off her shoulders. Asta could tell immediately she could see the ghastly pale green light on the mansion fizzle and fade as the curse was lifted. "Yes.... but what about Dyzz, vish, and Aitainyn....?", Asta said looking worriedly at the shaking old building. "Dunno.... but someone's still in there that's for sure.... and my word is it a racket!", quavered the gargoyle.


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Aug 20, 2017
Aitainyn and Vishdilub and Jacoby's battle raged. The building shuddered, then exploded, as the top blew outward in all directions, scattering debris and acid. Aitainyn was thrown with it, hitting a tree and dropping hard. Her armor was ravaged... most of the metal had melted from acid, and her flesh, despite its resistance, had trouble with the acid as well. She quaffed a healing potion, and groaned, getting back up even as her bones struggled to knit themselves back together. Dyzz appeared, still Jacoby inside, though with a hand over one eye, and blood leaking around it... Aitainyn had put her battleaxe halfway through Dyzz's skull, leaving a rapidly healing indentation, and stone around the wound instead of flesh. But it wasn't enough, not yet. "Help!" Aitainyn gasped to the others, standing shakily, and setting her axe in front of her... one of the blades was gone from it, leaving it imbalanced and barely effective. Jacoby had used the environment well against Aitainyn.

Vishdilub still chanted, and Jacoby's steps faltered... he no longer looked so sure, but twisted Dyzz's features instead into an angry sneer, struggling through the fugue that clouded their mind. Dyzz fought him, as well... it was close, but he could still kill them all.
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Jun 30, 2016
"Great god Varan!", said the old knight turned gargoyle. He would have fallen off of his pedestal if it wasn't for the fact that he was stuck to it. Asta and Rin were similarly surprised. "Fucking hell!", cried Rin, while Asta merely stumbled back into her new Oger friend. Asta saw how damaged Altainyn was and the healing indentation in Dyzz's skull. She could still see the shadow of Jacoby around Dyzz's mind... She was still under his control and he might kill her! Asta would react without think when she heard Altainyn's call for help. She would run forwards with Rin tailing after her. "Hey! Hey! Wait for me!", shouted Rin.

Asta still didn't fully know how ro control her shadowy powers yet but she was sure she could help with both of the forsaken there. She closed the distance very quickly due to her long legs then thrust out her hand as inky tendrils erupted from her shadow. these were thicker and seemed to trash much more furiously then normal, perhaps made stronger due to Asta's emotions. they would lash out at Dyzz perhaps taking advantage of the fact that Jacoby was more focused on the forsaken warrior than anything else. Also, the spirit's hold on the soon to be queen of goblins was weakening, perhaps she she really could help this time. Atsa shadow would try to bind her in many tentacles mostly focusing on her arms and legs, she wanted to keep her still or busy long enough that Vish could finish the job. Rin would take a deep breath in then fire off a red hot fireball! she was sure Dyzz's body could take the blow and the burn.


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Aug 20, 2017
Aitainyn could barely hold herself up, when Rin and Asta charged in. The tendrils shot for Dyzz's limbs, and held, a growl erupting from her, as Jacoby found he couldn't simply handle them. Then, the fireball came. Jacoby struggled to move in time, but was too slow... and Dyzz took a direct hit. Then, Vishdilub was there, as Dyzz burned, chanting and holding a shrunken head forward, approaching Dyzz as though to exorcise her ancestor... something that only happened temporarily, sadly. Her ancestors were with her, always... which meant Jacoby was, as well. So long as she lived, he would surface... again and again, until she was strong enough to deny him... if that was even possible. That was like trying to cage a God.

But this time, it seemed to work, as Dyzz would fall unconscious, and Vishdilub would set to magically putting out the fire, Aitainyn slumping back against a wall, half naked. She'd need all new armor and a new weapon, now. Vishdilub would go and sit next to her, leaving Dyzz where she lay... too exhausted to do anything else. The two seemed to really need a moment to catch their breath.
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Jun 30, 2016
It was done, Jacoby was gone.... for now. Asta would release Dyzz's little body gently to the ground. She would finally exhale and take stock of everyone. Rin was ok, she knew. Herself, Dyzz, and Altainyn were in various states of undress. but she was just so relieved that everyone was ok. she would run over to Dyzz and pick up her burned, bruised, and bloody naked body and hug her close as she sat down with vish and Alty (her legs crossed to cover her girl parts.) "Vish.... Altainyn..... are you guys ok?", she asked without looking at them she didn't want them to see the slight wetness in her eyes. Rin would sit nearby with her back turned stoically, she didn't know how to deal with all this emotional stuff..... "Blimey..... well At least every seemed to turn out ok in the end....", said the gargoyle to himself.


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Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz was naked, as Asta held her close, and Aitainyn was near to it. Her armor was shreded... one strap held the chestplate over her shoulder, and it hung off sideways. She unbuckled most of it, and simply dropped it to the ground, leaving only a single vambrace and shinguards from the original set. She didn't bother seeking to cover her nudity, seemingly uncaring. Her breasts were heavy, DD's on her frame, and her nipples were onyxes against jet black skin. She had many terrible injuries, but quaffed a few more potions, grimacing when she realized that was the last of them, and kept sitting to relax. Vishdilub approached Asta and Dyzz, chin in hand. "That was rough. I did not expect him to surface again so soon... even in such an environment as this. Hopefully, that'll be the last we see of him within your lifetime." It took time for even such a strong spirit as he to gather his strength again. Dyzz woke, looking around at everyone, blushing, and turning away. Her face was knit back now, her teeth and skull where they'd been split like an overripe melon having reformed entirely. "Sorry, guys... Dyzz shoulda warned everyone. Didn't think that'd happen."

She looked down at her hand then. "Whoa... Jacoby ate a god of rot, huh? Dyzz has... so many new diseases in blood. And acids. Very... very powerful stuffs. More powerful than anything Dyzz ever come across." And that was saying a lot. Too bad she was immune, utterly, to all such things... and her immunity could not be bypassed, even by a God. Not in this.
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Jun 30, 2016
Atsa would hold Dyzz out as she spoke looking at her with eyes they were getting wetter as she looked at her. She would then push Dyzz tightly into another breast squishing hug. Asta my have blushed a bit herself, she was hugging a naked Dyzz and she was half naked herself.... but she was just so happy. she worried that things had turned forever bad,... with Dyzz's mind being lost forever. "Oh Dyzz! I was.... was so worried! I thought Vish might have died! and then you ran into that weird place and.... and.... I'm just so glad everyone's alive!", Asta said before kissing Dyzz full on the lips, then kissing all over her face. she would cuddle Dyzz like she would disappear if she let go.

Rin would blush as she looked over her shoulder, iron club on her shoulder. "I'd like to say something.... Er.... when you're done with.... uh... whatever you're doing....", she said feeling a bit awkward being near this show of love and affection.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Dyzz was being smothered with love! She flailed weakly, as Asta gave her forceful affection. Vishdilub looked around, doing a headcount. "Not everyone is here. We need to gather everyone together... the swamp is not without its dangers, even if the most powerful entity here has been vanquished... as well as that pitiful God." He chuckled at that, wondering what would become of that strange gargoyle guardian, now that the entity was defeated. Aitainyn rose, gaining her strength back, and stood next to Rin, arms crossed, weapon discarded. "What is it, ogress?" Her tone was curt, sharp. She seemed to be a bit... too serious about everything, perhaps. Then again, she'd just gone toe to toe with an enemy who could floor a grandmaster who dedicated their entire being to weapons fighting... and barely survived.
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Jun 30, 2016
"Er....", Rin said again feeling a bit awkward, with a mostly naked and rather good looking little goblin next to her. Her eyes would hover on Altainyn's hefty breasts before quickly looking away blushing again. ".... I wanted to say that I.... I think I do want to come with you all.... donno about the rest of my kin here. But, the curse.... it's gone. That god was doing this this whole time.", said the orgess as she looked to the ground. Meanwhile Asta would calm down enough to set Dyzz down in her naked lap, she kept a hand on her though, she just couldn't not do touch her in some way. "Yeah.... I guess we do have to find them.... Scrub will be ok I'm sure.", Asta sai scoffing at that last part. "I do worry for Midgee though... even if Wack did have her."
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Aitainyn nodded to Rin, acknowledging her. "Dyzz wanted you to come along anyway. Of course you're welcome." Vishdilub gave a sigh, once he heard that Midgee was with Wack. "That incorrigible pervert? I'm sure Midgee will be ok from monsters and the like... but she might be traumatized by the untender ministrations he's likely to subject her to. Oh, she has the ghost flames, right? Never mind. He'd get far more than he bargained for, forcing himself on her." Dyzz huffed. "You give Wack too little credit, Midwife. He's a heckin' good boi."

Vishdilub gave a grin. "We'll see. Everybody who can walk, start doing so. Pair up, stay close, find our friends. We don't leave until all are accounted for." Dyzz rose, pulling Asta to her feet. "Let's go. Dyzz don't want Midgee be alone too long. She strong now, but this place scary for someone ain't never been away from home." Dyzz only hoped the mere sight of her wouldn't terrify most of her companions, now.
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Jun 30, 2016
"Uh... um... right!". Asta said as she got to her feet. Now without all the worry and the peril of jacoby, the young hobgoblin could go back too worrying about more mundane things... like her nakedness, for example... and here her halberd had gotten too in all that panic. Asta was somewhat sure that Wack wouldn't mess with Midgee seeing as how she was favored by Dyzz, whom he wanted to be in good graces with at all times.... just in case she need someone to..... warm her bed roll. "Sure, I'll help.", Rin said plainly, trying hard not to look at Altlainyn's butt.

"Oi! Oi! hold on a bleedin' second!", said the gargoyle waving a hand. "You're not gonna leave me here are ya'? You kinda destroyed the 'ole reason I was turned to a gargoyle. Mind you, I didn't really want to do the job..... and I was lousy at it.... but maybe you all might wanna maybe bring me along? maybe set me free or something?", he said hopefully. "I'm mean really, I've been stuck her for 'undreds of years.... well maybe 'undreds.... ya lose track of time when you live long enough I guess."


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Vishdilub watched the gargoyle, scratching his chin. "Well, we'll see what we can do. You all can leave me here with him. Now, sir... would you prefer to have your original form back, or are you quite fond of being a statue?" There might be complications, but if anyone could restore the man to what he was once, it was the Midwife of Hel himself, an arch-necromancer and pioneer in many areas of magical craft.

Aitainyn would stretch, looking around with a frown. She didn't mind being actually naked, but without a solid weapon... she felt truly naked. Helpless. Dyzz fixed that problem, walking up to her and handing her her bone club, Rancor. "Thank you, Aitainyn." They then touched forheads together, each with a hand on the others shoulder, then parted. Aitainyn looked... visibly relieved, to have that club at hand. She would walk with Rin, a sway to her hips, back straight... the gait of a warrior, and something more regal... though few would understand why that was.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Oh!? ya' could really give me back my body?", said the gargoyle his mouth widening in shock. "Oi you better not be pullin' me leg here! But yes yes please! I'd be forever indebted to you. my crusade ended long long ago.... but yet I still think I could do some good in this world.", he said dreaming of once again fighting the good fight, and being behind a worthy cause. "For the life of me i wish I could remember me old name. but for the record I guess you could just call me Gar. Maybe leave a few gargoyle-ish parts on me the wings do look rather nioce."

Rin would bite her lip as she looked at Aitainyn's butt and wide hips. She may have gotten quite literally a bit hot under the collar, a few sparks of flame would come out of her nose she didn't know how to deal with this... she really didn't. The Ogress would move a little faster to get ahead of Aitainyn so she wouldn't have to look at her toned and yet busty little warrior physique. "I know this swamp pretty well Uh, I'll take the lead.", Rin said would out looking back so she wouldn't see her blush.

"So... we'll find midgee and Wack then?", Asta asked Dyzz keeping her eyes on her face.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Vishdilub sat with the gargoyle. "A partial reversion, huh? Bit more complicated, but doable." Vishdilub would be some time chatting with him, getting to know him, and preparing a rather intricate spell to try and preserve the man's wings, and any other part he specified, while reverting him to his original form. Maybe he'd even keep some of the dominant gargoyle capabilities... like the ability to turn to stone. Dyzz had proven more than once how potent a capability that could be... though she turned into a substance that was nigh indestructible, not simple stone. Vishdilub still hadn't found its equal anywhere... it continued to confound him.

Aitainyn didn't notice Rin's attentions. Nostalgia had hit her hard, after her life and death battle with Dyzz... and Jacoby. Her mind wandered to the past... her strange, twisted past. Eventually, she saw fit to speak of it, as they walked. "Vishdilub and I... accompanied Dyzz, even when the other forsaken stayed in their homes, because we're different, even from them. You may have noticed we aren't... like other goblins, even past the black flesh and skill in our crafts. In truth, we lived entire human lives. We were born goblins, but all the young of the Muju tribe were spirited away by a God of Lore, intent on preserving them in an ark against what he perceived to be the possible annihilation of the world. The apocalypse did not come to pass, and the forsaken became twisted things in his realm of stories. It was... not natural to us. He crafted a land of peace and left us there, separate from our tribes, bereft of identities. We didn't even have names, yet. The forsaken rebelled... they went insane, for the most part. Murdering eachother, endlessly, in an orgy of violence, convinced that our warfare would make us strong enough to grant us freedom. The God did not care."

She shuddered, remembering. It was... horrifying, on an unimaginable scale. She had died so many times.

"Eventually, there was an... experiment. Myself and Vishdilub were put into a... new story. I was a human princess, he a wise councilor to the king. I lived a lifetime as a human, but it always felt... wrong. I couldn't explain why. I did not understand. We both took dark paths in this world... I turned into a warrior, seeking bloody battle for reasons I did not understand, and he became a necromancer, studying dark arts in secret. That is why we are as we are... and why Dyzz trusts us so. We have lived different lives, and acquired hard won wisdoms... and in a war against humans, our council is invaluable. And... we are the only ones strong enough to stop Jacoby." Her with her nearly unequaled might in melee, and Vishdilub with powerful magic that could inhibit even a spirit that could hunt Gods from its possessed vessel. It also explained the way she walked, and talked, and carried herself... and perhaps why Vishdilub stooped as though hunchbacked, in spite of his perfect physical health.
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