Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
maybe its because the generic imps are so ugly(not the artstyle they are just bald ugly little weirdos to me), i cant imagine a cute femboy imp for the life of me
Well, Ivaze looks like this:
So I'd imagine her twin would look an awful lot like her. If boi wins (which isn't looking likely), I'd imagine long-but-shorter-than-Ivaze's hair, flat chest, big dick and balls... and probably with just as much eyeliner.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Ivaze's poll is closed!

Counting the Patreon votes as 2 each, plus the poll I held on Google, the results are Girl wins with 150 votes, with Boy having 91 total. Even if I were to exclude Patreon altogether, Girl would still win with 102 to 57. So, if I were to ever do this expack, Ivaze's sibling would be female.

I've had at least one offer to ignore the results and write boy imp regardless, but I don't want to just flippantly disregard what my audience explicitly wants for a check. Yes, I do this for a living, but I also like it when people like my stuff, haha

Again, though, this expansion is purely hypothetical to begin with. There's no guarantee I'll ever get around to it. But if I do, well, there would be some big titty imp sisters snowballing your cum (or ladyjizz) in the future.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Definitely would have to be a girl, I could see maybe a herm or futa imp that would be interesting? But definitely of the feminine persuasion - male imps of all forms get the axe, that's too ingrained in my muscle memory at this point.

Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
I've had at least one offer to ignore the results and write boy imp regardless, but I don't want to just flippantly disregard what my audience explicitly wants for a check. Yes, I do this for a living, but I also like it when people like my stuff, haha
You realize, of course, all this does is open you up to someone offering you money to just make triplets now...


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
You realize, of course, all this does is open you up to someone offering you money to just make triplets now...
I feel like you are jesting but I honestly hope they don't - if they want to make a femboy imp I'd prefer it to be it's own thing and not part of the Ivaze package, I like female imps just kept separate from male imps.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I've had at least one offer to ignore the results and write boy imp regardless, but I don't want to just flippantly disregard what my audience explicitly wants for a check. Yes, I do this for a living, but I also like it when people like my stuff, haha
I think that people would still like a femboy imp. The female sub imp is something people want more, but I'd still expect many of the ones who voted female would have enjoyed a femboy imp if it were presented without the vote.

That said, you did put it up to a vote, so it'd probably be best to abide by it (if you ever do make a sibling imp).
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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2020
There's also the context of why some people voted the way they did. As of right now there isn't a submissive female imp in the game yet. With the advent of Meridyx, that might appease some people. Though, that won't stop others from wanting more.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Lyric with 5,000 words! This last sex scene is easily the largest, but any scene where Champ takes a more proactive role tends to be. Get behind Lyric and beat that fat, scaly booty like it owes you all that electrum back!
All of that, framed between a pair of ass cheeks that are so thick and squeezable that, despite having just felt them up, your hands ache to go back to their plush, smooth, and firm feel. They have just enough lift to be a joy to fondle, with just enough firmness to make for fantastic cushioning. And, bonus, there’s two of them – get a friend, have a nice nap on Lyric’s butt cheeks.
Lyric’s breathing takes an odd, haggard turn: [lyric.heShe] breathes in through [lyric.hisHer] nose in long drags, then exhales from [lyric.hisHer] mouth in a quick burst. “Harder,” [lyric.heShe] demands. [lyric.HisHer] tail tightens around your shoulders, and [lyric.heShe] thrusts [lyric.hisHer] hips back against you, meeting you halfway. The clap of [lyric.hisHer] scaly cheeks impacting your thighs echoes off the walls[atCamp| of your tent. No doubt everyone within a mile can hear you two]. “Fuh-fuh-screw me like it’s the last time you’ll ever screw a dragon, []!”
There’s just one big, throbbing detail that’s keeping things from escalating: your [pc.knot], bloated to its maximum size. It batters against Lyric’s abused hole with every thrust, demanding entry, but not having it granted just yet. Even dragons need to have their bodies persuaded before they can be knotted.

[lyric.domTrainingABC|“A-All of you!” [lyric.heShe] cries out desperately, rearing [lyric.himHer]self back with horny abandon to get your knot inside of [lyric.hisHer] [lyric.vagOrAss]. “I n-need all of you!”|“No backing out, [pc.n]-[],” [lyric.heShe] says, almost snidely. [lyric.HisHer] tail tightens around your neck, ensuring that you’re not going to leave. “You wanted the dragon. A-And the dragon w-wants you. <b>All</b> of you.”|Lyric grunts in concentration as your bulbous knot presses more insistently against [lyric.hisHer] [lyric.vagOrAss]. It almost looks like [lyric.heShe]’s trying to will [lyric.hisHer] body into receiving you. “This is-isn’t over,” [lyric.heShe] growls, opening one eye to focus on you, “until I take your knot, [].”]


Apr 25, 2024
Any plans on dropping Ivaze like rest of your docs? I mangled my android device and lost my save and planning on waiting till i either change my phone to android or game is finnished till i start over.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Yes, sorry! I've updated the OP with Ivaze's full doc, as well as Kailani's (complete with translation notes), Kailani Preg, and Oma.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Lyric with 3,600 words! This completes the scene where you tap their big, scaly, dragon booty, as well as the aftercare scene, with a variation for the first time.

And... that wraps all the original content for Tall Lyric! Next is porting some old scenes.
You ask Lyric if [lyric.heShe]’s awake.

“Yeah,” [lyric.heShe] responds. The tone in [lyric.hisHer] voice is far-away and dreamy, like [lyric.heShe] only just woke up – or [lyric.heShe]’s lying and is asleep right now.

After a pause, you ask [lyric.himHer]… what that was all about.

“What was what all about?” [lyric.heShe] asks – and then jolts in place. [lyric.HisHer] head lifts up and the rumbling in [lyric.hisHer] chest stops immediately. “Oh, shoot,” [lyric.heShe] curses to [lyric.himHer]self as the realization comes to [lyric.himHer]. “Did I go overboard? Did you not like it? Shoot, I’m so sorry, I just – I don’t know what came over me, I–”

You interrupt Lyric and tell [lyric.himHer] to stop. You didn’t… <b>not</b> like it. But it’s certainly a far cry from what you’ve come to expect from [lyric.himHer]. [lyric.HeShe]’s normally so reserved, at least as a kobold, and only indulged if you let [lyric.himHer] indulge. This time, [lyric.heShe] took what [lyric.heShe] wanted like you owed [lyric.himHer]. Which was fun and thrilling! But it was also… not what you expected.

[lyric.HeShe] pulls away from you a bit, giving you room to turn around and face [lyric.himHer]. [lyric.HeShe] props [lyric.hisHer] head up on [lyric.hisHer] hand. “I… can’t explain it,” [lyric.heShe] admits. “As soon as the idea of having sex – of mating my [pc.race] – crossed my mind, it… it was like I became someone else entirely.”

Maybe that’s not so far from the truth. Lyric <b>is</b> someone else entirely now. Is it really such a stretch to believe that [lyric.heShe] would act differently now that [lyric.heShe] has the blood and physiology of a dragon in [lyric.hisHer] veins?

[lyric.HeShe] frowns. “Maybe.”
The takeaway that you’re getting from this conversation is that Lyric prefers being submissive. Despite being a dragon now, [lyric.heShe]’s still a kobold, deep down, and kobolds are, according to [lyric.himHer], naturally [pc.isBimbo|pred- predis- prodi- they like|predisposed to] being [pc.isBimbo|subby|subservient]. But now that [lyric.heShe]’s a dragon, [lyric.hisHer] kobold half and [lyric.hisHer] dragon half are at odds with how [lyric.heShe] should behave in bed.

[lyric.HeShe] isn’t against taking the dominant role between you two, but [lyric.heShe] needs to be worked into it. Trained into it. The dragon within [lyric.himHer] yearns to come out, but it needs to be tamed.

<b>This is something you two can Talk a bit more about later.</b>

In the meantime, you languidly pull yourself up. The sex was great, and you and Lyric have made some progress on how you two should progress your relationship now that [lyric.heShe]’s a ‘big, sexy dragon’. But[dayNight||, despite it being the middle of the night], you can’t spend every hour of the day snuggled up with [lyric.himHer].

“Why not?” [lyric.heShe] asks, half-seriously[||. She reaches down and cups her giant tit once more, rolling her fingers over her nubby nipple. “And after all the effort I went through to get you the nicest pillows in Savarra?”

While you two are making light conversation, you wonder – dragons sitting on mountainous hoards of shiny things is a popular fable. Dragons also sleep on them. Would dragons prefer to eat them? Would they fuck on them?

“Hah, no, and probably not,” [lyric.heShe] answers. [lyric.domTrainingABC|From the way [lyric.hisHer] body relaxes, and how [lyric.hisHer] tail gently swishes across your back|[lyric.HisHer] smile reaches [lyric.hisHer] eyes, and from the tone in [lyric.hisHer] voice|[lyric.HisHer] body relaxes on yours just enough to give your limbs a bit of freedom, and from the deep rumbling in [lyric.hisHer] chest from the laugh], [lyric.heShe] just enjoys speaking with you, even if it’s about silly little hypotheticals. “Dragons historically had hoards of all kinds. If one of them were the type to hoard gold, they would <b>never</b> eat any of it, no matter how delicious it was. And as for mating on top of their hoard – they would first have to find a mate that they trusted enough to bring to their hoard, and that mate also would need to not have a disposition to the same type of hoard, or else they’d immediately start fighting over it.”

[lyric.HeShe] pauses. “And the mate would have to be okay with, you know, having sex on top of another dragon’s hobby. Imagine if you and I just met, and I said ‘hey, I like to collect rocks. Do you want to have sex on top of my rock collection?’”

You laugh and say, for [lyric.himHer], that’s not a dealbreaker.

“Right,” [lyric.heShe] says with a light chuckle, “but it is for some people, just like it would be for some dragons.”

After that bit of levity, the room goes quiet for a moment. But, before the topic gets away from you, one more question comes to mind: now that Lyric is a dragon, has <b>[lyric.heShe]</b> learned what [lyric.hisHer] hoard would be, if anything?

“I knew from the start,” [lyric.heShe] answers. [lyric.domTrainingABC|[lyric.HeShe] pushes [lyric.hisHer] whole body back against you; [lyric.hisHer] open hand finds yours, and [lyric.hisHer] tail squeezes affectionately around your waist|[lyric.HeShe] leans forward and gently presses the tip of [lyric.hisHer] draconic snout against your nose, rubbing it back and forth affectionately|[lyric.HisHer] body constricts around you slightly, pulling [lyric.hisHer] arms and legs in as [lyric.heShe] wraps tightly, but not too tightly, around you]. “It’s right here.”

You don’t respond. You aren’t sure if you even can.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Updated Lyric with, uh, over 20k words! This finishes everything - the last scenes, the clean up, the porting, everything! Tall Lyric is now complete and ready to be submitted!
Which brings you to your last question: Lyric is a dragon now. Does [lyric.heShe] attribute that to the sciences, or to alchemy?

“It’s because of alchemy,” [lyric.heShe] answers, arching [lyric.hisHer] brow downward, confused why you would ask that. “Science… how do I explain this… science is more about the method. The journey. It’s about understanding <b>why</b>, down to as minute a detail as possible, and replicating your results perfectly every time, because you understand it so completely.”

“And alchemy… puts less emphasis on the ‘how’s’ and ‘why’s’ and is more focused on the end result. Turning lead into gold, or, in my case, a kobold into a dragon. Consistency is important – what worked for me ought to work for any other kobold – but… I feel like trying to dissect alchemy down to its building blocks is kind of missing the point of alchemy. What matters is that I’m a dragon now.”

Lyric pauses, trying to put more of [lyric.hisHer] thoughts to words. It takes [lyric.himHer] a few seconds. “Let me… try to put it this way,” [lyric.heShe] says. “Imagine you’re walking down a beaten path in a forest. Science is… staring at the ground, counting your steps, and noting how many steps it took. Then doing it a day later and seeing if you take the same amount of steps, and if not, try to understand why. Was the humidity different? Were your strides longer or shorter, and if so, why? Were you, I don’t know, wearing different boots that day?”

“And alchemy,” [lyric.heShe] says, lifting [lyric.hisHer] right hand, palm up, “is walking down that beaten path in the forest, looking at the green trees, the blue sky, breathing in the fresh air, letting your mind wander… and then you’re at the end of the path. You barely remember the walk; you just remember that you enjoyed it.”

… That’s quite the answer you just got from [lyric.himHer]. You honestly weren’t expecting it. Maybe Lyric should have been a philosopher, not a scientist.

“Nah,” [lyric.heShe] replies with a dismissive wave of [lyric.hisHer] hand. “I just need to know what I’m talking about. And by the way?” [lyric.heShe] continues without even pausing to breathe. “Turning lead into gold is the Promised Land for either science or alchemy.” [lyric.HeShe] licks [lyric.hisHer] lips, then does it again. “Actually, that’s probably something you <b>don’t</b> want either dragons or kobolds to learn.”
[lyric.isTall|Knowing that Lyric is no longer strictly all-kobold, you nonetheless|You] ask Lyric about kobolds in general. They aren't an especially common species in this corner of Savarra, and you're sure [lyric.heShe]'d be a valuable resource on everything there is to know about [lyric.himHer] and [lyric.hisHer] scaly kind.

"Well, I'll give you the cheat sheet answer first," [lyric.heShe] says with a laugh and a smile. "Do you want to get on a kobold's good side real fast? Give them food and warmth. We're very basic like that. Our favorite snack is metal, particularly gold and electrum. Give us food and a hug and you'll have a friend for life."

That explains why [lyric.heShe] was so quick to profess [lyric.hisHer] love to you once you thawed [lyric.himHer] out[lyric.isTall|. You ask [lyric.himHer] if that’s no longer strictly true, now that [lyric.heShe]’s a dragon.

“I’m only a dragon because of you, [],” [lyric.heShe] reminds you with a smile. “You get a pass.”

That doesn’t quite answer your question.

[lyric.HeShe] laughs. “Well, platonically, if someone fed me and hugged me, I’m not about to push them away and tell them to leave me alone. Would you?” [pc.isDK|You don’t answer that.|[lyric.HeShe] continues before you can answer.] “Romantically or otherwise, you have no competition. But… yeah, if some stranger gave me some gold and a hug, I’d have a new friend, right there on the spot.”
“To be honest, as much as my, uh, draconic half enjoys being all dominant and confident and, you know, ‘[lyric.hasCock|bend over and spread ‘em|get on your knees and kiss me]’, it’s not… something I take to very naturally. I’ve been a kobold all my life.” [lyric.HeShe] laughs. “Being a people-pleaser – or, at least, [a] [pc.race] pleaser – is what I’m much better at.”

You ask [lyric.himHer] if [lyric.heShe] doesn’t enjoy being dominant.

“That’s not quite what I said.” [lyric.HeShe] tilts [lyric.hisHer] head and scratches [lyric.hisHer] chin as [lyric.heShe] thinks. “I <b>did</b> say that half of me liked it. The physical half. But the mental half found it hard to keep up. In a way,” [lyric.heShe] says, taking a long, wistful sigh through [lyric.hisHer] nose, “no matter whether I’m dominant or submissive, there’s always going to be a part of me that’s left a little frustrated.”

That sounds concerning. You hope you didn’t make a mistake when you encouraged [lyric.himHer] to become a dragon.

“Oh, I wouldn’t trade this for the world,” [lyric.heShe] answers quickly and matter-of-factly. “Being a dragon is <b>awesome</b>. And it’s not like I don’t–” [lyric.HeShe] glances [atCamp|towards the fire of your camp|towards the door], ensuring that nobody is listening into your conversation. “And it’s not like I don’t – cum,” [lyric.heShe] whispers. “I do. Really… really hard.” [lyric.HisHer] cheeks blush yellow. “And it’s because I’m with you, whether or not I’m on top or on bottom.”


It was very brave of [lyric.himHer] to admit that to you. And with such a dirty word. You reach up and rub your thumb across Lyric’s chin; [lyric.heShe] leans forward slightly to give you better access. You tell [lyric.himHer] that you’ll look into ‘rewarding’ [lyric.himHer] with being so honest with you later.

[lyric.HeShe] sighs once more, and [lyric.hisHer] tail thumps twice against the [atCamp|ground hard enough that you can feel the vibration of the impact|floor hard enough to rattle the shutters on the window]. “Okay,” [lyric.heShe] purrs.
I'm going to take a couple days off. I'm hoping my next project is something much smaller - a little breather project in between big, fuck-off projects like this one.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
Woo can't wait for tall futa Lyric. No longer weighing my 4ft champs down.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
Woo can't wait for tall futa Lyric. No longer weighing my 4ft champs down.
I'm beyond torn. Lyric is pretty much the only full female shortstack in the game so I'm loathe to give her up but the giant dragon is also quite appealing.

Oh sure there's the goblin succubus and the new female Imps both hereish and upcoming but demonic creatures are their own kinda a deal that kinda overrides whatever else they might be at least for me.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
I'm beyond torn. Lyric is pretty much the only full female shortstack in the game so I'm loathe to give her up but the giant dragon is also quite appealing.

Oh sure there's the goblin succubus and the new female Imps both hereish and upcoming but demonic creatures are their own kinda a deal that kinda overrides whatever else they might be at least for me.
There is also Ikora, Periwinkle, and Piperita. Ikora is basically a shortstack by Marefolk standards, Periwinkle is a mini-pony centauress, and Piperita the curvy little Satyr girl!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
There is also Ikora, Periwinkle, and Piperita. Ikora is basically a shortstack by Marefolk standards, Periwinkle is a mini-pony centauress, and Piperita the curvy little Satyr girl!
With Piper and Ikora I don't think the height difference is played up enough in the writing as their height is rarely more than flavor rather than part of any of their scenes. You don't pick up or otherwise "throw around either" while Periwinkle isn't really a character (yet...) Since her only scene is essentially a spin-off of another character. Once you can actually interact with her I'll be over the fucking moon but for now she's just a fraction of a harem scene.

As opposed to Lyric who has multiple scenes that heavily feature the sheer size difference between (her)self and an average sized champion let alone a max height one.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
With Piper and Ikora I don't think the height difference is played up enough in the writing as their height is rarely more than flavor rather than part of any of their scenes. You don't pick up or otherwise "throw around either" while Periwinkle isn't really a character (yet...) Since her only scene is essentially a spin-off of another character. Once you can actually interact with her I'll be over the fucking moon but for now she's just a fraction of a harem scene.

As opposed to Lyric who has multiple scenes that heavily feature the sheer size difference between (her)self and an average sized champion let alone a max height one.
So what you want is more height play (or whatever the kink is called), not necessarily shortstacks (they would go hand in hand, but what you want requires them, rather than just having short, thicc girls to have them). While they don't have anything that really plays on height during sex, they still fit the bill for me so... shrugs - Also Rixx is a goblin too, but she doesn't really have any height based sex scenes either.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
So what you want is more height play (or whatever the kink is called), not necessarily shortstacks (they would go hand in hand, but what you want requires them, rather than just having short, thicc girls to have them). While they don't have anything that really plays on height during sex, they still fit the bill for me so... shrugs - Also Rixx is a goblin too, but she doesn't really have any height based sex scenes either.
Well its a text based game. If their height isn't playing a part than you essentially just have to go off the bust which Peri doesn't even have and I don't believe but correct me if I'm wrong, the CG that actually shows her appearance was added after her scene was originally added.

I don't know about height play specifically but their scenes should reference the difference in size to help the reader keep it in mind. Otherwise there is little difference to a tall champion between a regular female character that is anywhere from 5'2 to 5'8 opposed to an actual short stock of 5' or below.

Its a matter of covering the weaknesses of a medium. The same reason why cutscene heavy games can be difficult for some to replay.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Well its a text based game. If their height isn't playing a part than you essentially just have to go off the bust which Peri doesn't even have and I don't believe but correct me if I'm wrong, the CG that actually shows her appearance was added after her scene was originally added.

I don't know about height play specifically but their scenes should reference the difference in size to help the reader keep it in mind. Otherwise there is little difference to a tall champion between a regular female character that is anywhere from 5'2 to 5'8 opposed to an actual short stock of 5' or below.

Its a matter of covering the weaknesses of a medium. The same reason why cutscene heavy games can be difficult for some to replay.
I normally just go off appearance description options provided and just let my imagination go from there LOL I don't need height to be explicitly brought attention to in the scenes to enjoy shortstacks. I'd understand if nothing ever expressed the height so you never truly know, but if the information was provided at one point then the implication is fine, at least for me - the constant reminder isn't really needed for me to enjoy and build a scenario in my head.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Just finished my latest project:

Have you ever wanted to beat up Zo? Well, now, you can! This expansion makes her into an optional boss that can be fought in the Khor'minos Colosseum.

This is a sexless expansion that's purely fanservice and worldbuilding. Try seeing what happens if you use Exertion against Zo's second phase!

Read: https :// patreon . com /TheLetterB
You walk over to the collection of slates and look them over, idly leafing through the names. There are some real fighters in here. This guy had twelve wins and no losses, this one went eighteen and two…{have won gladiator event: then there's you. The most recent entry on the most recent slate. You're in pretty esteemed company given how long these records go back – not bad, if you do say so yourself./else: maybe one day your name will be on here.}

[zo.fought|{PC has obtained the Silver Mask|Wait. There’s a name in here that you recognize. It’s two letters long.

Zo? <b>Zo</b> was a past champion of the Khor’minos arena?!

You walk back over to the ticket desk attendant.

"Do you remember all of these fighters?" you ask him, nodding at the accolade list.

"Sure do," he says. "Well, most of 'em. Some of the one-and-done wonders are a bit forgettable. Why, you see someone you recognize?"

“Yeah,” you answer. “The one name with only two letters.”

“Oh, her!” the attendant says, sitting upright. “One of the crowd favorites! This lupine woman wearing no armor and carrying a pair of sticks for weapons, doesn’t say a word, comes in from somewhere southwest and cleans the place up. She was one of the most unforgettable fighters we’ve ever had!”

It’s hard to believe. Zo? The reclusive monk living in a shack out in the woods? A part of you doubted that she even knew what the world <b>was</b> beyond her little space. Obviously, she needed to learn her techniques from somewhere–

“How did she fight?” you ask. “With a pair of sticks, you said?”

“I said those were her weapons,” the attendant corrects you. “Which, yeah, she used. Short range, and they weren’t going to hit as hard as cold steel, but she moved faster than anyone could see with them. But it wasn’t just the weird weapon – she used some weird zen techniques that you’d never think to see on the battlefield. She’d get into a stance, and she’d get this look on her face, and it was like no weapon could ever phase her. One time,” he continues, leaning forward, his eyes lighting up as he recalls it, “it was the weirdest thing – she points her hand at her opponent, palm forward, and the guy doesn’t just fall down, he <b>flies</b> backward. Doesn’t get back up. Like he was hit by a charging bull!”


Sounds like Zo. That’s one of her more taxing, but powerful, techniques.

“How long ago was this?” you ask him.

“Oh, it would have been… maybe a year ago, now,” he says. “She’s not a regular. Like I said, she came from somewhere southwest of here. Came in, breezed through the colosseum like she owned it, then left. Nobody’s seen her since[silly|. She got quite the fan following, though, myself included! Some of us considered making the journey to the west to meet her again, but we never got around to it].”

The attendant leans forward, resting his elbows on the table. His eyebrows furrow as he looks up at you. “You seem awfully curious,” he says. “Do you know her, maybe?”

You look at the slate again, then set it down. Perhaps it’s best to keep your relationship with Zo a secret for now. “It’s just a unique name, is all,” you answer. Which isn’t a lie.

The attendant hums in agreement. “Definitely not from around here, that’s for sure.”


Apr 1, 2018
Hey I saw you have a plan for a npc with an addictive vagina, is this something thats really far on the backburner or is it something you want to do soon?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
That character is Ivaze! Or, at least, I don't know how I would differentiate Ivaze from another hypothetical character with an addictive pussy.


Apr 1, 2018
That character is Ivaze! Or, at least, I don't know how I would differentiate Ivaze from another hypothetical character with an addictive pussy.

Ah that makes sense. i love Ivase. I was thinking it was going to be a separate character in TITS, like a drug dealer but only for her pussy lol.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2016
Announcing a new project: Nixol x Cait! Nikol simply has too much meat for one [pc.race] to hoard by themselves, so you need to call in the cavalry.
You ask Nikol if he, you know… offers ‘bulk buy’ discounts.

“Just to be clear, you’re asking if group sex would cost less?” he asks.

Yeah. As opposed to what?

“Buying multiple rounds,” he answers. “You know, sixty for one round, a hundred for two, and so on.” He laughs lightly. “It’s a common question, actually. One time, it still makes me laugh, I had a customer ask me if I ever ran any ‘buy one get one’ promotions.”

That sounds like something the marm could do with the brothel as a whole, actually.

He snorts derisively, his mouth crooking wryly. “Good luck convincing her to try. Anyway,” he continues, “the answer is no. I can do group sex if a customer wants – I’d be bad at my job if I didn’t – but sixty per customer is the rule.”
“I [rand|forget if |know ]I asked this last time, Nikol, but, how often do you get a customer that just wants to come in and go to bed?” She bounces on the edge of the bed once more, and runs her hand flatly over the tucked-tight sheet. “These beds are nicer than any inn’s that we’ve been to recently.”

Nikol hums at the question. “Well, obviously, we don’t let people just come in and sleep in the room, even if they paid the money,” he answers. “But it’s not uncommon for someone to enter the brothel, then hire one of the escorts just to snuggle. After all, we offer more than just pleasure here in the Passion Pasture.”

Cait snickers. “So, yes, but with extra steps?”

“If someone wants to pay me to have a nap with them, I’m not going to say no.”
Inside these panties is a treasure that you’ve come to be intimately familiar with by now – something that’s taken you to heights you have trouble coming down from, and when you do, hours of your day is consumed by wanting it again. It’d be easy, and fulfilling, and satisfying, to simply yank them down, open your mouth, and–

But, no. Nikol is <b>your</b> bull. And now that you have an audience, you’re compelled to act like it.

After a heavy exhale to get all the air out of your lungs, you lean forward, gently resting your face against Nikol’s bulge. He’s still mostly flaccid, but even then, the sheer weight of his junk on your face is enough to put some extra strain on your neck. The wet spot rests directly on your upper lip, just underneath your nose and tantalizingly close to your mouth. With your chest empty, you begin to inhale, taking that sweet, salty, earthen musk straight into your nostrils.

“That’s a good [pc.boyGirl],” Nikol says smugly, gently rocking his hips forward to press more of his spongy-but-hardening package against your face. “Nice, deep breaths. Really show yourself off to our guest here.”

“Show off is right,” Cait says, somewhat breathless at the sight of you. Out of the corner of your eye, you see her teasing her left nipple as she watches you debase yourself to this pint-sized minotaur. “Mallach could learn a lesson or two from you on how to be thirsty, [].”

Public version:

Full version on my Patreon! The full version has a little bit more content right now.

Before anyone calls me mean names: please keep in mind that this is commissioned content.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2024
Announcing a new project: Nixol x Cait! Nikol simply has too much meat for one [pc.race] to hoard by themselves, so you need to call in the cavalry.

Public version:

Full version on my Patreon! The full version has a little bit more content right now.

Before anyone calls me mean names: please keep in mind that this is commissioned content.
Ey now. Nikol is a sex worker, and Cait is Cait, so this is not out of question. You are also appealing to femboy on female demographics, me, so I for one am looking forward to it.

Ace Hangman

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
why would anyome call you mean name?
Some of us get commissioned to call people mean names.
I was going to call them a 'Capitalist swine', but then they explained they were doing it for money, so it just didn't feel ... Wait a minute!