Reaha patch addiction



How do I fully cure her? She hasn't dropped from 1% despite all the times I visit her.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
[Placeholders Intensify]

Good news is that Cured Reaha's nearly done.

There really ought to be a "You have reached the end of content for this character!" notification for the characters that still haven't been finished. Not just for your stuff Savin, but for everyone's stuff. Would cut down slightly on the questions, maybe.... 
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Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There really ought to be a "You have reached the end of content for this character!" notification for the characters that still haven't been finished. Not just for your stuff Savin, but for everyone's stuff. Would cut down slightly on the questions, maybe.... 

You'd still probably get people who will ask when said content will completed and implemented instead.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Lol yeah even if there would be HUGE letters at the end of scene when her addition reaching 1% telling ppl to sit tight cuz it's end of her current content we would have it still. Not like want bring this biut....just look at FoE evary few weeks there is thread under diff names that always ask question "why I can't find Jeanne at crossrads after beatin Orchid?" (but there is some hope since lately that started to showing up there less and less frequently)

Anyway since here is about Reaha cure path (one of few things from Savin that I really waiting with REALLY high expectations) does it will be small/big addition Savin? (let say compare it to current amount of content she got ingame) Also...since you lately was working on coding simple stuff woudl any of her cured path stuff been personaly coded by you? xD


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
it will be small/big addition Savin? (let say compare it to current amount of content she got ingame) Also...since you lately was working on coding simple stuff woudl any of her cured path stuff been personaly coded by you?

Her new content will be as big if not bigger, I reckon. I *doubt* I'll be the one to code it just due to the complexity, but who knows. I might pitch in!


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
lol, silly forumites. People can't read. Come on. 

There was that thread about TiTS compatibility with some sort of text-to-speech program. The irony.

Lol yeah even if there would be HUGE letters at the end of scene when her addition reaching 1% telling ppl to sit tight cuz it's end of her current content we would have it still. Not like want bring this biut....just look at FoE evary few weeks there is thread under diff names that always ask question "why I can't find Jeanne at crossrads after beatin Orchid?" (but there is some hope since lately that started to showing up there less and less frequently)

There is a humongous sign there as of latest patch. I still came close to posting an idiotic question because I went straight for her tower and she was there, her dialogue unchanged.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Her new content will be as big if not bigger, I reckon. I *doubt* I'll be the one to code it just due to the complexity, but who knows. I might pitch in!

Well since you for now wanna try head on coding small simple scenes I hold hope that maybe one of her new scenes will be coded by you personaly ;)


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Perhaps, but more often than not the people will ask regardless. 

Reminds me of the gaming forums I watch, almost every single thread about mods has a least 1 question about when the next update is per page. The problem isn't just that people can't read, it's that the next idiot to walk in doesn't read at least a few posts above their bloody question and realize it's already been answered. I mean I would understand if it were buried 20 pages back, but if your question is on the same damn page you're either blind, impatient, or retarded.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Treated Reaha is Best Cow, though.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I'd actually love a ditzy, dommy cowmazon, but she's just as lucid (if not more), than vanilla Reaha.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
so excite!


Active Member
Jan 25, 2016
I know the likely-hood is beyond low, but will we be able to challenge Amazon Reaha for dom status in the bedroom like we did for Kiha in CoC :3? I'd wanna break in my new rough and tough Reaha~


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
I know the likely-hood is beyond low, but will we be able to challenge Amazon Reaha for dom status in the bedroom like we did for Kiha in CoC :3? I'd wanna break in my new rough and tough Reaha~

That sounds pretty cool, but I was anticipating that from one of Nonesuch's characters...on the other hand, why only one badass lady?

To Savin, I take it google Doc is still being a pain about whoever reported it? Still feel it's incredibly petty for someone to do that. Thanks for not letting it stop the content from being written.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I know the likely-hood is beyond low, but will we be able to challenge Amazon Reaha for dom status in the bedroom like we did for Kiha in CoC :3? I'd wanna break in my new rough and tough Reaha~

I dunno. Would certainly be a cool scene!

To Savin, I take it google Doc is still being a pain about whoever reported it? Still feel it's incredibly petty for someone to do that. Thanks for not letting it stop the content from being written.

Doc has not yet been reviewed for re-submission, though as always I eagerly await making one of Google's interns glance through weird fetish porn.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
I dunno. Would certainly be a cool scene!

Doc has not yet been reviewed for re-submission, though as always I eagerly await making one of Google's interns glance through weird fetish porn.

Would it be too much to ask for the basic summary? I know one opiton involves her going Glamazon but are there any others like staying as she is now (body shape wise)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Doc has not yet been reviewed for re-submission, though as always I eagerly await making one of Google's interns glance through weird fetish porn.

Makes it almost worth it.