*RANT* Does anyone else dislike the Kitsune in this game more and more as this go on? *Spoilers*

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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2020
Burn the tree, enslave the kitsune, no diplomacy, no negotiation, only debauched degeneracy!

The Champion and the companions are bad ass, but that idea just won't fly. Nakano with his detachment, Azami and her underlings, Takahiro, Miko and Mai, Komari and EVERY Kitsune that likes their home NOT be a pile of ashes would just swarm you. And even IF the Champion managed to do all that, Keros would probably turn the Champion into a frog or something and stick them in a pond in the Astral Plane.

That doesn't sounds like a bad idea.
How about a corrupt champion tryin to attack the kitsune, and gets bad ended by Keros.


Sep 25, 2020
The only kitsune that really irritate me are Miko and Mai, solely for the fact that Miko called me a barbarian right before explaining that the reason Oxana kept sending mercenaries to attack the den was that Mai stole all her sex toys. Say what you want about the fact that I just barged into your house and mowed down nine people with a bessy mauler, but at least I don't take random dildoes I find in the woods and then use them.

king of tentacle

Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2017
they could also be handled the civilized modern way propaganda and narrative control! all it takes is charisma and some well placed "evidence" acquired from the first raid on the tree. heck you go far enough with it and the locals will blame everything on the kitsune from the crops not coming in, to the boils on their asses.
plus with ryn as puppet leader for the elves our words become her words (i.e just like princess and conquest;)) just imagine a bunch of pissed off villagers and armed guards surrounding the tree with pitch forks and torches at 2 in the morning ready to burn it down and dance in the ashes. not to mention violating the survivors:gizz: spoils of war am i right?


New Member
Oct 26, 2020
The Kitsune didn't strike me as significantly worse than the other rapists you can find throughout the game. I just couldn't take them seriously. Not because of the quality of the writing, which I enjoyed reading though, but because of our interactions with them and the general light-heartedness of the game. Sure, they are jingoistic and look down on you. However, all that shit-talk comes off as really insecure when your first major interaction with them in their home is to run around slapping them up before revealing one of them to be a dildo thief. Also, we can't burn down their tree or do really awful things to the inhabitants but that's true of most people that you'd want to snuff in CoC2.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2020
The Kitsune didn't strike me as significantly worse than the other rapists you can find throughout the game. I just couldn't take them seriously. Not because of the quality of the writing, which I enjoyed reading though, but because of our interactions with them and the general light-heartedness of the game. Sure, they are jingoistic and look down on you. However, all that shit-talk comes off as really insecure when your first major interaction with them in their home is to run around slapping them up before revealing one of them to be a dildo thief. Also, we can't burn down their tree or do really awful things to the inhabitants but that's true of most people that you'd want to snuff in CoC2.
Realistically speaking you could probably order Alraune and/or Arona to lend you a few plant girls / orcs to teach the fluffy vampires where they belong , although i have serious doubts that such a option would be added anytime soon or at all.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Although it does make me wonder if there's going to be some sort of confrontation between the druids of the Boreal Elves and the Kitsune, as Hethia makes a comment along the lines that the Kitsune Den is adversely affecting the Druid's territory.
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New Member
Oct 26, 2020
Man I was gonna like that post right up until the end there.

Completely fair. For what its worth, the npcs are too likeable for me to want to kill them for emotional reasons. The champion also doesn't seem like the kind of person that would go around taking heads for the sake of it. While I personally don't want to go on a killing spree in game, the lack of an option to do so is notable. Beyond that, I actually like that you've mainly restricted death to completely corrupted creatures. My guess is most people don't want extreme violence in their porn game and the current option to kill certain really bad people (the imps and corrupted centaurs) is a good compromise for those that do.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2020
I just love the kitsune storyline; think it's the best out of the side-quests in COC2. Just saying :)
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Completely fair. For what its worth, the npcs are too likeable for me to want to kill them for emotional reasons. The champion also doesn't seem like the kind of person that would go around taking heads for the sake of it. While I personally don't want to go on a killing spree in game, the lack of an option to do so is notable. Beyond that, I actually like that you've mainly restricted death to completely corrupted creatures. My guess is most people don't want extreme violence in their porn game and the current option to kill certain really bad people (the imps and corrupted centaurs) is a good compromise for those that do.

This is not a table top RPG, so design, writing and coding have to be prioritized to objectives that the Staff want to accomplish and the audience will accept (and love hopefully). While there is of course a large amount of stretch for what the Staff goals are and what the audience will accept. Plus time.

There maybe an option to throw the Kitsune colony under a metaphorical bus in the future. I'm not a prophet, nor do I often read docs. Except that one time when the Trello was open to the public and I obsessed over Syri Quest for TiTS.
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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
I mean I was a tad annoyed by their attitude and questline. Not because of the usual reasons like their inability to accept "no" as an answer or their unwarranted superior attitude. I find Kinu-Hime rather sympathetic and well, to get Inari you basically have to alienate her from her mother by encouraging her individualism to a somewhat suspect degree. Talk about Hime's tendency to be too much of a people-pleaser all you want but if your daughter prefers the company of plants because she can't communicate her feelings or opinions properly then I'd argue you failed as a parent.

I don't mind the whole "You have to sleep with Kiyoko because yadda yadda." thing either. I mean the poor woman's sanity was looking pretty shaky and allowing her to be isolated for centuries is probably some kind of cruel and unusual torture. That she's not someone I find romantically interesting doesn't change that I want to help her get out even if that means some discomfort on my part, considering I'm not playing a total jerkass character. Kinu will just have to accept that she's an only child.

I mean the only reason I went back and offed Alraune after sparing her the first time is because she didn't stop being a danger to everything around her and kept abducting people. I appreciate that doing something like that makes only sense in cases where someone is irredeemably corrupt and too dangerous to leave to their own devices. It helps that unlike the first game this world is still mostly normal so of course you can't go on a one man/woman/herm crusade and go exterminatus on the Kasyrra cultists simply because there aren't many of them around. As Quintullus demostrates they aren't all corrupt beyond salvation either. Compared to that the Kitsune are just slightly dickish. I can live with that.

The one thing I found somewhat vexing about the entire affair is that the game apparently assumes that I love Kiyoko just because I don't want her to slowly waste away by depriving her of human... uh, orcish (?) contact. I tried to remember all details about my interaction with the characters and I'm pretty sure I didn't express any physical interest in her at all until Keros told me there literally wasn't another way. The romance subtext felt a little insincere, some middle ground between "happily in love" and "chuck the amulet into storage and let her rot" would have been nice. Otherwise I found that entire part of the game to have some of the best writing and the entire questline was quite entertaining. Well done.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
do you realize that the communal soul literally belongs AND is guarded by a god?

If my read of the way the Champion's level scaling correlates to the level scaling in D&D, I'd be surprised if we won't get a chance to screw over a deity or two.


Resident Coke Addict
Aug 5, 2018
If my read of the way the Champion's level scaling correlates to the level scaling in D&D, I'd be surprised if we won't get a chance to screw over a deity or two.
If you're basing it off d&d scaling, you're basing it off the wrong addition and/or assuming much higher levels than are accurate
If you're going to compare it, it's 4e d&d with a level cap of 10. You ain't doing shit to gods


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
If my read of the way the Champion's level scaling correlates to the level scaling in D&D, I'd be surprised if we won't get a chance to screw over a deity or two.
To the extent that this is already possible in the game, perhaps more scenes will be available in the future. However, there's a huge gulf between 'beat one god in a battle of wits that one time' and 'get anywhere near the power level necessary to seriously threaten the gods'. The one is possible, the other is not. Savin has made his dislike for that kind of power fantasy abundantly clear and it was repeated by Tobs in response to someone else talking about how they'd like to be able to upend the status-quo with the gods.

So yeah, defeating Keros/doing anything to the hoshi no tama? Don't hold your breath.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
If you're basing it off d&d scaling, you're basing it off the wrong addition and/or assuming much higher levels than are accurate
If you're going to compare it, it's 4e d&d with a level cap of 10. You ain't doing shit to gods
Fair enough. I have for the most part kept away from anything past 3.5e, picking out some decent bits and pieces for homebrew (like 5E's treatment of conversation skill rolls). And even then I must have placed the power level of the enemies you are able to defeat on the wrong parts of the scale.

To the extent that this is already possible in the game, perhaps more scenes will be available in the future. However, there's a huge gulf between 'beat one god in a battle of wits that one time' and 'get anywhere near the power level necessary to seriously threaten the gods'. The one is possible, the other is not. Savin has made his dislike for that kind of power fantasy abundantly clear and it was repeated by Tobs in response to someone else talking about how they'd like to be able to upend the status-quo with the gods.

So yeah, defeating Keros/doing anything to the hoshi no tama? Don't hold your breath.

Also fair points, and thanks for the heads up about the word of god on the issue. Because unlike The Observer, Savin doesn't tend to poke too too much at the Champion's (or the player's) ego and otherwise tries to keep it in check, so if you just play the game his stance isn't clear.

I'd like to say that I was thinking less about straight up slapping the deities into submission with Champion and Co's massive power balls and more along the lines of devising some sort of unorthodox scheme. One that would go straight to the source of the Seven's power, or exploit some vulnerability they might have that came packaged with their divinity. I haven't picked a Jonathan Teatime gif for nothing.

But hey, if the gods are beyond reach and can't be subverted in a meaningful way - I can live with that. Especially since for the most part they seem to be genuinely good natured and/or well meaning. The speech Brother Sanders gives when you first ask about them made me initially anticipate some Greek pantheon level assholery.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
The speech Brother Sanders gives when you first ask about them made me initially anticipate some Greek pantheon level assholery.
I admit that after studying different mythologies, reading all of Rick Riordan's books, playing God of War, Age of Mythology, League of Legends (since Aspects and Ascendants can be considered gods) and so many other works, just hear the word " gods "I already imagine a bunch of arrogant and arrogant assholes who see their worshipers as nothing more than toys, a source of livelihood and / or insignificant insects! So imagine my surprise when I discover that the gods of Savarra that we have met so far are quite pleasant! (mainly considering their origin !!!)
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Jun 24, 2016
As Quintullus demostrates they aren't all corrupt beyond salvation either.
People really out here assuming Quin is corrupt. This is why there’s Nice Time for Roo memes.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
However, there's a huge gulf between 'beat one god in a battle of wits that one time' and 'get anywhere near the power level necessary to seriously threaten the gods'.

After you intellectually bullied Nareva she went home and ate an entire tub of ice cream while constricting Mallach her emotional support twink near to death. THAT is the true threat you pose to the gods.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
After you intellectually bullied Nareva she went home and ate an entire tub of ice cream while constricting Mallach her emotional support twink near to death. THAT is the true threat you pose to the gods.

I imagine the other 6 sitting on a big couch in the heavenly plane trying to comfort the big tearful gothnaga!
Mallach humming a beautiful song and failing while squeezed and starting to turn dangerously purple!
Lumia using her own breasts as a pillow for the sad snake, stroking her head and saying that it will be okay and that she is a very smart girl! (Showing why Lumia is the goddess of motherhood!)
Velun trying to calm her down and offering a herbs tea!
Keros offering to make a prank on the champion if it makes her feel better!
Tira inviting her to listen to Evanescence's discography!
And Sorra perched on the couch watching everything in silence!


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2019
I imagine the other 6 sitting on a big couch in the heavenly plane trying to comfort the big tearful gothnaga!
Mallach humming a beautiful song and failing while squeezed and starting to turn dangerously purple!
Lumia using her own breasts as a pillow for the sad snake, stroking her head and saying that it will be okay and that she is a very smart girl! (Showing why Lumia is the goddess of motherhood!)
Velun trying to calm her down and offering a herbs tea!
Keros offering to make a prank on the champion if it makes her feel better!
Tira inviting her to listen to Evanescence's discography!
And Sorra perched on the couch watching everything in silence!
I dunno, the way everyone congratulates you on jumping hoops around her and being glad that she's been taken down a peg or two makes you think she'd be the pantheon's equivalent of the most stereotypically accurate high elf in existence.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
I dunno, the way everyone congratulates you on jumping hoops around her and being glad that she's been taken down a peg or two makes you think she'd be the pantheon's equivalent of the most stereotypically accurate high elf in existence.

The ones that congratulate you, Keros and Mallach are probably the ones most likely to find it amusing. Tira, Lumia and Velun would likely find it troubling. No idea about Sorra.
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