Rogue against bosses


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
Hey, I am not sure if this is bug or intended, though seems weird if its intended, but anyway, the rogue class' kick sand ability does not seem to be effective against any bosses, they take the damage from it but never get blinded, which in turn makes the backstab ability completely unusable against them, seriously handicapping the rogue against all bosses, I especially found this weird since bosses don't seem to have similar immunities against any other abilities.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I looked over code on github and well each boss got pretty "generic" set of statuses they would be immune to. And blind is among them so technicaly it will never vblind boss unless it was set that particular one can be blinded. Aside that most of DoT dmg are aslo not working on bosses like bleed/burn/freeze/etc., so not only rogue are not so hurt by some of they abilities not working fully on bosses.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Another case of Contractual Boss Immunity. It's stupidly common in rpgs for bosses to flat out be immune to anything fun. Like status effects, and in some cases, debuffs as well. Stun was an exception for a while, but it was recently nerfed due to stunlocking madness. Oops, I thought this was the TiTS forum. Anyway, this particular point was talked about once before. I hear that during the mechanics overall ailments will become more viable against bosses.
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The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Unless specifically defined, bosses actually do not have contractual immunity. Having the boss flag simply reduces the chance of statuses to hit.

Some bosses are also specifically weak to various statuses.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
Unless specifically defined, bosses actually do not have contractual immunity. Having the boss flag simply reduces the chance of statuses to hit.

Some bosses are also specifically weak to various statuses.

Why are all bosses immune to blind, then?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Because they have special eyes.

Or their pull Gin Ichimaru/Brock (from pokemons) move of closing their eyes whenever you use blinding move :p

Well some of bosses can be well explained with current blind move of kicking sand in eyes of been too high to be blided that way on other debuffs well they're bosses mean they got some nifty magic protections/tougher hides/better stuff than simple mobs to be more immune to all bad stuff we can try throw of them.

Actualy for FoE bosses I usualy using good old violence. I mean if it not solved my issues it meant I not used enough of it (like had bad weapon or too low job lvl/overeal lvl to dish enough dmg per turn ^^).
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
It just makes half the rogue skills kind of pointless... as in general, bosses are the only ones that its worth bothering with the whole blind + backstab combo with anyway, as Terry hits so hard that all regular enemies go down from 1-2 regular hits from him anyway. :) Although I guess in later acts with higher level enemies that might not be the case anymore.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well currently most mobs to beat eds around lvl 10-15 and well to beat all aside Drake party need to have lvl 20-25. So naturaly Terry can pretty easy be so good to one shot all general mobs and probably been first one to act in each fight (with high enough dex he can even first hit in fight with Drake ^^ - not managed make any other party member so fast normaly to do this even MC). Other thing that as said only bosses seems like worth to use his rogue/ranger skills and then all it comes down is to how fast you can beat them traditional to dirt. So jobs that have skills dealing good ol pure dmg without trying debuff enemies wins here (thus Bruiser even with all their skills cd added still makes MC and Layla a quite unstopable juggernauts, that smash throu everything with a sheer dmg).

EDIT: Lol not noticed this post was my evil one aka 666th one ^^
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
My MC is charisma based (Courtesan/Hypnotist as the main classes), then have Kia focused fully on buffs and heals and int (Acolyte/Scholar as main classes, man I love that Cheer for boss fights), then have Rogue/Fighter Terry focusing on dex, and then bruiser Layla focusing on strength, though after getting to lvl 8 bruiser I started taking rogue levels to her also, mostly for the speed boost ability as low initiative is her main weakness. But Terry was two shotting mobs of his own level too before I outleveled stuff, I first had him using Kravitz's sword, before getting the Gol Claw which he is using now. Terry is okay against bosses too, it just feels weird to have half of a jobs abilities being unusable. In boss fights with him I just keep the speed boost up and alternate between dirty blow and bash rest of the time, as both have 1 round cd.

I do like bruiser a lot too, even though you run out of mana really fast with all those 50+ mana costing skills.

EDIT: I did beat Lagon at lvl 17, or well my party was lvl 17 when I started the fight, went up to 21 I think from the xp gained from completing both phases.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Let see how my party looked back then. MC with maxed Fighter/Bruiser, Kia Acolyte master and almost master of healer job, Terry Rogue master with quite hig fighter/ranger jobs and Layla Fighter master with almost mastered Bruiser.

I do beat Lagon around 22-23 lvl back when we not had accesable Layla yet and not been able buy HP/SP pots form Ashe. So maybe indeed now Lagon final boss fight get so easy to be able done below lvl 20 (maybe I should rereun all again to see if fights get easier with using those two pots (or 3 since there is think one more to make characters faster too)).


FoE Mod
Aug 26, 2015
This is wandering far enough off topic as it is... please take the Lagon discussions somewhere that's not a bug report on a completely different matter altogether.