Polygamy in TiTS


Aug 27, 2015
Brushed upon in the Spam Emails thread, it'd be good if we had a proper discussion about this.

Ultimately, Captain Steele will have as many live-in girlfriends/slaves on-board as Guy McCipher had sitting around his campfire in CoC, as well as many more similar "shore" relationships to the one they have with Embry. These are sex games, players particularly like having loving relationships with things they have sex with, most writers want to write waifus and most players are at heart completionists. So that's all inevitable.

What isn't necessarily inevitable is that we end up in a similar situation to CoC where every strong-willed waifu wound up in a bubble that ignored the champion noisily cheating on them a few feet over. For slaves this isn't much of a concern; it can be inferred the reason Reaha doesn't say anything about you carrying on with Anno is because her status precludes her from doing so. Would a nice girl like Anno accept you keeping a permanently indentured prostitute around? Particularly as most players wouldn't accept Anno fucking, let's say, a recruitable Dane when you weren't around? Much tougher to handwave, but let's say millionaire playboys keeping out-and-out sex slaves is completely accepted in the future. But let's say Dane *does* get on board, and the PC wishes to fuck *both* of his albino wenches but doesn't want to let them do the same. He's *also* picked up a sexbot from a trashheap that he's been taking out on dates and telling that he wuvs. Would they both really be cool about that? So cool they say nothing about it at all?

What I'm trying to get at is stuff like this needs to be addressed and thought about now, when the recruits are few and inchoate, so a year down the line we don't have space Izma, space Kiha, space Murble, space Amily and space Isabella all kicking around the same ship with no explanation or friction at all. New writers take their lead from what's already there, so if the current batch of followers are all written so Steele is a cheating bastard and they are all completely blind entities that exist only in their bedrooms, then that is what the future will be. Writing shit to notice other followers is hard! Particularly if you don't like them. Particularly as it gets harder the more of them are added. I know that. But we do need to think about the kind of experience we're building with NPC relationships, and if our decision is "fuck it, it's too hard, let's keep to the CoC model because players basically didn't mind that and it's the easiest thing", then let it be a deliberate decision rather than something we drift into.


Aug 26, 2015
If I ever manage to get my shit together long enough to write a humanoid waifu I plan to make sure they at least interact with everyone else. Keeping that up is probably impossible though, because I doubt the coders want to go back and update every waifu or follower or slave whenever a new one is introduced.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I think separate rooms on the spaceships and some solid, good old-fashioned walls can solve a lot of these problems. Whats going on in room X, stays in room X (unlike CoCs open campfire).

For example, I imagine Annos sexual appetite isnt exactly quenched by waking me up with a blowjob once every four days. Cant blame her if she visits Celise from time to time while Im out saving worlds and lives. Of course thats not mentioned anywhere so just me and my imagination, but I think the problem is already there and already kinda solving itself?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
For example, I imagine Annos sexual appetite isnt exactly quenched by waking me up with a blowjob once every four days. Cant blame her if she visits Celise from time to time while Im out saving worlds and lives. Of course thats not mentioned anywhere so just me and my imagination, but I think the problem is already there and already kinda solving itself?

Anno actually explicitly sleeps around. She has a girlfriend she booty calls on the regular (and you can jump in on, if you bump into them), and she makes it pretty obvious to Steele that she's openly polyamorous and is probably at least dating other people. I could swear it mentions somewhere that she at least gets a drink from Reaha from time to time, too. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well with bess you do have the option of a Poly relationship, but it would be interesting to have a potential follower who comes on your ship, see's the harem and says "it's me or them", we can't woo them all ya know? i'm sure followers coming and going is already going to be a thing otherwise the "get off me ship" option would not be there (besides until ship upgrades theres only like what 4 beds including your own? Two of them taken by Reah and Anno, unless Anno sleeps with you)

the hell is with this image


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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Anno actually explicitly sleeps around. She has a girlfriend she booty calls on the regular (and you can jump in on, if you bump into them), and she makes it pretty obvious to Steele that she's openly polyamorous and is probably at least dating other people. I could swear it mentions somewhere that she at least gets a drink from Reaha from time to time, too. 

Of course. I meant directly on the ship with other followers you recruited. Kaede is her girlfriend, thats official business. But seeing as she had no problems sleeping around with Steele even while having Kaede, I thought its reasonable to assume shes not "saving herself" just for Steele/Kaede while living on the ship.

Didnt catch that bit with Reaha, but as I thought: Expectable and totally cool with me.

Thanks for confirming : P
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Aug 26, 2015
Particularly as most players wouldn't accept Anno fucking, let's say, a recruitable Dane when you weren't around? Much tougher to handwave, but let's say millionaire playboys keeping out-and-out sex slaves is completely accepted in the future. But let's say Dane *does* get on board, and the PC wishes to fuck *both* of his albino wenches but doesn't want to let them do the same. He's *also* picked up a sexbot from a trashheap that he's been taking out on dates and telling that he wuvs. Would they both really be cool about that? So cool they say nothing about it at all?

Personally I actually prefer my polygamy with a good dose of the harem members sleeping with each other.  Steele being involved too is of course ideal, but Anno does go and fuck Kaede without you.  That is a thing that she does.  She's riding that red rocket whether you're looking or not.  I'd find Steele having a bunch of lovers much more palatable if they actively got along with each other as well.

Mind you, I also encourage follower writers to dial back on the syrup.  I know it's popular, but try to take into consideration that your snowflake almost certainly isn't Steele's only love.  Doesn't help that some of the CoC waifus were creepily clingy at times: Cotton and Arian spring to mind.  At a minimum, try to at least have them note they don't mind you banging ten other girls next door.


Aug 27, 2015
I think separate rooms on the spaceships and some solid, good old-fashioned walls can solve a lot of these problems. Whats going on in room X, stays in room X (unlike CoCs open campfire).

This is kinda exactly what I'd like to avoid. Everything being handwaved with "It happens elsewhere in the space camper van so I ain't got to explain shit". It's lazy and makes Steele look like a real dickhead.

Personally I actually prefer my polygamy with a good dose of the harem members sleeping with each other.  Steele being involved too is of course ideal, but Anno does go and fuck Kaede without you.  That is a thing that she does.  She's riding that red rocket whether you're looking or not.  I'd find Steele having a bunch of lovers much more palatable if they actively got along with each other as well.

Mind you, I also encourage follower writers to dial back on the syrup.  I know it's popular, but try to take into consideration that your snowflake almost certainly isn't Steele's only love.  Doesn't help that some of the CoC waifus were creepily clingy at times: Cotton and Arian spring to mind.  At a minimum, try to at least have them note they don't mind you banging ten other girls next door.
I like it too, but the point is some people would prefer their harem members not to be banging when you're not around, so it does have to be addressed. Anno was kind of a poor example because she is reasonably explicit that she's a village bicycle and hanging around with you won't change that, but the whole reason I'm bringing this up now is we *don't* have an Arian or an Amily yet, so we can nip this in the bud by putting a few waifu guidelines down in the style doc.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
In TiTS setting, monogamy looks like anachronism. Embry is from specific world, but others doesn't look like ones who would be jealous. With most of them it is literally "let's fuck — ok!". And your followers... Anno is totally into open relations. Reaha is contracted whore. Bess is sexbot. Celise is bimbo and totally doesn't care.


I honestly don't see why we can't have both.

Your homie/lover/friend who doesn't care about you sha-boinking the rest of the crew (and is willin to join you in doing so). Totally nothin wrong with what happened in CoC. Hell CoC even had follower threesomes and interactions between the more popular follower npcs. Hell if I recall correctly there are two ladies in CoC whom you had to convince to tolerrate each other's presence. CoC was open to this... It just had to be written and approved which is much easier to do in TiTs due to the legalese being a thing from the start. Creative control belongs to Fen but, him being him, he allows writers to have a say so in the conversation. Now when writers leave its not as big a deal because anyone else can pick up where they left off and take the character in a Fen approved direction.

On the other hand someone who walks in on you diddling Anno and says, "Wait... so you ARE fucking the puppyslut... well I'm out of here you cheating bastard." would be awesome. I think the, "You have to choose!" thing works sometimes but I think its more likely that a guy/gal/shim that will look your square in the eye and break up with your sorry ass instead of turning your infidelity into a rousing game of pick your favorite waifu.

So yeah if someone wants to write a character who wants to have a monogomous relationship with Captain Steele that'd be great but lets not talk about the alternative like it isn't awesome. Now if only there were more male followers...

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I know I'm just being cliche here but I don't mind as long as it's girl on girl (or herm). I like to imagine Anno isn't having sex with guys (even if she is), and even though she totally fucked my dad. ;_;

I'd love more follower interactions though. Not just TiTS but most games that have more than X number of characters also don't have good interactions between said characters. And as far as "knowing" goes, with Anno it's obvious as you can literally meet Kaede. And with Embry, you can explicitly tell her you want her to be a part of your harem as her "Alpha" or whatever, which although Gary Stuish is my preferred modus operandi.

Now, other NPC's have harems, but it's usually one guy or herm with the rest being girls. And since it's not the PC's harem, the writing can just imply that everyone knows/loves/has sex with each other without having to include complex interactions.

Still salty about not having Mrs. Anno Steele and Mrs. Syri Steele though.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Still salty about not having Mrs. Anno Steele and Mrs. Syri Steele though.

Y'know, I actually did talk to Fen a couple days about about the incest and polygamy/polyandry laws in the TiTSaverse...

Mrs. Anno Steele and Mrs. Syri Steele apparently is A-okay.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
 thnx sav

And in the event your Steele is female? You wouldn't be Steele anymore!

That's not how it works! Anyone can change their first or last name to whatever they want (with restrictions), whenever they want (as long as you pay), and not just necessarily when getting married. You can also choose to simply not change anything when you get married and even if you do, it doesn't have to be the male spouse's last name. Guys take on their wife's last name all the time, usually because reasons. Of course, this is TiTS and with TiTS laws, any number of people of any gender combinations can get married.

I mean, my PC's a herm and Syri is very technically a dude. Still, I like to imagine that all three of them would wear a wedding dress and that Anno and Syri would like the name Steele.

inb4 gender/trans discuss
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Implying tomboys wearing feminine clothing/makeup and/or doing feminine things isn't gap moe as fuck.

I did Syri's route first and blew her and then did Anno and saved.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Syri wearing the tux and me wearing the dress, i would have it any other way. I Want Syri on my ship as my fist mate, ill trade her for Anno.
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Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm not going to deny the fact that there will be some monogamous relationships somewhere in the TiTsverse. Couldn't it happen on certain planets that come up or something?

I'll be rocking that tux alongside Syri if I had my way.


Aug 27, 2015
I honestly don't see why we can't have both.

I'm not saying every follower should be explicitly omnisexual and astonishingly tolerant along the lines of the characters Savin writes, in fact it would be good if we could avoid that. Like you I'd like to see monogamous or moral characters who don't put up with the PC having a large number of slaves and groupies on board, or if recruiting one character precluded another - think Kara and Shade.

It's not just about relationships - it's how your crew interact with one another as a whole. Think how much nicer it was in ME3 when you happened upon your crew talking to each other, rather than in ME2 where they all pretended the others didn't exist until the end. Of course it's effort doing that kind of shit, but it's worthwhile. Imagine if there was a mess area of the ship where some members of your crew could randomly show up, and play out a scene if they had one.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm not saying every follower should be explicitly omnisexual and astonishingly tolerant along the lines of the characters Savin writes, in fact it would be good if we could avoid that. Like you I'd like to see monogamous or moral characters who don't put up with the PC having a large number of slaves and groupies on board, or if recruiting one character precluded another - think Kara and Shade.

It's not just about relationships - it's how your crew interact with one another as a whole. Think how much nicer it was in ME3 when you happened upon your crew talking to each other, rather than in ME2 where they all pretended the others didn't exist until the end. Of course it's effort doing that kind of shit, but it's worthwhile. Imagine if there was a mess area of the ship where some members of your crew could randomly show up, and play out a scene if they had one.

>Incoming food fight

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I think it'd be easier to handle if it was like that. That is, random encounters in one specific area. It'd also be really easy to add to.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I Want Syri on my ship as my fist mate, ill trade her for Anno.

While I would agree if forced to choose because of spacial reasons, Id rather just kick out Steeles bed for a bigger one and just have both sleep in my bed all day. Puppycuddles everi naite. Never enough cuddles.

I'm not saying every follower should be explicitly omnisexual and astonishingly tolerant along the lines of the characters Savin writes, in fact it would be good if we could avoid that. Like you I'd like to see monogamous or moral characters who don't put up with the PC having a large number of slaves and groupies on board, or if recruiting one character precluded another - think Kara and Shade.

It's not just about relationships - it's how your crew interact with one another as a whole. Think how much nicer it was in ME3 when you happened upon your crew talking to each other, rather than in ME2 where they all pretended the others didn't exist until the end. Of course it's effort doing that kind of shit, but it's worthwhile. Imagine if there was a mess area of the ship where some members of your crew could randomly show up, and play out a scene if they had one.

You are right. I would love to see more interactions between crew members. They could talk about how great last nights immoral, shipwide orgy was.

But seriously now: I actually disliked having to "choose" between Kara and Shade. My brain completely understands that it is supposed to add diversity to the game and such but my completionist heart is strangling me all the while, screaming that there has to be a way to get both.

...I spent way to much time at that scene.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
While I would agree if forced to choose because of spacial reasons, Id rather just kick out Steeles bed for a bigger one and just have both sleep in my bed all day. Puppycuddles everi naite. Never enough cuddles.

You are right. I would love to see more interactions between crew members. They could talk about how great last nights immoral, shipwide orgy was.

But seriously now: I actually disliked having to "choose" between Kara and Shade. My brain completely understands that it is supposed to add diversity to the game and such but my completionist heart is strangling me all the while, screaming that there has to be a way to get both.

...I spent way to much time at that scene.

Flirt with Shade and go have sex with her if you want, or don't.

That'll allow you to be her lover or drinking buddy, and you'll still be able to interact with Kara later.

And yeah, I wouldn't particularly mind if there were strictly monogamous followers around, as long as when you have other followers following you or slaves, you'll be able to convince them that you aren't hitting them. I have multiple files where my PC is still a virgin... it kind of sucks since you don't get access to Syri's intelligence gaining talks without her reaming you or you reaming her.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Flirt with Shade and go have sex with her if you want, or don't.

That'll allow you to be her lover or drinking buddy, and you'll still be able to interact with Kara later.

*sigh* Thats what I did but I disliked hiding things from Shade + I expect to be punished for that decision later on. I think Savin even mentioned something like that.

Heres hoping theres some way to achieve a happy end of sorts.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
*sigh* Thats what I did but I disliked hiding things from Shade + I expect to be punished for that decision later on. I think Savin even mentioned something like that.

Heres hoping theres some way to achieve a happy end of sorts.

Yikes! They really want to force the decision :p  

Oh well, that's why we have multiple saves.