Queen Taivra's Palace Alternate Ending

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New Member
Aug 30, 2016
When you encounter the Princess at the palace you can join her harem, which leads to a bad end, or resist. What if you willingly enslave yourself to her, or get enslaved if you lose the fight without a bad ending? Personally, games like this get fun for me on bad endings and this would give an alternative way out.


  1. As her slave you get access to the probe.
  2. Receive a permanent collar. (accessory)
  3. Maybe you can spread her offspring throughout the universe. (similar to Queen of the Deep)
  4. Makes a bad end still playable and fun for people who are into that kind of thing.


Aug 26, 2015
If you're her slave then you're her slave.  She's not going to have you wander off.


New Member
Aug 30, 2016
If you're her slave then you're her slave.  She's not going to have you wander off.

It would be possible with a permanent collar and some reason for you to wander off. Similar to CoC Prisoner mod.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Event sequences you can escape from and come back to? That sounds awesome. And actually doable. Now someone just has to write it.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
When one of the main people working on the game says no, it means no and it won't happen no matter what you say.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Hey, you can always write it yourself


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Nik_van_Rijn Question is would such moder stay long around this forum after doing this? If it not anger admins then it's fine but IF it happen to anger them enough we can forget about it been hoster here on forum (which would be easiest way to host any TiTS related mod).


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Does Etis' mod do anything other than link the two pieces of official Fenoxo content? I was under the impression it just let you play CoC "inside" TiTS and ported some CoC mechanics into TiTS. If he's just joining the two together and not creating a bunch of independent content, I don't see why it would be much of a problem.

The problem arises when people try to do exactly what modding in the OP's idea would be: skirting around dev disapproval of an idea and brute-forcing it into the "game" without an official blessing or quality check.

There's a great many problems with that, actually.

Etis' mod does exactly that, but I didn't get the impression that Savin meant exclusively mods that add content.

And if we are talking about mods that add content, I think that their appearance is inevitable, since all you need is 3.5 anons with a bunch of ideas and the competence level of a half-baked programmer between them.

So might be better to let in those of them that follow the same ToS all content on this forum must abide by, since they can potentially cover the fetish/content range left open by the official team for one reason or another. Thus increasing the general appeal of the site and potentially bringing more people to the main game.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
If TiTS were an average game, I'd agree to that kind of open stance on mods. But, given the way a huge amount of content is added to TiTS via community contribution, anything that's got the approval of devs is going to get in. Hell, you can even code it in yourself with a pull request to ensure the only thing Fen and Friends need to do is review it, if you have the skill. The only reasons to make a content mod for a game with such open-ended contribution are if said content will not be accepted by the devs (and is therefore deemed unfit for the game in the first place) or doesn't meet quality standards.

True, and if a creator's submission were NOT up to par, there would be a forum and mechanism through which change, growth, modification could occur as well. Allowing those who could not get a submission through to have an avenue of changing said denial.

... Can't wait to see what kind of shit this rant stirs up...  -_-

Not, that you need it, but I'll back you up on this if the flamers and trolls come :D

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I'd rather not see any TiTS mods pop up, thanks.

I'm going to send you my Savin Characters Netorare Pregnancy DLC Pack.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2016
Imma step in here despite not knowing shit but... I agree with Savin and Ivlysteriousperson. While I can see the desire for mods it just doesn't make sense to make an extra content mod while the game is still in early production. There is constant new content always being added, and like Sav said a lot is community creations.

If people leave the official game to make stuff for an unofficial mod then the main game will suffer I.E. fenoxo loyalists suffer. While I wholeheartedly enjoy the kiteh mod for COC it makes much more sense since no official content will be added to the game anymore and just shows that we still love the game.

If you interrupt a game mid production by messing with it and changing it to suit you without permission from the actual creators is not only a bit of a dick move to the creators (and patreons) but it may also be a copyright issue (if TITS has a copyright) and may take players away from the official places and could result in the members of Fenco losing money.

I'd also like to note that I'm a public player but still think we should stick to official sources for content, regardless of wait.


Nov 28, 2015
Can I just ask: Why mod a game that has a content creation system like this when you can just submit content for the game proper?

In the event of something that the devs find will never fit, perhaps keep it to yourself or turn it into a fanfic like someone else suggested.

And on the note of the actual post, becoming a Nyrean Royal actually has the 'spread the seed' thing as part of whenever Queen Taivra breeds you. She tells you to spread your children across the stars, to let them see things she never will. It's kinda sad, really.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
And on the note of the actual post, becoming a Nyrean Royal actually has the 'spread the seed' thing as part of whenever Queen Taivra breeds you. She tells you to spread your children across the stars, to let them see things she never will. It's kinda sad, really.

Her Majesty Sexybutt is being overly dramatic - or dismissively pessimistic about PC's chances to succeed in their quest. She most likely secretly hopes that they will, at the very least, have a honeymoon with her and fly to Space Hawaii one day.

And as for why use mods when you can submit content - because content you submit is restricted not only by content guidelines and tough-yet-fair quality control done by FenCo, but also by the developer's vision when it comes to gameplay and systems. And so far, most of those those decisions were made without community involvement and had been non-negotiable.

So, for example, if you want to have any sort of ineractive and prolonged Bad End state you can't, because that's not how Bad Ends are done in Fen's games.

Or if you want to make an NPC that will offer to turn Melee Merc from rail wielding Guts-expy into a luchador wrestler and allow them to participate in a tournament - you also can't, because 'you don't get to design an important gameplay mechanic on your own.'

Thatcs ultimately the dev's decision to make, and the main game, even in it is current state, already offers so much that I feel like shit every time I download the public update and delay becoming a patron because I'm stingy and seem to constantly have money draining problems. 

But as a consumer of the end result, I would very much like to see a decent mod exploring options that lies to the side of the direction Fen picks for TiTS. 
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Before I jump in, I'd just like to say that I personally enjoy using mods in games. I think they can expand the experience and add stuff developers forgot in a released game.

But that's the rub: TiTs isn't a fully released game. At least, not yet. If anything, its some strange evolving creation that constantly gets updates and tweaks to run better and better. And on top of that, the community is allowed to design and submit stuff, kinda like tiny mods that will be added to the games content.

Except they are permanent. So any little 'mod' that the fan-base creates will have to fit with the overall theme of the game. Which is where everyone at FenCo and the ToS come in. Adding a 'mod' like the one suggested is basically like playing through Skyrim and having just ONE dragon be Randy Savage. Its an extreme example, but that's the closet equivalent I could think of. Its a jarring break from the precedent set by the rest of the game, and on top of that, why is ONLY that scene like that? And not the others?

Because the game isn't built that way. Maybe, when TiTs is done (Finger's crossed), there could be mods you could install and remove, little addon's to tweak it to be the perfect game for you. But the Dev's are painting with a broad brush, and we, the fans, get a smaller brush to help fill in the white patches for them. We don't need people sticking extra sheets of paper onto the canvas and saying how much it adds to overall experience.

Because it just doesn't. At best, its niche, and worst, its redundant or contradictory.

I don't want to come off like a dick here. The idea of a scene itself isn't bad, and expanding on interactions with the other residents of Tavria's palace is a good idea. But playing through a bad end doesn't make sense in the context of that rest of the game. A bad end is just that: a bad end. Its the end for that character, time to start again. For one scene to just go 'oh, you hit a bad end, but don't worry, you get to keep playing' is contradictory to everything else that is currently written.

... I realize as I write this someone could respond with 'well, we could just add playable routes to all bad ends!' I pity the soon-to-be corpse when Fen&Co find them.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
*Ehem* Getting back on the OPs' topic.

I doubt such a thing will ever be possible to be in the actual TiTS game. HOOOOOWWWWEVER, I actually wouldn't mind seeing this play out in a fanfic. The writing section has been pretty empty lately, and fanfics can let you have your fun without it even being canon.

But playable Bad-Ends? Nah, not happening.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
For getting on topic...since Savin already like 2-3 times comed and say from devs stand point that the answer for suggestions of OP is hard and definetly NO what point about futher try disscus it? We can eventualy ask him to lock since if OP subject is about something that there will be not allowance from devs to be added then...isn;t it different from thread to pointlesly post only?

@Savin So in your opinion is is better to lock thread to prevent uncontroled disccusion or should it still let been opened for posting?


Aug 26, 2015
And as for why use mods when you can submit content - because content you submit is restricted not only by content guidelines and tough-yet-fair quality control done by FenCo, but also by the developer's vision when it comes to gameplay and systems.

Mysty covers why this is not a good reason for mods, particularly not in the Fengames environment where the main game is already driven primarily by community content.  Particularly if you're going to host your mod on Fenoxo's own website, then doing things in it that violate the developer's vision is obscenely arrogant even in cases where that violation doesn't also qualify as a violation of the ToS.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Mysty covers why this is not a good reason for mods, particularly not in the Fengames environment where the main game is already driven primarily by community content.  Particularly if you're going to host your mod on Fenoxo's own website, then doing things in it that violate the developer's vision is obscenely arrogant even in cases where that violation doesn't also qualify as a violation of the ToS.

That's why I said that it will always be up to Fen or Savin to kick out any mod, and why I'll be perfectly fine with their decision not to allow any of the mods here. I will also sure as hell won't expect FenCo to endorse or help any of those mods.

And I specifically talked about things that shouldn't feel like 'violation' of author's vision, and why mods are only necessary for allowing good mechanical ideas that just don't tickle Fen's fancy to become a thing. E.g. if Hard Mode will never make it to the top of the priority list/coding pile, will moding one in be a bad thing in your opinion?

I should've also added the caveat about. waiting for the declaration of TiTS being officially 'mostly finished' before doing anything with the mod, or having an incredible commitment to updating it with the game.
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